A Little Christmas Holiday Tablescape Inspiration, Can’t Believe It’s Just 2 Weeks Away!

Welcome to the 846th Tablescape Thursday! I'm currently working on a fun holiday table that I'll be sharing next week. In the meantime, here are a few ideas that I hope you'll find helpful as you prepare your holiday table settings and Christmas Decor. (Click the title of any post to access that post in full.) One of my favorite decorations or centerpieces for a holiday dinner party is a decorative fruit … [Read more...]

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Add A Bit Of Whimsy To Your Decor—Especially Love The Holiday Ones!

Thanks so much for all your thoughtful and helpful comments on my previous post. I read all of them and appreciate so much your input. After I pull together a few more of the pieces that I hope to add to my office, I should have a better idea how I feel about the rug. I'll be sure to share those updates if/when they occur. Again, thanks for all your input and ideas! Now that Halloween has passed and we … [Read more...]

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Decorate Your Home for Autumn with Whimsical Touches of Halloween!

Welcome to the 715th Metamorphosis Monday! Happy New Week! I have a delightful fall decor makeover to share for this week's Met Monday! Jillian is all ready for Halloween and Autumn and the fun starts right here at the front door.   Please note: This area is designated for "Broom Parking Only, Violators Will Be Toad!" Ha!   Eeek! Bats everywhere! Love the cattail … [Read more...]

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Planning Ahead for Autumn and Thanksgiving Holiday Tables

Welcome to 678th Tablescape Thursday! Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma are having some of the same issues a lot of companies are having right now, they are having trouble getting stock into the stores. When I visited Pottery Barn yesterday, I didn't see nearly as many holiday-themed goodies as I would normally expect to see.   I thought these pumpkin-shaped bowls were really cute! There … [Read more...]

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Awesome Deal for Preserved Boxwood Wreaths

I don't normally post on Sundays but I came across a deal this weekend that expires today, so I'm sharing it in a quick post just in case it's helpful in your upcoming holiday decorating. Update added 11-2-15: It looks like they still have the 10% off deal going on, which is great! Tip: If it shows the wreath is out of stock for your store, click in the box that looks like this one below and you'll be … [Read more...]

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