While Christmas shopping last month, I came across something I didn’t even know existed—beautiful Spode Woodland Placemats. Spode Woodland is one of my favorite dish patterns, love that charming woodland design! I ended up purchasing a set of four placemats in the Spode Woodland pattern. I would love to add another set at some point. I’m using one of the placemats on the side of my desk in the Dollhouse to hold drinks. I find that works better than using small, individual coasters. Plus, the design is so pretty, I love seeing it there throughout the day. This beautiful set of Spode Woodland patterned placemats is available here: Spode Woodland Placemats, Set of 4.
My son cooks out on his Big Green Egg throughout the year, even during the wintertime. Recently he smoked a pork roast for pulled pork barbecue. He has tried a lot of different wireless thermometers over the years with varying success. I gave this ThermPro wireless thermometer to him for Christmas this year. He was thrilled with how it worked saying it has a much better range/connection than any wireless thermometer he’s ever used, and he’s used a lot of them over the years. The patio where the grill is set up is rather far away from the house, so he was thrilled with how it performed. You’ll find this thermometer available here: Wireless Meat Thermometer.
Obsessed! My daughter-in-love and I are obsessed with these Ugg Tasman Slippers! I have pretty much lived in a pair all day, every day since the winter cold weather arrived. These shoes are wonderfully comfortable and I love the great built-in arch support. I even wear them when I run errands now because they are so incredibly warm and I just can’t make myself take them off. Fortunately, they have a sole that makes them great for wearing outside, too. If you get a pair, don’t be surprised if you find yourself wearing them every day, they are just that comfortable and warm! One problem with them is they are so popular, they are perpetually sold out! They are usually even sold out on the official Ugg website. The only place I can find them left in a few colors, including Black, is here: Ugg Tasman Slippers. I just purchased a Black pair recently, and I love how they look with my dark jeans when I’m out running errands.
I have really relied on my weather stations over the past few months with the super cold weather we’ve been experiencing. I have one of these weather stations in three places in the Dollhouse and refer to them all the time, so they had to make my Monthly Favorites list for December.
In the Dollhouse, I have one in my upstairs hallway, one in my office/studio, and one in the kitchen. Can not do without them! You’ll find this beautiful weather station here: Weather Station.
The sunroom in the Dollhouse is more of a 3-season sunporch. Since it’s not heated, this room can get very cold during the winter months, especially if I don’t keep the door open from the living room.
I added an oscillating heater to the porch in December and have enjoyed how quickly it warms up the sunroom. You may have noticed it in the corner when I shared the cabinet I recently added to the porch. I like that it has a built-in thermostat so it will run as needed to maintain the temperature I have it set for when I’m out on the porch. If you could use a heater this winter in one of your rooms, you’ll find the one I’m using on the sunporch here: Oscillating Ceramic Tower Heater.
I have purchased several feeders for the backyard at the Dollhouse and I love them all but the one I most recommend is the one that has been brilliantly designed to be squirrel-proof. It’s the longer one in the center of the photo below. It has perches for birds who can’t cling and need a perch to eat, but it also works great for birds who like to cling, too. If a squirrel hops on, it will close down blocking all the feeding ports which preserves the seed for the birds. Squirrels quickly learn that they can’t defeat it and give up. Don’t worry though, I’ve been tossing nuts out for them a couple of times per day, and watch has they carry them away. I wonder where they are stashing them all. They should have plenty to get them through the winter at this point. lol You’ll find my favorite squirrel-proof feeder available here: Squirrel-Proof Bird Feeder.
This is the hanger I purchased to hold the feeders. It works great since there’s a small tree alongside my driveway in back just a few feet away from the sunporch. I love watching the birds from that room and from my studio over the garage. You’ll find these cute butterfly hangers that work great for holding bird feeders here: 12-inch Hanger for Bird Feeder.
In December, I discovered Spotting Scopes while shopping online for a telescope to use for bird watching from my office/studio. I had no idea they even existed! After reading tons of reviews, I went with this one. It has been a big hit with my grandsons, too! If you’re a birdwatcher, are you familiar with spotting scopes? How did I not know about those all these years?! You’ll find the one I chose here: Spotting Scope. Currently, it’s set up in my studio and is working great for watching the birds coming to the feeders. I’ve also used it for birdwatching from the sun porch, too. Since I didn’t have a tripod with me in Ohio, I purchased the one seen below, and so far it’s working well. Tripod is available here: Tripod.)
Had to include the sleds I gave my grandsons for Christmas this year since they have been a big hit with the boys. They have been using them almost non-stop with all the snow we have had this winter. They are super sturdy, have great reviews, and based on their name, have been designed to last a lifetime. Love that! They come in a set of two and are available here: Sleds, Set of 2.
I’ll end this December favorites list with Cutemol—it and my Ugg Shoes shared earlier in this post have been my two biggest survival tools for December—really for winter! Can’t sing its praises enough! If you suffer with cracking or splitting skin this time on your hands or feet, this is the best thing I’ve found to prevent that. It will transform feet overnight, or at least that has been my experience. Amazing stuff! You’ll find it available here: Cutemol.
See you tomorrow for Tablescape Thursday!
I bought that weather station on your recommendation for my husband’s birthday! He loves it! I agree about the UGGs as well – I want a dark brown pair so I’m waiting for them to restock! But I purchased for all my girls for Christmas and they love them!
I’m so glad your girls love them! They have to be the most comfortable winter shoes I’ve ever worn. My DIL and I both live in them. lol I love that dark brown color, too! Hopefully, it will come back in stock soon. I’m so glad your hubby loves the weather station! I refer to mine so many times throughout the day.
I ordered the Cutemol cream and the Curel anti itch lotion. My husband loves both and so do I. Thanks for sharing your favorites. I have ordered so many things from your favorites list over the years and each one has proven to be my favorites too. Thank you.
I’m so happy to hear that, Peggy! Thanks for letting me know!
Susan, have you ever seen Mark Rober’s squirrel obstacle course videos on youtube? They are hilarious! He’s done a few, upping the ante each year. He’s an engineer and was so frustrated at the squirrel’s stealing the bird’s seeds, he decided to try to defeat them — with hilarious results. I recommend watching them to anybody wanting a good laugh.
Also, those Ugg shoes intrigue me. Do they have good arch support? Great list. Thanks.
I bought my first squirrel buster feeder last year and really like mine too! It’s a regular seed feeder and I was so happy with it I recently ordered one of their thistle seed feeders – can’t wait to try it out.
I may have to break down and get one of the weather stations. They seem like they’d be very useful.