10 Beehives at Peaceful Valley Farm Inspired This Delightful Bee-Themed Table

Welcome to the 662nd Tablescape Thursday, a blog party sharing beautiful table settings for all occasions!

Thanks so much for all the comments you left on yesterday’s post. I spent much of the afternoon at Vision Computers (an hour away from my home) planning and designing a new desktop computer. It has been 10 years since I had a computer built, with just the occasional update made to my old computer along the way, so it was definitely time to retire it and move forward. Apparently, my processer was a 5th generation and the world has moved on to the 10th generation now! lol You can only upgrade for so long before you just have to start from scratch.

I had to leave my desktop computer with Vision since they will be transferring all the data from my old computer over to the new system once it’s ready. So I’m at a bit of a disadvantage today as I’m writing this post on my small, travel laptop, but press on, we will! 😉


Those Very Holey Lilly Pulitzer Etta Shirts

Regarding yesterday’s post and the major issue I’ve had with all seven of my Lilly Pulitzer Etta shirts, I will definitely do a follow-up post once I hear back from Lilly. It was so helpful hearing the experiences/problems you’ve had with similar shirts by other brands! The comments and discussion helped me to better understand this is an ongoing issue with the fashion industry as a whole. I had no idea this was such a problem across so many brands!


A few of you wondered if it could be some type of larvae or insect in the fabric. I don’t think so because the holes have only appeared in the same approximately 4″ x 4″ area on the front of each shirt. The holes seem to be primarily in front of where the plastic button on my Talbots shorts lines up. I have a feeling the lightweight fabric used to make the Etta shirt is just so thin that any friction against the fabric (like leaning against the counter when washing dishes at my kitchen sink) may have caused the holes. Although in some of the reviews at the LP website, customers are mentioning holes appearing after a single wearing of their shirt. So really, I have no idea why it’s happening.

In any case, I won’t be buying any more shirts made from this type of fabric. The fabric is just too thin and the weave, too weak, to withstand any pressure against it–at least that’s my theory at this point.  I will definitely follow up in another post to share what I hear back from Lilly Pulitzer about this issue.


Tablescape Thursday

Recently I received an email from Brenda, a lovely BNOTP reader. Brenda shared a beautiful bee-themed table setting she had set for her family. Please note: Brenda’s message/words from her email will be in quotes below. I’ve inserted a few comments and those are not in quotes.

Brenda said, “We are a farm so I thought it was most fitting to use the bee dishes as we have 10 beehives on our property. I love the way it all came together and of course, the tulips you had in your blog are the showcase on the middle of the table.”

Meyer Lemon Tablecloth for a Bee Themed Table Setting


“I did not want to have it so busy so I focused on the dishes themselves and the beautiful tablecloth I purchased from William Sonoma with lemons and bees in the tablecloth too. I am just waiting for the matching napkins to arrive.”

Yellow Tulips in Bee Themed Table Setting, Bee Sweet Dinnerware


“I love how all of the smaller plates have different sayings….be kind…be happy…so fitting in the world today.”


“With the proceeds of the sale on our products on our farm, we give back to local community groups and to help a family with a severely disabled child in St. Maarten. Kayla is 6 years old and cannot walk or talk, but is the most precious little girl. Her sister, Haylie, was featured in this children’s book that I have featured on the table I set. It is about a little girl’s first time going to the theatre, so fitting as many children do not realize that there are many children that do not get to experience these firsts.”


Here’s how the dinner plates in this pattern look, love this design! I’m super tempted to purchase a set of this dishware since I already have bee glasses and bee flatware. This bee-themed dinnerware is available in these places: Bee Dishware Set, Bee Dinnerware, and Bee Dinnerware Set.  The Bee Flatware is currently on sale here: Bee Flatware.

Bee Dinner Plates


Brenda said, “I brought in 40 of the books from the publisher myself and we sold out in 2 days. We are so proud of Haylie ….she is in a school that we pay for now and is doing so well. Dahalia, Haylie’s mother is featured in the book.”

Bee Flatware


“The book is available for purchase on Amazon, it was released on May 10th. (Book is available here: Alaina and the Great Play.) I am awaiting more books for me here as we are raising money for a new wheelchair for Kayla as she has outgrown the one she has at the present time. You can see our website and the work we do at Peaceful Valley Farm.”


“We live part-time in Canada and about 4 months in St. Maarten. We however have not been able to go to St. Maarten for over a year. Dahalia and the girls are living in our condo there to keep them safe. The girls are doing great. Haylie has done wonders in school and we send her to the Seaside nature reserve for camp when she is off school. She can do crafts, swim, look after the animals, she loves to ride the horses. We sure miss them!”

Yellow Tulips in Bee Themed Table Setting, Bee Sweet Dinnerware


“Peaceful Valley farm has exploded with sales so that is keeping me busy. We use the net sales to give back to community groups and to help our family in St. Maarten.”

Thanks so much to Brenda for sharing her beautiful table for this week’s Tablescape Thursday! I’ve added links to the end of this post for Brenda’s beautiful Lemon Tablecloth, Bee Dinnerware, Bee Flatware, as well as the book that was mentioned in this post.

Meyer Lemon Tablecloth for a Bee Themed Table Setting


Bee Dinnerware is available in these places:
Bee Dishware Set
Bee Dinnerware
Bee Dinnerware Set.
Lemon Tablecloth is available here: Meyer Lemon Tablecloth.
My bee glassware is available here:  Bee Glasses.

Bee Flatware is currently on sale here: Bee Flatware. (I love the gold accents!)


Realistic Faux Tulips are available here: Realistic-Looking, Faux Tulips


The book, Alaina and the Great Play, that was mentioned in this post is available here: Alaina and the Great Play.


Looking forward to all the wonderful table settings linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday! ♥

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Tablescape Thursday


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  1. I love this bee post! I do have the Wallace flatware in this bee pattern and I can honestly say, I use it all the time. It has held up so well and looks new. This flatware dresses up a table or it can be for everyday use. I highly recommend it! Thanks for sharing such a cheerful post.

  2. Coincidentally, I lived on Sint Maarten from 1982-1989 and lived and worked at Mary’s Boon on Simpson Bay behind the airport. Loved this tablescape.

    • Snowflake281 says

      Hello Ginger. My husband & I bought a timeshare back in the early 1990’s at Divi Little Bay & every year when we returned to St. Maarten we would love seeing Mary’s Boon as the plane landed. We, of course, loved dining there, and we particularly loved the “honor bar”! We haven’t been back since 2014 but I do miss it.

      • I wouldn’t have left but it was sold but while I was on the plane leaving the deal fell through. However, I knew the owner, Rush wanted to sell so I continued on and wound up working as Assistant Manager at St. Thomas’ Morning Star Beach Club. Now I’ve been retired in Mexico for 11 years.

        I went back to SXM while still living on St. Thomas and couldn’t believe the changes! The airport was jokingly called Heathrow.

  3. What an incredibly sweet story behind this tablescape. Brenda and her husband are definitely earth angels in pledging a portion of their business (and their home in St Maarten) for the Pennant family!

  4. What a beautiful table – I love the bee plates! Plus it’s so wonderful that Brenda is supporting another family so far across the world! The book looks darling too.

    Thank you both for sharing this tablescape that’s inspiring in so many ways! Happy Thursday!

  5. Such a bright and beautiful table. Peaceful Valley Farm is such a lovely name and how wonderful that they are providing support for Kayla and contributing to many other community needs.

  6. I love this table, it has inspired me for a Summer setting with my mother’s beautiful china.
    Thank you Susan for sharing the tablescape of your friend.
    I will go by to visit your yesterday’s post. I’ve been having computer problems for so long already. I’ve also not been home, but traveling.
    Thank you for hosting sweetie. I love this party, because of my love for dishes.

  7. Beautiful table from Brenda! I have these plates too, but haven’t used them yet and it was so great to see how Brenda styled them! It was also lovely to hear the story about the family who is being helped and the contributions to the local community. Thanks for all the inspiration!

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