Antiquing at A Classy Flea

Thanks for all the input yesterday on the new finial I was trying out. I had seen the brass shamrock several folks mentioned, but I really had my heart set on a dragon or something a bit fanciful and fairy-tale-like. I think I’ll just stick with the two finials I have already for now, but will keep an eye out in case something better comes along. Appreciate all your helpful input!

Today while out running an errand, I stopped by A Classy Flea. I love going there, but I try not to do it too often because every single time I do, I find something I want to take home! If I ever move closer to my grandchildren, A Classy Flea will be the one local store that I will miss more than any other.


Let’s shop around and see what we can find today. I found several sets of dishware that were tempting, but I manage to contain myself and not buy any. It wasn’t easy! This table was all set for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Dinnerware with Queen's Thanksgiving China


Unfortunately, the lighting created a glare right on Mr. Turkey’s head, but he’s a cute little turkey! This is Queen’s “Thanksgiving” dinnerware and on the back it said, “Myott Factory Archive Illustrations, Adapted from original copper engravings.” $198 for 8 place setting, 24 pieces

Thanksgiving Dinnerware with Turkey


Another pretty pattern by Noritake: $78 for 22 pieces

Vintage Noritake China


This set really captured my interest…it’s sooo different!

French Moulin Rouge, Sango Cabaret Dinnerware


It’s by Sango and the pattern is called, Cabaret.

Sango Cabaret Dinnerware_wm


This was the salad/dessert plate…

French Moulin Rouge, Sango Cabaret Salad or Dessert Plates


The dinner plate…

French Moulin Rouge, Sango Cabaret Dinner Plate


And the saucer for the cup and saucer. It was priced at $128 for 32 pieces. Out of curiosity I checked to see if there was any of this pattern on eBay and there was HERE. I had never seen this pattern before but I love the graphic design. It would be great for a themed dinner party.

Sango Cabaret Cup and Saucer


Thought this faux antler candelabra was interesting…would be perfect for a woodsy table setting on in a cabin setting. $98

Faux Antler Chandelier


I saw quite a bit painted furniture. This piece was already sold so not sure of the price.

Painted China Cabinet


This painted sideboard was $299.

Painted Sideboard


So much to see, wish I could share it all. It’s so relaxing poking around through all the new and vintage treasures. I think that’s what I like about antiquing the most, how relaxing it is.

A Classy Flea


This lamp was just $24. I think it would be really pretty with a new shade.



Garden Chickens: $48

Concrete Garden Chickens


This was labeled as “Rabbit Planter or Drink Holder.” I guess it could be filled with ice or perhaps a tub of iced placed down inside for an outdoor party. $129

Large Bunny Planter, Metal


I loved this sweet watering can…thinking now I should have brought it home with me. $12

Floral Garden Watering Can


I couldn’t believe the price on this beautiful antique Empire mahogany sideboard! It was only $299.

Antiuqe Empire Mahogany Sideboard


I could see this pretty ottoman in the center of dressing room/closet…great place to sit while putting on shoes or boots. $72

Large Round Ottoman


I wonder if these had glass at one time. They were quite large and marked $32. Not sure if that was per lantern or for both.

Black Outdoor Lanterns


I have this book and it is wonderful! Definitely one of my favorites and the perfect cozy read for a fall or winter’s evening. You can read my review of it HERE and you’ll find it available for purchase here: Getaways.

Getaways Book by Chris Casson Madden


Thanks for going antiquing with me, loved having you along!

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  1. Can you take us antiquing with you more frequently please? I had a wonderful time tagging along with you today. There is a really nice 2-story place in Mission, KS, called Mission Road Antiques. I love browsing and shopping there.

  2. Susan, I’m with you on antiquing. I find it very relaxing and interesting. It’s a favorite way to spend my time, even if I don’t take anything home. I wish Austin had more antique shops to explore. Very limited here! There is a small town about 30 minutes away with an awesome shop filled with treasures. I will sometimes make a special trip just to visit that shop.
    Thanks for taking us along!

  3. Since I’ve been to A Classy Flea, I particularly love browsing with you! What a deal on that mahogany sideboard. Love the peach floral edge on those turkey dishes…..can’t believe you didn’t splurge on the Cabaret set. Maybe when you go back for the watering can you can call ahead and have them already have the dishes wrapped and ready to go. 😉

    • It was hard to walk away. I got there just about 20 minutes before they closed so I didn’t have a lot of time to shop…which is probably a good thing. lol I do like that cute watering can…not that I “need” another watering can. 🙂

  4. Susan, always love your choices and appreciate your antiquing excursions. Oh that sideboard would have been very tempting to me and where would you find such an unique table lamp at $24.00? Both fabulous bargains IMO! As for the dishware, I think you should treat yourself to the Cabaret set … °Û°. Speaking of which, I’ve been on the hunt for ‘six’ Mickey Mouse ‘Twas The Night Before Xmas’ dessert/salad plates to give to a friend of mine but have had no luck to date in finding them. Am angry at myself as seen them on EBay last year and should have purchased them then. -Brenda-

  5. Cyndi Raines says

    Thanks for taking us window shopping, always enjoy touring the store with you. Would love to visit in person one day. That sideboard is beautiful and that ottoman would be darling in my closet. 🙂

  6. When you go to the Classy Flea, I usually end up buying something. LOL. Either I go get something that you passed up, or it just reminds me I haven’t been there in a while and I go find something for myself. So many treasures at really reasonable prices.

  7. Looks like a great place! Will have to check it out the next time I am in Atlanta!!! Love that “sold” hutch!

  8. We recently moved to NC and I noticed there’s a classy flea not far which I plan on visiting today. Hope it’s as good as yours but I doubt it. Love that sideboard!


  9. Agree with Marge…..Yes Please

  10. Beautiful items and the shop looks well cared for; I can see why you love to visit and would miss it. So, you bought nothing to show us? 🙂

  11. So many pretty and interesting pieces. I love to browse antique stores. I usually find something different that I wasn’t even looking for. 😉

  12. I don’t get to Marietta as often as I used to since my brother no longer lives there, but I have visited A Classy Flea and loved it! Still wishing I had bought some snowflake napkin rings I saw there…oh, well, I should have known to buy them when I saw them! It’s a fun place to shop and I hope to visit it again before too long.

  13. “This lamp was just $24. I think it would be really pretty with a new shade.”…
    I wonder what gave you that idea… hmmm… 😉
    The fact is that since your lamp makeover (which I love, btw) I’ll never look at my lamps the same way again! Luckily there are just two lamps whose finials I might replace and now I am googling for them like crazy… lol Thankfully I don’t have a “castle lamp” otherwise I’d like to have a “Rapunzel” finial now, but there aren’t any! 🙁
    Thanks for that, Susan. (My wallet also thanks you… lol)

  14. Anne Shaheen says

    Susan, I assure you there will plenty of shops in Dayton-Kettering for you to browse&buy. It would be wonderful if you lived closer to the grandkids. I think you should seriously consider it.

    • I’ve been looking but all the homes that come on the market have big issues, like vinyl siding or the downstairs has been gutted and done farm house style. Also, most of the houses have the metal or vinyl windows, not the true divided light wood windows. I’ve heard from several people who live in the area I would like to live in, that the really good homes never get advertised on the real estate sites, that they are often sold via word of mouth because the area is so sought after.
      I’m torn between buying a small cottage and keeping my current home here to stay in during the coldest months, or selling my home and buying a “forever” home. If I do that, I will have to LOVE the home or get it for a really good deal so I can turn it into the home I do love. A couple of homes I really did love came on the market but they were way out of my budget AND there had been some renovations that I really didn’t like…like black cabinets in the kitchens, etc… These were expensive renovations so they would be expecting to get their money out of it when all I would want to do it rip it all out and take the home back to what it once was, only improved. So I may never move.

    • Oh, and the reason I knew about those homes I did love, was because they actually made it onto the real estate sites, probably because they were so expensive they weren’t selling easily. I know one had been on and off the market many times over the last few years and was never selling. It finally did sell about a year ago. So the problem is finding a mid-range home that hasn’t been altered in some terrible way and that I actually find out about in time to see it and buy. I think I’m going to have to just settle for a little cottage and keep my main home here. Be great to blog about fixing it up….maybe adding a screened porch, etc…

  15. Jill from Southern NH says

    What a wonderful store! I love the botanical prints in the turkey tablesetting shot, and the lamp you shared looks like Lumiere from the animated Beauty and the Beast movie!

  16. Linda Nixon says

    I have the “Thanksgiving” Set of dishes with the exact markings on the back. I bought them for $24.00 a complete set, 4 place setting. I bought two sets at Ole Time Pottery in Pigeon Forge , Tn. I had my eye on a similar set by Johnson Bros. that were much more expensive. When I saw these of course I grabbed them up. Can’t believe they are selling for $198.

    • I have also have them, in that same color, and in brown and I gave my Mom a service for 4 in blue! You know where I got them? Marshalls!!

    • Joanne Gillilan says

      I did purchase these dishes at Old Time Pottery 5 years ago at $24 per place setting. They have never had them again. 🙁 Since I never use them, I decided to let them go at a price comparable to ebay and 1/2 the price of

  17. Oh Susan
    Don’t get me near that antique shop, trouble would brew! LOL
    You should turn right around and get the water can. Fill with fall flowers or a dried arrangement.
    Just went to Hobby Lobby and they have a nice assortment of chargers.
    Another dangerous shopping trip could be had there too.
    I better stay indoors. LOL

  18. I love to go antiquing! Since I’ve been laid up with this silly broken arm and leg, I DREAM about browsing. Online browsing is not the same! Soon!!!

  19. Marlene Stephenson says

    Thanks for the tour. I love to go antiquing also, it is relaxing and sometimes brings memories from my mom and grandparents. Have a great evening.

  20. You make me want to drive over! Love pics from The Classy Flea. Will order the Getaways book. I have bought soo many you have recommended & love them all.

  21. Elizabeth Roderick says

    I liked the turkey dishes but I was very fond of the rabbit. Having wheels I wondered if it had been a toy. I have considered buying my parents old house in the Houston area. It did not flood but it’s been basically empty a long time and needs many repairs. Plumbing, roof, foundation and all cosmetics in and out, to name a few.

  22. Bobbi Duncan says

    Oh, all the temptations lol! I’m with you that antiquing is relaxing, but I am not always good at refraining from purchasing because the prices are usually so reasonable. Because we have quite a few shops nearby, I’ll leave my credit cards at home which gives me time to consider if I really need something. If I can’t live without it, I’m close enough to return. Getting away from the shop helps me simmer down. I don’t know how things are now in Ohio but, when I lived there in 1993, they had more antique shops in northeastern OH than any state I’d ever been to. You may find lots to do if you retire there. I’m not one who likes to purchase used things online (I like to see and smell) so I’m hoping all the brick- and- mortar places don’t eventually fall by the wayside as so many have these days. Hugs!

  23. Susan, is A Classy Flea set up like Queen of Hearts in Alpharetta? Love that store and from what I’ve seen, it may be similar to A Classy Flea. You always open my eyes to new things I’d overlook! Had to laugh – I was looking through catalogs trying to find Christmas presents for my family when I happened upon a lamp. As soon as I saw it I thought, this would be perfect for Susan as a remembrance of Giraffe Manor. I spend too much time on here! Lol!

    • lol That lamp is too cute! I’ve seen a similar one that had a rabbit bottom. 🙂
      I like Queen of Hearts in Alpharetta, too…but the prices are way, way better at A Classy Flea. Q of H is a lot bigger I think and they carry more high end stuff…that’s where the chandelier in my master bedroom came from, and I did get a great price on it. But overall the prices tend to be a good bit higher at Q of H. A Classy Flea has a big variety/range of things, so it’s kind of hit or miss. You could go a few times and not find anything you want, then find 10 things on one trip…you just never know. You really have to go regularly because the good stuff lasts like 2 seconds and it’s gone!

  24. Susan, thanks for taking us shopping. I love the sideboard and those Cabaret dishes would be in my possession along about now. No will power.
    I bought a couple of plates at GW today but it’s hit and miss with just one piece of something interesting. So many people are buying everyday to resell on eBay. Timing is everything.
    You have such a lovely home with so much space that you have personalized, why buy another home ? Build a tiny cottage in your son’s back yard for visits. LOL

  25. Immediately thought of the wood chargers when I saw the antler candelabra (although it looked rather large) and of course I was looking at the necks of all the lamps!

  26. oh my gosh Susan… I woke this morning to a dreary rainy day here in Vancouver, got my tea and was just sitting here.
    Then I thought… I’ll go see what Susan is chatting about today.
    Well as soon as I saw “Classy Flea” it made my day… no more dreary rainy day blues! lol
    I couldn’t believe it when I saw the Sango dish set… we just recently renovated the room that our pool table is in and we chose all Toulouse Lautrec and framed vintage french advertising posters for the walls.
    I LOVE that style of art and had no idea that there were dishes with the Moulin Rouge etc.
    I think that might be on my Santa wish list this year.
    Thay’re so unique and just put a smile on my face.
    Thanks for taking us along… always such a treat! 🙂

  27. Hi Susan, I go online to A Classy Flea and look over the whole store. You might want to try it and then let our friends on BNOTP know about it too. I love to window shop; great fun and I never get out of my chair. lol

  28. That was SO FUN!!! Anytime!! franki

  29. Love going to the Flea when I get up that way. FYI Tuesday morning has the Queens turkey pattern if they are not sold out. $3.99 for salad plates. Also had pasta bowls at my store.

  30. Mary Wendt says

    You and your dishware frenzy! I love it! Please give us more tours of the quaint little shoppes you go to! Iowa is a fun place to go antiquing too! Cabaret shouted your name! I know, JUST SAY NO! Thanks for the darling tablescapes you create! Mary.

  31. Gloria Brady says

    Thank you for showing all the beautiful antiques. It just makes me want to go antique shopping!
    Gloria B.

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