6 Times I DIYed What I Could Not Find Or When The Cost Was Too High

Welcome to the 851st Tablescape Thursday! Since I will be on the road driving all day either tomorrow or on Friday (depends on the weather/road conditions) I'm posting this week's Tablescape Thursday a day early. Several of these projects are table, summer dining, or entertaining related, so now would be a great time to start planning if any of these projects sounds interesting to you. Have you ever come … [Read more...]

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Beautiful, Fragrant Gardenias in the Last Spring Table Setting for 2021

Welcome to the 664th Tablescape Thursday, a blog party sharing beautiful table settings for all occasions! The gardenia shrub just outside my garage is blooming up a storm right now. If you've ever smelled gardenias, you know how wonderfully fragrant they are! This shrub almost died during an ice storm a few years back. It has taken a while to recover but it seems to be fully back now, laden down with … [Read more...]

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A Sweet 16 Tea Party with a Fun, Jungle-Jaguar Theme

Welcome to the 601st Tablescape Thursday! A few months back Selma, a reader of BNOTP, hosted a wonderful Sweet 16 Tea for Virginia, the oldest daughter of a dear friend. Selma said, "It was extra special for me because my friend and her girls have been coming over for tea for at least 6 years. The first time they came for tea, Virginia (guest of honor) and Ella (her sister) were 10 and 8 respectively, … [Read more...]

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5 Creative Tablescapes for Halloween and Fall

Welcome to the 523rd Tablescape Thursday! This week I'm taking you back to a few of my favorite Halloween and Autumn table settings.  If you're new to reading here at BNOTP, you'll find all the Halloween tables linked under the category "Tablescapes" at the top of the blog. To access those, click on: Tablescapes/Holiday/Halloween. Or, you'll find them all here: Halloween Tablescapes. Fall Tablescapes … [Read more...]

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Welcoming Autumn with a Colorful Table Setting in Shades of Red, Gold and Brown

Welcome to the 521st Tablescape Thursday! With the official first day of autumn just a couple of days away, I'm  sharing a fall-ish table setting for this week's Tablescape Thursday. Still very warm here--reaching the 90's each day (which I love) but I know the cooler temps will be headed this way before too long.   I kept the centerpiece simple, using a red lantern I've had for several … [Read more...]

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5 Creative Tables for Summer

Welcome to the 516th Tablescape Thursday! I can't believe it's already August! Thankfully, it will still be warm here in the south for another month or two. My heart is still in summer, fall will get here soon enough! For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I'm sharing a few of the tables I've set this summer.   Click on any title below to view that table setting in more detail. Happy … [Read more...]

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One Dish, Many Celebrations

Welcome to the 478th Tablescape Thursday! Hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends this week. I'm away enjoying visiting with family, so don't have a table to share, but I have something table related that I hope you'll enjoy. Recently I purchased something as a Christmas gift for a family member and loved it so much, I purchased one for myself, as well. You may remember … [Read more...]

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Forty Shades of Green

Welcome to the 465th Tablescape Thursday! I took the new tablescaping storage for a spin yesterday, and I have to say, it definitely made putting a table together for Tablescape Thursday a lot easier with everything so accessible. If you missed that previous storage post, you'll find it here: Tablescaping Storage.   With an upcoming trip to Ireland just a few days away, I couldn't resist … [Read more...]

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A Breakfast Brunch with Good Friends

Welcome to the 459th Tablescape Thursday! In 2000, Martha tore down an old rotting screened porch and replaced it with a 4-season sunroom. Martha said, "It is my refuge! I like to set tables out there when I can and eat where we can hear the fountain and look at the flowers." Martha's sunroom is the perfect spot for entertaining. Martha said, "Recently, I had my supper club over for a brunch. My … [Read more...]

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Sunflower Centerpiece for a 4th of July Table Setting

Welcome to the 458th Tablescape Thursday! We've been having the most beautiful weather lately, perfect for setting a table out on the porch.   Today's table is all about sunflowers, well--the 4th of July AND sunflowers! :)   I always love using Sakura Warren Kimble flag dinnerware for 4th of July tablescapes. Really it's good for any time of the year but it's especially fun … [Read more...]

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Decorating Ideas, Games & Party Favors for a Festive Bee-Themed Party

Welcome to the 439th Metamorphosis Monday! There's 1 day left to enter the giveaway for a $500 Shopping Spree Credit to Noritake China! If you still haven't thrown your name in the hat, you can do that here: $500 Store Credit to Noritake China. Each year Debbie, a BNOTP reader, hosts a "My Favorite Things" Party. In case you missed it I shared her 2017 party in this post: Breakfast at Tiffany's Party … [Read more...]

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You’re Invited to a French “Queen Bee” Party!

Welcome to the 457th Tablescape Thursday! Recently, I shared Debbie's wonderful, 3rd Annual, My Favorite Things, party. If you missed that post, you'll find it here: Breakfast at Tiffany's Brunch Event. I asked Debbie if she took photos of her first My Favorite Things party which she planned with a "French Queen Bee" theme, and she did! A couple of days ago I shared three adorable bee-themed wreaths … [Read more...]

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A Fabulous “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” Brunch Event

Welcome to the 455th Tablescape Thursday! Recently in a post I mentioned loving the color, "Tiffany Blue." Debbie, a reader of BNOTP, e-mailed to say that she also loves that color and would soon be hosting her 3rd Annual "My Favorite Things" party brunch at her home. Debbie wrote, "My friends and family call me the "Queen of Theme" and got a huge kick out of my French Queen Bee (with honey and lemon … [Read more...]

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17 Charger Plate Ideas for Your Next Dinner Party

Welcome to the 454th Tablescape Thursday! Whenever I set a table for friends or family, I often use a charger plate underneath the dinner plate. I love the way they enhance a setting, adding another pretty layer and providing a base for each place setting. They are also practical as they help catch drips that would otherwise fall on the table or tablecloth. Back in early 2008, before I ever began … [Read more...]

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A Garden Party with the Birds and the Bees

Welcome to the 450th Tablescape Thursday! I was in the mood for a springtime table this week. It all started when I shared this bee flatware that's currently on sale in my last post. I hadn't used it in a table setting in a while and I missed it!   We're off to a garden party for this week's Tablescape Thursday!   I kept the centerpiece simple--just a vase of beautiful … [Read more...]

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Blue and White Table Setting for a Special New Year’s Eve Dinner

Welcome to the 435th Tablescape Thursday! Recently I received an email from Gina saying, "Some friends gathered at our house for the annual New Year's dinner and the blue and white china was used.  It's was a fun time in that we discussed what we learned and (won't do again) and what we expect to accomplish for 2017." What a fun dinner that must have been. I would love to have heard what everyone … [Read more...]

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Biscuit Making, Take II & What I’m Stalking-Loving for the Table

Welcome to the 421st Tablescape Thursday! Every so often I have to spend some time working on the technical end of the blog...this past week was that time. With my hosting services help, BNOTP was moved to a newer, faster server, so hopefully, you're finding things a bit speedier each time you visit. Pagination Now Works! If you were one of the dearhearts who has emailed or asked how to get to the … [Read more...]

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We’re All Quite Mad Here! An Alice in Wonderland Mad Hatter Party

Welcome to the 415th Tablescape Thursday! Last October, Elena threw a fabulous Mad Hatter Dinner/Tea Party for her parents who were celebrating their 86th and 87th birthdays! The party was a big celebration and Elena ended up setting five tables, three indoor and two outdoor. Elena created the cutest "tipsy teacup towers" to use as centerpieces for each of the tables. The main dining table here in the … [Read more...]

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Romantic Candlelight Dinner on the Porch

Welcome to the 410th Tablescape Thursday! I've been saving clear bottles for a couple of years in hopes of one day creating this table setting. I was surprised by how long it took to save the bottles, seems like every tall drink comes in a colored bottle. Recently when I was cleaning out the garage and came across the bottles, I decided it was finally time to put this little table together here on the … [Read more...]

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Your Fruity Coconut Drink Awaits

Welcome to the 408th Tablescape Thursday! Last November I joined The Property Brothers and a couple thousand of my closest friends for Drew and Jonathan's first ever Sailing with the Scotts Cruise.   It was a blast meeting Drew and Scott and they are just as nice in person as they are on TV. Try to ignore my completely starstruck face! lol   It had been a very long time … [Read more...]

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In The BNOTP Library: A Passion for Parties

Party season is just around the corner...will you be hosting any parties for Halloween or the upcoming holiday season? The book I'm featuring today is filled with gorgeous ideas for parties year around.   In the BNOTP Library: A Passion for Parties Author: Carolyne Roehm 3 Things I Like About This Book: If I never followed a single idea is this gorgeous book and never gave another … [Read more...]

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My Living Room Is Hiding A Secret

My living room is hiding a secret. It's just a little secret, nothing earth shattering.   See that area behind the seating group, the one with the built-in cabinetry and bookshelves? The secret is underneath the tall lamp I have there. Can you guess what it is?   It's this! Did you guess you would find a sink under there? The sink still works, I ran a little water in it again … [Read more...]

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In The BNOTP Library: Essentially Lilly: A Guide to Colorful Entertaining

When I sat down to write this BNOTP library post, I couldn't remember exactly when I had purchased the book I'm sharing this evening. I looked it up on Amazon and it was on February 19th of this year. Seeing that made me smile because it made perfect sense. I was undoubtedly looking for some relief from the cold, drab days of winter, a reminder that summer would be here again in all its vibrant beauty. … [Read more...]

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