A Little Christmas Holiday Tablescape Inspiration, Can’t Believe It’s Just 2 Weeks Away!

Welcome to the 846th Tablescape Thursday! I'm currently working on a fun holiday table that I'll be sharing next week. In the meantime, here are a few ideas that I hope you'll find helpful as you prepare your holiday table settings and Christmas Decor. (Click the title of any post to access that post in full.) One of my favorite decorations or centerpieces for a holiday dinner party is a decorative fruit … [Read more...]

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3 Christmas Tables & A Snowy Christmas Cottage

Welcome to the 587th Tablescape Thursday! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you! Since Christmas is just a week away, for this week's Tablescape Thursday I'm sharing three of my fave Christmas tables from the past. This would be a fun table to re-create for my grandsons one day. If you have a collection of small lit houses, consider using them as your centerpiece for your holiday table. (Click the … [Read more...]

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2 Beautiful Christmas Table Settings: Elegant in Silver, Festive in Red

Welcome to the 534th Tablescape Thursday! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Hope you are having a special time visiting with family and friends! We're all still in a holiday state of mind here as the new year approaches. Over this past week, I received wonderful photos of beautiful Christmas table settings from two lovely BNOTP readers. Norma set an elegant Christmas table in shades of white and … [Read more...]

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20 Ways To Make Your Christmas Merry & Bright

Welcome to the 354th Metamorphosis Monday! Christmas is just 45 days away and I've noticed lots of folks are Pinning and Instagramming Christmas ideas for inspiration. At the top of BNOTP, you'll find a category called, Holiday Home. Under Holiday Home, you'll find a subcategory called, Christmas. Under Christmas you'll find lots of decorating ideas, house tours, crafts, movies, recipes, tablescapes … [Read more...]

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3 Party Table Settings with Coca-Cola Dishware and Coke Memorabilia

Welcome to 226th Tablescape Thursday! Greetings!  How is your week going?  I've been dragging my feet taking down my Christmas decorations.  I decided this year to not rush things and just enjoy them a little longer. The last few weeks we've been touring the wonderful home of Governor and Marie Barnes decorated for the Christmas season. Today we're going down these stairs for a tour of the … [Read more...]

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A Christmas Dinner Party

Welcome to the 224th Tablescape Thursday! Three or four weeks ago I posted this tablescape below for a Tablescape Thursday.  Sunday I had a little dinner party and at first I set the table with my Lenox, Winter Greetings pattern.  At the last minute, I decided the table was feeling a bit more formal than I wanted for this gathering.  I wanted our party to feel more cozy and casual.  So I decided to … [Read more...]

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A Christmas Tablescape on the Porch

Welcome to the 222nd Tablescape Thursday! Here we are, on the porch in December!  This is the very first tablescape I've ever created on the porch during the month of December.  With temps in the 70's, I couldn't resist.  Seems a little strange having a bottle tree in view while gazing at a Christmas table setting.   This regal-looking guy was the inspiration for this weeks tablescape.  I … [Read more...]

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A Cozy, Woodland Setting

Welcome to the 221st Tablescape Thursday!  (Pssst:  The seasonal footer at the bottom of BNOTP is all decked out with Christmas and Holiday posts.) As I put this table setting together yesterday, I thought I was creating a Christmas tablescape.  Once I sat down and began writing my post, I realized this is really a great "transition" table, a table that's as much at home for a fall or Thanksgiving dinner … [Read more...]

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Christmas Tablescape with a Lemon & Lime Centerpiece

Welcome to the 174th Tablescape Thursday! Greetings!  Hope you’ve been having a wonderful day!  My day has been a little wacky.  I had an eye exam this morning and I forgot when you go for an eye exam, they dilate your eyes.   So, if these pics look a little blurry, you’ll know why.  lol  It was definitely a challenge taking photos and sorting them with partially dilated eyes. I love the “Colonial … [Read more...]

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A Mercury-Glass Christmas Tree Table Setting

Welcome to the 173rd Tablescape Thursday! Several months ago I was shopping in Marshall's and I came across a mercury-glass Christmas tree. It was very early in the season and the stores were just starting to get Christmas stuff in. The tree was only $12.99 so I purchased it with the idea of buying a few more for my Christmas table setting this year. I was envisioning a centerpiece filled with pretty, … [Read more...]

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Santa Claus is Coming to Town

Welcome to The 172nd Tablescape Thursday! Greetings and Happy Holidays! I've been working on a tablescape in the dining room this week, but I'm short one thing I need to complete it. So, last night I put together a totally different table setting in the breakfast room.  While taking pics today, I played around a little with a setting on my camera called "effects."  I've included a few pics taken in the … [Read more...]

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Christmas Table Setting with Apple Tree Centerpiece

Welcome to the  122nd Tablescape Thursday! Christmas is almost upon us. My son and his sweetie arrived today and we haven't stopped talking, yet.  So much catching up to do.  I know you are just as busy at your home, so I'm keeping the pics to a minimum this evening. Tonight's tablescape is one of the tablesettings we'll enjoy over the next few days. The centerpiece is Colonial Williamsburg inspired and … [Read more...]

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Twelve Days of Christmas Table Setting

Welcome to the 121st Tablescape Thursday! Happy Tablescape Thursday! It's been sooo interesting today reading all the comments left on the Horchow tablescape. Please remember, Tablescape Thursday is NOT about rules. It's about having fun and creating pretty tablesettings that add to the enjoyment of dining with friends and family. I do "generally" go by the suggested "rules" for setting a table. But, I'm … [Read more...]

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Snowman Follies

Welcome to the 73rd Tablescape Thursday! It's been unusually cold here in Georgia this winter...we even had a bit of snow.   Snow in Georgia calls for a tablescape with a wintery feel.   Spied these snowman plates at HomeGoods a few months back and couldn't resist. When I had family here for Christmas, we used them for dessert; today they are salad plates in our … [Read more...]

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Beautiful Christmas Table Settings

Welcome to the 71st Tablescape Thursday! It's time for Tablescape Thursday and this is our very last TT for the year 2009. Are you looking forward to 2010? I believe 2010 is going to be an awesome year...I just feel it down to my bones. :-) This past Met Monday, I took you on a Christmas Home Tour through Tricia's lovely, historic, Victorian cottage. During the tour, I teased you with a glimpse of her … [Read more...]

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Historic Homes Decorated for Christmas

Did you get a chance to visit the wonderful "Before and Afters" posted yesterday for Met Monday? If not, scroll down and check them out once you are done reading today's post. You will come away inspired by all the creative projects and home improvements that are taking place in Blogland! My friend, Bonnie, had the opportunity to go on a wonderful historic home tour recently in Campbell, California. She … [Read more...]

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Holiday Table Settings by the Readers of BNOTP

Happy Saturday! Are you having a fabulous weekend? Shopping done, or are you still looking for that perfect gift? I'm done (thank goodness) except for a few more gifts for stockings. Several weeks ago, I announced that on Saturdays, during the month of December, I'd love to posts pics of tablescapes created by Non-bloggers who are readers of BNOTP. Well, you guys got busy tablescaping and I've been … [Read more...]

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Mad About Plaid

Welcome to the 66th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Thanksgiving, this Tablescape Thursday! After posting Thanksgiving tablescapes all week, how about a whimsical Christmas table setting? I took pics in different types of lighting...amazing all the different looks you get by just changing the lighting.   Tilted the shutters closed to enjoy the candlelight a bit.   Love those … [Read more...]

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