Make a Pottery Barn Inspired Flag

Welcome to the 129th Metamorphosis Monday!

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Whenever the Pottery Barn catalog shows up in my mailbox, I know I’m going to be inspired. There’s almost always something in there that grabs my attention and gets those creaky wheels in the brain turning. The challenge is always how to get “the look” without the cost. Recently, I decided to do a complete makeover of my screened-in porch for the 4 of July.

Screened-in Porch Decorated for the 4th of July


I had seen an awesome flag in a Pottery Barn catalog but the $129 price tag was way more than I wanted to spend. Also, the PB flag was 50″ x 27″, too large for what I had in mind.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


So, what to do? I decided to try making my own. Before heading off to The Home Depot for supplies, I measured the area where I wanted to display the flag. I envisioned hanging it above the hutch for a 4th of July porch redo, replacing the large platter that normally lives there.

Screened-in Porch


I wanted to use narrow strips of wood so the flag would have a “pieced together” look, as opposed to being cut out of a solid sheet of wood. When I got to Home Depot, I found an associate, described what I wanted to do and asked him where I could find wood slats or narrow wood molding/trim. He immediately understood what I was trying to do (YAY!) and showed me several different options. One of the things he showed me was a bundle of “grade” stakes. They looked just like the stakes used to hold a sign on the side of the road for a garage sale or open house.


The hutch is around 37 inches wide and the stakes were 36 inches long in their present state, so I knew they would be just about right. I wanted the finished flag to be about 32-34 inches wide and about 17-18 inches tall. I had planned to saw off the pointed part of the stakes when I got home, but the nice Home Depot guy offered to run them through their giant saw. Is that service, or what?! I definitely took him up on that deal! I didn’t really want nails to show on the face of the flag, so I bought a tube of “Liquid Nails.” The HD guy wasn’t too sure about this plan and suggested I buy a box of nails, too…just in case. In the end, the Liquid Nails was all I needed, except for the frame which I nailed together with skinny, little nails I already had at home.

Below you’ll see the stakes with the tips already cut off, and the “frame pieces” the Home Depot associate cut to the size I requested. You’ll also see the tube of Liquid Nails, as well as the box of nails I purchased but didn’t use.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


I used nails I already had to put the base frame together. I didn’t use Liquid Nails at the corners, but that wouldn’t have been a bad idea. I drilled the holes for the nails because I didn’t want to splinter the skinny frame pieces. The top and bottom pieces of the base frame each measure 28 1/4 inches and the side pieces measure 16 1/2 inches long each. I asked the Home Depot guy to cut them this size because I wanted the base frame to be smaller than the finished flag. That way when I glued the strips of wood across the frame, it wouldn’t be visible from the front. That was my plan…I was keeping my fingers crossed it would work.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


I brought the wood strips and frame inside and created the flag in the air-conditioned comfort of the breakfast room. It was blazing hot in that garage when I was building the frame! I laid the stakes across the frame to test out my plan. When working on a project, I always try to “simulate” as much as I can before I commit and start nailing, gluing, painting, etc…. It’s the old measure twice and cut once theory.


Using a pencil, I sketched off the area where the stars would be. There was no exact measuring for this part. I just pulled up a flag online, noticed the star section (known as the canton) didn’t go quite to the center of the flag and I eye-balled it from there. I was careful to count down and make sure the canton didn’t extend lower than the 7th stripe since that’s how it is on a real flag.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


I decided to paint all the stripes prior to using the Liquid Nails to attach them to the base. After my Home Depot trip, I had stopped by Michael’s and picked up some small bottles of paint. I chose Americana’s Cherry Red and Apple Barrel’s White (205803) and True Blue (20383). I also bought another red called Americana Primary Red, but after testing the reds on the back of the flag, I liked the Cherry Red best.


I started by painting all the white stripes first, including a white background for the canton. You’ll see why I painted that section white in a sec.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


I painted a second coat of white paint on the canton area so it would be bright white.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


With the individual stripes/stakes still not glued down, I began painting the red stripes, next. I just took each piece of wood over to the kitchen counter and painted it while I watched TV. It didn’t take long to paint them at all and was actually pretty fun. 🙂 Painting each strip of wood (stripe) first before gluing the flag together made the flag super easy to paint. No risk of getting white paint on the red stripes or red paint on the white stripes.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


In this photo, all the stripes have been painted. The sections of wood are spread out drying and are still not glued to the base.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


Next, using the Liquid Nails, I glued the strips of wood to the base I had constructed. Apparently, I forgot to take pics during the gluing process (bad blogger) so I’ll describe it. I positioned all the strips on the frame exactly where I wanted them and starting at the top, going down one at a time, I glued each piece of wood to the base/frame you saw at the beginning of this post.

Follow the directions on the Liquid Nails tube. It’s best to squirt the glue on the base frame, press the strip of wood down, let it set a few seconds, then lift it off and place it again. Somehow that helps the Liquid Nails bond everything better, per the directions on the tube. Liquid Nails works quickly. It was firmly set up within 24 hours, but I was able to move the flag around and even try it out on the porch just a couple of hours after gluing all the wood strips down. I didn’t leave it in the upright position, though (just to be safe) until 24 hours had passed.

Here’s a side view of how the flag looked with all the wood strips glued down. See how the base I made is a bit smaller than the flag itself. I’m sure there are many ways to construct this flag. You could even build a frame to go all the way around for a really finished look.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


Here’s a photo of how the flag looks on the back. You can see where I tested out the red and blue paint colors before deciding to use them. That strip with the dried glue showing…that’s a strip I had glued to the bottom of the base/frame, but during the gluing process, I decided to move it upward to a different spot. That’s why you can see the glue on it from the back. It had been the bottom stripe at one point.

The stakes aren’t perfect and some are cut/beveled a little off so that’s why it helps to try them out in different places before you start gluing them down. I did that, but apparently, I swapped a couple in the painting process, so once I started gluing them down, I had to do a little repositioning. You have about 15-20 minutes before the Liquid Nails sets up, so that gives you time to move them around. I tell you, I’m a big fan of Liquid Nails now. It worked great for this project!

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


Now it was time to create the star section or canton. When I first started thinking about how I wanted to build a flag a few weeks back, I had an idea I hoped would work for this star section. The trick would be in finding the right size star stickers. If I couldn’t, I figured I’d cut a star sponge shape and stencil them on.

After hitting Home Depot and Michael’s, I headed over to Office Depot. They had stickers in a couple of different sizes and these looked like they just might work. They came 72 to the package and I used all but 7 of them. I’ll explain in a sec.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


Again, I like to test how things are going to look before “committing.” It was a pain in the you-know-what, but I rough-cut out each sticker and just set them out on the star section before going for it. They looked about right, so I decided to use them.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


I taped off the star section using Frog Tape. I bought this tape to use when I painted the crown molding in my office. I still haven’t caulked and painted it, yet…can you say procrastination? The Frog tape came in handy for this flag project.


I peeled all the stars off and positioned them one at a time on the flag. I did the top row and then moved on to the second row, etc… I left all the stars I had cut out in place as I worked, just lifting the one I was working on at the moment, to stick it down. That way I kept my rows fairly straight through to the end. Then I painted the entire canton area with “True Blue” paint.

I was glad the package contained 72 stars because the stars were very thin/fragile and occasionally one would tear when I was trying to remove the backing to stick it down or if I had to pull it back up to reposition it. I used all but 7 of the stars in the end.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


In the pic below, you can see where I went a little further over with the red paint on that top stripe than I did with the other red stripes. No need to panic…I knew the blue would hide that pretty well. I do recommend trying to keep it even, though, because the blue won’t totally hide the red paint.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


I let it dry for about 15 minutes (acrylic paint dries quickly) but before it was completely dry, I took a straight pin and began lifting the stars off, one at a time. I just skipped all around, as you can tell in the photo below. The bright white stars are the ones where I had already lifted the stickers. It was fun seeing the star section come to life.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


Now, here’s something you may decide to do differently. The stakes I bought were kind of flat on one side and beveled on the other. A few seemed to be beveled on both sides, but mostly they were flat on one side and beveled on the other. I chose to put the beveled side facing up. I was trying to emphasize the fact that this flag wasn’t a solid piece of wood, but was made by individual strips of wood assembled together.

The only bad thing about building the flag with the beveled side facing up is, that the star stickers kind of wrap around the beveled edge which can sort of give the impression the top or bottom tip of the star is missing, even though it isn’t.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


If that bothers you, design your flag with the FLAT side of the stake facing upward and the beveled side facing down. I’d still probably build it this way again…I just like the beveled look.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


Another variation you could consider doing is to make your base frame bigger than I did and space the wood strips out a teeny bit using a penny or some slender object as a spacer, creating little gaps between the slats of wood. I thought of doing that, but in the end I decided to just squish them up close to each other. I’m just throwing that idea out there, though…in case you like it. Here’s how my flag looked after all the star stickers had been removed with a straight pin.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


Because I wanted my flag to look pretty crisp and near perfect (before I distressed it) I touched up a few of the stars with the white paint and a really skinny paintbrush. The stickers worked great so the only touching up I did was just due to the beveling where a tip might be missing here or there. The paint had a bit of an uneven look, due to how the wood absorbed the paint. I actually liked that since I didn’t want it to look too, too perfect.

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


In place above the hutch…

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


I put two short screws into the back when I initially built the base frame so I could hang the flag with picture wire once I was done. But in the end, I liked the casual look of having it just leaning against the wall.

Pottery Barn Flag Tutorial, Make a Wood Flag for 4th of July


Side views…

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


I haven’t distressed my flag, yet. I think I’m going to just live with it a while…then decide. This flag was a labor of love, but really fun to make!

DIY Pottery Barn American Flag Knock-off


See the porch decorated for the 4th of July in this post: Patriotic Porch for the 4th of July


♫ You’re a Grand ‘Ole Flag
♪ Music and lyrics by George M. Cohan

You’re a grand old flag,
You’re a high-flying flag
And forever in peace may you wave.
You’re the emblem of
The land I love.
The home of the free and the brave.

Ev’ry heart beats true
‘neath the Red, White and Blue,
Where there’s never a boast or brag.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag.


Build a Wood Flag For the 4th of July


General Information About Construction:

Flag was constructed of sign stakes from The Home Depot that measured approximately 1 1/4 wide and 36 inches long before the pointed tips were cut off. After tips were cut off, stakes measured 32 inches long.

Paint Colors: Acrylic Paint (purchased at Michael’s)
Apple Barrel, White, 20503
Apple Barrel, True Blue, 20383
Americana, Cherry Red

Star Stickers:
Purchased at Office Depot

Flag Measurements:
Side pieces of base/frame: 16 1/2″ long each
Top and bottom pieces of base/frame: 28 1/2″ long each

Size of Canton Area:
12 1/2 ” wide x 9″ tall

Size of Finished Flag:
32″ wide by 17″ tall


Cost to build:
Wood Stakes: $5.97
Paint: $1.98
Stickers: $1.99
Liquid Nails: 3.47
Total: $13.41

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Pssst: I post almost daily to Instagram. Follow Between Naps on the Porch on Instagram here: Between Naps On The Porch.

Looking forward to all the “Before and Afters” for this Metamorphosis Monday!


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  1. Hi Susan! Oh, you'r absolutely the smartest one! I love your flag and the tutorial! Sure makes your porch look so festive and you can leave it up all summer.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  2. black eyed susans kitchen says

    Fantastic project! I was all ready to put this flag on my wish list when I saw your tutorial. Thanks

  3. Allison Shops says

    Love your flag. I'm a 4th of July baby so I love this!

    I'll hope you'll come see the nursery I helped create for my first grandchild.


  4. Oh, Susan, you are so crafty clever. I love the flag. Your porch is just gorgeous.

    Have a great week ~
    TTFN ~

  5. Pam - diy Design Fanatic says

    What a fabulous piece of art, Susan! Your flag is really striking and goes so well with your patriotic decorations! Thanks for hosting MM!

  6. laxsupermom says

    Amazing job with your flag! I'm impressed with how helpful the HD employee was. My parents keep telling me how much nicer everyone is down south, and it must be true. I like the beveled look too. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Confessions of a Plate Addict says

    Wow, Susan! I am sooo impressed! Your flag looks so professional! You really found a good HD person, too! The porch looks so festive! Happy week!…hugs…Debbie

  8. Wow!! So wonderful. That was an amazing project.

  9. Love this idea! Thanks for the great directions and pictures, too. This is something that I'd love to make.

  10. Joselyn @ The DIY Spot says

    Love your flag. It turned out great! What a nice addition to your already beautiful porch. Thanks for hosting.

  11. On Crooked Creek says

    This might be a project for the future…when the weather cools! You, dear friend, make it look so~o~o easy! Your porch looks amazing!!! What a lovely tribute to America!

  12. Great job Susan! I love the directions too!

    Thanks for hosting Met Monday. I hope you have a great week.


  13. I love your flag just the way it is! Thank you for the tutorial. You write wonderful instructions.

    Are you keeping this beautiful look for the summer?


  14. WOW! Your Flag is Fabulous!! Thanks for sharing and for hosting the party!

  15. Handy Man, Crafty Woman says

    that came out great! I love finding a way to make something on a budget.

  16. Kelly (Seaux Southern) says

    Thanks for the info on how to build the flag! Love It!! Can't wait to make one to decorate my house next year!

  17. mary kathryn @ mathews family happenings says

    your flag is awesomeness!!! Thanks so much for the step by step tutorial! Now to check out some of the party links…

  18. Junior Couponator says

    Thanks for the tutorial. I've always wondered about Liquid Nails and now I'll give it a whirl. The room is fantastic!

  19. Sewconsult says

    Love the way you make it so easy! Now if my Home Depot has as nice a man working, I might just give it a try.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  20. Pattie @ Olla-Podrida says

    What a fabulous project! You did a fantastic job and now we can too, thanks to this great tutorial. Love it!

  21. What a wonderful project!! It turned out great! Filing in my inspiration folder.

  22. You've outdone yourself! I feel like standing up and saluting 🙂 The porch looks fabulous decked out in its patriotic finery!

  23. Pamela Gordon says

    You are one smart gal! I love your flag (and your porch!). I have been trying to link up my post for Met Monday of our new kitchen but I can't get it to work. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'd really appreciate some help with it so I can share it. Thanks so much. Pamela

  24. Leigh Ann says

    Love your flag! Thanks for hosting!

  25. Elizabeth and Gary says

    Hi Susan,
    I love, love your flag…
    I was thinking of making one too..I reall was…LOL
    In May I purchased two new sofas and a rug from Ethan Allen, they should arrive late Aug. The colors are red, white and blue.. The Ohio Quilt I posted about that I linked with you on, will be a throw for one of the sofa's.
    Your tutorial is wonderful! you just might be seeing another flag very soon.

    Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

  26. Susan, you are a clever one. I admire your resourcefulness. The flag looks terrific. Love seeing your patriotic porch. ~ Sarah

  27. Just love your flag! thanks so much for sharing. Your porch is just gorgeous (as usual!!).

  28. I like the beveled side up and the star tips curving around it to emphasize the roughness of the wood. That's what makes it folksy Americana!
    Your idea about using the stickers as paint-stoppers is brilliant!

  29. I've had my eye on the PB one for a while now, but just couldn't justify the $$ ! You've inspired me to try it myself – thank you !!!!

    It looks great and the stickers were a brilliant "trick" !

    thanks for sharing!

  30. Jeanne Selep says

    Your room looks great. I recognize your plates – They are in my hutch also!

  31. I've sure bookmarked this idea for next year, or a winter project. Thanks for sharing….very well done! There is "nothing new under the sun" so I always enjoy a good COPY!

  32. Tanya @ Greetings From the Asylum says

    Thanks for hosting this fun party! I enjoy participating each week!

  33. Pansy Cottage Girl says

    You did a great job! Looks wonderful. Have a great week.

  34. Christie says

    Thank you for this great tutorial! Turned out fantastic! Thank you for hosting! Christie

  35. That is a super cute flag. It looks great on your hutch. Thanks for having us over.

  36. Sizzle and Zoom says

    Beautiful job. Easy to understand directions.

  37. Susan, You make it look so easy. Your flag turned out great, I love it. I will attempt to make one. I've wanted one for the veranda. I have the perfect place over the double windows. Like you, I’ve looked in retail stores and PB always has something beautiful but who wants to spend $$$$? Your tutorial is right on. I really can't wait to start mine. Thanks for sharing……..Oh and your porch looked gorgeous and so festive for the fourth.

    The French Hutch

  38. Cindy (Applestone Cottage) says

    Aren't you the most clever Susan!
    So beautiful and so perfect for your 4th of July porch!
    Everything looks amazing in there! From the red pillows to the flag and the table you have it all and its gorgeous!

  39. I love it when people do PB knock offs as their prices are such rip offs for something like this! Great job and ingenuity! That was indeed a labor of love.

  40. Linda (More Fun Less Laundry) says

    Susan, this is a wonderful tutorial and your flag is beautiful! I like the beveled side up because it seems to give a little movement to the flag–not so flat. Even the stars folding over the edges help with that impression! Excellent job and your porch looks fantastic! Linda

  41. Miss Char says

    Susan, this is a wonderful project and a clear and easy tutorial. I love all things flag related and I'm going to get started on a wood flag for my porch this week. Thank you so much for the great instruction.

  42. Elaine Clark says

    I LOVE THIS!!! Would I like to make one? YES! Will I make one? Probably not, but I still want to. Thank you so much for sharing this tutorial. You make it look doable.

  43. Jennifer @ Delightfully Noted says

    Wow! Your porch is pretty amazing! Love all the flag decor and your pottery inspired word flag. Very nice!

  44. Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea says

    The flag is darling! Thanks for hosting this great party. Cheers

  45. Christine Edwards says

    Love your flag tutorial. Thanks for the detailed step-by-step instructions and pictures. Maybe I should get started now so I have it for next Fourth of July. 😉

  46. Wow Susan, you are brilliant! Love the flag and your porch is so America-so love it!!

  47. Rettabug says

    BRAVO Susan! That turned out GREAT & your tutorial & the explanations of what & why you did things is extremely helpful.
    I would LOVE one to hang in the entryway of our front porch.
    Thank you so much!


  48. Ironstone and Pine says

    This turned out amazing, i think I might even be able to do it!! Thank you SO much for the easy step by step and the paint colors and etc., that makes it even easier to get everything ready. If you do end up distressing it be sure to let us know how it turns out!!

  49. Rettabug says

    I just called DH in here to see your flag project & told him "You could easily do that!"

    His response…."NO…YOU could do that!" LOL

    I don't think he appreciates all the ideas I get from you. *smile*

  50. Eileen @ CottageBeachHouse says

    Wow Susan, this is really awesome. The porch looks fabulous. What a great tutorial. I love those plates and all those yummy pillows too!

  51. Cass @ That Old House says

    Great tutorial, adorable flag — but the BEST part is you did it with GLUE against the advice of the HD guy. Men are so bound by the rules of how things SHOULD be done.

    We women just look at what we accomplish and aren't burdened with the "shoulds," we just go for the "this SHOULD work!" methods, and they usually do! Imagination over tradition — love it.

    Thanks! — Cass

  52. Love the flag thanks for the party!

  53. Farmer's Wyfe says

    LOVE the flag!! What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing!!

  54. Beeutiful by Design says

    This looks wonderful -great job! I know you will get a lot of use out of your grand ole flag 🙂 Jennifer

  55. Cozy in Texas says

    Lovely picture of the porch.

  56. Sallyford says

    Oh, this is wonderful! Thank you for the tutorial. I'm wanting to get my boys into some crafts and this would be a wonderful way to teach them. Lots of love to you, Sally xx

  57. Modern Country Lady says

    That turned out super cute !! Such a clever idea!

  58. Velma (Dawggone Cute Creations) says

    what a fun-looking and easy project! If you have it in your mind that you want a "not so perfect" look, it's easy not to get stressed out if part of your project is, well, less than perfect 🙂 That's the way I like things anyway…I've got enough stress in my life without me adding to it! This is another one of your projects I'm going to try but I would love the distressed look. When the time is right, do you know how you plan to distress it?

  59. I am in love with your flag!! It is awesome!!! God less you and God Bless America!!

  60. Scribbler says

    Your flag turned out wonderfully, and the great thing about doing it yourself (aside from saving a bundle (of money, not sticks!) is that you can get the exact size you want.

  61. Mary @ Redo 101 says

    You are amazing – that flag is gorgeous, and you made it!!! I love all the $ you saved, too! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for hostessing today's Metamorphosis Monday.

  62. Lizabeth says

    You sure came up with a great idea and a creative approach to it! As I viewed the one picture of it on an angle, I thought about the same design made smaller into trivets that you could use on a dining table! Kudos on this project! Liz

  63. your lights are amazing! *adds to wish list…
    The flag looks very cool too 🙂

  64. ceodraiocht says

    Susan – the flag is so perfect and you do a beautiful job with the porch party set-up. Thanks for keeping track of the costs – I was wondering what the new wood added and it wasn't much at all. Great post.

  65. Mary of Front Porch Ideas says

    My favorite part, Susan, was how you did the stars. That was ingenious. I probably would have thought the only way was to paint on the stars or stencil them. The sticker idea – way cool. Thanks for sharing such a neat wall art project with us. I am sure there are other creative ways you could use those wooden slats to create wall art for outdoor areas. Love this idea.

  66. Colleen @ MuralMaker&More says

    I agree with Mary – I wouldn't have thought about the star stickers. In fact, I'd be afraid they'd permanently stick.

    The flag is lovely, Susan. I like the bevels on top. I like . . . well, everything about it!

  67. Terry @ La Bella Vie says

    OK girl, you are my hero!!! I have been checking back on a regular basis to see if you posted this tutorial and this is just darling and doable!
    I am printing the entire thing just to make sure I get the right supplies and I can only hope mine turns out as cute as yours…you are amazing as always!!!

  68. Its So Very Cheri says


    I am linking this to my facebook page.


  69. Brambleberry Cottage says

    Love the Pottery Barn knockoff, Susan! It looks every bit as good as theirs…but at a MUCH more reasonable price.

    Ever wonder how PB makes any money – with us all just copying their ideas? lol

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  70. Hi There! What a great article! And I love your flag! But I think it looks better with a distressed look! You are full of inspirations!

  71. I love your flag! It looks wonderful in your screen porch Thanks for the tutorial, that is a lot of work to put together.I make several of these kinds of flags, especially since 9/11 they are one of our biggest sellers. You can check out my blog(I am new to this)at
    I have on on my header.Have a blessed week. ~Sara

  72. SO Brillliant, I am stealing this idea for sure!
    Hugs, Lisa

  73. Debbie@ says

    Thank you so much for the flag tutorial! I have been wanting one!

  74. New England Fine Living says

    Love the flag! Someone might have mentioned it in an earlier post, but my friend has a flag that was made out of an old fence that was cut to size then painted. I bet yours was more fun to plan and make.

    New England Fine Living

  75. Would you make me a flag? Yours is so cute! 🙂

  76. You did a great job on the flag! Wow!

  77. I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I linked over to your project in my post today. I did a colonial flag version of this popular PB knock and linked to several I have seen lately, yours included 🙂

  78. CalypsoInTheCountry says

    I LOVE how your flag came out! I was also interested in the Pottery Barn flag but it was too large (and too expensive) for the space I wanted to put it in my son's room. When I can get myself motivated, I am going to follow your step by step tutorial from start to finish! Thank you!!

  79. Just a wonderful tutorial! Terrific detail! I have those dishes, by the way. I loved them so much I bought two sets and now I think they are considered collectors items. Thanks.

  80. Thank you for putting up the how-to on this project!! My husband is a Veteran and he saw this flag in the PB magazine and wanted it, but I wasn’t about to drop $129 on it! I’m going to surprise him with this for his birthday! It looks amazing! 🙂

    • Oh, Whitney…what a wonderful idea! He will love it and knowing you made it for him will make it that much better! Would love to see a photo of it when you’re done!

  81. I made this for my back porch and it turned out absolutely adorable! My stars look a little rougher than yours, but I have it up pretty high (in the vaulted part of the ceiling) so it looks fine from there. Love the detailed instructions! Thanks for a great idea and how you made it look so easy! I would have never thought I could do something so cute! Thanks again!!

  82. How big are your stickers? My husband is helping me make this flag. I have your dishes and I can’t wait for the flag to be finished!!

    • I just measured the stars on the flag and they are just under an 1 inch wide. They are 7/8 inches wide. You’ll love it! Mine is still hanging together after all this time…still haven’t had the guts to antique it or rough up the paint. 🙂

      • Thanks for the measurement…. I had the stakes cut to 32″ and laid them out to paint them, when I realized that they formed a perfect square…: Now my husband is going to have to rip them down for me. Can you please measure once again for me, and let me know how wide each stake is? This is turning into a nightmare!! UUUGGGH!

        • They are 32 wide. Just scroll down to the bottom of this post and you’ll find some detailed measurements there, including the size of the frame pieces that I cut that are underneath the flag. The flag will be 17 inches tall when finished if you bought the same stakes I used in the tutorial.
          Good luck! You’ll love it when it’s done!

  83. This is so beautiful!! I’m going to try to make this for my dad for fathers day (pretty ambitious, since it’s a week away). I’m going to use both the Liquid Nails & some finishing nails, because he’ll want to put this outside. Do you know what kind of sealer spray I can use so the paint will hold up in the elements? I guess I’ll use outdoor paint for the colors of the flag, but I’ve never had great luck with clear coat sealers.

  84. Love your flag. Beautiful. I get sentimental about our “Grand ole flag”.
    How did the stars all turn out white, they looked multicolored in the turorial. Or did I miss something.

    • Mary, those were just stickers and once I peeled them off, the white I had painted underneath was visible. Once you read through the tutorial, it will make more sense. It’s a fun one to make! 🙂

  85. This flag is awsome.Can’t wait to try

  86. Ok I found the grade stakes at home depot but they only come 12 pack. Did you find bigger pack or did you have to buy 2?

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