Update on Necklace Spacer & Protect Your Bracelet While Cleaning or Gardening

Update on the Necklace Spacer

Several folks had asked that I update them on how the necklace spacer worked. Mine arrived a couple of days ago and I immediately took off both my necklaces, attached them and put it to work. The result? It worked great! My necklaces stayed tangle-free all day. I’m very pleased!

Tip: If you change clothes while wearing your necklaces/necklace spacer, check the position of the spacer afterward. The reason I recommend this is because I went shopping in Atlanta on Tuesday and when I got back, I changed into a pair of comfy shorts and a short-sleeve summer top.

Later I noticed my necklaces weren’t straight and realized when I removed the shirt I had been wearing, I had turned over the spacer. The spacer needs to be laying properly on your neck in back in order to keep your necklaces from tangling. So just remember to check its position after changing clothes. Otherwise, it worked great! You’ll find it available here: Necklace Spacer.

Wear Multiple Necklaces, Necklace Spacer Stops Necklaces From Tangling


A Fabulous Tip for Keeping Bracelets Safe

I’ve had jewelry on the brain lately after my recent necklace purchase in Hawaii. I had forgotten how much I love it, I think it’s a pretty close rival for handbags. lol

Whenever I am curious about a handbag, a jewelry brand, or really almost anything, I always search to see if anyone has uploaded a review. Almost always someone has. Sometimes a review will convince me I don’t need the item, other times it will make me want it even more. No matter what, I always come away having learned something new.

That happened a few days ago, I was googling about a bracelet that’s been on my wishlist and I learned the coolest tip! It’s a way to protect a bracelet that you wear daily (or never take off) when doing household chores or other activities around the house. Some folks even do this before working in the garden.

The suggestion was to place a stretchy wristband over your bracelet to protect it. I didn’t have any so I ordered this set: Wristbands. They are nice and thick, which is what I wanted. I didn’t care what color they were because I knew I’d only be wearing one over my bracelet while working around the house. I placed a few sets in the kitchen, garage, upstairs and in a few other drawers around the house so they would be handy wherever I need them.

I tried this for the first time yesterday when I needed to fill all my birdfeeders and it worked great. I didn’t have to go the trouble to remove my bracelet and it was well protected as I took down the feeders, filled them, and rehung them from the hooks that hang off the deck. It took me about 5 seconds to pull the band on over my bracelet, so much easier than having to take it off and put it back on. Such a simple idea, yet so effective!


What I Bought On Sale at Talbots

I received a coupon in the mail from Talbots recently with 50% off any regularly priced item. I used it yesterday to purchase this cute top available here: Sleeveless Summer Floral Shirt.

Also, Talbots currently has  50% off any regular priced item with the code: SUMMER50.  I think this promotion started today. In addtion, all sale items are 50% when you buy two or more.

While I was there, I also purchased this one that was already on sale. The decorative front reminds me so much of a Lilly Pulitzer dress. Backstory: I had purchased this shirt earlier in the spring while visiting my son/dil, but returned it because it seemed a bit too big.


I love it so I tried it on again yesterday since it was on sale. I decided to get it but the Talbots sales associate also ordered it in a smaller size from another store so I can compare the two and decide which one to keep. So happy to have caught it on sale! You’ll find it on sale here: Tunic.


Update: Need a great tote for work or travel. I love this beautiful bag with tons of storage pockets! Found this bag available here: Great Work Tote.

See you tomorrow for Tablescape Thursday! I hope to be sharing a 4th of July table. 🙂


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  1. Karen W. says

    Thanks so much for the bracelet hint from those of us who always wear a medical alert bracelet. Such a simple solution!

  2. I like the tip about the wristbands because I wear a fitbit and have tried various things to cover it while I’m working in the yard. I think these are the solution. Thanks. Love those Talbot’s sales you mentioned!

  3. Susan…On the Necklace spacer? I see it is a Canadian company and when I went to place order, the small print said I might be responsible for further
    customs charges, etc. Did this happen to you? How was that handled as the package is coming via US Mails? I don’t want to double the cost so if
    you could please let me know via the comment box…thanks! It seems to be
    just what I would like.
    Also just LOVE you Starburst pendant….and am thinking there will be some custom charges but maybe not since H. is considered a state?

    • Ummm, if I paid that, it must have been minimal. Okay, I just pulled up my receipt and it shows $13.99 for the spacer clasp and $4.95 cents for shipping for a total of $18.94.
      Isn’t it stunning! It’s all I can do to not order the large one, too. I keep telling myself that no one needs to sun pendants that are just alike except for size. lol
      Alyce, when you order, there’s a box where you can write a not to the woman who makes them, I believe her name is Liat. So you can ask her if you have any questions. I found her to be very responsive and quick to reply. Maybe she has that small print for people who are ordering from way, way far away. I never even noticed it when I ordered. It will show you your total, also…before you check out, so there shouldn’t be any surprises.

  4. Hi, was wondering if the necklace spacer would also work in keeping the clasp from sliding to the front by my throat…some of the smaller necklaces will twist…

    • Before I had the spacer, that would occasionally happen to me if I got hot and kinda sweaty. I guess my Tiffany “Smile” necklace stuck to my skin or something. It was pretty rare though. Since I’ve had the spacer the last few days, it hasn’t happened. I just finished taking photos on the screened porch and it was really, really hot and humid and it stayed in place. So I would think it would prevent that. I’ve only had mine a couple of days, but it hasn’t happened during that time. Hope that helps, Ann.

  5. Does the spacer have a clasp…or do I need to fasten the three chains individually on one side when I put them on.

    • They have to be fastening individually on each side. I was able to do it by myself, but it took about 10 minutes. Would be much easier if you have someone to help you.

  6. Susan, I looked at the 2 spacers on Etsy and 2 initial and birth month charms necklaces for my granddaughters. The shipping was $63.00! 21 dollars per item. More than the items cost! Outrageous. Was your shipping that high?

    • No, my shipping was $4.95…that’s coming from Canada, going to GA. $21 per item for shipping doesn’t sound right.

    • Kathleen, I just put a Birthstone necklace into my “cart” and pretended like I was going to buy it. It shows shipping to Georgia is $6.95. So not sure why you’re getting such a high shipping cost.

  7. Thank you so much Susan for the Talbot Sale alert. I have ordered the odd item from them and have been pleased but wish they would carry their shoes in half sizing.
    Re reading over the comments about the shipping cost of the necklace, I do know that Canada Postal rates are high plus there is the difference in the monetary exchange rate as well. Also the size and weight of a package and the choice of shipping (standard or express) can have a bearing on charges. In addition; looking at the larger picture if an item has to be cleared/processed through Customs based on the ‘regulations of the receiving country’ it can also add to the expense with sometimes the additional calculation of taxes (Provincial in my case, perhaps States in the U.S.A.) being added into the equation of total cost. Long story short; in event one is ordering and international shipping is involved be sure to double check the shipping and return policy …. . -Brenda-

  8. Kathleen says

    Kathleen here. Susan and readers, I figured it out, well partly. For express shipping it said .20 per item additional fee, but as Brenda explained it can get complicated. I tried to ask the seller, but she couldn’t explain and said normal shipping would take a total of 10 days and $8.95 for 3 items. ( I’m ordering the small star necklace for me and the spacers. I had a terrible experience with twisted necklaces at my son’s wedding. Spacers would’ve fixed it.) Back to the huge shipping cost: I deleted the extra charge for shipping and the charge was normal. If I were the seller, since she cannot explain the huge increase, I would delete that option. Now I need your help deciding necklace length. I’m ordering each of my granddaughters a birthstone and initial necklace. Both my granddaughters are very tall for their ages. Lizzy is 5 and a half but as tall as a 7 to 8 yr old. Younger sister Gabby is 23 months but as tall as a three yr old. Neither is chubby or overweight. They have lots of Viking blood in their ancestry so they are tall, long arms and legs for their ages. Necklace length choices for infants are 10, 11, 12 in. For older 13,14,16,18 inches. I want the necklace to be closer to their necks to avoid tangling with clothes. Like what a 16 in. necklace looks on an adult. Help me all of you experienced mommies and grandmothers out there so I can complete my order. What length for each girl? Thank you Susan and readers for commenting on those shipping charges and for advising me about necklace length.

  9. The last post I see is Wednesday June 27th. I know you expected to post on Thursday. I was concerned -is everything ok?

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