Halloween in Pumpkin Hollow: Whimsical Table Setting

Welcome to the 422nd Tablescape Thursday!

The leaves in my yard are changing color and both they and the acorns are falling like crazy right now. The oak tree in my front yard must have a special vendetta against my home. It’s hurling acorns day and night at my bedroom windows and the metal roof of the front porch. Who knew autumn could be so violent. And noisy! lol

Despite the falling leaves, the last few days have felt much more like summer, than autumn. I love the heat so I was quite happy outside today as I set a table on the porch for this week’s Tablescape Thursday.



A couple of weeks ago I shared a Halloween table in the color scheme of black and white. (View that table here: Halloween Table with MacKenzie-Childs Inspired Disheware)



So this week I decided to go in a different direction. This week’s table is all about the traditional Halloween colors of black and orange, with some autumn reds and golds thrown in for fun.



The crows wanted to come out to play, you may remember them from previous tablescapes. They are probably my favorite Halloween decoration of all. I found them in Hobby Lobby 3-4 years ago. Wonder if they have them again this year…anyone know? I haven’t been to HL in ages, I think it’s time for a visit.



There’s a lot of layering going on in this week. The table didn’t start out with the woven twig chargers, but about half way through, it felt like the table needed something to ground it, something a bit rustic to contrast with all the busy pattern and color. They are really acting more as placemats in this setting.


The crows at each place setting dressed up for the occasion wearing their finest bow ties.



A witches’s hat makes for a fun centerpiece and adds just the right amount of height to the table.





When I began putting this table together, I knew I wanted to use these pumpkin-embroidered, golden-yellow napkins found this year in Marshall’s. Something just didn’t look right, though. Then I realized what it was: they were just way too bright.



Notice what a huge difference covering them with  a little black tulle makes. So much better! Orange has always been my least favorite color, have no idea why. But I realized today, I really do like orange when it’s more muted, running toward the rusty orange side.

Looking down with Mr. Crow in place atop the salad plate, black beaded napkin rings found years ago in Old Time Pottery for $1 each, add a bit of glimmer and sparkle to each place setting.



Top view minus Mr. Crow…



I love this Halloween dishware by Sakura, designed by David Carter Brown. Love all his whimsical designs! This pattern is called, “Pumpkin Hollow.” Such a cute name!



I found four of the Pumpkin Hollow salad plates on eBay a year or two ago. A couple of months ago I searched for four more and was fortunate to find them on eBay once again.

I use this black flatware often in table settings. It’s works well with so many patterns and is perfect for Halloween. You’ll find it available on sale here: Black Flatware. It comes in a variety of colors. I also have it in white and in blue. I’m thinking of adding the burgundy to my flatware collection next. That would be another great color for fall!



Love this plate from the Pumpkin Hollow pattern featuring a cute doggie, owls and bats. The owls that frequent my backyard have been hooting it up the last few weeks. I love hearing them so, so much! Do you remember when I recorded them in this post: Night Sounds From the Porch ?



Another fun plate from this pattern featuring Mr. Moon in a star-filled sky watching a witch fly by. lol



An adorable black kitty pops up from inside a pumpkin in this plate. I used black plates found in A Classy Flea as the dinner plate for this setting.



These large square plates by Maxcera in the pattern, Terra Cotta Sunflower, work well as chargers for this setting. I believe I found those in Marshall’s many years. It was either there or HomeGoods.



They can also be used as dinner plates. They are super versatile and work well for both summer and fall table settings.



Still looks like summer in my backyard, but the leaves are falling and very soon the trees will be bare.



Oh, before you go, be sure and pour yourself a glass of wine. I “hand-pecked” this bottle just for you! 😉 If you follow Between Naps On The Porch on Instagram, you got a sneak preview of today’s table when I posted this photo. I think I found the labels in Michael’s a few years back, been a while so hard to remember now.



Look what arrived yesterday. Now I just need a 20 gallon propane tank and I’ll be all set for spending some time on the porch this winter. I’ll share how this one looks and works once I get it out of the box and onto the porch. Don’t need it right now, but I know that will change very soon.



Looking forward to the beautiful table settings shared for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

Tablescape Thursday

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  1. Susan, I love those Pumpkin Hollow plates! So many times when there is a plate assortment there is usually one that is not a favorite but all four designs are so festive for Halloween. I love your plate stack too with your sunflowers plates as chargers! I saw those crows at Hobby Lobby again this year when they first put their Halloween out in August 🙂

    • Thanks, Mary…I know what you mean. David Carter Brown does such cute designs, I can never resist them. I think I’ll visit HL today, I haven’t been there in ages. Glad to know they have brought those back again…so fun! 🙂

  2. Love those DC plates Susan! They’re each very cute, and I love how you sourced the added ones from eBay. That tulle on the napkins made for just the perfect veil too – smart!
    We were out hiking yesterday, early, only to see the temps warm to mid-80s very quickly, and it was hot! Some color here, but not like NY and MN freinds’ photos I’ve seen. Everything looks so dry and tired….
    Thanks for the party. My bet is you’re gonna love your patio heater, and it’s going to inspire even more tablescapes!

    • Thanks, Rita! Crazy weather, but I’m glad it’s staying warm a bit longer since I don’t care for the cold. Some folks are saying all these acorns might mean a long winter. Gosh, I hope not! lol
      Thanks…can’t wait to crank it up and give it a go. Love me some heat!

  3. Gorgeous table! As for the crows, they are available at HL this year, or, at least they were at my HL 🙂

  4. Eileen Jalet says


    You know how much I love dishes. You’re killing me with these David Sakura plates. I had to go and see for myself. Christmas Tree Shoppes has some great Holiday (Christmas) dinnerware – check it out and not $$$$$$. Oh and I found some plaid flatware (HSN) that I have purchased to go with the new plaid dinnerware from Pier I. Now, where am I going to store all this?

    Read you every day – I never miss a beat!

    • lol Sorry about that Eileen! 🙂 I need to visit the store that’s owned by the same folks…in my area. Forgotten the name of it but it’s somehow affiliated with Christmas Tree Shoppes. Plaid flatware? That’s awesome! I need to look for that!
      Thanks, Eileen! 🙂

  5. Thanks for the party Susan! I LOVE this Halloween table with the earth tones and cute spooky plates! The crows and witch hat centerpiece are fabulous fun! You are going to love the patio heater-

  6. I don’t know how you do it, Susan. You made a fun table look elegant. My fun tables look juvenile. Very clever idea to cover the napkins with tulle. Love those Halloween plates. Thank you for hosting.

  7. Darlene Gardner says

    Love your table Susan, but then I always do! The tulle on the napkins is perfect and the crows are great too! Your Halloween plates are ones I’ve looked at on ebay as well. I ended up getting some pumpkin ones from Walmart – no shipping charges! And like you, the acorns can keep us up at night hitting our gutters and roof. If this is supposed to be a sign of the winter to come, watch out!

    • Wal-mart continues to have the cutest china for the holidays. Love seeing what they get in each year! I think I may have some of the pumpkin plates, I know for sure I have their fall ones.
      Yikes! Hope it doesn’t bode for a really bad winter. Seems like every so many years, we get an ice storm here that breaks the top out of my magnolia. It just grows a new one each time, though.

  8. Love, love, love the witch’s hat as your centerpiece! What an adorable idea!

  9. rattlebridge farm says

    Susan, what fun tablescapes! Thank you for hosting the party.

  10. A very fun table, my very favorite kind! Acorns have been abundant here, and folks say that’s a sign for a long, cold winter.

  11. My son in Atlanta told me the same thing about the temps yesterday. We’ve had some unseasonably warm weather also but those days are soon to be behind us. I love the whimsy and all of the lovely layers on this table. You have me thinking about adding a little more to the one I’m working on. Thanks for hosting and for the inspiration.

    • Sandra, you think I’d be used to it by now. This is so typical for us here, we always get these crazy fluctuations when the seasons are changing.
      Thanks! Have a wonderful Friday and weekend! XX

  12. Susan, You are the Tablescape Queen of bloggers! You have the amazing talent of changing it up and keeping us inspired! Thanks for your party each week.

  13. I love today’s table setting! Halloween tables are such fun. sheila

  14. Those Pumpkin Hollow plates are darling! I really enjoyed seeing this table – my Halloween dishes (a mix-and-match lot) are in the basement and did not make it upstairs this year. I miss them, though, so I’m living vicariously through other people’s photos now and will make sure the dishes come upstairs next fall!

  15. Great job using traditional Halloween/Fall colors. Ravens freak me out, but you’ve managed to give them personality with just a ribbon. I’m not a fan of orange either. I’ve heard that we tend to not like colors–even subconsciously– that do not look good on us. (Bye summer)

    • That makes sense…I don’t think I would look so hot in orange. Probably wouldn’t go well with my skin tone. Yep, summer is almost gone, except this week in Georgia. We still have summer going on here. Just don’t tell the trees because they seem to think it’s fall. 😉

  16. Adding the black tulle to the napkins was a great idea! It really tones down the colors. I love the way you keep things fresh and fluid while still using classic elements. My favorite blog ever!

  17. Linda Page says

    Another great tablescape! The black tulle is perfect for the orange napkins. Tones them down a little and makes them look spookier!! The plates are adorable. So glad you found more. Maybe it will be cool one night and you can crank up the heater!!

  18. Hey Susan: love the crows–this is kind of funny. My son has an app on his phone that will call crows, yes really and it does work. We were a little out of Atlanta (at my other son’s house in Milton) when he took out his phone and played the app that is essentially just a lot of cawing and cackling. Crows came flocking in and made so much noise. What will they think of next!

    • Pam, that is a hoot! I wish they would invent one that makes them fly away. lol They like to visit my platform bird feeder and scare away the smaller birds. I haven’t seen them now for a few weeks, so maybe they’ve gone further south. Thanks for telling me about the app…so interesting!

  19. Love the table and the tulle idea! Now I will be putting tulle on everything. I am feeling much better, about all the tableware I have collected since finding your site. I love doing tablescapes but have been slowing down lately. You are very inspiring.

    • Thanks, Jillian! Appreciate that so much! I love having different sets of flatware because it’s not normally that expensive, doesn’t take up much space to store and can really change up the look of a table.

  20. What a lovely an colorful display. Thanks for sharing.

  21. The leaves are falling like crazy here in NJ but the temps are still very warm. In fact, I had to throw out a couple pumpkins we carved too early! Thanks for hosting – love those plates!

  22. Hi Susan 🙂 I love your table! I love crows. We had one living in our backyard a couple of years ago. He was there for several months, probably because every time I see a crow I tell them to come home with me 🙂 He hung out with our pet goose during the day. We have pigeons at our feeders once in a while, probably for the same reason 🙂 I must be careful who I invite over! I actually like pigeons too. Your table is just darling and I love your plates, especially the pumpkin hollow ones. So cute! I really like the one with the dog. I guess they don’t still make them. There was a set on eBay for $74.95! I will enjoy seeing yours. I followed your link and listened to the owls. What a wonderful sound. I learned that Barn Owls screech and Screech Owls hoot. I don’t know why that is but I learned that from Wild Birds. Probably the same reason why a Purple Finch is really red. What goofy people figured out the names in the bird world! Our temps in SF Bay area are about like yours right now. Our acorns haven’t started dropping really .. yet. Are your acorn caps flat or like round dome on top? Ours are a round dome. I got a few at quilt festival last week in a felt acorn kit that have flat tops. They are so cute! I guess if I had the flat ones, I’d want the dome ones. I love acorns too and always end up with a bag full every year. I don’t know what to do with them but they are so darn cute. I might paint some this year. Happy fall!

    • My neighbor’s tree across the street drops beautiful acorns with the prettiest caps/tops. The ones in my yard are domed and the caps pretty much fall off as soon as they fall, so not so pretty. You can see mine and my neighbors acorns in THIS post.
      Nancy, do you think the birds you’re seeing are Mourning Doves instead of pigeons? I have mourning doves that come to my platform feeder and they look a lot like pigeons. Maybe they are in the pigeon family…not sure. You can see photos of mourning doves here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mourning_dove
      BTW, one way to tell if they are mourning doves, when they fly away their wings make the funniest whistling type sound. I used to think the birds were making that sound and was so surprised to find out it’s their wings that make it.

  23. Susan, you find the cutest tabletop things. The David Carter Brown designs are charming. Love the borders too! I have a few black crows in my Halloween stash. I think one may be just like yours. I’ve not pulled them out this year, in fact, I’m slow to get anything out. I should have planned a party to get me on track. If I don’t do it soon, there will be no point.
    Thanks for sharing this darling table.

  24. Alby Furlong says

    Dear Susan,
    I really enjoy your posts. I often wonder how you manage to have a perfect table scape–every time.
    Can you please tell me where you purchased the silverware used in your “Halloween Table Scape”?
    Thank you.

  25. Love both your Halloween tables Susan, but the black and white really has my heart. So cute!

    Thanks again for hosting!


  26. I love all your tablescapes! We have similar taste and you’ve given me many great ideas. Wish I knew how to insert a photo in the comments as I’d love to show you my house key which looks surprisingly like the yellow house in your header!

  27. Susan, this is another winning tablescape! Your imagination amazes me! I wrote you recently that we were planning a trip to Italy and that your tips and product recommendations had been a great help. We returned today after having the time of our lives. We flew into Atlanta yesterday and spent the night. When we caught the shuttle to the hotel, it was hot as blazes! This morning it was downright chilly when we headed to the airport to return to Memphis. I think the south is making the turn into fall.

    • Thanks so much, Martha! So glad you had such an awesome time in Italy! 🙂
      I know, this weather can’t decided what season it wants to be. lol

  28. Linda Louise S. says

    Love, love, love those crows. Now I have to make a run to Hobby Lobby to see if they have them this year. I do have a number of other crows scattered through my house for the season. Loved this table.

  29. Love your post! I also love the David Carter Brown pieces as well. You have set a magical table. Thanks so much for hosting Tablescape Thursday.

  30. Hi Susan! I love the table! The crows and plates are adorable! Really cute! 😉

  31. Looks great! Thanks for including us:)

  32. Susan, sensational as usual. Love the Pumpkin Hollow plates.
    I think I bought one of those square sunflower plates in Ross a couple of years ago. They don’t seem to have plates and favorite decorating pieces any more, especially the blue and white Chinese pottery that were priced well. My crow came from Walgreen’s of all places.

  33. I picked up some amber glasses a few years ago for Thanksgiving but never thought to use them for Halloween. Thanks for giving me more options to use the same things I already have on hand.

  34. Susan, this is a really pretty and festive Halloween table. I think it’s nice to have a Halloween table with just a dash of creepy/scary mixed in with mostly festive/fun. This colorful table strikes a perfect balance. Thanks so much for sharing!!! Have a great day. :0)

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