A Jungle Safari Table Setting: One for the Grownups and One for the Kids

Welcome to the 568th Tablescape Thursday!

We’re dining outdoors for this week’s Tablescape Thursday.

Dining Outdoors, Jungle Theme


I’ve been itching to use these melamine jungle/safari themed plates since purchasing them earlier this summer. (Jungle print plates are available here: Jungle Plates.)

Jungle Theme Plates for Outdoor Dining


I couldn’t make up my mind if I wanted this to be a fun table for the grownups or one for the kids, so I ended up creating both. I started out with the adults in mind, using wine glasses from the dollar store. You’ve seen me use these pretty green glasses in a lot of tables back home. I purchased some for my son/dil yesterday…I love the color!

Outdoor Dining Safari Jungle Table Setting


The two-toned, red napkins pick up the reddish tones in the plates and contrast nicely with the greens and blues. Animal napkin rings and twig flatware worked well for this whimsical, jungle tablescape.

I purchased this twig flatware many years ago online at West Elm. It’s no longer available now, but it is available in two other colors here with an extra 15% off with the code, 15OFFTwig Flatware.

Outdoor Table, Jungle Theme


These driftwood chargers purchased last summer for a beach-themed table, worked great for this fun, jungle table, too.  (Chargers are available here: Chargers. Use code 15OFF for 15% off.)

Brown rattan/woven-style chargers would also work well with this table setting. I think I might like those even better since it would pull out the brown spots on the leopard. Find those here: Rattan Chargers.

I layered leafy placemats underneath for a bit more of a jungle/safari feeling. These leaf placemats are currently on clearance sale here: Leaf Placemats.  There are so many cute leaf placemats at that link. I think the additional 15% off may apply on clearance items also.

Jungle Dinner Plates for Safari Themed Table Setting


Let’s make this table a bit more child-friendly.

Kid's Table Setting, Animal Jungle Theme


I purchased a set of four of these adorable monkeys a few months back with this table setting in mind. Two little boys discovered them in a drawer in the guest room this summer and thought they needed to be played with, so I could only find two for today’s table. lol  (Monkeys are available in sets of 4 here: Monkeys.)

Monkeys for a Jungle Safari Table Setting


About halfway through taking photos of this table, I decided I needed a little something around the base of this huge candle. I snipped a bit of the ivy growing nearby…kinda fits with our jungle theme for this table.

The red lanterns I’ve used in this table are all on clearance sale here: Red Lanterns. I think the code, 15OFF will take an additional 15% off, too.

Red Lantern Centerpiece


Changed out the green wine glasses to smaller blue glasses for the kid version of this table.

Twig Flatware for a Fun Jungle Safari Outdoor Tablescape



Wood Chargers, Leaf Placemats


I love these safari/animal napkin rings so much! You’ll find them available where I purchased mine, here: Safari Napkin Rings.

I love that they are hand-made by artisans in Kenya. I visited one of the shops where hand-carved items are made during my trip to Kenya in 2015, so I really have an appreciation for the work that went into making them.

Safari Animal Napkin Rings


The monkeys are completely out of control! Now they’re hanging from our glasses!

Safari Jungle Napkin Rings


Remember that childhood game, Barrel of Monkeys? They added a bit more fun to this outdoor, jungle-themed table and after dinner, the kiddos can enjoy a game. (Barrel of Monkeys available here: Barrel of Monkeys.)

Are you still dining out or has it gotten too hot where you live?

Safari Jungle Table, Monkeys on Glasses


Looking forward to all the beautiful tables linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

Tablescape Thursday


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  1. What fun Susan, the monkeys on the umbrella pole look adorable!!

  2. I bought 4 of those plates on sale at Target. Such good colors!

  3. I know this has nothing to do with today’s post, but I need your travel expertise! Do you purchase travel insurance when you travel abroad??? If so, which one? Thanks in advance!

    • I have always used Travel Insured International. They were recommended to me by my insurance company, USAA.
      The one time I got sick (caught Influenza A in Germany and was confined to my room for most of the trip) they did reimburse me for my medical expenses and the lost days on the trip. They weren’t warm and fuzzy to deal with when I filed my claim, but not sure any insurance company is.

      If you don’t like the quote you get from them, Google for “Travel Insurance companies recommended by Clark Howard.” He’s a respected consumer advocate on the radio here in the Atlanta area, and usually has great recommendations for that type thing since he travels a lot. Or check out his website and search for Travel Insurance recommendations on there.

  4. This’s so adorable! I’all bet the boys loved it. Thanks for hosting TT. I always enjoy it so much.

  5. Hi, Susan.
    Your tropical table came out so nice. I loved that you included a children’s version as well! As a grandma now, I enjoy your great tips. I was also wowed by the dinosaur bedroom you and your daughter-in-law put together–loved the navy and green–so crisp! I am working on a guest bedroom for my granddaughter when she is old enough to sleep over, and it is navy and white so far. I haven’t added accents yet but am leaning towards hot pink, her favorite color. And one more thing about how I changed a Dollar Tree pumpkin sign. It is a flat orange pumpkin that says “Thankful & Blessed” in white letters; size approximately 12″ x 12″. It has a raffia bow on the brown top stem with a silver metal leaf underneath. I thought it was cute as it was, but when I got it home I outlined the white letters with a thin line from a black paint pen I had on hand. You could also use an extra fine point permanent marker. So now it looks “finished” and adorable. I’ll be making more to give to friends when fall arrives. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  6. How adorable – and I love all the bright colors! Thanks for hosting!

  7. What a fun table! Love the kids table best with all the monkeys. My great granddaughters gave my husband several monkeys like that when our great grandgirls were little. He was always teasing the grands and greats about being little monkeys. We had hours of play taking turns with hide and seek hiding the toy monkeys. My husband used them almost like elf on a shelf with monkeys. He would put sunglasses on them and group them on the porch if he knew the girls were coming for a visit. Wish I had found plates like that when our girls were little. Too hot in South Arkansas for outside meals now. We might not need a grill to cook the food. Enjoy your grandsons and your outdoor meals.

  8. I can hear “Lion king” in the background!!! This is such a beautiful and whimiscal setting…your Marie must be smiling…franki

  9. Susan, I’m glad the weather cooperated for your alfresco jungle themed tables. Both versions are fun, and I know those little boys enjoyed this immensely. Perhaps they will even find the missing monkeys.
    Your post reminded me of a Monkeying Around the House post I did in 2010. I have my husband’s childhood Barrel of Monkeys game that my MIL gave me along with some other toys from his childhood. I used this vintage set of Barrel of Monkeys for my monkey bread post. The recipe is here https://hyacinthforthesoul.blogspot.com/2010/04/m-is-for-monkeying-around-house.html

  10. ” Two little boys discovered them in a drawer in the guest room …. ” lol. That had me smiling, as well as the fact that those monkeys that ‘needed to be played with’ could not now be found. 😀 Little boys are so wonderful.

    Love the family friendly table. I think I’d even like the jungle plate sitting directly on the green leaf. The colors would be pretty.

    I bet Nancy loves it when you come to visit and do posts and TSs from there. She is probably building up a nice collection of table decor herself now.

    Thanks, Susan. Hope you all enjoy your lovely jungley meal. No monkeying around, now.

  11. Brenda Lawrence says

    Beautiful table setting for both the adults and the children Susan! I love the monkeys and thought it was funny the boys found them and took them to play with. lol That is boys alright. Too cute. Hugs, Brenda

  12. What a fun idea. Everything looks so beautiful. Thank You for shring.

  13. adorable!!!! and where did her furniture come from ??? Love it~

  14. Maureen D. Eha says

    Great idea to use a safari theme for an outdoor table! I think you’re right that the rattan chargers would look good, and I also think the monstera leaf place mat that is available at the link you provided would be a good choice over the cabbage leaf one. It would be fun to switch things out and see how you like it best. I’m crazy about the safari animal napkin rings!

    • I thought so too, when I saw the Monstera leaf. Unfortunately, they didn’t have them in the Pier 1 where I was shopping. I couldn’t resist the cabbage leaves since I can use those in the spring…and they were on clearance. lol

      • Maureen D. Eha says

        You’re right about the cabbage leaves; I have them, and they are perfect for a Spring/Easter tablescape! The Monstera leaf may have a more limited use.

  15. Colorful and creative! You are the tablescape master!
    Fun table. Monkeys are cute. I got rid of my kid’s monkeys that I should have kept. Loving your safari napkin rings. I remember your great trip to Kenya.

  16. So creative Susan and I too love the addition of the monkeys. Oh, fabulous job on the boy’s bedroom BTW. -Brenda-
    P.S.: When dining out with our grandchildren, I’m often the first to grab the crayons and activity page … ☺.

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