HGTV Smart Home, 2013: Take the Tour!

Have you seen the HGTV 2013 Smart Home?  It’s located in Jacksonville, Florida and it’s pretty amazing!  Wish I lived close enough to see it in person.  I love techy stuff and this house is loaded with the latest technology to keep things running smoothly, as well as lots of neat safety features.  I’m not sure how I feel about those teeny, tiny windows on the front of the house downstairs, think I would have preferred full size windows there.  What do you think? HGTV Smart House


Love this view…lots of curb appeal.  Check out those adorable porch railings with the palm tree cut-out design!  Love those! HGTV Smart House 2013 Front of Home


The high-tech sophistication starts right at the front door.  The doors are designed where each one can be locked and unlocked using a smartphone or tablet.  There are even security cameras that monitor the front and back doors.  If you would like to know more about the all the high tech features throughout the home (there are LOTS) you’ll find that info at this link: HGTV Smart Home 2013: High-Tech Components

HGTV Smart House 2013 Security and Doors


You have to really like the colors aqua and turquoise blue to live in this house, because there’s a lot of those colors throughout the home.  They paired it with a color I would never have chosen, but it actually looks great!  Can you guess what other bright color they use throughout the home?  I think you’ll be surprised when you see it. I was!

HGTV Smart House 2013 Entry


Check out this handy storage area here under the stairs. Love the garden seat!  Have you noticed how garden seats are just popping up everywhere in decor these days.  I love them and hope they stick around a while.  You can see how I’m using them in my home here: A Green Garden Seat for the Porch AND here: A White Garden Seat for the Guest Room or Upstairs Family Room

HGTV Smart House 2013 Storage


When I saw this, it reminded me of the storage we saw built-in under the stairs in the Southern Living Idea House in Senoia Georgia, remember that tour?  You’ll find it here: Southern Living Idea House, Senoia Georgia

Under-stair Storage in Southern Living Idea House


Here’s the sneaky part about the storage in the HGTV Smart Home, the shelving rolls out to reveal even more storage underneath.  Wouldn’t this be a great hidey hole for a kids playhouse or maybe a secret place to hide the silver!

HGTV Smart House 2013 Storage 2 Photos by Eric Perry


The living area is sunny, light-filled and has great views to the backyard.  We’re starting to see hints of that other color I was so surprised to see throughout the home…lime green.

HGTV Smart House 2013 Living Room


Notice how they vary the shades of the blues and aquas throughout the home.  The lighter blue on the walls contrasts beautifully with the white cabinetry and the turquoise blue island.

Kitchen in HGTV Smart House, 2013


They really did treat the ceiling like it’s a fourth wall here in the dining room.  I love this in a room with 9 ft (or higher) ceilings but don’t think it would work so well in my home with its 8 foot ceilings.  Have you painted any of the ceilings in your home the same as the walls?  Another popular decorating trend is to paint the ceiling the same color, but cut the color about 50%, so it’s the same but a good bit lighter.

HGTV Smart House 2013 Dining Room


They made sure to take full advantage of the views of the beautiful backyard.

HGTV Smart House 2013 Dining Room


This bedroom surprised me!  I love the red in here.  Notice how the mocha walls don’t feel too dark paired with all the bright corral red and and white.

HGTV Smart House 2013 Red and White Bedroom


I never would have considered pairing lime green with aqua/turquoise blue but I love how it looks.  I love blue and green together so it makes sense that it works.  White trim and white beds contrast so beautifully with the color scheme and everything feels so beachy fresh!

Kid's Room in HGTV Smart House


Cute bath for the kid’s room!  There are a gazillion (Yes! A Gazillion!) pics of this home at the HGTV Smart Home website so if you would love to see all the other baths in this home, check out their site and just click on the category “photos” where you’ll find them all broken down by room.  All the pictures in this post were taken by Eric Perry, per the HGTV website.

HGTV Smart Home 2013 Baths


I loved this sassy laundry room.  Doing the laundry in this vibrant happy spot would almost be fun.  Almost.  How do you like the casually placed garden seat?  Great place to perch and flip through a magazine while you wait on that last load of laundry to get done. I love how the doors throughout the home look old.  I know the home was built from scratch, but I’m wondering if they used old, salvaged doors.  Anyone know?

HGTV Smart House 2013 Laundry


The backyard is definitely designed for entertaining.  I love the outdoor kitchen and eating area.  That would have been gorgeous with a pergola overhead.  It would be easy to add one, attaching it to the porch.

HGTV Smart House 2013 Pool and Backyard


So what did ya think?  If you entered the sweepstakes to win this home and you actually won, would you keep it and move in tomorrow or would you put it on the market to sell?  Inquiring minds want to know! 🙂

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  1. I’d want to move right in, but I’m not sure about the Hubs… 🙂

  2. I’ve been entering every day hoping to win! My parents and my brother live in Jacksonville, so we’d definitely keep it. We’d use it for vacations and trips down there, and maybe rent it out when we’re not there.

  3. These are some of my favorite colors and I do use “shades” of them all the time. Wouldn’t it be nice to “have a place” in Florida!! franki

  4. Mary Beth says

    I think I lost my previous post — sorry.

    I saw the house a couple of weeks ago in the pouring rain. The interior is wonderful — very beach but
    not cheesy beachy if you know what I mean. I loved the colors and the décor — it seemed like everything I asked about was either from Sidney Cardel’s a shop in Jax. Beach or from Bassett. I also loved the “Big Ass Fans” as much for their size as the name. And one of the things I was interested in was the galley laundry room — gave me great ideas for mine. AND the stack French doors — I have seen them on TV but not in person. One picture that is not shown is in the bathroom off the red bedroom. The artwork was very amusing — they had framed GI flippers — its a series of three pictures. I got pictures of those & if I can figure out how to send them to you I will. The artwork in the other bath which you do have a picture of is an old Jax. Beach Red Cross Lifeguard swimsuit. They did a great job of showing historical Jax. Beach — the Jax. Beach museum is the charity who is the beneficiary of the tours. They donated a lot of stuff for the décor. I guess I loved it so much because I am from Jax. but now live in Roswell and REALLY miss the beach. So I went down memory lane with the tour. HGTV did a great job! (And I too have been entering every day since I’ve been home).

    • LOL I didn’t know they were called that…that’s hilarious! Yes, please send those pics…would love to see them and share them! I bet you do miss it. Would be wonderful to have a beach house AND a mountain cabin AND…. 🙂

      • Mary Beth says

        How do I send you the pics — I don’t do Facebook or Twitter — I could post them on my Pinterest — would that work?

  5. OMGosh, I love the colors in that house. Just a little to “modern” looking for me but the beachy feel and the colors are fabulous. Love the old doors, the storage. I don’t think I could sell it.

  6. I saw a display home that had a dog house built underneath the steps like the one in this house. It was so cute.

  7. This will sound super mean, but that house couldn’t be any further away from my tastes.

    I like it’s storage and love its pool, but other than that, well – let’s just say it is a good thing we’re all unique and different or it would be a boring world for sure.

    I REALLY like the coded front door lock – and to open with a smart phone, well that’s neat but kinda scary too. I guess I am not THAT techie yet!!

    Going back to my monochromatic earth tones beige world now, haha. (I t hink I am truly allergic to colour!!) Neat post, thanks for sharing. Have a GREAT weekend!

  8. I’d keep it!

  9. Machee Whitesides says

    We are building a lake house right now and I am using auqua and lime green in the decor. I didn’t realize those colors were so popular together until I started looking for decor. We are also trying to make our house, look like a cottage but of course I am on a budget. I ordered doors and door knobs that are new, for our lake house that look vintage, my guess would be the doors are new in the HGTV Deam House.

  10. The colors do look beachy, but a little too strong and too much of it for me. It’s fun, I don’t find it relaxing. I’m with you on the windows, but it may be that it is Florida and the intense sun may compensate. I do wish architects/builders would concentrate on utility and then glam it up. As beautiful as the laundry room is, does it have a place to set up an ironing board, or a sewing machine to patch those rips/tears? Where do they store the vacuum cleaner? They should have checked with me first. hahaha….

    • lol There’s probably a place for the vacuum, it’s pretty big. I had a great place for an ironing board in my laundry room until I put an island/cabinet in there.

    • Elizabeth says

      The vacuum is probably built in to the walls, if they still do that. I stayed in a home in the 1990s where they had that feature. Personally, I found it awkward to use, but then I wasn’t used to it.

  11. Betty819 says

    Quite obviously, this house must be near Jacksonville Beach area, thus their reason for the color choices is my guess. With all the trim in white, it does tone down the Turquise a lot but I’m not sure I could take looking at an entire house painted that way. My cousin lives in a small duplex in Baltimore and the last time they painted, they chose to carry the same color throughout the house with all white trim and it really looks nice and fresh looking all the time. Turquoise is one of my favorite colors but I don’t think I could live with this much of same color. Hey, Susan, you’re not that far from Jacksonville. Gather a girlfriend and make that trip. I’m sure your friend that took care of your Cat when you were in hospital wouldn’t mind checking on it for an overnight.

  12. I think it is a fabulous home, don’t care much for those tiny windows though. I’ve lived in Florida and I wouldn’t own a home that the pool/patio area wasn’t enclosed with a screened cage. Without it, it can be not a lot of fun.

    • Theresa, why do you need the screened cage? Is that to keep bugs out?

      • I don’t know about the Jacksonville area but most people in Fl have screened cages. It”s a very common thing to have your pool/patio area caged. Bugs (mostly mosquitoes) are only one reason, pool maintenance, snakes, lizards, gators, frogs, are all others. Another reason is most homes have sliding doors or sliders that open onto the pool/patio area that can be left open. That’s great for entertaining and just bringing the outdoors inside. This is my main but not only reason for having one. Who wants flies and wasps flying thru the house. My husband and I have thought about moving back and I’d love to have a pool and I won’t have one without a cage. I have relatives who live in the Orlando and SW area and they all have cages over their pools and wouldn’t to own their pool without it.

  13. OMG, Susan,
    that house has more “aqua” inside than outside!!! LOL I know, it is close to the beach and I really do love its outside but (for me) the inside definitely needs more… yellow walls and yellow flowers! 🙂
    So, if I won it (*dream*) I’d certainly keep it but I’d give away/sell all its furnishings and with the money I saved/earned I would hire… (can you guess who?) … Mario Buatta 🙂 (*dream* again + *sigh* 🙁 )
    to make its interior more “floral and romantic” and (a lot) less… beachy!
    Susan, of course, you can come round anytime when Mario is there, too! 😉
    ~Hugs to you~

  14. The windows in the front are small because they are in bathrooms. The one on the far left is in the 1/2 bath and the other two are in the “wet room” in the master bath. You get light while still having some privacy.

  15. I wanna move in right now! Those colors are so vibrant and beautiful, love them!

  16. Doreen@houshoneys says

    I like it. I don’t love it, but I like it. My guess at the beginning of your post was the unexpected color would be red. I’ve seen red and turquoise a lot lately. I like the lime and aqua together for a beachy vibe kind of house. It’s light., airy and has a modern feel. Although I love the color red, I would never put it in a master bedroom. It’s an energizing color and I think bedrooms should be serene and calming.

    That’s interesting to know about the cages. I think I actually saw that on househunters once or twice. I guess it makes sense, but it’s a high price to pay both aesthetically and financially to avoid Mosquitos. Don’t even get me started on snakes! That alone would seal the deal and have me hi tailin’ it outta there!

  17. I like it – especially the gabled beamed ceilings and clerestory windows in the FR – and really do love the color combination – although I’d surely tone down the turquoise, but wouldn’t want to live with it or in FL…..too many bugs, alligators, snakes and lizards, so I’d probably sell it.

    Also, the decor, though well done, is a bit too modern/streamlined for me. I’m a Country French girl through and through. Love to live with antiques and like things that are “time worn”. Think Pottery Barn. That’s me to the MAX!!

  18. JaneEllen says

    If I won that house with the money and car we’d be out of CO in a heart beat. It’s gonna be much better than our place here, lots bigger that’s for sure. I could afford to hire a housekeeper since we wouldn’t have a mtg. any more. We’d be loving living there for rest of our lives. No mtg. no having to clean, a nice new car to drive and the extra money. I love aqua but maybe they kinda over did it? Love that laundry room also. Love it all.
    Fun to dream anyway, I’d better go enter for today.

  19. Well this has surprised me. This style is not one I usually like, but these pics have got me excited. It might help that the home is painted in one of my favourite colours. And the large windows letting in so much light. I like the entry key and the storage under the stairs. xx

  20. That was a fun tour! Great storage ideas in the entry, and turquoise is a great choice for a coastal place, it’s my new favorite decor color, so soothing~

  21. There is a lot to like here — and some I don’t. If I won? I read a couple of years ago that only one winner of the HGTV house has ever kept it, because the taxes are so prohibitive! If I won and I COULD keep it, I would probably redo quite a lot — like adding bigger windows on the porch. I don’t get those bizarre little square portholes at all.

    • I always wondered about that…figured the taxes must be awful. I bet most folks would only be able to afford it if they sold their current home and used it to pay the taxes. That’s a shame no one has ever been able to keep one. I remember the one that was in St. Mary…it was gorgeous. Not sure if it was a Smart Home or just a regular HGTV Home.

  22. I have paired turquoise with chartreuse on my patio and added cobalt blue and lots of white wicker and iron furniture. We live on the water and it a refreshing combo. I am ready to move into this house!

  23. Elizabeth says

    I can totally see the turquoise and green combination; I received sheets with that color combo for a wedding present, plus my two sons were born in December (turquoise/blue topaz) and August (peridot), so I’ve been “doing” that color pairing my entire adult life!

  24. I would keep it because I have a sister and brother-in-law in Jacksonville, but it will be a few more years before I could move there. I’m entering the contest twice every day. I would love to be a winner.

  25. I am a showhouse junkie!!..I hope to be able to visit this house when I travel to Florida!
    Thanks for presenting this fabulous house Susan…

  26. Marsha Saunders says

    I am the the biggest fan of this house inside and out! I Think that the Hgtv crew did a fantastic job designing and building this house. I would not change a thing! If I won this house I could say to my Husband while sunning pool side, honey we are not in Kansas any more!

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