The last time I went on a cruise with Carnival Cruises, I was 19 and had just graduated from high school. How do you like the dress? It was a long dress, all the way to the floor. Seeing it now makes me think of the Lilly Pulitzer maxi dresses that were so popular this summer. My hair was long, too–down to my waist. Remember those days?

Meeting the Captain of Carnival’s Cruise Ship, the TSS Mardi Gras
I think it’s time to go on another cruise and this time I’m going with these guys, Drew and Jonathan Scott. We’re setting sail on what’s being called the “Ultimate Design Cruise.” You may recognize Drew and Jonathan from their super popular show, Property Brothers.
Drew and Jonathan have chartered the entire ship so everyone on the ship will be design fans! We’re sailing on November 16th for four fabulous days in Key West and Cozumel. I see lots of fruity, umbrella drinks in my future! 🙂
Here’s the itinerary: We’ll start out in Miami, sail to Key West, Florida for a day, then head out to Cozumel for the following day. The last day of the cruise will be spent partying on the ship as we head back to Miami. Do they really think we’re going to be focused on design? lol
I can’t wait to visit Key West, Florida! I’ve never been there, have you?
Key West is where the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum is located.

Source: The Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum
I hope to have time enough to tour it and pet all the six-toed kitties that call it home!

Source: The Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum
Jillian Harris from the show, Love It or List It is coming along, too!
In fact, all these folks will be there! Recognize any of them? From left to right it’s Jason Cameron, Jillian Harris, Amie and Jolie Sikes, Kim Myles, JD Scott and Adam Hambrick. It’s going to be a fun cruise!
Sun and fun! Yes, please!
Here’s a short video about the cruise. You’ll find more information about the trip and can register here: Sailing With The Scotts. I paid my deposit this morning. If you sign up to go, please let me know so I can look for you on the ship!
O*M*G!!! Are you REALLY GOING?? Gaaaa…if we didn’t go to Key West every year (and we LOVE it there!!) this would be a “no-brainer.” I adore Drew & Scott!!! This is just fantastic…hope we get a “play-by-play”..OMG!!! franki
Yep! I can’t resist, Franki! Even though I’m not always crazy about Drew and Jonathan’s modern design style, I think they are a hoot! It just sounds like such a fun trip! I wish you could go! It’s just 4 days…can’t you go? 🙂
Susan, your cruise sounds like fun. Love the photo of you on your first ever cruise. And yes, do I ever remember the era of long dresses and long hair. My hair was never to my waist, but the maxi dresses were part of my wardrobe. I’ve never been to Key West or Cozumel, but Key West is on my travel list. With maxi dresses back in style, you’ll have to take one or two along on the cruise. ‘-)
I haven’t ever been to those places either but always wanted to see them. Sarah, come join me! We would have a blast! Bring your hubby!
Your cruise sounds amazing! I am sure that everyone will be very inspired by the decorating dreamboats!
Thanks, Merry! It will be fun to see them in person. I bet they will be hilarious. They seem to really know how to have fun!
Sounds like a great early Christmas gift idea!
Oh dear Lord! Jason Cameron is going?!?! Do you think the nuns will mind if I’m late on a few tuition payments for the upcoming school year? Susan, you are living the dream!
lol Now that made me totally laugh! I don’t know him…I need to google and see what show he’s on or what he does. After not traveling or taking any vacation (other than a 3-4 day trip to Savannah) in years, I’m ready to have a little fun! I’m not getting any younger so it’s time to make hay while the sun is shining! 🙂
Wow ! Look at you planning 2 big trips! I can’t wait to follow along and by the way, this is definitely a business trip (tax deductible)!!!
I hope so, that would be awesome! 🙂 I can’t wait to share it with you!
Sounds like a fun trip. I love Key West. The Hemingway house is a fun tour, but seeing all the cats made me love it more. They are all named after actors. I think Cozumel is OK. Next time go on the Eastern route, I think it is the best. You will have a great decorating time with the stars! Cruises are so wonderful because you are totally taken care of. Plus, eating is fabulous and the entertainment the best. Best part is you can eat everything because you get so much exercise just walking around in these huge ships. Have fun.
Peggy, tell me all about it…I’d love to hear about the Hemingway house! I can’t wait to see those kitties! I’m probably the only person who will visit it when we dock, everyone else will be on the beach or shopping. 🙂 I’ve always wanted to tour it. I loved reading Hemingway in highschool.
What is down the Eastern route? The cruise I went on right after graduating from highschool went to San Jan, Puerto Rico and St. Thomas. It was okay, but I don’t really care to go back to those places.
WOW! Two trips in one year; when you decide to travel, you do it big! Never had a desire to cruise but meeting The Brothers would be worth it! I watch their re-runs just to watch them. Jonathan & Drew and Tom Selleck are my TV guilty pleasures. We just got home from Ireland (2nd trip there). We love Ireland, its people, its tranquil countryside, the sheep!, the pubs and a bit o’ Irish whiskey along the way.
I wasn’t planning on another one, especially so close together, but this one is just too perfect to not go. Okay, you and I would get along just great because Tom Selleck was my big crush back in the day. lol Oh, I want to see Ireland so badly. It’s on the bucket list!
Susan, you have my dream cruise there!! Not my hubby’s, but he has always wanted to go to Miami and Key West. Also Tom Selleck was my heartthrob before Pierce Brosnan took over.
Gillian Harris lives in my area and I would love to meet her.
We have been to Florida a couple of times, but not that far down.
p.s. I just ran it by hubby and he said, whY would I want to go on an HGTV, you see enough of those people every day!! 🙂
lol Well, tell him he can come too! This should be a lot of fun!
Wow, when you decide to do something, you go all out!!! What fun you will have!! Sounds like a great boat ride!! Wish I had done some of that kind of traveling when I was younger and had some money. Not an option for me now……too old to do all that walking!!! Hope you have enough time to do laundry and get settled before that second trip…….I know you can do it!!! xoxoxo
I wish I hadn’t waited as long as I have. You might enjoy the river cruises that Grand Circle has. I don’t think there’s as much walking with those and they are super popular. I want to do their Rhine River Christmas Markets tour at Christmastime some year.
Oh Susan, I am so tempted by your cruise. I have been to Key West both on a cruise and to stay for a week. I loved the Hemingway house -it makes you think of old movies and pictures that date back to Old Florida. Key West proper is pretty small, easily walkable and full of charming houses. Be sure to peek over fences to see the courtyards. I am sure that you will take a lot of beautiful pictures. I am currently looking for a house. Do you think I could arrange to have Drew and Jonathan sit at my dinner table and then convince them that they should come film the Property Brothers here and then want me to sit with them each evening because I am so charming and ? Alright I just am getting a little carried away here. You will have fun. Iris
lol Well, I personally think it’s well worth a try! 🙂
Susan, you are going to have a blast! The weather will be perfect for being in the Florida Keys. Key West is really, really interesting but (be warned) there are aspects of it that are simply obscene and in poor taste (kind of like parts of the French Quarter). However, look past those things and you’ll enjoy the lovely shops and local artists’ works. For sure go to the Hemingway House, that was my favorite thing to see in Key West. I absolutely adored the kitties with extra toes. All of them are descendants from the original extra-toe cat that was given to Hemingway as a gift. Thanks for sharing, and I LOVE that retro photo of you. :0)
I was wondering what it was like in November…I should google that and see. Hope it’s not chilly! Yeah, I got quite the shock when I Googled Key West to look for images for this post. It looked like Mardi Gras in New Orleans! That is so cool that they are all decendents from the first one. I wonder if that extra toe causes them any issues. I want to see so badly. If you hear about a woman who was stranded on Key West because she missed boarding time for her cruise ship and it left without her, you’ll know it was me. I’ll still be at the Hemingway House, loving on all the kitties. 🙂
I keep hearing terrible stories about cruises, so can’t wait to hear your version. Have a great adventure!
Hi Susan,
This sounds like fun! I would love to go! I’ll have to wait and see.
Did you get the Super Fan Package?
I did go ahead and go with that Super Fan Package. I almost didn’t because most of what is included wasn’t that important to me, except for the On-Board Party With Drew and Jonathan. I just knew if I didn’t get it, I’d probably regret it later. I may end up enjoying some of the other benies included in the package once I’m there and see how it works.
Thanks, Ruth…I’m looking forward to it!
Hi Susan,
Sounds like fun! Did you add the Super Fan Package? I am going to have to wait and see.
Yep, I did. I was afraid I’d regret it if I didn’t, once I was there.
Well look at you missy rockin’ all over the globe! What a fun time you will have!
I was in the Keys this winter, but we didn’t make it down to Key West. We are going back in January, and this time will get there, so I will be interested to hear about your trip.
Wow! Sounds like a fun trip for you Susan! So excited for you!
Oh that is just awesome! I saw this and so wish I had the money to go as well. Make sure you take lots of pictures to share with us.
I’m so glad to hear you’ll be in my neck of the woods!! You are going at the perfect time of year – in November the weather is cooler, the mosquitoes are not so bad and it’s past the rainy season and almost end of hurricane season. We went to Key West for the first time (how embarrassing, since we’ve lived in Miami for 43 years) two summers ago, in June. OMG. It was so hot and humid I thought I would die. The Hemmingway house was my favorite, but I had to ditch the tour guide in the bedroom because it was so hot (there’s no AC – duh!) but I did see the kitties! Make sure to try the conch fritters – they are famous and are served in most of the restaurants. I saw Cozumel more than 20 years ago, so I don’t know how it is right now, but please be careful and vigilant, and if you drink something, make sure it’s drowned in Tequila – that should kill off any unwelcomed little friends. You should get to Miami a day before you board so you can at least visit South Beach!! Have fun!!
Elena, thanks for all this great advice! I was wondering about drinking water in Cozumel. Maybe I’ll stick with bottled water, just to be safe. 🙂 I bet it was miserable hot in June. I know how Savannah is in July and August and this is even further south and probably way more humid. Sounds like they knew what they were doing when they planned this for November. Yeah, we definitely don’t need any hurricanes! lol Oh, I wish I could go earlier. I was thinking of driving…according to Google it’s 9-10 hour drive from my home. But I think I’ll fly, that way I don’t have to worry about what to do with my car once I’m there.
Me again. 🙂
I went to the site and while I found the pricing, I didn’t find ‘Super Fan Pricing’. Also, are the prices different for solo travelers? It looks like it’s $379 for the lowest grade room but when you click on it it is twice that.
I doubt I can go since we will be away three months next year, but if the price is right I might swing it.
Yeah, unfortunately, they consider all the rooms to be doubles so if you don’t have a roommate, you’re stuck paying double. The “Super Fan” package pops up after you start the payment process. It’s this extra package that you can add on for an extra fee that includes the following:
$249 Per Person
VIP Boarding
VIP On-board Party with Drew and Jonathan
Exclusive cruise gift
Autographed photo of Drew and Jonathan
Official VIP Lanyard
Exclusive VIP early entry into main show venue each night
VIP Luggage Tag
So, it’s an additional fee to get the above. I almost didn’t do it since I don’t care about about 99% of the stuff that’s included in the package, but I knew once I was there, I’d probably be sad to miss the On-Board Party with Drew and Jonathan, so I bit the bullet and added it in.
Susan, you will have a ball!
I saw Mario Buatta on Southern Charm and thought of you!! (That Patricia is a hoot!)
You must be in Mallory Square at sunset in Key West. You should also have a little fun doing the Duval Crawl from club to club along Duval Street. Do not miss Irish Kevin’s pub on Duval, a rowdy, silly participation pub. It’s been over 10 years since I’ve been to Irish Kevin’s. Hopefully, it hasn’t completely degenerated ….
Have a ball!!
Thanks, Carolyn! 🙂
Susan I lived in Key West with my husband and family many years ago. We lived in a hotel he managed. I’ve been back many times and I know you will find it a fun place to visit. We also regularly vacationed in Cozumel and you will love that as well! If I can get the time away from work I am going to consider this trip! November is the very best time of year in these locations!!
Cheryl, that would be so much fun! Hope you can come! I wish the trip were a day or two longer. I think it will fly by. Hope this becomes a regular tradition and they do it again next year!
FUUUUNNN!!!! See you there my love XO
Thanks, Jillian! Can’t wait! 🙂
I recognize you in the way back when picture…pretty. Went to Key West for the first time last year with my little sister 🙂
absolutely loved KW …would love an entire week with someone who knows their way around..
Of course we will expect a some big photo journaling of this adventure.
Thanks, Jonell! I’m so looking forward to visiting Key West after hearing about it for so many years. I promise to take pictures, will definitely share those. Maybe I can get one with Drew and Jonathan! They will be exhausted after this trip with all these crazy women wanting pictures with them! 😉
What a wonderful cruise! You’re going to have lots to share with us when you return and I want to hear it all.
You were so pretty in your long dress and hair. Nice picture.
My husband says that the Miami airport is like being in a “third world” country. Think safety.
Thanks, Connie! I loved that dress. A friend loaned it to me for the trip and I was sad when it was time to return it. Thanks for the warning about the airport, I didn’t know it was like that. I’ll be on guard…thanks!
Oh my gosh, Susan . . . how exciting! I read about their cruise and wondered what it would be like. Now we get to hear all of the details first-hand. Have a ball!!!
Thanks, Judy! I will be sure to share all about it. Hopefully they’ll do something similar each year so folks who can’t go this year can go another year.
Wow…this cruise sounds amazing!…..Would love to go; however it is so close to the Thanksgiving holiday….will have to check into this further…
Last time we went to Cozmel I bought two big bottles of pure vanilla .I told my husband that we need to go back I am almost out. I would love to go back to Key West we didn’t have enough time there.
lol Sounds like a great excuse to go!
Susan, it looks like we’re going to be shipmates! My husband and I are going on the cruise too. We also took the Super Fan Package so hopefully we’ll meet at the party! 🙂
Phyllis, that is soooo awesome! I can’t wait to meet you guys! 🙂
We are both looking forward to this cruize, I watch their shows on TV up here in Ontario,Canada all the time. I find it quite relaxing. We also bought the Fan Pack I wasn’t aware of what was covered but did not want to miss out.We will be happy to meet Drew and Jonathan.
Awesome…hope to meet you there! I’m so glad I bought the Fan Pack, the things they are mailing out to su now, sound like it will be a lot of fun.
We won a contest to go on this cruise. While we are on it, my husband and I will also be celebrating our 34th wedding anniversary. We are so excited ⚓️
Kristina, congratulations on both counts! My husband and I have been married 43 years and this is our first cruise. We’re so excited too! Can’t wait to meet you and your hubby! 🙂
Kristina, that’s awesome! 🙂
Just found your blog! My friend Shannon and I are going on the Scott cruise too! It will be her first cruise and for her big 30th birthday :-). I’ve been on a cruise before & to Key West a couple of times. She lovvvves the Scotts & I’m tagging along for the cruise part ;-). We are really looking forward to it & we’ll keep an eye out for you. Feel free to email me! Happy Cruisin’! 🙂
Amber, that’s awesome! I just saw this comment. Hope I see you guys there!
In a recent e-mail about the cruise, they said they would be sending the entire itinerary last week but I never received anything. Did you get anything? Also it says that the 80s theme party is the same night we’re supposed to have our VIP party with Jonathan and Drew. I wonder if that’s happening simultaneously or if our “VIP pictures” with them are going to be with us in our 80s get-ups. YIKES! LOL
Nope, I didn’t get an itinerary either. I hadn’t noticed that about the parties. I’ll attend the VIP party but I may not attend anything else. I’m mainly going to just enjoy the trip and see Cozumel and Ernest Hemingways house. lol I’m not doing any of the decorating the door stuff…can’t remember now what else was in that email. You may want to call them to see about that.
Hey, did you all notice that the there are TWO times that the VIP parties are being held? I doubt that we are getting to be with the guys twice. I suspect they are splitting the 250 of us into two groups. That’s possibly a bummer. I mean a smaller party means we might spend a minute or two longer with the guys but it might also mean that we all won’t be at the same party. Drat!
I hadn’t notice. I been working on so many projects this week, I have come up for air. Phyllis, where did you read that? How did you find there are 250 of us. I betcha they will let us be in the same group if we want to be.
Susan, I received an e-mail from the on 11/12. I tried to print it all out but was only able to print the first two pages. Anyway, it said that on Monday the Fan Pack reception with Jonathan and Drew is from 10-11 p.m. but it also says there is Fan Pack reception (doesn’t say anything about Jonathan and Drew though) again at 10 p.m. on Tuesday.
As for the 250 guests, when I first booked the cruise and they told me about the Fan Pack I said I wanted to think about it and asked if there was a time limit. The person at Premier told me there wasn’t a time limit per se but there were only going to be 250 packs sold so that fans could spend some time with the guys and that when the pack was sold out, it was sold out so that’s why I bought it then rather than wait. As it turned out, I waited on the beach party and that is sold out. That’s fine because my husband wants to see the Mayan ruins anyway.
If you didn’t get the e-mail for some reason, e-mail me and I’ll forward the e-mail to you. I can’t attach it to this system here.
Oh, I think I know which email you mean. I’ve gotten so many emails from them, that I’ve lost track. I haven’t even packed yet! I didn’t realize they were limiting how many could attend…glad I bought mine at the beginning. I purposely didn’t buy the beach party…just not interested in that. Where are the Mayan ruins…I would love to see those! I’m definitely visiting Ernest Hemingways house in Key West. 🙂
You’re going to love Hemingway’s House. Take the tour and have fun with the kitty’s. We used to have one of the descendant’s of his kitty, a handsome six-toed cat named Digit.
Anyway, the house and tour is very interesting. Take the Conch Train (you can get on and off) to get there and ride around Duval Street. I just wish we were in Key West longer. You’d enjoy it. But you’ll still have fun.
I live in S. FL so I’ve been to the Keys a couple of times and Key West is one of our favorite “in country” trips.
Anyway, there are several excursions to the Mayan ruins. I did a bunch of research and chose the one at the link below.
If you want to do your own research, just go to the Carnival main page, scroll down to the bottom where it says MANAGE MY CRUISE, click on that and then click on SHORE EXCURSIONS to see all of the excursions.
The trip we picked was for the ruins on Cozumel. There are bigger ruins but that’s a four-hour trip to get to them via ferry and bus. We’ll just make a trip directly to those ruins another time. The 3.25 hour tour this time is good enough. 🙂