A Springtime Table Setting with Ma Maison

Welcome to the 9th Tablescape Tuesday!

My screened-in porch was finished in early spring. Just before the work was complete, I went on a serious shopping spree for “stuff” I would need for this new space. One of those items on my shopping list was china…something special for those summer dinners on the porch.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

One day while shopping in Home Goods, I found the china of my dreams. Let’s just say…if the house caught fire and I could only save one of my china sets, this would probably be THE ONE. And if I were obscenely wealthy and could afford to commission someone to design a china pattern just for me…this is what it would look like!

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

Move the napkin, move the napkin…let’s get a gander at china that’s worth braving a raging fire to save!

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

But first, a peek at the beaded napkin ring…

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

If you liked your soup and polished it off, you would find this little design waiting for you…

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

The bowls are encircled with all my favorite things…kitty cats.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

You’ll also find flowers and gardening hats.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

And butterflies, watering cans and blue skies!

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

Salad plate…

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

And finally, the dinner plate…

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

Also, available in this pattern were small square plates that are perfect for dessert.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

It includes nice big mugs encircled by pots of cheerful flowers.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

Bzzzzzz~~~bees have landed on the flatware! Napolean Bee flatware is from Neiman Marcus.

Bee Flatware

Found this guy out antiquing several months ago…thought I’d eventually have him made into a lamp. In the meantime, he fit nicely into my garden/nature tablescape.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

The greenhouse/conservatory was a wonderful find at a local thrift/antique store. It is incredibly heavy and could be used as a real mini-green house since it is all enclosed in glass, except for the very top.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

Ummmm, wonder what’s under the dome? Just grab the little bee handle and lift to see.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

These adorable little cookies are called Bug Bites.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece

This china came with some of the cutest “accessories.” Ok, I know they are called serving pieces, but I like accessories better! Sugar and Creamer; Salt and Pepper topiaries and a “house” shaped coffee pot… All sides of these pieces are decorated with different scenes. The detail work on this china just captured my heart.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece


This set came with a large platter that I hung on the wall above the hutch here on the porch. A beautiful house, white picket fence, gardens, topiaries, butterflies…may I move here, please?

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece


I found the wine glasses at the same thrift/antique store, A Classy Flea. They were only $2.50 a stem and amazingly matched beautifully with the green glasses I already had at home.

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece



So hop on over and lets have dinner on the porch!

Springtime Tablescape with a Greenhouse Centerpiece


China is from Home Goods and is by Tabletops Unlimited, Pattern Ma Maison; flatware is from Neiman Marcus and is called Napoleon Bee; Green wine glasses, bunny and greenhouse are from A Classy Flea; placemats, napkins and napkin rings are from Kohl’s and the Bug Bite cookies are available in the cookie isle at your local grocery.

Thanks for stopping by! Please take time to visit the blogs shown below for some of the most beautiful tables you’ll ever set eyes on!

The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

A Beach Cottage

A Tale of Magical Memories

Above the Clouds

Bargain Hunting with Laurie

Back Porch Musings

Blinks ‘N Winks from Brown-eyes

Creating Myself

Note Songs

Oak Rise Cottage

Ribbonwood Cottage


Sweet Nothings

The Happy Wonderer

*If a post is sponsored or a product was provided at no charge, it will be stated in post. Some links may be affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. *

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  1. Susan youve been tagged! LOL! Ive got to pass it on and Id love to hear 6 quirky things about you! If you would like to play come check out the rules on my blog.
    Now I have to go drool over those gorgeous tablescapes….OMG…you need to come to my house!

  2. decorator101 says

    Now Susan, you know I “seriously” need this bunny to go with all of mine..Be still my heart I can see why those dishes captured your heart. I love the conservatory candle holder. Is that what we should call it? Now about the book.. I do have it and love pouring through the cover of it. When did you say we eat?? Thanks so much for swinging by and leaving such wonderful words of encouragement..hugs ~lynne~

  3. That is my kind of tablesetting..it is just too pretty to eat out of!!!! lol lol Everything is just gorgeous eyecandy…the Burly Boys would be afraid to eat out of it…they’d go find a paper plate! lol Beautiful post as always girl…hope you have a great Tuesday!

  4. Susan, what a delightful tablescape! I love it all especially the candlelit centerpiece! Fabulous, Fabulous, Fabulous!!

  5. You leave absolutely nothing to chance. Everything a guest might even think they want or need, has been taken care of. This is all it could or should be.
    I really like your candle enclosure, not sure what it is called. So pretty.

  6. Linda/ "Mom..." says

    ~~~Well, GLENDA took the words right off my keyboard!!! She’s SOOO correct!!! Thank you for another delightful read ~ you never fail to delight, Sweet Susan! Warmly, Linda

  7. Okay never mind that you have the perfect setting for dinner with the screened in porch…which Id love to see more of. The tablescape is a dream. The conservatory with the bunny, the bee flatware…and that china! This is a gardeners fantasy come to life!
    Ive finished my soup…whats next?

  8. Pat@Back Porch Musings says

    Absolutely, perfectly, amazingly, gorgeous! Umm…I love it all!

  9. Happy To Be says

    Oh Susan.. That china is to die for but girl!!! a house fire ???
    and the little bunny is darling..you just do everything so beautiful girl and I am with Picket with my family I best put out paper plates…I love the pieces that go with it that coffee pot is just great..Thanks so much for sharing where you got the stuff from…boy I wished I had a classy flea girl…have a great day sweet friend..hugs and smiles Gloria

  10. Susan, the China is absolutely delightful! I can see why it is one of your favourites. (The scene reminds me of someone’s RMS pages though off hand I can’t recall whose it was right now. Gollum featured it in one of her blogs as I had given it honourable mention.) Glad to hear your long awaited porch renovation was successful. It looks so inviting. Wishing you a beautiful day! -Brenda-

  11. Hi Susan…I don’t think the completion of your porch and finding your DREAM china were a coincidence…I’d say it was Divine imtervention…Each piece looks handpainted…and that Bee flatware is wonderful. Love it all… 😉 Bo

  12. (Oh, you miss so much when you are not around in Blogland for a few days.) THIS is soooo wonderful that you and Gollum had the opportunity to meet. Kindrid Spirits you are! Hugs

  13. This is a wonderful garden fantasy table setting. You have such special talents that we all can learn from. The bee flatware is so special to me.

  14. Susan, You just blow me away. Each week I say “oh, this is my favorite”! But truely, this IS MY FAVORITE! No overs, no takebacks, tic tock the game is locked… my Favorite. This would be perfect @ my house to but since your porch is the perfect place for it, I think it should stay there.

  15. Creating Myself says

    Absolutely beautiful table! My grandmother name is Honey so I am really coveting that silverware! And what a deal on the conservatory!!! Thanks for being a wonderful hostess again Susan. I sooo enjoy seeing all the pretty tables!


  16. Morning sweet Susan! Oh, your table is to die for, well, maybe not DIE for…but pretty close! I love these "accessories" – the cookie jar, pitcher, creamer and salt & peppers – got 'em at Home Goods on clearance. But no dishes! 🙁 I'll just come and borrow yours!! I love those bunnies and the little conservatory with the candles is just so perfect on your beautiful porch. Again, thank you for starting Tablescape Tuesday!! You are the dishiest inspiration of them all!! Can you tell I'm a big fan!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 🙂

  17. Hi Susan,
    Another lovely table! I love the fresh colors. All the details are great. I really like the napkin rings. The dishes are so much fun. I could go on and on and on. I love it!

  18. You really are the queen of tabletops. I could look at those dishes all day long. 🙂

  19. Oh, my…..I thought I had seen the most beautiful you had to offer but, my dear, this set is AWESOME! I love each and every piece. The dishes are just fabulous…I love the silverware and your centerpieces are perfect.
    It is all just so beautiful and I would dearly love to sit down and eat with you on your magnificent porch! I am pretty sure I would be lounging in your porch swing after having a fine meal on a finely dressed table….
    love, bj

  20. brettinsky says

    Beautiful! This makes me miss those cool spring nights! (it is around 30 at night here now)

    ps-I have been lurking for a while and I love Tuesdays because of your blog and all the ladies that participate-too much fun!

  21. salmagundi says

    Those dishes are remarkable!! You are the queen of dish shopping. But, that is only half of it – you put everything together so elegantly. Can hardly wait to see next week’s beautiful table! Sally

  22. I love every single item, Susan. It is not only pretty, it is magical.

  23. Beautiful, as usual! It amazes me to see how many beautiful dishes you have…. I only have 3 sets and two are from thrift stores… 🙂

    Wishing you a happy Tuesday and rest of the week


  24. Amy at Bunny Rose Cottage says

    OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am screaming right now!!! I LOVE this!!!!! It makes me feel so happy inside! LOVE all the bunnies and the dishes are so cute!!! Love the cottages and the comforting feel! This is my favorite ever!


  25. What a delightful and elegant table setting! I love the charming dishes…the motifs on each piece is wonderful.

  26. Those dishes are amazing, Susan and I’m going to fight Lynne for the bunnies. I love the mini greenhouse. You have the most beautiful things! I just love looking at them…..Christine

  27. DITTO CAROL! I know I say this is my favorite every week, but THIS ONE IS MY FAVORITE!!!

    So, what time is dinner & what should I bring??? :0}


  28. PS I remember when Home Goods had those dishes AND did I buy them – NO, because I have too many dishes & DH would have had a fit if I brought another set home! Am I kicking myself now – YES! Boo hoo hoo!

    Do your napkin rings stretch??? That's a great idea to use up the kazillion beads I have stored for future jewelry projects. :0}


  29. santamaker says

    Susan, your tables are so charming and full of delightful details. I can understand why you love those dishes so much… the are YOU through and through…sweet and full of charm!
    I totally loooove the little greenhouse, how beautiful that must look at night , and since it’s low, you can still converse with the person sitting across the table.

  30. Ok, I have my glasses on & still can't see… I DID NOT buy the dishes & I'm still kicking myself for not bringing them home.

  31. Wow- you amaze me!! Another beautiful tablescape, love it!! Christy

  32. judicreations says

    Oh my goodness!!! I SEE what you mean about not leaving those dishes behind. They are absolutelly deliciously wonderful! I love them too.
    Your whole table is set so beautifully.
    I love and collect some bunnies and yours is so pretty. It would certainly make a fine lamp and if you do it I hope I see it!

    Darling darling table.
    Thank you for sharing.

  33. Debbie @ ribbonwoodcottage.blogspot.com says

    Susan you never cease to amaze me!!! What a beautiful table, I got weak in the knees just looking at it. That rabbit is just adorable…oh my every little thing is beautiful. I noticed your white chairs…they really brighten up the area! I just love all the pictures.

  34. Lilly's Life says

    How clever you are. Oh I would love to pop over for dinner shame its such a long way away. You really are creative and have such flair. Having been in a bushfire and haivng to save things personally I went for my linen first. It made everyone laugh afterwards but yes, when the pressure is on you think of the most ridiculous things. So love the dinner set though – its so pretty and so unusual. I might think about joining in all of this. What fun!!!

  35. Suzann @ Lavender and Roses says

    I have admired this china of yours from afar for quite some time (while in your green hutch). This is my most favorite china! I love the whimsy of it. For some reason it feels like something out of a Madeline story. I can’t believe you got it at Home Goods. Oh I could only hope to find something so delightful there. And that bunny! Oh I LOVE that bunny!!!

  36. imjacobsmom says

    Okay, I know that I said that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the daisy china pattern, but I adoe this! Especially the “accessories” and I adore that bunny. It would make a darling lamp. I wish that had that set at my Home Goods -I suppose you beat me to it. ~ PS _ I forgot that it was Tuesday today. We were on vacation the last 5 days and it was back to work today. I lept thinking it was Monday all day today at work. So yippee! I only work two more days this week! ~ Can’t wait to see your new finds for a “Classy Flea” Friday. ~ Robyn

  37. I love these dishes. They tell a story, don’t they? I love dishes that have different art on them. Years ago we were in Gatlinburg at the outlet stores, and I decided I would collect Villery’s Christmas Naif. I’m such a slouch! I only have the cake plate (the village people have cut down a tree and they are pulling it to the town square) and the cheese dish (the bride and groom are running away together). I use them year-round.
    Thank you so much for this post, as it reminded me that I need to start collecting things that I love and that will warm my family’s hearts and bellies.

  38. aswewalk.com says

    Beautiful! You’ve inspired me to post some photos. My 8yo dd gave me an invitation on Saturday for high noon tea on Monday. She set up everything and it was lovely. Stop by to see what she did.

  39. sarah @ a beach cottage says

    Hi Susan

    I’m a bit late in here but I love this especially the candle thingy, the dishes are to die for, what a story they tell

    the book looks like a good one to have

    thanks so much for hosting, off to click on all the other tablescapes


  40. Cottage Rose says

    Hello Susan; this is my first visit. I was at my sweet friends Note Songs and she had a link to yours. I just love how you set your table, just so exquisite looking. I would love to stop over and eat something or just look at your China set. thanks for sharing your wonderful talent.


  41. Hi Susan
    I LOVE that china. I can see why you had to buy it. It’s perfect! Your table looks so wonderful. I’ll be right over for dinner.
    Hugs, Rhondi

  42. Lady Katherine says

    Everything is so lovely. Great idea, I love to join, but for now I am just going to admire all!!

  43. The dishes are so cute!! I can see why you love them. I would too if I was you. Happy week!

  44. Hi! This HAS to be my favorite tablescape ever. Each little perfect detail just SPEAKS to me! Thanks for all the great ideas. The china is awesome!

  45. brettinsky says

    Thank you for your kind words! We are still working on it and will continue to. It is a 1919 victorian farmhouse (we made up the style as we have been told many different ones).

    I am hoping to have time to put together my halloween table this week-so hopefully I will submit it to you! Thanks for the invite!

  46. Happy To Be says

    GM my Southern friend,,hope all is well in your world today..are you alright girl?? not like you not to have a new post up..oh I pray you are ok girl.. Get some rest sweet Susan.. Hugs and smiles Gloria

  47. Okay – that is WAY too pretty to cover up with food!

  48. Hi Susan, I have been on vacation but so glad to be back for tablescape tuesday. As always you never disappoint. I love the bee flatware. I have already bought the cookies for my grandbabies Halloween goodie bags. You are so clever and inspirational. Thankyou for this wonderful blog. smiles Kathysue

  49. Susan,
    I can see why you like this china set so much! It’s gorgeous and so YOU!! My favorite is the bowl..too cute! You have really given us all something to look forward to an Tuesday’s! :-))

  50. Oh Susan – I truly hope your lovely house never catches fire and you have to make that decision!! Your table was absolutely breathtaking this week. Loved it.
    My bench came in this week – don’t know if you’ve been following my saga, but if you want to come over to my “house” for a visit, I would love to have you!! Maybe you could relax for a while – I don’t know how you do it all!!.

  51. You are so determined to torture me with those bunnies aren’t you? I love the dishes, but can you imagine them with adorable bunnies on them…..ooh I’m so imagining that! As usual you have done an outstanding job with your tablescape, I’m still upset with you for not sending me to The Classy Flea when I was in Atlanta. Oh well, maybe next time we can go together! 🙂

  52. Cindy@Cutepinkstuff says

    Fantastic table top right down to the napkin rings! I have an image of you at Home Goods when you found the china of your dreams! Your heart was probably beating very fast! Hope you were able to sit down and enjoy your table setting!

  53. Your dishes are fantastic. Yep, you better save those…but then, I don’t think I could really ever choose! Soon I will be back and able to participate in Tablescape Tuesday. I really miss it!

  54. I was fashionably late, and saw this earlier (Wed.), but had to leave before I could post a comment. I love the china, love the candle thingie-dingie, and love that silverware, but I am IN LOVE with those rabbits!!! Can you take me on a virtual field trip sometime to the Classy Flea? We could use one of those up here in the greater Charlotte area, although my husband would tell you otherwise!

  55. And forgot to mention…those napkin rings are the bomb!

  56. Just found your blog…LOVE this table setting especially the bee flatware! I look forward to participating in this in the future.

  57. Life on Bonnie Lane says

    I just squealed when I saw this table setting! Oh my goodness, how incredibly sweet! Those dishes are adorable. That bunny is just perfect, and that little greenhouse is just incredible! I would copy that idea if I ever find something like that!

    Great tablescape!


  58. Evrything is beautiful, but I SO want that bee flatware!

  59. Hi Susan, I'm a newbie here. Your blog and tablescapes are very inspiring! Love them all.
    Every little detail is very appreciated. You can tell you take great pride in creating these beautiful treasures. What a treat to be able to sit down at your table and take in every little detail. What's not to Love? All of your Tablescapes are lovely. Stop by my place and say hello. At this point, I have only 1 follower, so you can see how new I am.

  60. Susan, I'm visiting from today's post. I wanted to see all the previous tables you've set with these dishes. They are favorites for me too. So glad you found a complete set for your wonderful porch. ~ Sarah

  61. Hi Susan, i have taken up a new hobby, yep, table scape’s 🙂 It started last year and i have bought so far, two sets of dishes. I ran across your blog in my search for inspiration and you do some absolute beautiful table scape’s. My question to you is, would you share the name of the dishes?

    • Brenda, I know you’ll have so much fun creating beautiful tables for friends and family! 🙂 Sure, the dishes in this table setting are Ma Maison by Tabletops Unlimited. Dario Farrucci is the one who designed the china. I found it in HomeGoods 4+ years ago and found a few additional pieces on eBay. Hopefully they will make it again one day.

  62. Susan, once again, you have created a fabulous tablescape!! Since finding so many beautiful tablescapesfrom your blog, my hunt is certainly on!! Once I get an idea in my head, there is no stopping me…lol. I almost have all 12-16 of the Warren Kimble Colonial Salad plates and half way with collecing the dinner plates for any red white and blue occasion. I love the above tablescape and have always been a collector (well, let me be truthful here), obsessed with rabbits. The beautiful shades of green, rabbits and the whimsy of the colorful plates. So I have pretty much everything to create this wonderful tablescape (I even saw the centerpeice) at Hobby Lobby this past week. All I need now (which will be the hardest to find and I am sure the most expensive) to get will be those gorgeous dishes!!! Thanks again for your wonderful creativity. P.S. I did not get a chance to go to an IKEA store during my trip to Buckhead this past weekend, Wedding plans pretty much took center stage. But it certainly is at the top of my list the next visit. I am allowing one whole day just to browse and shop there. Any hints on where to find the dishes you displayed in this tablescape (Tabletops Unlimited, Pattern Ma Maison). Thanks always, Christina 🙂

  63. I am in awe of you! I adore this china set. The table is absolutely gorgeous! I feel giddy! eek! **sigh**

    Ok this is definitely on my list of must haves. Amazing! **sigh**

  64. I want this mug! How do I buy and/or find it:
    PLEASE advise!

    “It includes nice big mugs encircled by pots of cheerful flowers.”

    • I purchased that dishware back in 2008 in HomeGoods. You may want to check Replacements.com or eBay to see if someone has it available on there. The china is by Dario Farrucci and the pattern is Ma Maison.

  65. Love the table scape! I have this pattern and adore it. I actually have a large square dinner plate that looks great below the round one. I bought my set 11 years ago at Macys. 😉 good sleuthing on your part to find the designers name!

  66. Just wandering around the thumbnails at the bottom of the blog, and this caught my eye. Love the mini greenhouse. I did a search, and see that you used it one other time. Then you got a different one in green. I’m not sure I would have thought to use candles, but so nice with all the candle glow reflecting on the glass panes. (Do you use them in other ways when not as a centerpiece?) Thanks.

    • I still have both of those little green houses. The green one that’s a good bit bigger, that I purchased later…I’ve used it to house herbs, but they ended up molding inside. I think the greenhouse did too good a job and held the moisture too well. I may try to grow some herbs in it again this summer and just open it up so it’s not so humid inside. You can see where I first purchased it in this post: https://betweennapsontheporch.net/tabletop-greenhouse-or-terrarium-for-growing-herbs/
      I don’t know what it is about these little greenhouses, but I just love them! I love big greenhouses, too!

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