Welcome to the 546th Metamorphosis Monday!
Update: While I’m in England, I’ll be posting photos frequently on Instagram. It’s the fastest way to share the beautiful cottages and gardens of England since WiFi may be iffy for writing blog posts. Follow Between Naps On The Porch on Instagram here: BetweenNapsOnThePorch.
If you haven’t joined Instagram, it doesn’t matter. Just bookmark that link above and check it out as often as you like to see what I’ve posted. Of course, I’ll post here on the blog as much as I can, I just never know what the WiFi will be like when traveling. Sometimes the speeds are so slow, I can’t upload a photo to a blog post, then other times, it’s great! Hoping we have some great WiFi in the places we’ll be staying.
I have a Before and After to share today that I’m super excited about. But before I get into it, just a heads up that today and tomorrow (Monday and Tuesday) are big, big sale days for those of us who are Amazon Prime members. Having a Prime membership has truly been a blessing in my life, saving me hours and hours of sitting in the crazy Atlanta traffic. By the time you’re reading this, the sale should be well underway and you’ll find it here: Amazon Prime Day Sales.
I can’t wait to see what’s included this year! I’ll share some of the already revealed deals at the end of this post. I think I see a new iPad in my future! 🙂
A Beautiful Before and After
Recently, I spent several weeks away from home visiting with family. On that trip, I took with me my new Away Larger Carry-on Suitcase. My daughter-in-law had a 4-day business trip coming up and I knew she would love using it, especially with the built-in/removal phone charging feature. My son accompanied Nancy on that trip so they enjoyed a mini-getaway while I took care of the little ones for a few days.
A few nights before the trip, we were discussing suitcases and my dil, Nancy, mentioned that every time she flies out of Dayton, they always make her check her carryon, no matter how small it is. Really?! My son and I both expressed surprise since neither of us had ever experienced that before.
Sure enough, both my son and dil had to check their carry-on bags the day of their flight. Nancy told me that the airline representatives took everyone’s bag, even the smallest ones. She thought it was because they were flying out on one of the smaller regional size jets where the overhead bin space is really small. I’ve also read that a lot of airlines do this to save time during departure.
In any case, upon their return, I was a little surprised when I first laid eyes on my previously pristine, white suitcase. I knew when I chose “white” for my Away suitcase, it was going to get some scuffs, but I felt pretty confident I could get them off with the sponge Away includes with each of their suitcases.
Instead of showing you all the Before photos and then sharing all the After pics, I’m alternating the Before/After throughout this post so you can do a direct comparison.
Here’s a great example of what I found on my suitcase after Nancy’s return. I’m sure our black or dark-colored suitcases probably look like this after being checked, as well–only we never know it because it’s not really visible on a dark-colored suitcase like it is on a light colored one.
Can you see all the black scuffs and marks all up and down this edge? Ugh.
This is the sponge that came with my Away suitcase. So, how did it work? Do I regret choosing the color “white” for my Away luggage?
Here’s how it look after just a small amount of scrubbing–the black scuffs and marks were all gone! Yayyyy! I couldn’t believe how easy it was to remove them!
A close-up view…
This was how the back side of the suitcase looked after Nancy’s trip.
Just realized I forgot to take an “After” photo of the back side, so stopped to do that now. Here’s how it looks now! I’m so happy with the results!
Here are a few more examples…
I missed taking a “Before” photo of the back of the suitcase, but it had its share of black scuffs and marks, too. Here’s how it looks now after a once over with the Away cleaning sponge. I think the Away sponge is basically a Magic Eraser in disguise. lol It certainly works like one!
Here’s one more Before and After showing the bottom edge of the suitcase.
Here’s how the bottom turned out, looks brand new again! Yay! I don’t plan to check this bag when traveling since it’s my carry-on bag, but it’s nice to know if I am ever flying on a small regional jet or there’s just no room left in the overhead bins, I can always bring it back to its original beauty.
Nancy was thrilled with the phone charging feature designed into this carry-on bag. Both she and my son ended up using it during their trip. I love that it will charge a cell phone up to 5 times. Nancy actually ended up popping it out and carrying it with her to use during the conference so she could keep her phone charged.
This baby is heading off to England with me today and I’m so happy it’s back in its original pristine condition. If you are in need of a great carry-on bag, I feel completely comfortable recommending any of the Away bags, even more so now after seeing how this one held up to being checked AND how nicely it cleaned up afterward.
You can see all the styles and colors available here: Away Luggage.
If I did it right, that link above will give you $20 off any suitcase. Away will also do the same for me…giving me $20 toward a future purchase. If for any reason the link doesn’t work, email me at betweennapsontheporch.net and I’ll email out a referral from the Away website.
If you would like to see more of the features that come with this carryon bag, you’ll find more detailed photos and information in this previous post: An Away Bigger Carry-on Unboxing: What Color Did I Choose?
To see exactly how much it will hold (spoiler alert…it’s a lot!) check out this previous post: The Away Bigger Carry-On Bag: What Actually Fits Inside?
Some of the deals that are already underway for this year’s Prime sale include the Amazon Kindle. Their basic Kindle is $30 off and can be found here: Kindle on Sale.
The Kindle I have (and will probably accompany me on my trip to England) is on sale here: Kindle Paperwhite. It’s an awesome deal, down from $129.99 to $84.99, plus shipping is only one day.
I remember when I ordered mine, it was the night before leaving on a trip and true to their word, it arrived early the next morning in plenty of time for me to add several books to it for reading during my long flight.
So what else has Amazon revealed and already made available for their Prime Day sale?
Apple iPad
Probably the deal I’m most excited about is the one they are offering for the latest iPad. The 32GB is almost a full 1/3 off, down from $329 to $249! If you need more space, the 128GB is on sale, too! You’ll find both available here: Apple iPad 32GB and 128GB.
I think it’s time I upgraded my ancient iPad to a lighter, thinner one! Wish I had it now–before this trip!
Ring Doorbell
If you’ve been thinking about adding a Ring doorbell like the one I purchased for my home, this is a good time to do it.
I noticed they have really reduced the cost of the set that includes an Echo Dot for Prime Day. It’s down from $298, all the way to $169…not a bad deal!
I’ve really enjoyed mine and continue to be amazed by all the “wildlife” occurring on my front porch that I never knew about! I have quite a few neighborhood kitties who visit to watch the chipmunks that love hanging out on the porch or in the nearby boxwood planters.
I also enjoy knowing the moment a package has been delivered, saves me from looking out the window multiple times a day or missing that it’s there until the end of the day. The “Neighborhood Alerts” are also really interesting! It’s good knowing what suspicious activity or crime reports are happening in my area of town. When I was in Ohio for a few weeks, I could tell when my lawn guys came to cut the grass, as well as when my bug guy treated the perimeter of my home. Definitely, have enjoyed this extra layer of security!
You’ll find the set above on sale here: Ring with Echo Dot.
See how I installed my Ring Doorbell in this previous post: Oh, the Surprising Things You’ll See Through a Ring Doorbell.
If I get a chance in the morning before I head to the airport for my flight, I’ll come back and update this post with other deals I come across that I think are too good to pass up. Prime Day is a little like Christmas in July!
Looking forward to all the great Before and Afters for this week’s Metamorphosis Monday!
Metamorphosis Monday
Metamorphosis Monday is a party that’s all about Before and Afters. If you are participating in Met Monday, please link up using the “permalink” to your MM post and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name, then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar at the top of your blog, into the “url” box for InLinkz when prompted.
In order to link up, you’ll need to include a link in your MM post back to the party so the other participants will have an opportunity to receive visits from your wonderful blog readers.
Feel free to link up Before and After posts that are home, gardening, decorating, crafting, painting, sewing, cooking, fashion, travel or DIY related. Please do not link up to the party if you’re only doing so to promote/sell a product.
To those linking up, if you notice a shop or online store linking up to sell products (yes, unfortunately, that happens) please let me know so I can remove their link and block them from participating in future parties.
This party has ended, click button below for the links to all who participated.
Hi Susan, hope you have a safe trip over and you enjoy every minute while you’re here.
Mary and I are so looking forward to meeting you and your friends next week.
We are excited to be going to the Globe, it’s something quite different.
Take care and see you soon.
Looking forward to seeing you at the globe, Jann. Be sure and wave at me or come find me because I’m sure I will be in a wonderful daze in the crowd. Lol see you in a few days!
Thanks so much for hosting each week!
Have a great week, Debbie! XXX
Buen viaje! Have a wonderful time in that big business class seat and I know you will adore England as I do. I will be behind you in one month.
I’ll be boardingng soon, looking forward to checking another item off my bucket list. Thanks, Ginger!
“Cheerio!!” franki
Lol Cheerio back at Cha!
I love The turquoise & white carry on bag on top of your suitcase.
Is that also an Away Bag? I didn’t see that option on their website.
Enjoy jolly ole England!
Thanks, Becky! No, the aqua and white bag is a Tiffany tote. They still sell them on their website. They are a bit pricey but the leather is scrumptious and it has become my favorite “personal item” (combined with an organizer I purchased on Amazon) for flying.
Have a safe and pleasant flight, Susan!
I hope you’ll have better weather in England than we’re currently having here: fallish temperatures and rain! 🙁
Nevertheless, I wish you well and much fun! 🙂
PS: Don’t forget to take a foldable umbrella with you… just in case! 😉
Thanks, Cecilia! I never carry an umbrella because I’m too lazy to carry it, but I do wear jackets with hoods. That leaves my hands-free for picture taking as well. 🙂
Safe travels, thanks for the tips!
Thanks, Jenna! XXX
I hope you have a safe and wonderful trip and look forward to reading every detail! Your travel posts are my favorite. Well, they’re all my favorite, LOL.
We leave on 7/21 for Barcelona and then do a Mediterranean cruise for two weeks and then end with 5 days in Venice! Needless to say, I’m counting down the days. So excited! 🙂
Thanks, Ali! Wow! That sounds like an amazing trip! I would totally be counting the days! Let me know how you like it!
That AWAY sponge sure looks like a Mr. Clean Eraser sponge!
Glad your luggage came spotlessly clean! Safe travels Susan! Can’t wait to read all about it. Godspeed!
Hi! Just ordered 2 Away bags! They did honor $20 off one – so just wanted to let you know! Super excited to get them for an upcoming cruise and some future travel we are doing with my retired hubby & our son . Thanks for all the info! (Our first cruise last year we looked like the unmatched Beverly Hillbillies!!)
St Simons Island
I LOVE my Away luggage!!!
Woh! Never thought it was possible to have a white suitcase. Mine is black:) [for now, hmm]. And so beautiful with the turquoise and white handbag too. Also smart to save money on keeping the suitcase looking like new. Thanks for sharing.