Two Small Updates That I’m Loving!

Welcome to the 616th Metamorphosis Monday, a blog party sharing fabulous Before and Afters!

I’m running behind this morning. I have painters here to do some touch-up work on the front porch columns that were painted recently. They are also going to be painting the new screened doors that arrived a few weeks back. Then it will be time to get those installed.


Two New Purchases: Small but Making a Big Impact

A while back I purchased a clear, tissue holder box to hold tissues here in my home office. I love the clear design here in the office. Feels a bit more modern and sleek. (This clear tissue box available here: Clear Tissue Box.)


I also love that it doesn’t fight with the colors or the decor in this room. Why do they always make tissue boxes so colorful/busy? lol

Home Office, Pottery Barn Bedford Furniture


Here in my bedroom, I’ve always had regular, square cardboard tissue boxes on either side of my bed. You can see one of them in this photo below. These cardboard boxes drive me a little crazy because often when I attempt to pull a tissue from the box, I get the whole box coming with it, especially if the box is getting close to empty. Cardboard tissue boxes are so lightweight.

I decided to look online for a tissue box cover that would hold a square box of tissues (the small square boxes fit best on my bedside table) and would be heavy enough to actually hold the tissues in place. I wanted something a bit dressier for this room…something to work with the traditional decor in this room.

Red, Green Plaid Tartan Bedding Duvet


Note the color of the bedposts, they are very similar in color to the other wood furniture pieces in this room.

Fall Autumn Bed with Tartan and Flannel


This was the tissue box I ended up purchasing and I like it so much, I’ve purchased a second one so I’ll have one on either side of the bed.


Sorry about the less than great lighting, but it’s beautiful in person! I really love how nice and heavy it is, no more ending up with the entire tissue box in my lap when I just need one tissue. This tissue box cover is available here: Tissue Box Cover.

I need to scoot my books and lamp forward a bit, just realized it’s slightly hanging off the back of the bedside table. Funny how you noticed things in photos that you don’t always notice in person.

Heavy Tissue Box Cover for Traditional Decor


Tealights on Timers

The other item I ordered recently that I’m super pleased with is something you guys have been recommending to me for years. I ordered these small, warm-white, tealights that come on in the evening and then go off automatically 6 hours later. They have built-in timers so I don’t have to remember to turn them off before going to bed. Love that!


I purchased these to go inside a little ceramic, gingerbread house I’ve had for many years. The little house is supposed to hold a real candle but I’m always worried the heat from a candle with cause the house to craze.

The lights aren’t on inside right now since they don’t come until later this evening. I have them set to come on around 5:30 PM and go off around 11:30 PM, and I love that I don’t have to remember to turn them off before I go to bed. They will last for many, many hours, around 120 hours, if I’m remembering correctly.


I tucked three tealights into my little gingerbread house, although one would probably have been enough. If you could also use tealights with built-in timers, you’ll find these here: Tealights with Timer.


I finished cleaning the interior shutters and the windows yesterday and started hanging wreaths on the outside of the windows last night. Love this time of year! Happy Holidays to you!

Looking forward to all the wonderful Before and Afters linked for this week’s Met Monday!

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Metamorphosis Monday

Metamorphosis Monday is a party that’s all about Before and Afters. Please link up your Before and After projects like DIY projects, room makeovers, craft projects even recipes. Any Before and After is great! Please do not link up Table Settings, save those for our Tablescape Thursday party on Thursday.

If you are participating in Met Monday, please link up using the “permalink” to your MM post and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name, then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar at the top of your blog, into the “url” box for InLinkz when prompted.

In order to link up, you’ll need to include a link in your MM post back to the party so the other participants will have an opportunity to receive visits from your wonderful blog readers.

Update: Please do not link up table settings/tablescapes for Metamorphosis Monday. Please save those for our Tablescape Thursday party on Thursdays. Recipes are fine because that’s definitely a “Before and After” but please save your beautiful table settings for Tablescape Thursday. Pretty vignettes (transformations) you’ve created on atop a chest or somewhere in your home are great for our Before and After party, but let’s save the actual table settings for Tablescape Thursday.


This party has ended, click button below for the links to all who participated.

Click here!


*If a post is sponsored or a product was provided at no charge, it will be stated in post. Some links may be affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. *

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  1. Thank you very much for hosting this lovely party.

  2. Always love your ideas, and thanks so much for sharing them with us. I, too, bought a clear plastic tissue box for the same reason…However, I have since stopped using it…I found that it works great for awhile but as the tissues pile lowers, it is difficult to get the tissues out especially if one doesn’t rise automatically. Then you have to take it apart. I will be curious as to what you think as you use yours! It might just be me!!!! 🙂 Love the ones on your bedside table!

    • So far, my clear tissue box does really well until it gets down to the last few tissues, then they will have a tendency to drop back in, but I used to have that problem when I left them in the cardboard box. What I do now is when it gets really low and they start slipping in, I just open a new box of tissue and refill it from the bottom. Is your tissue box doing it when there are still plenty of tissues in the box? I buy the brand Kleenex, in case that helps. Not sure if different brands work better inside of it.

      • Maybe its the Kleenex brand that works better. My husband, if you can believe it, loves and insists on Puffs!! 🙂 I have opened the box also and filled it from the bottom…Glad it works for you. Thank you for all the inspiring ideas! I plan to order the battery powered tea lights! Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

        • The Kleenex I buy say “Ultra Soft” down in the corner of the box. One year I had the cold from you-know-where and my poor nose was so raw from being wiped to death. I was desperate and bought the Ultra Soft type of the Kleenex brand. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I never buy any other type now…only the Ultra Soft. It really saves your nose when you have a bad cold.

          • Thanks I will try those and see if my husband can tell the difference! Haha! :-)I ordered the tea lights and can’t wait to get them. Thank you! I am getting in Christmas mode!!!

  3. Thanks for hosting the link up ! I have tissue covers everywhere in our home. A few years ago I found some great looking ceramic ones that are metallic looking and love them. Also have some that I have spray painted to match decor…and wish I could show a photo – the one on my end table is ceramic and looks like a stack of books. It was a gift from a friend…as a retired librarian…I just love it! Thanks for the link to the tea lights…I am a timer kind of girl!

  4. Susan, I always your posts and get so much inspiration from them. Thank you! Quick question today about your delivery person goody box. After your post on this a few years ago I’ve been doing this also and have so enjoyed doing this! Just wondering if this is a great idea this year with COVID being so rampant. Just wondering your thoughts, and anyone else’s, on this. Thanks for being a bright spot in my day!

    • Thanks! Actually, I think the goody boxes are great during this time since there’s no personal contact with the delivery guys/gals and the food/snacks in the bins are all sealed up, so it’s never been touched. I would not worry about putting it out. If I had any symptoms of a cold or anything like that, I don’t think I’d put it out just to be overly cautious. The delivery folks can decide if they want to take anything or not, but I think it’s still nice to offer it. I think most will still like it since the food/drink is all sealed up and hasn’t been touched by us.

  5. LOVE those automatic lights! We have some that we use all the time and it’s so lovely not to have to worry about them! I bet they’re beautiful in your little holiday house! Those tissue holders are great too. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas you come up with every time! Happy Monday!

  6. Hi. I’m new. I live in Greenville, SC. I read your post about your 2 pots by front porch, and you had special potting soil. Now I can’t find that post, to find out what/where to get that soil. Is there a search function? If not, could you please help re the potting soil mix? Enjoy your posts so much. Thanks.

    • Hi Dee, just hoping in to answer your question since Susan hasn’t seen it. At the upper right corner of the page, there is a picture of Susan on a camel, holding up her camera. A little below that is a light gray box with tabs. Just click on the Search tab and you should be able to use it from there. It’s a good search function! I have used it a number of times. Btw, Welcome. 🙂

    • I think this is the post you need:
      It was Fafard 52 Mix Professional Formula that I used for those. Amazingly I planted those 7 years ago! How can it have been that long?! They are still going strong and have gotten soooo big! I should do another update on some of the landscaping because it has all grown so much.
      I’m wondering how much longer the topiaries can survive in the pots? I never fertilize them but they are still doing amazing.

  7. Jill from Southern NH says

    Hi Susan. I love tissue box covers and use them on every tissue box in the house. I like the look and feel and the weightiness like you mentioned. In the bathrooms I have white porcelain, white wood beadboard, and an ivory and tan toile fabric-covered one that matches our master bathroom shower curtain. In the master and guest bedrooms I have a brown rattan one – one was a lucky thrift store find and the other from a facebook yardsale page from a professional organizer who helps well-to-do clients downsize or move – both were about $5 each. The rattan ones are my favorite – they’re similar to the Piper Collection at Ballard Designs, a bigger weave than the ones at Crate & Barrel, and also similar to what interior designer Tom Samet often uses, if you follow him on Instagram. When I worked in an office prior to COVID I didn’t use a box cover but used to enjoy carefully selecting pretty tissue packages from the supermarket that perfectly complemented the colors in my cubicle artwork:)

  8. Susan, I have that same exact Gingerbread House and your idea with the tea lights is perfect. I have a scented candle in it now but as you said it is a pain to put on and off! Great tissue holder as well! Keep up the good work finding stuff for us readers! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Be safe and keep healthy!

  9. Thanks for another great, informative post! I love the timer votives. I don’t know why I never thought of that since I used other timed candles all around my house just not in votive size. I guess I know what I’ll be ordering next.

    On a separate note- I was just telling my daughter we need to put the basket out for the delivery people but Virginia brings up a good point above? Not sure what the right or safe thing to do is? I feel like I should still put it out and the drivers can decide ? What do you think?

    • I really think the goody boxes are great during this time since there’s no personal contact with the delivery people and the food/snacks in the bins are all sealed up, so it’s never been touched. If I had any symptoms of a cold or anything like that, I don’t think I’d put it out, just to be overly cautious. The delivery folks can decide if they want to take anything or not, but I think it’s still nice to offer it. I think most delivery people will still take something since the food/drink is all sealed up and hasn’t been touched by us. That’s just my thoughts.

  10. Jackie Allen says

    Yay – love timed tealights!

  11. Susan, thank you for another great post! I LOVE the tissue box idea. Have had so many problems with this and the box falling on the floor**

    Also have been buying different tissues. One of you guess suggested
    “Kleenex Ultra Soft” can’t wait to try them and get rid of this red nose, ouch.

    For me it is so much fun getting together with you and the rest of “THE GIRLS” !

    I have a question. Windows on my computer is asking to purchase a devise to store Backup. Do you have any Ideas?

  12. Thanks so much for taking the time to host each week!! It is greatly appreciated!! Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  13. Thanks so much for hosting each week. It’s always fun to see what you’re up to. I love your tissue boxes and your sweet gingerbread houses too! Hugs, CoCo

  14. Franki Parde says

    You just amaze me…I have a “thing” for…tissue holders! We have “covered” ours for years…just, pretty wrapping paper, somethig that “coordinates” with the decor…yours, however, is a “step above!” Just elegant! Then, the tea lights…I got these “small brass, etc. houses…I’m sure you’ve seen them in mail order…I put them above the living room cornices and…tea lights inside. It is just…well, cozy, seeing them at night from the couch, table, etc. franki

  15. Cyndi Raines says

    I really like your new tissue holder. Hubby always buys the longer box, I’ll have to see if your version comes in that size. It really is an improvement over the crazy colors they put on the boxes, ha. The battery tea lights are nice, especially since they have a new look more like a melting candle and they flicker, but I don’t need 24…wonder if they sell a smaller package, will have to check it out. Thanks for the great tips, oh your little house is cute too! Happy decorating!

  16. Thank you for hosting this lovely party! I hope you have a wonderful week!


    Tee @

  17. Hi Susan! I realized that for some reason I wasn’t getting a notice of your posts so just signed up again. I also wanted to ask if you are going to share Marie’s house again this year? I can’t wait to see it again! Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Today is my Granddaughter’s 8th birthday!!! Time has FLOWN!!! XO, Pinky

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