Tour a Beautiful Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas, Part VI

We’re back today to tour the absolutely adorable room Marie Barnes, wife of Governor Roy Barnes, created for her four precious granddaughters.  I was thinking this would be the last post but I may have one more to share with you showing their terrace level with a wonderful “gifting wrapping station.”  I had serious envy over that gift-wrapping room!

As you enter this whimsical, delightful room Marie put together for her granddaughters, you’re greeted with a darling lit wreath.  I’d be tempted to leave this up even once Christmas has past.  I love the bright, cheerful colors!

Okay, close your eyes, take my hand and I’ll take you inside.  Prepare yourself for the cutest little girls room ever!

White Wreath with Pink, blue and Green Ornaments for Little Girl's Bedroom

I was completely enchanted with this room.  It will be all I can do to not use the word “whimsical” forty-eleven times in this post!   This photo below doesn’t show the fourth bed but you can just barely see it over against the wall on the left of this picture.



Marie decorated the foot of each bed in a similar fashion to how she decorated the beds in her grandson’s Georgia Bulldog room in this post: Tour a Beautiful Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas, Part V

End of Bed (Footboard) Decorated in Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds and Shades of Light Chandelier and Sconces

I love it!  Let’s step a bit closer for a better look.

Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds and Shades of Light Chandelier and Sconces

So cute and yes, soooo whimsical!

Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds and Shades of Light Chandelier and Sconces

Marie found this delightful bedding in HomeGoods.  The beds and dresser are from Pottery Barn.  I get the Pottery Barn Kids catalog in the mail and I so wish their furniture was around when my son was small.  They have the market cornered on amazingly beautiful children’s furniture, I think.

Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds and Flowered Bedding

In this view you can see the other bed in this room, as well as the cute Pottery Barn dresser.  I like how the iron beds are open and don’t crowd the room like four wood beds might do.

Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds and Flowered Bedding

As I’ve been sharing all the wonderful decorations throughout Marie’s home, several folks have asked if Marie does all the decorating herself.  The answer is, yes.  The only help she gets is with the heavy lifting which includes bringing 14 trees out of storage and anything requiring a tall ladder, like the large ornaments you see hanging here in her granddaughter’s bedroom.

Girl's Pottery Barn Dresser Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds

Remember the Christmas tree tucked into the beautiful turret in the dining room.  The turret continues upward and holds a beautiful Christmas tree here in this bedroom, as well.

Pink Girl's Bedroom Decorated with Whimsical Christmas Tree

So fun!

Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds and Shades of Light Chandelier and Sconces 03

The chandelier is from Shades of Light.  I had a little hissy fit over the chandelier and the wall sconces.  They are beautiful!

Shades of Light Chandelier in Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds

My pics do not do it justice, it was so perfect for this space.

Shades of Light Chandelier in Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds

It was hard to photograph the wall sconces but they were just as wonderful.  Each bed had a wall sconce nearby for lighting.

Shades of Light Wall Sconce in Pink Girl's Bedroom with Pottery Barn Beds

When the Barne’s first grandchild was born, Truett Cathy, Owner of Chick-fil-A, gave the Barnes a cute rocking cow.

Chick-fil-A Rocking Cow

Inside the closet the fun continues with darling “dress-up” clothes.  Isn’t this what every little girl would like to see inside her closet? 🙂

Storage for Dress-up Clothes in the Closet in Girl's Bedroom

Hope you enjoyed this tour of the granddaughter’s bedroom in this beautiful Victorian home.  Hope to share the terrace level with you soon.

You’ll find additional posts/tours of the Barnes beautiful Victorian Home here:

Tour a Beautiful Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas, Part I (Exterior, Entry, Powder Room)

Tour a Beautiful Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas, Part II (Library, Study and Beautiful Dining Room)

Tour a Beautiful Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas, Part III (Gourmet Kitchen, Breakfast Room with Peppermint and Gingerbread Theme)

Tour a Beautiful Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas, Part IV (Great Room and Outdoor Entertaining Spaces)

Tour a Beautiful Victorian Home Decorated for Christmas, Part V (Elegant Master Bedroom, University of Georgia (Bulldog) Themed Bedroom)

Four Beautiful Christmas Table Settings, One Gorgeous Victorian Home

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  1. Dorinda Selke says

    OMG – I could never imagine such an adorable, gorgeous room!! What fun for any little girl — I know my 2-year-old granddaughter, Brooke, would just love every inch of it, as she loves all my decorating , trees and villages this year! Marie has quite the knack for decorating, and I wish to thank both her and the former Governor for opening their beautiful home at Christmastime for us to have a peek!! Thanks again, Susan. I look forward to your last installment on this marvelous tour. XO Dorinda

  2. I want to move in!!! And sleep in this room! So adorable. I would LOVE to know where she finds some of her decorations, IE, the huge ornaments on the lawn and the package “topiaries” in this room. Happy new year!!!! XO, pinky

    • marie barnes says

      the lawn ornaments are from Frontgate and the package topiaries are from Heeney and company ( a floral warehouse). thanks again for the wonderful post.

  3. OMG. I love every inch of this house. Beautiful. I remember my SIL pointing it out the last time we were in GA.
    You must show us the giftwrapping room.
    I would love to tour this house. Wonder how you would find out when it’s open for a tour.
    Thanks again to you and Mrs. Barnes for sharing the house with us.

    • marie barnes says

      i usually do a Marietta Garden Council tour in December. you can check the website of the Marietta Garden Center in August or Sept to get a phone number to call and check to see when the dates are. we have not set a day for this coming year’s tour. or maybe i will jsut email susan and she can let you know when we set the date.

  4. What an amazing room for little girls! Love the furnishings as well as the Christmas decorations. Thanks for showing another room of the Barnes’ home and thanks to the Barnes’ for opening up their home for us to see some superb decorating!

  5. Hi Susan, I had fun showing off your site to a friend who was visiting today! Besides reviewing all the parts of the governor’s house in Georgia, we enjoyed seeing your holiday decorating throughout the seasons! I love this little girl’s room, and since I have a one year old granddaughter, well, pottery barn…watch out! LOL For that matter, I loved the bunk beds and decor in the boys’ room as well! My friend loved seeing the outside decorations and would like to know where the ornaments came from and/or what they are made of. I need to look back and see if you said that already! We had a great visit sharing your lovely site, thanks so much for the inspiration! Our friends were here for a couple days, including New Year’s Eve, so having read your blog, I was inspired to set a nice table. Since we are all North Carolina State Fans, and they’d played a bowl game on New Year’s Eve, I set the table in red and white and carried the team spirit through the evening. Thanks again for the inspiration, I love your site! Helen

    • Thanks so much, Helen! I don’t think I’ve asked Marie about the lawn ornaments and what they are made of, but several folks have asked about that recently….and where she found those. I’ll ask her about that. I bet your table was beautiful!

    • marie barnes says

      the large ornament on the lawn are from Frontgate and i think they are made of resin.

  6. Oh my, oh my…can she adopt me?….the room is absolutely gorgeous….How wonderful it is that she is able to have a room just for her granddaughters….they are so very fortunate to have such amazing grandparents who obviously loves them so much….Now…I have one questions…how long does it take Marie to decorate?….just so many gorgeous items with such attention to detail…..and yes, Susan, I hope you present her wrapping room…I have a friend that has one and I am in total envy!….Happy New Year Susan!

  7. What a beautiful room for four little granddaughters. Makes me wish I was about 5 or 6 years old living in that house. How wonderful would that be.:)

  8. It just gets MORE better and better!!! This was fantasyland!! Can’t wait for the next episode! franki

  9. I’ve enjoyed all of the posts from this series. Every one of your pictures is delightful and lets us see this wonderful home. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Looking forward to the next post. Happy New Year to you and your family!! ♥♫

  10. OMG – I want to live here! (The heck with any grandkids…lol)

  11. Just precious! Wow- the level of detail that she puts into the decorating is out of this world! Thanks for sharing susan!

  12. Oh, my gosh!! What an adorable little girls’ room!! I love every, single detail and I’d love to have the bedding for one of our guest rooms. The tree is amazing and I love the topsy, turvy package stands. I wonder how she made them. Thank you for taking us inside this beautiful home for the holidays!! I sure have enjoyed the visit!!

  13. Melinda Auvigne says

    Your granddaughters room is just amazing. I am getting ready to do my granddaughters room in the pinks, creams, and blacks. Where did you find the chandelier and wall sconces they are perfect.

    Thank you and Happy New year!

    • marie barnes says

      they were a catalogue call shades of light. i don’t think they have them anymore because i wanted two more chandeliers to put in the celing of the room.

  14. What little girl wouldn’t feel like a Princess having her own very Turret and all the other delights. The Christmas decor is also amazing. Favourites of mine has to be the tower of wrapped gift boxes flanking the tree and the child’s artwork of the Nativity Scene. THANK YOU so much Marie and Susan for the grand tour of a room fit for a child’s imagination of royalty or for whomever she wishes to be.
    Bonne Année à vous et au vôtre! (Happy New Year to you and yours!) -Brenda-

  15. Ohhh..sweet! Lola, the Noukie, is riding the little rocking cow. I love Belgian Noukies, I carry them in my shop. : )

    Happy New Year!!

    : )

    Julie M.

  16. Just precious! Wonderful post. That room is a little girl’s dream of what Heaven is like! The touches of purple and kiwi green liven up the pink. Delicious white chandelier and sconces. Holiday swags on the footboards? Adorable, that’s all there is to it!

  17. Linda Page says

    I think the beautiful bedroom should stay decorated all year long! It would be wonderful to sleep in a decorated bed all the time. This room is any little girl’s dream room. I really love the large ornaments hanging from the ceiling. Thanks for taking us on this magical tour. I’m so glad we have one more to go.

  18. My 6 year old daughter and I have enjoyed this series very much! My daughter was born on Christmas day and so that is “her” holiday– she loved seeing an entire house decorated with Christmas trees!
    This room is just lovely, as are all the others. So many ideas in this beautiful home:)

  19. Sharon McMurray says

    Wow I bet their granddaughters have a hard time leaving this room!

  20. I am loving all the post you are doing on this home. Thank you for sharing with us.

  21. Such wonderful decorations. I’m just amazed at the quantity of decorations that each room (and outside) has. Love your post and your tablescapes too.

  22. I want to be HER Granddaughter!!!

  23. Such a lovely, and yes, whimsical room! I smiled when I saw the sconces. Up until two weeks ago we had the same ones but we left them behind when we moved. They’re even prettier in person, right?m

    • Oh, Doreen…I think I would have had to take them with me! I love those!

      • I hear ya! But we moved to a rental for a year and they wouldn’t work at our weekend cabin. But in spite of that, I DID insist on taking two gorgeous chandys which are now being stored in the garage. Not sure where they will end up but I couldn’t leave them behind no matter what. They’re exactly the same size and shape, but mine have crystals hanging and the thing that holds the candle is crystal in a soft peach/amber color. I just sent you a pic :).

  24. This is just darling. I am surprised she does not have people lined up in front of her house wanting to move in; young and old.

  25. Vicki Patton says

    Oh Wow! I have a collection of Marie Osmaond dolls that would look wonderful in that room. Thank you Marie and Susan….and did you know Dillards had their HUGE annual sale today????? I racked up on some serious dinnerware and Christmas!

  26. I have truly enjoyed visiting Govenor and Mrs Barnes’ home (via your wonderful postings) and am in awe of her beautiful decorations as well as her gorgeous home. Thank you for taking me along on this wonderful, whimisical Christmas trip! I have sincerely enjoyed every step of the way!

  27. WOW! I love it! Every room was beyond wonderful. I would love to have a peak in her attic to see how she stores all this amazing “stuff”. Thank you so much for taking us on this tour.

  28. WOW! This whole house is like a fairy tale, what fun it must be to visit there as a child. Thanks so much for sharing this incredible place!

  29. Delightful! Every girl is a Princess !!

  30. Susan,
    A D O R A B L E!!!
    Reminds me, somewhat, of the room my MoMa designed for me when I was 7 years old!!!
    Pink & white sweetness!!!
    The chandelier and wall scones are so darling!!!
    I agree, totally, that Pottery Barn for Kids is the most amazing catalog on the market!!!
    Thanks for sharing this Tour of Homes for the Holidays!!!
    Happy New Year!!! 2013 is going to be GRAND, indeed!

  31. Absolutely darling! Thanks for sharing and happy new year.

    PS – We purchased the Pottery Barn “look-alike” bedroom set from JC Penny’s for my 9 year old step son. Not only does it look just like the PB set at 1/3 the cost, but it has held up through a boy’s wear and tear.

  32. Hi, Susan!
    Happy New Year to you!
    And, of course, to Governor Roy and Marie Barnes, too!
    I think they don’t have four granddaughters, they do have
    four PRINCESSES! Their “girlie” room is much prettier than any kids room at Disneyworld! 🙂
    Looove it!
    P.S. Susan, did you change your layout? (Today, the posts excerpts are lined up…?)
    ~Hugs to you~

    • Yep. I thought it would help the home page appear more orderly and less busy. Cecilia, if there appear to be any big gaps between the post, clear the cache on your browser and that should pull them closer together. I think I’m liking the new layout…hope you do to. 🙂
      Happy New Year to you!

  33. Just when I thought this house could not look any better….you show us this absolutely divine bedroom. Amazing. I love the decorations on the beds and the turret is just perfect for the tree. I can just imagine all the giggling which goes on in that room when they should be sleeping. All the dress up occasions with the costumes. The room is like a fairy story.
    I think Marie has the heart of a child to produce such a perfect room for her granddaughters. I live too far away to take a tour of this wonderful house, so we must live vicariously through Susan’s posts.
    Thank you Marie for opening your home to us. Cannot wait to see the final rooms.

  34. Be still my heart! Love the garland on the bottom of their beds. So cute!

  35. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Thanks to Marie for opening her doors and sharing all her hard work. I love all the details of the house and the Christmas decor.

  36. So ready for your next post.

  37. Mary from Virginia says

    Like the other commenters, I want to move in, or at least be there when Mrs. Barnes begins decorating. Just going through the boxes of all the goodies would be a treat. I now feel the need to decorate the end of my bed with a beautiful garland!

    Thank you again for the GREAT and entertaining post!

  38. Thank you so much for the wonderful series. Thank you Governor Roy and Marie Barnes for sharing your beautiful home with us. What a gorgeous home, filled with so much love, fun, and family! It has given me so many great ideas to try next year.

  39. WOWEE! Every room is gorgeous and decorated with such love. Thank Mrs Barnes for sharing her extraordinary house!

  40. Absolutely beautiful!!


  41. Susan,
    Do you have any information about the dolls with lamps/lights in front of the Christmas tree? They are amazing! I have to have them! Please!
    Thank you so much for posting this! Your pictures/stories are such a treat!

  42. And do we know the paint color? because I really love it and would love to have it for my guest room. It reminds me of Behr’s Kiss and Tell only a little lighter. Just Gorgeous!

  43. Yes, that beautiful pink wall color. I am still drooling over it, and I am not even a pink kinda girl but I am doing my guest room in a Victorian theme.

  44. Thank you so much! I appreciate it.

  45. Oh my word, what can I say?? Except that it’s better than a movie set, it’s so amazing..wish I was one of her little granddaughters, lol!! I have two little girls, but my guest room is nothing like taht, although it has an antique brass and motehr of pearl bed from their great grandma. I’m so very impressed. She also has a lot of patients or does she have some help. Thank you for sharing Susan. Happy Easter weekend.

  46. WOW – absolute dream of a room! My favorite is the Christmas Tree, and I would love some ideas on how she put it together! My favorite color has always been pink and I loved every single thing about this room…especially the gingerbread house at the foot of the tree and the amazing bed garlands!

  47. Candi from California says

    I’m a bit late to the party, as I am viewing the post of this gorgeous home in December 2014! Mrs. Barnes, you have created a lovely home that speaks directly to my heart. I have never been to Georgia, but would love to tour your home if I ever find myself wandering through your lovely state. Thank you for sharing your home with all of us.

  48. Mrs. Barnes,
    Thank you for sharing your enchanting, whimsical, fun loving home through Susan’s posts.
    I can’t even imagine doing all that work by myself.
    Every room, wall, hallway, stairs, steps, fireplace, table and bed was more delightful than the next.
    I think you missed your calling as an interior decorator to say the least..
    Truly, I enjoyed my Fairy tale ride through your long hard work and Susan’s impeccable details about it all. SM

    • Marie Barnes says

      Thanks so much for your kind comments. I start this so late and I only do things I like. It has evolved into the production you see today.

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