Forty Shades of Green

Welcome to the 465th Tablescape Thursday!

I took the new tablescaping storage for a spin yesterday, and I have to say, it definitely made putting a table together for Tablescape Thursday a lot easier with everything so accessible. If you missed that previous storage post, you’ll find it here: Tablescaping Storage.

Screened Porch Dining and Entertaining


With an upcoming trip to Ireland just a few days away, I couldn’t resist having a little fun with this week’s table setting.

Green and White Table Setting, White Wicker Dining Set


Just like Ireland, my table is “40 shades of green.” Okay, maybe not 40, but there’s definitely a lot of green going on here. lol

Late Summer Dining on the Porch


This is the first time I’ve ever brought out Mr. Leprechaun for a non-St. Patrick’s Day table. He was a little bleary-eyed and confused at first, having been awaken from hibernation in the middle of August. He couldn’t understand how St. Patrick’s Day had rolled around again so quickly!

Celebrating Ireland with a Green and White Table Setting


After I explained I was heading off to his native country in a few days, he understood all the excitement and his interrupted slumber.

Limelight Hydrangeas from the Garden in a Green and White Table Setting


The Limelight Hydrangeas also cooperated, changing all their fluffy, white blossoms into a gorgeous shade of green for this table celebrating Ireland’s forty shades of green.

Noritake Carnivale in Green and White Table Setting


For this table setting I’m using Carnivale plates provided by Noritake. I love green and white together, it’s such a pretty combination that feels so fresh! The Carnivale pattern is available in several colors including blue, lavender, yellow and pink. See all the colors here: Carnivale by Noritake. 

Update: Noritake Carnivale is currently on sale 1/2 off here: Carnivale

Noritake Carnivale Salad Dessert Plates in Green & White Tablescape


View this table set with Noritake Carnivale in blue, here: Blue & White Carnivale Tablescape.


Butterflies have alighted on our napkins for a little rest…

Green & White Table Setting, Limelight Hydrangea Centerpiece


…while bees have settled down atop our flatware.

Whimsical Green & White Table Setting with Noritake Carnivale Dinnerware


The bee flatware is currently on sale here: Bee Flatware.


So many beautiful shades of green!

Limelight Hydrangeas from the Garden with a Sassy Leprechaun


I rediscovered this pretty pitcher during my recent organizing and storage project. With all the newly freed up cabinet space in the laundry room, I’ve been able to gather all my pitchers together in one place.

Happy Leprechaun for Table Setting


Thank you for all the great tips and suggestions you left on my recent “packing” post. I’ve taken your advice and ordered this thermal underwear and this pair of gloves for the trip. Hopefully I won’t need them but am glad I’ll have them, just in case. I’m also glad I purchased a larger travel handbag recently, I think I’m going to need that extra space for carrying gloves and such.

Green and White Tablescape with Leprechaun and Limelight Hydrangea Centerpiece


Looking forward to sharing the beautiful country that Johnny Cash sung about in his famous song, Forty Shades of Green. Ever since announcing I would be visiting Ireland, I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about the country and the lovely people who live there. Thanks for sharing so many wonderful details about your visits to Ireland, I’ve loved hearing them all!

I plan to post a few times while I’m away, but if you would like to follow in real time, be sure to check the BNOTP Instagram page HERE where I’ll be posting regularly each day.

Screened Porch Dining and Entertaining


Looking forward to all the tables linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

Tablescape Thursday

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  1. Bon Voyage.
    Do everything I would do. Bought the bag and organizer. The duck boots, only with a long shaft, and I’m not going anywhere. Just getting my Susan on.

  2. love your beautiful table accessories!!

  3. Love your Irish table, Susan! It sure brings more excitement to your upcoming trip, doesn’t it? Enjoy it!…Christine

  4. What a cute way to commemorate your departure to Ireland! I’ve always heard good things too! Someone I know went there (a good while ago) and said she went to the Waterford factory and it was cheaper to buy Waterford in the U.S. than it was there. I have no idea if that’s true but I remembered her saying that. Looking forward to pictures from your trip!

    • Thanks, Liz! I don’t think we’ll be visiting that area on this trip. Something tells me I will want to go back again one day, heard so many good things about Ireland.

  5. Green is my favorite color; may you never tire of it! Witty remarks about Mr. Leprechaun 🙂

    • You know, I have always said green was my favorite color and I love it, but recently it dawned on me, I buy more blue clothing than anything else. So now I’m starting to wonder if blue is really my favorite color. lol Nah, I still love green!

  6. How fun to do a table for your Ireland trip! And you know we are all so jealous that you could effortlessly pull out your St. Pat’s things in summer! So glad you are enjoying the fruits of your tablescaping organization~ Safe travels Susan!

  7. As always, a beautiful and fitting tablescape. I have the same travel handbag. It has been with me to London, on a cruise to France and Belgium, to Italy last fall, and will go with me to Ireland in in two weeks. I also use it when I travel as a camera case for my DSLR with an extra lens! Safe travels and have an amazing time.

  8. When I saw the picture for this post I thought, oh no…someone has hacked Susan’s blog. She would not be posting St. Pat’s day tablesetting in August!!! Of course once I read the reason behind the Irish celebration I understood you had not been hacked. I love, love, love that Carnivale china!!! By the way, those lovely shade of green Limelight blooms will dry beautifully if you leave them in that pitcher with a small amount of water. When you return from Ireland they will be ready to use in a permanent setting. Saying a prayer for safe travels as you embark on your next journey. Have a wonderful time and post lots of pictures to Instagram…please! Vikki in VA.

    • lol I know, it was very strange pulling Mr. Leprechaun out in August! I couldn’t resist though, since I have all things Irish on the brain this week. Thanks for that tip, Vikki! I’m going to try that. I accidentally dried some last year, just forgot to keep adding water and they dried really beautifully. I hope these do that, too.

  9. I love it! Have a great time.

  10. Your table looks so fresh and pretty. Just the thing the to get you more excited about your trip to Ireland.
    Have a wonderful time and I hope you find lots of pretty things to bring back.

  11. I love your Irish tablescape! Perfect for a Bon Voyage dinner party! Have a wonderful trip and safe travels! I can’t wait to see all of the pictures!

  12. Dawne Marie says

    I’m so excited about your trip! The tablescape makes it more fun! Safe Travels. Can’t wait till you arrive in Ireland. You’re my only reason for Instagram. Thanks f0r making me smile today Mr. Leprechaun. I’m an Irish girl.

  13. Bobbi Duncan says

    Another lovely table setting, Susan, and a perfect send off for your upcoming trip. I just know you will have the most wonderful time–wish I were going. Looking forward to all your pictures and sending my best wishes for a safe trip. Hugs!

  14. Have fun. Make sure to visit the shop at the Blarney Castle. After you kiss the Blarney Stone of course. I’ve wondered what brand is your wicker set?

    • Thanks, Linda…we do visit Blarney Castle and the Woolen Mill, but not sure I’m kissing that stone. lol Have you seen a photo of it lately, it’s literally black from all the kissing over the years. Wonder if they ever clean it or wipe it down with alcohol! I may just watch and take my chances on luck. lol
      I purchased the table and chairs, along with the seating group on the other side of the porch in Pier 1 back in 2008. I don’t remember if they had a brand name on them now, been too long. I don’t think they did.

  15. Pam Copple says

    Have a great time!! Ireland is on my bucket list, so can’t wait to see and hear about your trip. Have a pint for me!!

  16. What a fun LUCK OF THE IRISH tablescape! I haven’t said it in a while, but I want to say it again: Thank you for hosting this great link-up each week – and Met Monday, too. I hope you have a wonderful trip. 🙂

  17. A suggestion for you when shopping is to purchase some Irish coffee mugs for your coffee station. A great way to think about all the fabulous memories you will be creating when you return from your trip. Have a safe trip.

  18. Yes, I would imagine it was so much easier for you to tablescape now with your amazing organized situation.
    Thank you for hosting Susan.
    Have a wonderful time in Ireland and enjoy to it’s fullest, such an incredible country.

  19. Hi, Susan. Thanks for another wonderful Tablescape Thursday. I always look forward to your weekly tablescape and the many other linked posts I find here. Have a great trip. I will be traveling with you virtually.

  20. Love Thursdays because of your Tablescapes. Green is so fresh, clean and bright! Mr. Leprechaun seems very happy getting some fresh summer air.

    May you have a memorable, safe and fun time in Ireland. We will enjoy following along with you on Instagram.

  21. Susan, there are so many shades of green in Ireland…it is so lush! I am loving the “Carnivale” from Noritake and the green pattern is striking! This tablesetting gives the perfect nod to your upcoming trip! I linked up a Waterford Tablescape from our visit to the House of Waterford when we visited Ireland two summers ago? Are you by chance going to Waterford? I hope your trip is perfect!

  22. Such a lovely table. I love all the green and your theme. Thank you for hosting.

  23. I’m just “pea green with envy” as Scarlett would say, that I won’t be going to the Emerald Isle with your tour. But, there’s always the dream.

    As for Mr. Leprechaun, isn’t he supposed to sleep for 100 years? Oh, no–that was the folk of a little town called Brigadoon. But wait, that’s Scotland, so maybe he is a segue and a precursor of one of your future trips to wander through Scotland. Oh, the places you’ll be “scratching off your map.” Go dté tú slán, which is Gaelic for “may you go safely.”

  24. You are ALL coordinated and ready to go!! EnJOY!! franki

  25. Susan, this table is so pretty and precious! I love everything about it.

    It’s probably best to be ready for all kinds of weather in Ireland, but it may not be as cold as some are saying. Hubby and I were there for two weeks at th end of Sept last year and we never needed more than a windbreaker to stay warm. I specially bought cute bright red rubber boots for rainy days but I never had to use them. I only had to use my umbrella once or twice. I guess we lucked out.

    I don’t remember all of your itinerary but I hope it includes a tour of the Waterford Crystal factory. The factory tour is wonderful and you can buy fabulous pieces from the factory show room for about half of what you’d pay in the U.S.

    Have a wonderful trip and safe travels. Looking forward to seeing your gorgeous photography!

  26. Susan,
    Thank you for sharing lovely inspiring blogs.
    Travel safely and have a wonderful adventure.
    “May the road rise to meet you…..”

  27. Donna Maurer says

    Have a wonderful trip ! Ireland is wonderful and welcoming!

  28. Enjoy your trip! The table is beautiful, Susan. And so glad all your organizing efforts paid off. Travel safely!

  29. I am green with envy. Have a great time. Several of my friends have traveled there. Take lots of pictures.

  30. Cyndi Raines says

    How cute! A great way to show your green! What a wonderful time you will have, wish I was going. I wonder if you will be anywhere near the place where they filmed the movie, “The Quiet Man” with John Wayne and Maureen O’Hara? I will be looking for the wonderful pictures. Safe Journey!

  31. Susan, you are helping an old blogger friend get out of her rut! You knew me as envoy-ette from “It Could Be Worse”. I was one of your first followers! So happy to see your success and that you still set a table we all can envy! I’m on Facebook now, but am looking forward to a new blog to share my dishes! You’ve given me the ITCH!

  32. This is such a fun table, Susan! I love the fresh hydrangea clippings as embellishment in the little clover dishes, such a nice touch…and those Noriake plates (especially the blue and white) make me want to dance a jig! Have fun in Ireland!

  33. Enjoy this special trip! Ireland is magical and the people are the most friendly.

  34. I love the color green and your tablescape is lovely. Have a great trip.

  35. I am so looking forward to following you on IG while you are on your trip!!!

  36. Beautiful tablescape! I got so carried away reading that in the end I had so many tabs open I could barely read their names haha

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