Welcome to the 685th Tablescape Thursday!
I wasn’t able to complete the table I was working on yesterday in time to take photos–just got too late of a start. But I did pick up some new chargers that I’m sharing in today’s post. Would love your thoughts on if I should also buy them in the green color, as well! I can’t wait to use them in a table this holiday season.
Before I share the chargers I purchased, here are some of the other pretties I came across while shopping. I saw this beautiful autumn dinnerware.
Love this huge platter! It would definitely hold a turkey. It’s currently on sale here: Large Platter.
Beautiful pattern!
I love the colors in this dinnerware.
Some of the pieces in this pattern are currently on sale here: Autumn-Thanksgiving Dinnerware.
I think these are so adorable. They definitely have a retro feel, don’t they? I may have to go back and pick up a few of these. They are also available online here: Reindeer Mugs.
Saw this display and immediately recognized the salad plates.
I purchased the chargers in this pattern a couple of years back. I LOVE the design!
The chargers worked great in this Valentine’s Day table.
And of course, they are perfect in a Christmas setting. By the way, the Better Homes and Gardens dinnerware appears to be sold out online, or maybe it has never arrived and is just delayed. I’ll let you know if I see it available online. I love seeing the new designs they create for the salad plates each year! The bunny with the Christmas tree is still one of my favorites! I love this scene so much!
Anyway, this beautiful woodland, holly and pinecone collection is available here: Woodland Collection.
So what did I buy? I spotted these gorgeous red and gold glass chargers. When I flipped one over to check the price, I was really surprised–in a good way! When I had been shopping in Macy’s the day before, I had spotted some sparkly, red chargers on sale, 50% off. But even on sale, they were still $45 each! Yikes! So I was both surprised and delighted to find these were only $19.95 each! Yes! Much better! They are every bit as sparkly and beautiful as the ones I saw in Macy’s yesterday and I actually like them even better! (Chargers are available here: Red and Green Glass Chargers.)
They only had three of these chargers left in the store yesterday, so I will have to order the rest online. They told me they’d had more, but they had all sold. I’m not surprised at this price! I bought the last three that they had in stock. I snapped a quick photo early this morning showing how they look with my Lenox Holiday pattern. I love it! I love how they bring out the red berries in this pattern. They are so much prettier in person than they are coming across in this photo since the lighting wasn’t the best in my dining room. Also, it’s hard to capture their true sparkle in a photo. I think these would also be beautiful for Valentine’s Day.
In addition to buying them in red, at this price, I’m very tempted to also buy them in green. What do you think–should I get them in green, too? It’s hard to find chargers that are this nice for that price, so not sure I can pass up the green. If you are in need of sparkly, elegant chargers for Christmas (that look like they cost a lot more than they do) you’ll find these in both red and green here: Red and Green Glass Chargers.
Looking forward to all the wonderful table settings linked for this week’s Tablescape Thursday!
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Tablescape Thursday
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I love the red and green glass chargers unfortunately our nearby William-Sonoma closed.
Oh, no! So far ours is still hanging in there. I hope it doesn’t close.
green would be good for St. Patty’s day.
Excellent point!
I say yes to the green chargers!! Run, don’t walk to get them!! They will be perfect to use all year long, every season! You will not regret it!
Thanks, Edith! I love the red ones so I’m sure the green is just as beautiful in person. Usually we only regret the things we pass on so I think you’re right!
Yes, Yes, Yes to the green charger! At that price, grab them as they won’t be around for a sale price. I think I know which ones you were looking at in Macy’s as I own them in blue and green. But even with half off, I still purchased much less $ a couple of years ago. Only proves that cost of goods is definitely increasing this year. Your Lenox will look beautiful in either color!
That’s what I was thinking last night. I thought about waiting to see if they would go on sale, but this close to Christmas, I know they won’t last that long. They only had three left in the store last night. I asked why and they said they had more in, but they had all sold. That’s the best price I’ve seen on chargers like this, they are a nice heavy weight. Thanks, Maureen!
I love those chargers. Our WS does not carry them. I’m not sure I can make myself order them. I have been wanting chargers for years. If you use them in a table, do you remove them when you are ready to eat?
I really love them, too! No, I always leave them in place. I’ve read several articles about chargers and what I’ve read is that you can do either–leave them in place for the duration of the meal, or you can remove them when the main course is served. I love seeing them and they also help catch drips/spills, so I always leave them in place.
So many pretty temptations! The glass chargers are beautiful! Thank you Susan~
Thanks, Jenna! I know, ’tis the season! lol
Well, I may be biased, because green is my favorite color but I think that you would be able to use the green for many different occasions — springtime, Easter, St. Patrick’s day, etc. Plus, it’s kind of an investment for the blog, so why not? 😀
Yes, buy them!
Our local store is closed too, so happy you still have one to browse through! Yes, get the green….you can alternate with the red and use them for so many other occasions. I only have silver and red….but awhile ago I found 4 big cobalt blue glass chargers. I love them….wish I had more. They go with so many things. So you can’t go wrong with more chargers!!!
Definitely buy the green also, Susan! I like it even better than the red b/c the pattern looks like green leaves. It would be gorgeous with a lot of your dinnerware.
I agree with everyone on getting the green ones! I also agree with Ann about alternating red & green on the table. Your dishes would go with both colors!
Love the green – and I love all your dishes! Thanks for hosting and enjoy the rest of your week!
I agree the green chargers would also be wonderful . I love all the plates and chargers that you feature and one of my favourites here are the beautiful deer with the large antlers providing a resting spot for the birds . Where did you buy those lovelies ? Thank you for always brightening my day . Kindest Regards , Rose T.
Thanks so much, Rosemary! The deer plates came from Pier 1 a few years back. I really loved the birds resting on his antlers, that’s the kind of world I want to live in full-time. ♥ I’m guessing the only place you may come across them now that Pier 1 has closed is on eBay. I really, really miss Pier 1. Rosemary, you can see the plates a bit better in this post: https://betweennapsontheporch.net/a-woodland-themed-valentines-day-table-not-your-usual-valentines-day-table/
Beautiful dishes and chargers. So many temptations out there. Just when we think we have enough dishes, we see more beautiful plates to entice us to put them in our cart. Thanks for hosting.
lol I know, so true!
My “local” store (45 miles away) closed. Now I have to go to a store that is 72 miles away! It’s a bummer! My first thought when I saw these was that I probably would have purchased two of each. That green could be nice for St. Patrick’s Day and a pretty Easter Brunch with the right china. Or for a Spring or Summer birthday dinner! Red is easy. So many uses for that. The problem with my philosophy of getting two of each color is that it is really nice to have that unified look achieved with just one color, even for Christmas. I enjoy your shopping trips so much!
Wow, that’s a long way to drive. Thank goodness we can order online now. I like that idea, using the green for St. Patrick’s Day or Easter! I had thought about alternating the colors around the table but I’m pretty sure I would prefer the unified look. Thanks, Tina!
The green are also gorgeous, and will be lovely for St Patrick’s Day as well. You should get them!
Thanks, Meghann–I think I will!
Oh, man, those chargers are beautiful! Get the green!
I am, I love green and these are just so pretty. Thanks, Rita!
get the green ones while you can!! You will regret it come St. Patty’s day!!
I know you’re right! Thanks, Ann!
Love the reindeer mugs! Seem familiar so if I didn’t have any in my childhood, then I must’ve known someone who did. Look perfect for hot chocolate. Also adore the plate (bowl?) with the flying reindeer. I might have to have that one!
I need to drive back over and buy a few of the mugs. They are sooo cute!
Susan, I was in PB and WS last weekend here in Calgary. I was so surprised that neither store had any Christmas items. Nothing. I came home and ordered a few things online, but the order hasn’t been fulfilled yet, much less shipped. I think they are having stock issues. So I would definitely get those lovely green chargers while you can if you really want them.
Really? The last time I went into PB and WS they didn’t have anything, but both stores had a good bit out this time. I hope your store gets stock soon! This will be a bad year for the stores if they can’t get their stock in.
Thanks, Kim! I did decide to order them and it appears the green will arrive before the red.
Oh Susan, you are so right about regretting the purchases we didn’t make. I am still regretting the beautiful brand new Lenox 4 piece, place settings for 10 that I passed on at my local thrift store. Go for the green or you will regret it every time you set a table for which they would have been perfect.
Good advice, Vangie. I did go ahead and order those–that price is just too good to pass up. I know, those things we pass up have a way of haunting us later.
Hello Susan. It has been a while. Doug from Washington,DC. As usual your taste is spot on. I swear we are twins seperated a birth, I just can’t do the hot weather in the south. Buy the green ones. It’s like shoping at Costco, buy it when you see it, or it will be gone. It’s the same here in our thrift and antique shops. I use my green chargers for my St. Patricks Day, Spring and I have Thanksgiving plates that have a wonferful green vine that matches. Enjoy your holidays.
Hi Doug! I love the idea of using them for St. Patrick’s Day and for springtime tables–that’s perfect! Thanks for that suggestion! I did go ahead and order them and I think they may arrive before the red ones do. Can’t wait to set a table with them! It’s ridiculous how excited I get about playing with a new set of dishes or in this case, chargers. 🙂
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
The large pumpkin platter is a beautiful addition to your fall dishes!
I love that big platter! Love the colors! I didn’t buy it but soooo tempted!
Yes, my vote it to get them in green, too. They are beautiful, and like you said, finding something so nice at that price isn’t easy these days. That green would look so lovely in many different place settings, particularly in Spring and Summer. I could even imagine a Christmas table with alternating red and green chargers, and perhaps alternating red and green glassware, as well. Fun!
I love these chargers too and am going to go right out and check on them. Thanks, Susan!
Thanks, Pam! I ended up buying more red and 8 of the green chargers. Couldn’t pass up that price! I think the green may actually arrive before the red. Shipping is so strange these days, you never know what will arrive and when.
Oh my! DEFINITELY get the green! They present even better than the red, in my opinion! You won’t be sorry & can use them a thousand ways!!! Great find!!!
Get the green. Green is so pretty for all seasons, especially Spring! Your settings are so beautiful I can hardly stand it! Where do you keep them all? Storage solutions please.