Shopping in Belleek Pottery in Northern Ireland, A Dish-Lover’s Heaven!

Welcome to the 466th Tablescape Thursday!

It’s after midnight as I write this, so it’s already Thursday here in Ireland. The days are wonderfully busy and full as we tour this beautiful country. It’s everything that you said it would be in your comments on my previous posts about this scheduled trip. It’s lush and green, and the people who live here are just as friendly as you described. I’m sure this won’t be my last trip here.

A few days ago we had the opportunity to visit and tour the place where Belleek Pottery is made. I hesitate to call it a factory because it doesn’t feel like a factory, at all. It feels more like an art studio, a place where artisans are working to create the beautiful Belleek pieces we know and love. Since it’s so late, I have to keep this post brief. I took a lot of photos and I promise to give you a much better tour once I’m back home.


When traveling, I don’t normally buy a lot of souvenirs. I usually buy a couple of things for my grandchildren, 2-3 mementos for me and postcards for friends/family. I have a feeling this trip is going to be a bit different. I love so many of the wonderful treasures for which Ireland is known, things like wool sweaters, beautiful crystal and almost anything plaid or tweed.

Though I don’t own any Belleek pottery, I’ve always admired it. It’s so unique and so very Irish with its pretty shamrock pattern.


I wanted to purchase enough salad plates to create a table setting for a future Tablescape Thursday, but other lovelies caught my eye, so some tough decisions had to be made.


In the end I purchased three items from the Belleek Pottery Shoppe during my visit. One was this beautiful vase that I thought I’d enjoy using all year around, not just on St. Patrick’s Day.


I also purchased the adorable Shamrock Honey Pot pictured on the right. Love this piece!

But my largest purchased was….


…this beautiful castle lamp. Belleek had several lamps available for purchase, one was on sale for just €65. But when I saw this lamp, I knew it had to come home with me. It’s the perfect souvenir from this enchanting trip through Ireland where I’m sleeping in castles all along the way.


I promise to share more of beautiful Ireland and the wonderful castles in which we’re staying as soon as I’m back home. In the meantime, I’m posting daily on Instagram, so be sure to check out my posts there for real-time updates. I don’t always have Wi-fi during the day, so I tend to post several photos when it is available which is normally in the evening when I’m back at the castle. If interested, you can follow Between Naps on the Porch on Instagram here: Between Naps On The Porch.

Looking forward to all the tables linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

Tablescape Thursday

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  1. Fabulous trip and gorgeous photos, Susan. Is that really your view from your room (on IG)? Hope so–you deserve it and would be most appreciative.

  2. I love what you have chosen, especially the lamp! Oh I would have to bring home some Belleek as my granddaughter was born on St. Patrick’s Day! I knew that the moment she was born, my dad was looking down from the heavens with a big smile (he is of Irish heritage). Have fun Susan…so great to follow along on your wonderful journey….looking forward to seeing you soon!

  3. Susan, are you shipping these home or lugging them in a suitcase?

  4. Ireland! Of all the places I would go IF I would ever get on an airplane again in this life, Ireland is it!!! Have a fabulous time!

  5. Oh no… impossible to go back home from Ireland with NO Belleck peaces…
    It would be a crime, lol..
    Thank you for having the party up for us too.
    Enjoy your fabulous trip, Susan.

  6. I meant PIECES… sorry !


  7. Susan, I think you found the perfect souvenirs. These are pieces you will enjoy year round and will be thoughtful reminders of this fabulous trip. I like to take home meaningful souvenirs too. Your photos and descriptions are making my travel spirit dream of a trip of my own.
    Enjoy every minute!

  8. I’m enjoying your tour of the Belleek factory. While visiting I didn’t get to see it, probably a good thing since I love everything Love your choices, especailly the vase. Thanks for hosting, enjoy your trip……..

  9. Belleek is so beautiful! I have bought some salad plates and a few assorted items on eBay, but there’s nothing like buying it where it’s made. I love all your pieces, especially the honey pot. Your lamp is fabulous! Where will you put it in your home? You’re right in saying it will always remind you of this fabulous trip. I am loving your posts and look forward to them each day. Hope the sun has come out!

  10. Susan, the lamp is breathtaking. Belleek is so pretty and I have always admired it!

  11. What a beautiful building full of treasures! So glad you were able to take some home with you. The pieces are lovely. I passed up a bit of Belleek when I went Solvang a while ago, and am still kicking myself over it!!

  12. Love the pieces you bought……esp. the darling honey pot!!!

  13. I have a piece of Belleek and it is minus the shamrocks. Got at a thrift store for $1

  14. Linda Nixon says

    My daughter was born on St. Patricks day and my husband brought shamrocks to the hospital. I still have shamrocks from the original 53 years ago. We visited Ireland several years ago as my husbands family is from Ireland , Nixon, what would you expect. We did not get to go to Northern Ireland where the Belleek factory is as they were fussing up there at the time but we did buy some in Dublin. We did go to Waterford factory and bought some beautiful pieces there. I have the Belleek teapot, sugar, creamer , vases and big bowls. Did not see the honey pot. Would love to have it, also, the salad pieces. Ireland is probably our favorite place to visit outside of Charleston and Cape Cod. Our son visited Ireland this summer and did some genealogy research. Yes the landscape is so green and enjoyed the tiny roads and the hedge and rock walls. Dublin dept. stores, I think McCrary, (?) reminded me of the stores here in the 50’s. We rented a car and drove everywhere. My husband complained, not really, because he said he couldn’t drive and look at the same time. Driving on the “wrong” side of the road. We went during Christmas but they don’t decorate until a few days before Christmas. Have a wonderful time and tell us all about it when you get home. My son also is a beekeeper and I have all kinds of honey pots including a crystal Gorham one that was my mothers. I need that Belleek honey pot!

  15. The lamp is indeed lovely, but the honey pot is my favourite piece amongst your purchases! Looks like you’re having a marvellous time. Thanks for keeping up with the blogging while you are away – I’m sure it can be challenging.

  16. Linda Nixon says

    Meant to mention some Irish trivia. Did you know that Billy the kid was an Irish American outlaw. His father was from Co. Antrim and Jesse James was an Irish American outlaw. His father was from Co. Kerry. Have fun maybe you will run into their ghosts. Are you having meals in the pubs and taverns with bowls of pealed boiled Irish potatoes. We were served salads but they did not know about dressings. We finally asked for mayo. Thought that was strange. Otherwise food was fantastic.

  17. Thank you for sharing your newest adventure!!
    Ireland looks beautiful.
    Stay safe & ENJOY your trip Susan!!

  18. Oh how fabulous….Belleek is so beautiful, and nothing says “I’ve been to Ireland” like it…
    When traveling, my biggest worry, regarding things I purchase, is getting them home…. tI am guessing, because of their size and delicately , so will you ship them? I know you say you don’t usually do a lot of purchasing when traveling (me neither – because of the shipping hassle) I would love to hear how the shipping goes.

    Happy travels!

  19. The Belleck pieces you purchased are just beautiful and a perfect way to remember your trip. I have a few pieces but may add to my collection when we visit Ireland next week. I have enjoyed following your journey on Instagram.

  20. It sounds like a fabulous trip thus far. You must have been like a kid in a candy store while at the Belleek shop. Enjoy the rest of your trip! Safe travels to you

  21. Your trip sounds amazing! And tempting!

  22. I am shamrock green with envy over this Ireland trip! Love that you are having a great time. Wish I were there! LOL The lamp is really an awesome find and a perfect souvenir of your castle trip!

  23. Oh, Susan, your trip looks like it is turning out to be everything you hoped it would be! I’m shamrock green with envy at your actually being able to visit the Belleek “factory”; I’ve been a long-time admirer. Your choices were perfect and I can’t wait to see where you’ll display your Belleek lovelies. Thank you for taking us along with you on your journey. Have fun!!

  24. Thanks for sharing your trip with me. I am so envious. I love Beleek. I have some pieces that I have collected over the years. They are simply beautiful. I have always wanted the teapot and I adore your honey pot. Enjoy your time and blessings to you.

  25. Isn’t it wonderful that every place visited offers its own special look!

  26. Darlene Gardner says

    I love the beautiful pattern! I have the Christmas Tree Store version – which looks remarkably like this pattern. But, I love your lamp. What a beauty! Glad you are having a good time. What is the weather like? Cool?

  27. Oh, LOL, that’s not like letting a child loose in a candy factory or anything 🙂 Pretty pieces and will always give you happy reminders of your fun trip. Nice.

  28. Treasures each and every one!!! You GO GIRL (Lassie!!!) franki

  29. your trip looks absolutely amazing. thanks for sharing it with us. love all your purchases. xo- maryjo

  30. Marlene Stephenson says

    Thanks for bringing back so many memories, it is enchanted. Know you are having fun.

  31. Great selections! I want to know if you had them shipped to the states. SUrely you’re not carrying those, right?

  32. As an Irish girl, I am loving following you around Ireland. How is the weather? Did you buy wool socks yet? I got a pair of Irish dancing socks, too!

  33. Ann Butler says

    Susan you will love the lamp. I have had it for a few years now. Use it every night with a blue bulb for a sort of night light in the living room, my black cat does not like the dark very much. I also have a tray, small canister/ cookie jar and a covered casserole dish. I have I believe 6 wool sweaters also. Happy shopping and safe travels!

  34. I love Belleek china!! We have collected a couple of pieces over the years and hope to collect more. It is so nice that you were able to visit the place where they make it.

  35. Cyndi Raines says

    What beautiful pieces. Each evoke special thoughts and great memories when you get home. Can’t wait to see what beautiful sweaters you will buy. Lol So glad all is going well.

  36. Susan, good thing you cleaned out the cabinets and filled the new cabinets in the garage. More room for your Irish goodies !
    Is it as cool as everyone warned ?

  37. I love your choices! My mother had several pieces of Belleek china, including the tower vase to the left of your lamp! My younger daughter has been to Ireland twice, once in college and once on her honeymoon. When dividing up the household goods, we all thought she should get the Belleek!

  38. I’m off to Belleek on-line to see if I can buy the teapot that looks like a thatched-roof cottage. Hope Adare is on your list of stops. It’s not far from Adare to Cliffs of Moher. Adare is a village of homes, shops, and small restaurants – most of the small main street is thatched roofs. We stayed at the same B&B both times we were there. Thank you for posting with pictures; with you I’m going to places we haven’t been to (yet).

  39. I love that you always share your adventures with us!

  40. SANDY PARK says

    Susan, you are one lucky lady to be able to buy some Belleek in Ireland. Most of us just drool. Can’t wait to see all your pictures.

  41. Wow, Susan, that building definitely doesn’t look like a factory from the outside, either! Been waiting to see what you’d find there! Love your choices!

  42. Beautiful I will take one of each please. It made me giggle to think you had to get back to your castle to get WiFi connection.

  43. I can’t remember, where is the Beleek factory? We missed it when we went to Ireland last year. I hope your tour includes a tour of The House of Waterford factory and show room. The crystal in the show room will knock your socks off, and the prices are nearly half of U.S. retail prices. Thank you so much for posting your beautiful photos.

  44. Wonderful GORGEOUS post, however, I thought I was participating in Metamorphisis Monday, sorry I got my wires crossed, Sandi

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