Beach Escape

Welcome to the 499th Tablescape Thursday!

I almost pulled out bunny plates again today. lol I still had one more table setting in mind using bunny plates, but it was such a gorgeous day and so warm out, I ended up going a completely different direction.

Screend Porch Dining for Summer


We are headed to the beach for this week’s Tablescape Thursday with  a fun beach-themed table setting.

A Summer Porch


Do you have a beach trip planned?

Beach-Themed Table Setting


In 2008 when the screened porch addition was just being completed, I decided I needed “porch” dishes. I wasn’t sure what kind of dishware that would be, but just knew that I wanted it to feel summery and casual.

Shoreline Collection by Home Studio Beach Dinnerware


I was shopping in Kohls one day and came across this soft-aqua blue dishware by Home Studio. The info on back states, “Shoreline by Home Studio.”

Beach-Themed Table in Aqua


In addition to the woven chargers, dinner plates, two styles of salad plates, bowls, bread plates and a bunch of serving pieces, the pattern also included a couple of different styles of coordinating glassware. I was so excited to finally have an outdoor room to enjoy, I went a little crazy and bought it all! For today’s table I’m using the aqua, bubble glasses, but just for fun I swapped out the glasses at one point to give you a different look for this table setting.

Summer Dining on the Porch


The little lanterns at each setting were a find in Family Dollar several years ago.

Shell Embossed Dinner Plate, Starfish Salad Plate


I purchased the shark flatware many years ago. I looked today to see if it was still available and was unable to find it. Hopefully, it will come back this summer because it’s super cute and very well made. Each piece depicts the toothy grin of a shark and I love the fishtail handle. lol

Shark Fish Flatware


Here’s a better photo of the fish flatware from a previous table setting.


They even managed to find a way to put the face of a shark onto the knife. 🙂

Shark Knife, Whimsical Fish Flatware



Beach House Dinnerware, Shoreline Collection by Home Studio


The napkin rings were a find on Etsy this spring. They were hand-made by the seller. I’m not sure if she still has this exact same style in her Etsy shoppe, but I’m guessing she could make another set for anyone who would like a set. You’ll find her beach-themed shoppe here: Beach Crafts. She has some really beautiful pieces, including several items for the table.

Starfish Napkin Rings


This was the other “starfish” bubble glassware that was designed to go with this dishware. I loved it so much, I purchased it in a shorter “whiskey” size, as well.

Starfish Glasses, Bubble Glass Margarita Glasses


I had a lot of fun filling the little candle holders with white sand and adding in a few shells. Some of the shells are from a beach trip over 35 years ago to Sanibel and Captiva Islands. I’ve used many of those that we collected to make shell chargers, but I still have a few left over. If you love collecting shells, visit Captiva! I’ve never seen so many shells in one place in my life! I was in shell heaven on that trip!

Small Lantern fill with sand and shells


Other than the crafted napkin rings, the only other new item on this table is the beautiful candle lantern. You may remember seeing it on the table in a post I created about the porch here: Tips for Cleaning Pollen Off a Screened-in Porch & A Feeder for Dried Mealworms. It was a bit more expensive than I typically like to pay for a lantern, but it’s decorated so beautifully and with so much detail, I couldn’t pass it up.

Beachy Shell Candle Lantern Centerpiece


The lantern is decorated all the way around with beautiful, beaded starfish, and each one is different. You’ll find this lantern available with free shipping here: Lantern.

Miss Mermaid was a find in Marshalls (I think) several years ago.

Mermaid for Beach-Themed Table Setting


With a starfish lantern, starfish salad plates, starfish napkin rings and starfish glasses, this table has a bit of starfish theme going, doesn’t it?

Starfish and Shell Candle Lantern


As evening approached, the late afternoon sun lit up parts of the table.

Afternoon Sunlit Glasses


Getting dark now….

Evening Dining on a Screened Porch


Time for a little candlelight…

Candlelit Dinner on a Screened Porch


Beach-Themed Table lit by Candlelight


Love this time of day when the frogs gather for their nightly chorus.

Evening Dinner on the Porch


The small candles on each end of the table created such a pretty pattern across the surface of the table.

Dining by Candlelight on a Screened Porch


Love a beach-themed table? You’ll find many more that I’ve created over the years, including a couple of nautical-style napkin folding tutorials, here: Beach-Themed Table Settings. Two beachy napkin folds: Double Sails and Sailboat.

Romantic Candlelight Summer Dinner on the Porch


Hope you are seeing some warm, spring weather in your area now, I know this has been a long, long winter for many. Our trees here have really leafed out over the past week and I love their spring green color!

A Summer Porch


Looking forward to all the beautiful tables linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!

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Tablescape Thursday

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  1. Susan, your table is fabulous!!! I live by the ocean and I’m so ready to bring out the beach plates. That flatware is amazing. Hopefully someone will bring it back. It would be perfect to use here in South Florida!

    • Thanks so much, Catherine! If I see that flatware available again, I’ll let you know. I do love it and at the time I bought it, it was so much less expensive than other “fish” flatware patterns that were available at the time.

  2. Fun, gorgeous table. The mermaid really sets it off!
    I have a question about your lamp. I’m assuming it’s plugged in right where it’s at *no extension cords*? If so, how do you keep the rain from wetting the plug and causing issues? Thank you!

  3. That table looks great! Especially at night with the candles! We have a lake house that we remodeled & I’ve been getting some nautical things for entertaining there. I’m trying to keep it more lakey & not oceany but I do mix the two a little. There are some shells, whales, and mermaids, etc. around. My husband & I did watch Office Space last night. It was perfect because I was laughing right from the very start of it! Just what I needed after a stressful day! I woke up to about 2 inches of snow this morning but the sun is shining now & it’s finally supposed to warm up!

    • Oh, how much fun I would have decorating a lake house! I know I’d go overboard! lol Glad you enjoyed the movie, I have to watch it again every year or two. It totally reminds me of a couple of places I’ve worked over the years! 🙂

  4. Beautiful! You made my day. Thanks.

  5. Heading to a tropical beach this weekend, thanks for the preview! We may even see sharks while scuba diving, but I won’t be all that disappointed if I don’t. Thanks, always, for hosting Tablescape Thursdays!

  6. Susan, you always find a fun, unique way to set your tables. I love it!
    I just never get tired of tablescape ideas, always great inspiration.
    Thank you!

  7. Mary B Wendt says

    The glasses and the mermaid surely give the gorgeous table some POP. Love how you took the setting at night also. You are truly blessed with talent!

  8. What an adorable tablescape! I loved every part of it and the mermaid woman was the perfect touch! So fun!

  9. Dorinda Selke says

    Hi Susan – I always love every one of your tablescapes, but this one really hits it out of the park for me ! The colors of the beach and the shells and sand just look so beautiful together. My husband and I visited Sanibel and Captiva last year and I certainly agree with you that I’ve never seen so many shells on a beach ever!!! This year we are going back to Islamorada in the Keys, our favorite place. It seems we always end up at a beach location for our vacations!! Thanks for your summer inspiration as it’s 36 degrees in my neck of the woods today. Hugs, Dorinda

  10. What a gorgeous table! I have this dishware, too, and can’t say how I love it! You have inspired me this morning to get in my sunroom and decorate my hutch with a beach theme. I so look forward to Thursdays and your tablescapes. I’ve been looking for 10 years or so now and you never disappoint!

  11. The evening pictures really make the table sparkle and festive. Love the shark knife and mermaid and all the beach accessories that go with the theme.

  12. Ahh that sounds so nice- going to the beach! I love that mermaid – I shall be looking for one! The little lanterns as so cute- love how they are decorated. I picked up some beach themed dishes from Kohl’s last year- they have a nice variety of themed dishes (on-line more so than in the store).

  13. Susan, I love your table but am deeply envious of your warm weather and leafy trees. It’s STILL snowing in Pittsburgh even though last Saturday it was like summer and 80 degrees. My table this week is inside and for dreaming of our trip to Spain with the stoic peacocks vs mermaids. I have real but love, love your aqua glassware.Take me away…to Greece but not until Sept.

  14. This is a really fun table. Those little lanterns for each place setting is perfect, so creative. The mermaid makes a nice complement to all the starfish and I know I would not have thought to put the two together. How do you envision that? No snow but it got really ugly here in the last hour, so all that candlelight came at a good time.

  15. Now I want to buy a mermaid for my beach table. It’s beautiful Susan and those night shots are fantastic! Thanks for hosting.

  16. What an absolutely enchanting table! And, each individual element is enchanting. Your blue hour photos are breathtaking & so very inviting.
    I scrolled through twice (a few hopeful tears) looking at the verdant, leafy trees. Thank you for sharing your GA spring, Susan.
    We awakened to an inch of icy snow this morning in the Chicago burbs, but now the sun is out(!) & it’s slowly melting as the temp is 49.
    I’m grateful just to be out of the 30s!! C’mon Spring!

    • MerriJo, I’m from the Chicagoland area too. It was quite a surprise this morning! The snow melted fast though & it’s so nice to finally see the sun! The future looks brighter for us, finally!!! I know I get jealous of some bloggers who have flowers & are working in their gardens already! :0)

  17. Beautiful table today. I had to look early today because I knew it would be close to the 500th. The weather here is still cold and oh so windy. Thanks for a peek at sunshine. I am looking forward to next week.

  18. What???? Your trees have leaves??? We have snow again today…….. Love the table!!!!

  19. I did a beach theme table this week too Susan, I think we’re all dreaming of the beach at this point! I am crazy over your aqua bubble glass, and I’ve seen the starfish lantern and have been trying NOT to buy it 🙂 Love all your new beachy stuff! Thanks for the party~

  20. Very pretty!

    I’m making a beach/shell wreath for a sweet customer. Your table setting is the best inspiration!
    You always find the greatest items for your tables.

  21. The color story for your table immediately won my heart. It speaks of balmy summer nights and the sounds of waves rolling toward the shore. I was caught and charmed by the individual hurricanes at each place setting. That one has been stored in my idea book for future use. Thanks for inviting us for a peek and for being our tried and true hostess for your meme each week. Cherry Kay

  22. donna zoltanski says

    Oh this pretty table setting is yet again gorgeous! Pretty blues – and that one porch pic with the night blue sky, I forget what you called it – just stunning. I always enjoy Thursday Tablescapes and have also visited Sanibel many times finding many pretty shells. It’s so pretty there. I keep them displayed in a vintage blue mason jar which we made into a lamp. Special memories. Beach vacay begins soon……can’t wait.

  23. Linda Page says

    The nighttime pictures are amazing! The table looks so beautiful in the candlelight! Wow! I can hear the waves crashing and feel the damp, salty air! Calgon…..take me away!!!

  24. Susan, it always makes me smile to see your beautiful porch. I especially enjoy the different shots taken as the day progresses. It’s all so lovely.
    You new dishes are fun. I’ve stopped buying dishes. I’ve found that I don’t set tables as I once did, and the storage areas are full.

  25. Cyndi Raines says

    Those bubble glasses are awesome and the mermaid is the Queen of the table. Love it as I love going to the beach so much! Wish Spring would come and then on to a wonderful sunfilled -beach summer !

  26. Bobbi Duncan says

    Susan, you always put together the most beautiful and unique table settings, and I am always excited to see them. I just love those bubble glasses that remind me of water. I have a cute mermaid that I got at Cracker Barrel a couple years ago–she makes the table setting come together very nicely. I have a lot of your pics on my Pinterest site and keep finding more and more to pin. Would you believe this gal just began her own boards two weeks ago–talk about being behind the times! Hope you’ll check out my boards sometime, if you ever get the chance with all the things you do each day lol! I’m really enjoying all the great information on Pinterest, as well as all of the creative and beautiful things everyone shows–a real smorgasbord for sure. Everything up our way is becoming so green now, and I’m loving it. We have five big Bradford pear trees in full bloom across the street–so pretty! Hugs!

  27. As we are just thawing out from a 24-hour ice storm this beautiful summer table scape is exactly what I needed today … :). That said; ‘April showers, brings May flowers’, well not so much where I live but thankfully Spring like weather is forecasted for next week and keeping my fingers crossed our Summer will be half decent. Envying your weather! -Brenda-

  28. Sandy K Park says

    OOOOOOOOO Susan, I’m so glad we’re all back on the porch for beach tablescapes. How I’ve miss them. You’ve out done yourself with this one. Love it, love it, love it. It came at a perfect time – I’m spending Mother’s Day at the beach with my daughter and family. Hopefully this tablescape will hold me over till I see sand and water and Pier 1.

  29. I love this tablescape since I’m a water sign. Thanks for the inspiration.

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