When I first moved into my home almost 30 years ago, I struggled to furnish it. As a faithful reader of Traditional Home and Colonial Homes magazines back then, I had fallen in love with classic-traditional furniture styles and antiques. I would regularly visit some of the best furniture stores in the Atlanta area–stores like Matthews Furniture, Beverly Hall, and Furniture Craftsman. I drooled over the beautiful inlaid Councill Craftsman dining tables, Baker piecrust tables, Henredon canopy beds, Maitland Smith secretaries and Hickory Chair sofas and chairs.

Hickory Chair chairs and ottoman were from Furniture Craftsman, a store that has sadly closed. Mirror above mantel was from an antique shop on the Marietta, Georgia square. Sadly, it closed many years ago.
Once in a great, great while I would buy a beautiful piece, then it would take a long time to save up again to buy another treasured piece. It took a long time to find the right pieces for the rooms in my home since my budget was so limited. I didn’t want to buy furniture to just fill the rooms, I wanted to find just the right pieces for each room. Since money was so tight and the furniture I was buying good quality, thus not inexpensive, I couldn’t take chances with my purchases. There would be no redoing it so I had to get it right the first time.

Coffee table was a purchase from A Classy Flea, Baker piecrust table came from Matthews Furniture in Atlanta. Small chairside table is a Henkel Harris piece, a find in Furniture Craftsman, now closed. Table under the window was from the Lakewood Antique Market when it was still held each month in Atlanta. I believe it’s now located in Cumming, GA. Double bonnet secretary barely visible on the right bottom corner was a find during an antique show during a local festival in Gay, Georgia.
As the years passed, I began visiting local antique stores and fell in love with antiquing. While antiquing I would often find beautiful pieces as well-made (or better) than the high-end, new furniture I was stalking, and often the prices were much better, too. Almost every Saturday I would head out to hit at least one or two of my favorite antique shops.

Secretary was from A Classy Flea, Bed from Big Shanty Antique Mkt in Kennesaw, GA, Trunk from an antique auction in Alabama, Chair and Ottoman from Tymes Furniture Co. in Atlanta during a monthly antique event. Not visible on the other side of the room is an antique dresser from Dupre’s Antique Market, one of the antique stores in the area that has changed its name, dropping the word, “antique.”
Antiquing for me has always been a form of therapy, just like gardening. It didn’t matter the stresses of the past week, once I stepped into an antique store all my cares melted away. Antiquing could also be really exciting since you never knew when you would come across that one special item you couldn’t leave behind.

First antique I ever purchased was this mantle clock with beautiful inlay and a Westminster Chime. I was in my early 20s and stopped by a tiny antique shop I passed on the side of road. The owner let me pay half, then the other half a few weeks later. 🙂 The mirror is from an antique store in Marietta, GA that closed several years ago.
Gradually over the years, I’ve slowed down on my antiquing, not because I don’t still love it, but because I really don’t have much space in my home to add anything new. I don’t remember the first time I stepped inside A Classy Flea, but I must have loved it because of the many antique stores I have visited over the years here in the Atlanta area, ACF has always been my favorite. When I read recently that the owners had decided to retire and the store would be closing, my heart sank.
Since I first heard the news they were closing, I’ve tried to not think about it too much. I’ve discovered over the years that I don’t do well with change, at least when it comes to people, pets or places dear to me. Last Friday I forced myself to visit ACF one last time because I wanted to find out where the dealers were all going.
It was three days before they were scheduled to close and I had to fight back tears the entire time I was in the store. I had never seen it like this and it made me so, so sad. As I walked through the rooms, the memories came flooding back and I relived finding so many of the beautiful pieces that now fill the rooms in my home.
It’s hard to realize that I’ll never be able to get up on a Saturday morning again and head to A Classy Flea to explore for new treasures. Back in the day, I would occasionally visit twice in a week and still find new things. Their prices were always so good, things never lasted very long. If you saw something you loved, you had better get it then!
I realized this evening that one of the reasons the closing of ACF has hit me so hard is probably because the years I shopped so often in ACF were some of the most difficult years of my life. A Classy Flea has always been there, a constant I could count on. And now it was going away. I felt like I was losing a really good friend.
One of the antique dealers behind the checkout counter shared something during my visit that was a total shock.
She said antiques weren’t selling anymore. What?! She said that’s why so many of the antique stores have taken the word “antique” out of their name. She cited a couple examples of stores in our area that had changed their name recently, removing the word “antique” from their name.
Well, fine! Just fine! That leaves more for me. New, quality furniture is great, but every home, no…every room, needs a little bit of history that only the warmth a beautiful, vintage or antique piece can provide. I think one day they’ll be a big turn around and all those folks who currently scoff at antiques and wouldn’t dream of putting a “dusty, old piece” of furniture in their home will be clamoring for them.
And you know where they will all be–where all the antiques will be? They’ll all be in my house. And I’m not sharing! 😉
I took a few photos of some of the things that were still left.
This chair was $39!
Thank you to all the ACF dealers, especially the owners of A Classy Flea, for being there for me and so many others for the past 30+ years!
As I stood talking with one of the antique dealers behind the counter during my last ever visit to A Classy Flea, I heard her voice break as she repeated some of the stories customers had shared during their final visits to the store over the past few weeks. I could see the sadness in her face as she looked away, casting her eyes down toward the floor and saying, “There are going to be a lot of tears shed this Sunday.”
Before I left I made sure I was on the mailing list so I would be notified where all the dealers land, but I know now, there will never be another place like A Classy Flea.
Update: I received an email from Janet with A Classy Flea and she said the following:
You mentioned in your article, you are interested in keeping up with where the dealers will be going. Gretchen(Gre), Sheila (KNK), Kim (Mom), Charlie (CHAR) can be found at Woodstock Market. Gene & Mary (EM) went to Marietta Antique Mall. Tony has a space at West End Market. I relocated to Park West Vintage (formerly Dupree’s) & Big Shanty Antiques on Canton Hwy across from Old Time Pottery. I’m still using JMC as my dealer code.
NET, KI, ALLI, DLW, BEL, PHL, LRA, LYNN, TER & Q, at this time, are undecided or retiring. Jo Gillian & others have talked about doing pop-up sales & that will be communicated through ACF’s customer email list
So if you live locally or plan to travel here, you’ll find the dealers who were with A Classy Flea at the locations listed above.
Susan, this makes me sad too! I always enjoyed “tagging” along on your shopping Classy Flea shopping trips that you have shared through the years. You and Debbie both. I always thought that I might get to Atlanta and shop this store myself. Austin has few antique venues left. I find it sad that this new generation doesn’t appreciate the quality, style, and history of antiques. Yes, I’m sure the trend will turn back, but still it makes me sad. I’ll continue to love and appreciate the pieces we cherish and live with day to day. They have a story, and that makes me smile.
Susan, what a heartfelt tribute to the owners of A Classy Flea. I almost cried too. For me, it’s the beautiful old glassware and china in thrift stores. I take it home to be loved for another generation. So much buying and selling online today just to make a buck, not to cherish. You see beautiful cut glass thrown around only to be chipped and lose it’s value.
Maybe she is right when she said nobody is buying antiques. Younger people clean out their parents and grandparents home and donate things collected over a lifetime to GoodWill. They would rather have Ikea or other fake furniture.
Good ! More for me and other collectors.
I know exactly how you feel ! Losing that comfortable old shoe , our Marie Calenders restraunt recently closed after 30 years ! What ! My most favorite place to go ! No more pot pies ! Cherry pie ala mode ! Cornbread ! Familiar friends to sit and visit with ! All the waitresses and managers ! My heart sunk to the floor ! I felt such enormous sadness ! It has truly affected me ! The same booth I always went to with husband or friends ! My getaway after a bad day ! As I look at my old fashion stoneware coffee mugs I was given as a reminder in my farmhouse kitchen and I sigh with a heavy heart ! Cherish the memories ! Right ! I too love antiques and have many in my charming farmhouse , and I cherish them all ! Tears , life goes on !
I am so sorry the shop is closing. I have enjoyed the virtual shopping trip.
I don’t like change either. The last couple of years my hairdresser moved cross country, my doctor, who is younger than me has retired, my dentist is down to just a few days a month, and friends have died or moved away. I try to remind myself when one door closes another opens, but it still is hard.
OMG…this is hard to believe. I used to love seeing the things you got there! And wished something like that was around these parts. I would buy that $39 chair in a heartbeat. At least you have tons of stuff already and are really really well set.
You post on “Change being hard” touched my heart. I understand how you feel and I’m sure the antique dealers do too. It’s probably heartbreaking for them closing the doors on that part of their life. Which was something they loved to do.
Thank you for sharing
Oh, it makes me so sad to hear the news! I really enjoyed your posts about The Classy Flea and loved seeing what you purchased or what caught your eye! It is hard to believe that folks don’t antique that much. We have a few Antique Stores here around Joshua Tree. I would visit them several times a week if I could! I never get tired. I always thought that I would visit The Classy Flea, when I would get to Atlanta. Change is not easy, is it?
Your post reminded me of myself so many years ago as well. I met Lady Bird Johnson one day when I was a young new mother and decided to browse a Louis Shanks that had just opened in San Antonio. What a story that was. I nonchalantly rolled my new son’s baby stroller into the lobby of the store to browse strictly and daydream of that day I hoped would come when I could actually buy something. There was an elderly woman surrounded by men in Black and store personnel gushing all over her. I did a double take. There before me was the former First Lady. My sister had been Lynda Byrds sorority sister but didn’t actually know her other than as an acquaintance. Without thinking obviously, I walked up to her and held out my hand. A truly idiot moment. “Hello, Mrs. Johnson, I am thrilled to see you as I held out my hand…Really? My sister was Lynda Byrds sorority sister at UT. ” Immediately I was flanked by the Men in Black. Oh NO! I suddenly realized what a absurd thing I had just done. But, Lady Bird being the true Lady that she was, told them to stand back and helf out her hand to me and greeted me. I better leave I replied. I am so sorry for what I just did but I was so stunned and thrilled, I stated. No you should stay and shop she said as the store personnel gasped. You go look around and enjoy yourself she said. The employees stood there aghast. I smiled at this charming woman from ear to ear and said , Are you sure? and she replied yes, now go have fun. And so I did. Later without her bodyguards she approached me upstairs and started a conversation about shopping for an amoire for her many pictures although she didn’t really need anything….she was just browsing too. And I suddenly felt she was a friend..some people are just that way….sort of like you….I don’t know you but we are a lot alike and we enjoy many of the same tastes and things and so when I read your posts, it is like you understand me. But I too miss good antique shops although they are still around here and there. And the deals are unbeatable like the Waterford decanter I bought last year at one for $20 bucks. I looked it up online after I got home and there it was…worth about $300. I felt like I had just won the Masters. If they ever do all disappear I would feel like I had just lost something precious and would be sad just as I was when I heard Lady Bird had Passed away. I doubt there will ever be another such gentle spirit so kind to that young wife and mother who she didn’t know but treated like a friend.
What a fascinating story! Thank you for sharing this.
NancyA, that is truly a wonderful story filled with great memories.
What a sweet story, Nancy. Such a special memory! Thanks for sharing that!
It is hard to believe they are closing there because so many have opened here. One shop expanded. The owner told me business is better than ever.
Susan, your post is exactly what I have been feeling lately. Change and “progress” is not mixing well with me.
I feel like digging my heels in and keeping what is cherished in my life. I have one daughter who used to always tell me I was buying for my Estate Sale that she is going to have to have one day. My other daughter shares my old fashioned classic style and taste and has put “dibs” on everything. It is also sad to see our cherished Antiques stores vanishing. We enjoyed strolling through the memories, taking some of the treasures home with us to cherish, and visiting with familiar faces, who all became friends.
I have been an antique dealer for 20 years. In my state of Michigan, there used to hundreds of antique shops. Since the recession, almost 60% of them have closed. Another 20% now carry “collectibles” rather than antiques. There are so few true antique stores left. But there is also a glint of hope (if you want to call it that) on the horizon. Estate sales now proliferate in our state. Baby boomers are now selling off all the antiques they collected during their lives at Estate/downsizing sales. All the beautiful antiques that women like you and I bought and loved are now making their way back into the sales. Several large shows (check out the one in Columbus Ohio-Scott’s) now are experiencing surges in sales and interest,
I live in Michigan and love antiquing. I like to make a day of it and hit a few old favorites in Marine City and Romeo. But the stores have been closing, and I don’t really care for estate sales. A really good shop curator makes such a difference, you just don’t get the selection at estate sales.
It is hard to believe they are closing there because so many have opened here. One shop expanded. The owner told me business is better than ever.
Dear Susan,
I know EXACTLY how you feel! I had a similar favorite place here in Michigan called “Flowers Of The Field.” It was much, much more than a shoppe, it was my “Third Place” and brought so much happiness and solace into my life. The owners closed shop and sold the property over ten years ago and it is now yet another ubiquitous, soulless mini-strip mall. Lucky for me, I still run into some of the employees when I am out and about, and I am also able to reminisce with a dear friend who is as bereft as I am over the loss. It IS STILL painful to bear—especially during Holiday Open House Season! I actually left the tags on the bottoms of the last items I purchased and it is comforting to peek at them from time to time.
I have been following your wonderful blogs for years now and always looked forward to your “A Classy Flea” posts in particular. Now I, too, have a lump in my throat. I am so sorry for all the vendors and customers that have come to cherish ACF over the decades and wish them all well.
All my best,
How sad for you to lose A Classy Flea. Antique stores can be so much more than places to buy merchandise. They are therapy when we need to relax and browse while reminiscing about items our mothers or grandmothers cherished. The displays sometimes give us great ideas on decorating and occasionally we turn a corner and a piece grabs our heart and says I’m going home with you. It is hard to lose these stores that are filled with good memories. You have described what I’ve felt in several instances the last few years. Thanks for sharing.
This is sad to learn as always enjoyed your shopping tours to A Classy Flea as similar to yourself, appreciate antiques not only for their uniqueness as well as history but in most cases for their quality and craftsMANship. -Brenda-
P.S.: Regardless that the word craftsMANship is probably not politically correct … .
Hi Susan, Your story sounds much like mine, I learned my love of colonial furniture from my parents – who were born and raised in New England – and when they were young – their first “purchases” were colonial pieces – some of THEM antiques – when I married – I got this wonderful smaller scale hutch – that was their first second hand furniture purchase in the 1940’s – it still has pride of place in my kitchen. During the intervening years – I too haunted furniture stores – but did the majority of my shopping a several local antique stores, with wonderful results –
also, as they years passed – I received more and more of my parents beautiful furniture. I have a bedroom set – Tiger maple – that they got from one of their grandparents for a wedding presents – she purchased it used from her employer – a family who owned a mansion on East Avenue in Rochester New York, and a beautiful Heywood Wakefield dining room set…. I also have several other Heywood Wakefield tables and my grandmothers secretary –
My favorite shop is still operating – but – has changed – the dealers are younger – and like more “retro” 50’s – the colonial/traditional is harder and harder to find.
I know when I shop with daughters and nieces – they pass right by the traditional pieces – and head to the retro stuff. I also have a sister in law that – if it looks like Pottery Barn – she wants it. and yes – that is fine – more for me – but I do worry about what will happen to my beautiful furniture when I am no longer – ahem – needing it…. I am praying for one of the grandkids to love it – and take the stories of the family pieces with –
What a wonderful story. I am sad for you that the store is closing. This happened recently to a place in a small town we occasionally visit. I don’t think it had such a long lived past as your favorite A Classy Flea (love the name). I’m a bit of a gardening addict and last year a place I’ve gone to for 35+ years closed. I went there when I read the announcement of their closing and held back tears as I wandered through the outside garden area reminiscing about all things I had found there and planted at 4 different homes. ;-(
Such a wonderful store! I remember going there many times on my lunch hour to just wander around and decompress from the office. There were a treasure in Marietta
I’ve been a flea market person for years. I have collected lots of treasures over the years…we have an antique store here, Charleston, WV, The Stray Dog, it’s sorta like your store….They have everything there, I go crazy when I go there trying to see everything…My mother and I use to go out every Saturday morning to local yard sales and flea markets, I miss those days, lots of fond memories of my mother shopping for treasures…I do think the popularity for old things has become a thing of the past…It’s sad.
Good morning Susan, I am so sad to hear about your favorite store closing, breaks my heart when this happens here in Lawrenceville. There is one you may want to check out on the square in Lawrenceville that’s called Scotland Yard. They have beautiful pieces. Maybe you will take a ride out one day this way and visit it and several other great places downtown to have lunch. Take care!
Because of your posts, l stopped on my way through in May, on my way north to Indiana from Florida….l didn’t make any purchases, as my SUV was packed, but so enjoyed taking a break, and browsing the rooms! Thanks for the memories, and appreciation of “all things good!”
Oh no!! No Classy Flea! Where will you shop?
I’m sad too. I agree about young people shopping for lesser quality furnishings, it seems disposable is the way of thinking, and lots of younger people don’t collect anything anymore. It’s pretty sad. You are right, at some point antiques will surge in popularity and that prices will be crazy high.
Susan, dealers are suffering as the new generation are not going to these types of shops. IKEA, HomeGoods, Target are the new places to shop. It is sad . Even in Westchester County where I live, I have seen many antique shops close. I,myself, was a dealer for 5 years and had to close because of the advent of the discount stores. This is the sign of the times. Treasure what you have. Perhaps a occasional tag sale will have good quality furniture, and decor. As one professional told me “Brown” furniture is no longer in vogue. No one wants your China. Sad to say this. I feel your sadness. It has happened to me.
I knew in your opening…the emotion was that discernable…and I even said out loud, “OH, NO…not the “Classy Flea…” Shoot! In the back of my mind…I had hoped to stop in…”some day….” Shoot! Your friend is correct…these classy shops are closing right and left…I don’t “get it.” Your “TCF” had become a fav of mine, too…*sigh* franki
I agree with you! It is enjoyable to visit days of old and reminisce. Today’s furniture will never last like pieces we still love. Enjoy the memories.
This makes me so sad! When I lived in North Georgia and went on an antiquing expedition, the Classy Flea was always our first stop! I still have those beautiful things I found there 20 years later! Thank you for the update even if it’s a sad one.
Heading to Kettering this coming week. It has changed a lot over all the years,change is hard, but memories last forever.
Well said Susan and beautifully written. Strange timing, as my version of a Classy Flea, also just closed. A hidden gem, even in the antique (dare I say it) packed state of NJ. It wasn’t nearly as organized as your spot and required quite a bit of digging, but you never knew what kind of treasure you might find. It was family run by wonderful people that I got to know over the years. When I started my business 10 years, it was my go to spot. I spent many an enjoyable day there, laughing with the owners and loading up on inventory.
The property has become too valuable and while they had everything, their primary focus was on antique furniture. It won’t be the same without them.
I do most of my hunting at estate sales now and find it amazing how my generation (the last of baby boomers and slightly younger) have no interest in keeping their parents beautiful pieces. My neighbor recently had her 20 something daughter move out and I suggested estate sales as a way to get quality pieces at affordable prices. The daughter loves vintage and antiques and was excited at the prospect. The mother, who is in her 50’s, preferred to buy her things from Target, etc.. I was shocked.
Fortunately, it seems that the younger generation does have interest but needs to be approached differently. They’re all about social media and like to have a “look” put together. Display photos on Instagram, are becoming the new norm for selling vintage and antiques online. I think this business is seeing a change like never before and it will be interesting to see where everything lands. The bottom line, there will never be quality like these old pieces and if you can find anything new that’s remotely similar, the prices are beyond the reach of most. Hopefully, as you said, there will be a turnaround and today’s items, for the most part, will never last long enough to become antique, so at some point the value of these older, quality items will be exceedingly high.
Great post Susan and for me, quite timely. Thank you!
I usually just read and don’t comment but I so identified with what you’re saying. My idea of a great Saturday was browsing through one of the Flea/Antique stores in our area. I’ve noticed the last couple of years more empty stalls and I’ve heard that the younger generation doesn’t appreciate these nice old pieces, which to me add a touch of class. Out of my three children I have one that has decorated her apartment with some old pieces I picked up, but my son, maybe in reaction to the way he grew up, has nothing but modern, boring furniture. Another big bargain is silver. I had mine from my marriage many years ago when that was still a thing, but over the years I’ve supplemented my collection by going to a local pawn shop that sells pristene sets at great prices. It’s never going to be dirt cheap because they can sell the silver at a certain price to GASP! melt down for the metal. But it’s much cheaper than when I originally got mine. I have about six sets of beautiful china, also mostly bought at bargain prices, but I know no one will want it after I’m gone. I do believe eventually the pendelum will swing back, away from plain lines and austere furnishings but by then much of these beautiful things will be trashed or destroyed. It is sad.
I’ve only visited Classy Flea twice since my son moved to Georgia but I am sad at hearing this news!!
So many of the antique stores here in Maryland are closing as well, mostly because the younger generation just doesn’t want “old things”. I can remember being thrilled at receiving an old piece of china or silver from my grandmother or other relative. They are pieces I cherish.
My husband and I are planning a move south in the next few months and I am trying to downsize a bit. Unfortunately, no one wants most of the antique china, etc.
It’s truly sad!
My grandparents were immigrants and my parents had seven children and one stretched income so I did not grow up in a home with inherited pieces or any antiques. I look at some antiques and appreciate their history and beauty but they do not make me yearn to furnish a house with them. I do love that Eastlake dresser and would buy that in a heartbeat. I was happy when I reached a point where I could buy new furniture. I do understand why many young people just want new and I admit I wish when I was starting out I could have gone to Ikea and furnished a house with something other than old second hand (I actually mean junky) furniture. A friends daughter is crazy for the retro furniture that has become popular and goes to garage and estate sales. Although it is not my taste I realize that these items are 60-75 years old and many were built very well. Someday these will appeal to yet another generation and maybe become antiques.
I do however appreciate the way that change affects us as we grow older-it is hard to let go of people, places or things that have held a place in our hearts or made us forget our troubles. You do have the memories of those things. Honestly sometimes I smile when I think of those and sometimes I fill up with tears but I think overall they have just been part of our life that many times we would not trade. It just is so hard to say goodbye. Just remember those days and then pull out a travel book and lose yourself in it.
Susan, so enjoyed your ACF posts that I always thought I would make it there one day. So sad; my go to place in one of the smaller locales around Omaha closed some time ago. I had gotten to know those ladies well and it was like losing a family member when they closed. We still have our good memories, tho! Do have a good w/e!
very disappointing…instead of antique stores I now think they are being called consignment stores. There are a few where I live but they are just not the same.
Susan, I know how you feel, I closed my Antique store several years ago. I then got into the Estate Sale business, and enjoyed this so much. I did his for about 15 years, made money I never expected. About 3 years ago the bottom fell out. All the beautiful things I had sold previously, would not sell. The last sale I had, was a disaster, no one wanted these beautiful things. I finally realized the days of antiques are gone, and the cardboard and pressed wood is what is selling!
We look forward to you finding new haunts to share! For all the loss of the love of the old, there are plenty of fans of you tablescaper and decor’ bloggers– so we’re not all gone! 🙂 jw
I so enjoyed your field trips to ACF–so much fun. It seems possible that life will circle back to feelling that antiquing/thrifting is cool. But as generation grow up with rapid tech advances, it is becoming a quick-aquire/quick-discard lifestyle.
The Seattle area has gone through the same transitions and each time my stomach would ache–marvelous nurseries–grand antique malls–entire areas like country village have all become run of the mill–same old–housing or strip malls. The final blow was the closing of Whimsical Whites which was one of the most original, creative shops ever created. Called my husband and announced that the sky had finally fallen. I am very resistant to change and still mourn the loss of that store.
Dear Susan, Well this is just the icing on the cake! I thought that at least in the South that traditional was still in but sadly I am wrong. For many years I have watched AMERICANA being murdered by global decor and bland unimaginative design. Gone are the beautiful fabrics, trims, and carpets. Ambiance is a thing of the past. Have you noticed all the hardscape in hotels and restaurants? You have to search far and wide to find one with atmosphere. Fine dining is dead. No more tablecloths, piano music, candles, or tuxedoed waiters. We are in the midst of a cultural revolution and it isn’t pretty. Homes are cold, hard and barren, they all look exactly the same and lack personality. What a pity that in all the cries for diversity these days we seem to have less and less in our lives. My father collected oil paintings all his life, many by famous artists, my parents house, mom is 96, is full of antiques and so is mine. l will never give up on our past and encourage others to preserve it in their collecting. To do anything less is surrender and l will NEVER do that!! Soldier on collectors and lovers of beauty for someday it will return. Bless us all!!
You introduced me to this shop about 7 years ago. I have enjoyed going there and the ‘finds’ that have filled my home. I was there about 2 months ago before the store became so empty; so glad I can remember it full. Thanks again to you and ACF!
I share all your feelings about antique stores. Many times we have planned vacations based on what antiquing is available. I know that feeling as you enter an antique store: a new adventure is about to begin as you travel back in time. I have spent hours browsing and purchasing furniture, PLATES, crystal, silverware……you name it! I am saddened a new era has begun. I, too, rebel against change. We all feel your sadness, Susan.
Wow Susan….I am so sorry to read this. Based on reading about the Classy Flea on your blog years ago, my husband and I came over from Montgomery to visit and spend the weekend in and around your area. I believe there was a Goodwill or something similar in the same shopping center where I got some great treasures. We have a couple of good antique/flea markets here in Montgomery that I regularly go to. Hopefully they will be around for a long time.
I find it offensive that these beautiful pieces, made from our forests and with great care and effort by skilled craftspersons, are now dissed and dismissed as “brown furniture”.
“The Recline and Fall of Antique Furniture” in the Financial Times notes impact of world culture, as well as space restrictions of urban living, on appreciation for English antiques.
The author’s sources expect an eventual resurgence, at least for high quality pieces:
My parents were collectors and dealers in antiques so I definitely have a love and appreciation for them. However, antique shops really just need to “re-brand” themselves to appeal to the younger generation. I work in postgraduate education and the average age of our students is 24. They are mostly into “sustainability”, as am I. Purchasing antique or pre-owned furniture and such is a great way to reuse and recycle. I rarely buy anything new now – except edibles!
Susan, this makes me so sad, and as many others have said, we are experiencing the closing of so many antique stores in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area where we live. I think our younger generation (I’m 70, so this means anyone younger than I am – ) tends to hold little value for anything old, including a lot of traditions. In years past my husband used to do business in Atlanta frequently and brought back many treasures from Dearing Antiques in Atlanta. He has been wondering if it is still there. Thank you for continuing to keep alive the passion for antiques for those of us who have an abiding love for them.
Oh Susan,
I loved Classy Flea! The store wasn’t one I was able to visit often as I was in Gwinnett most of those years, but treasures and beautiful furniture could always be found. Yes, the antique stores are dying out. Millennials are minimalists; and most don’t like “the old stuff”. That old stuff will outlast their IKEA finds all day long. Great post! Thanks for sharing.
I have found my taste has changed over the years and I want more streamlined furniture. More homes have open-concept, casual living spaces rather than formal dining rooms and studies, which reduces the need for stately mahogany dining tables, chairs and cabinets.
As we downsize, move etc. less is better. I agree with the above reader, these stores need to rebrand that items are of better quality wood and no more trees are cut down. Also, Younger folks have debt, smaller homes and large pieces don’t fit into that style.
My adult children have slowly been learning that a lot of times – most of the time, you can find better quality furniture in the “antique” & resale shops in our town than the junkie stuff that sells in the box stores that won’t last but a few years – if that! It makes me sad that retail only cares about the consumer buying over & over instead of selling quality pieces.
Susan, this is one of my favorite because you are describing my feelings exactly. There was a store in my hometown, just south of you, that sold Hickory Chair and Pennsylvania House as well as Staffordshire dogs/pottery for many years. My budget was limited, but it was like stepping into Traditional Home magazine and Colonial Homes to visit the store. In fact, I found an old Colonial Homes magazine recently in my closet.
I’ve always loved antiques and have several in my home. Collectors’ Corner in my area was my favorite antique store. It also had a tea room named Jasmine Tea Room, best chicken salad ever. It also closed a few years ago. I was a dealer there for 7 years while I was still working at another career. Such wonderful memories! Nope, I do not like change, especially my favorite stores closing.
Aww, Susan, *hugs* 🙂 You’re a softy, like me.
Milestones in our lives can take their toll. Even joyful ones, like watching a child graduate or spread their wings and go out on their own. It’s the bitter-sweetness that seems to pull our heart strings in every direction.
I’m sorry about The Classy Flea closing. I have so enjoyed your trips there and the beautiful things you have shared with us over the years. But then I think of the owners who have worked and worked and are now ready to rests and pursue other interests. That’s something nice to think about.
Something not-so-nice to think about is the day you decide to stop blogging. Do you know how many broken hearts you will cause then? 🙁 I’m just going to pretend that will never happen. xoxo
I know, you can’t blame them for wanting to retire after 30+ years doing this. Thanks, Pam! ♥ Well, don’t you worry about that, I don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon!
Yay! 😀 <3
A very moving post, so sorry to hear that this store is closing. It is like loosing a good friend. I had hoped to visit it one day. Being a baby boomer, I too love to visit stores like ACF, and take great joy in walking back through time and finding items we had, or my grandparents had. I have a wonderful old phonograph that was made in England that still plays which we found antiquing and a desk my great grandfather handmade that is still beautiful. I used to do my homework at that desk and love it. I agree with you Susan, these pieces add character to a home and have lovely stories to tell. Maybe the tide will turn. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs!
Susan – I’ve been waiting for this post from you. Based on your past posts about A Fancy Flea, a friend and I (we’re from Louisiana) visited A Fancy Flea on a recent visit to the Atlanta area. From what I had seen in your blog posts, I knew it was a place we had to visit. We LOVED it and made several purchases. We told the ladies at the counter we were visiting because we had seen your posts about their shop. They were thrilled to know we had seen it on your blog and had made a special visit to see it for ourselves. Of course we signed up to be on their mailing list. No sooner than we returned home we had an email letting us know they were closing the business! We were so disappointed to learn this news! I immediately thought about you and how much you like the shop, so I’ve been waiting on a post from you about the closing of A Fancy Flea. I’m so glad we were able to visit the shop and make some purchases before it closed. I know you will find another great place on your quests for antiques and bargains, and I look forward to continuing to follow you as you share so many wonderful and interesting places with us all! Thanks for sharing your many talents with us!!
Wow sorry that they are closing. I could see many items I would like to have in what was left over, I cannot imagine what kind of amazing pieces they had in their store. Maybe you will find another place that will bring you as much happiness as this one. Good Luck
I have to say, I never appreciated antiques when I was young and starting out and I bet since there are so many milennials now that is the reason for the decline. But one day they will want them, just like you said. I am SO blessed that I inherited so many of my in-laws things. I wish I had some of the things that I grew up with in my Grandmothers house, but I didn’t want them when my Mom was moving to an apt. Sad. Have a good weekend, Susan. We are just back from an emergency trip to Fl.: Joe’s brothers cancer is back and he had to have his second craniotomy. It was a very hard and stressful 11 days away.
I feel for you. I never made it up to the Classy Flea, but have a few local shops I love to spend time in. Unfortunately, they too are becoming less antique shops and more ‘chalk paint wonders’ which may be a way to update antiques, but usually makes me cringe.
This is the south, and I love my crystal and silver and cherry and mahogany, but I think I am a dying breed sometimes!
Your home has a warmth and curated look which is almost impossible to copy from the mall stores. Not knocking them, they have their place, and I shop them too, but I always enjoy seeing pictures of your rooms because they look like a loved home.
I felt the same way when a local store closed in Danville, California. This was not an antique store but a retail store, but for me it was a friend in the same way “A Classic Flea” was for you.
They called it “Elegant Clutter” and, like you, each time I walked in, I felt at peace and happy. The store, filled with objects and furniture and decor in varying styles, all of which was irresistible and charming, made it a frequent destination. When I learned they were closing, it broke my heart. My home is filled with treasures I’d found there over the years.
Oh no, that makes me so sad. I was planning on coming to the Atlanta area to visit friends there, and we were going to make a trip to Marietta just so we could go to A Classy Flea, and the French Bakery there too. I have been looking forward to going there ever since you first talked about it, now I won’t get to see it. I love places like that and we always look for them in every city we visit. My favorite thing to do is to go “Junkin”, that’s what a friend of mine and I call it when we go to all the shops like A Classy Flea. So many treasures in each place we go, these young people are really missing out if they are not interested in old and vintage furniture and accessories. My entire house is furnished and decorated with nothing but antiques and vintage. Thanks for letting us know about this sad closing. Peggy
My condolences, Susan! Isn’t it heartening to see all the posts we’ve flooded your blog with today? You struck an emotional chord your loyal followers understand. Thank you for sharing the impact of the demise of The Classy Flea. The same effect is hitting china and fine linen stores. Right before I moved from Greenville, SC, 3 of my favorite stores- an antique mall, fine linen, and china shop closed. Since I moved back to Memphis, TN last year- a fine linen plus a china store closed. These closings affect me just as your beloved Classy Flea. To cope, I channel my business to the few remaining antique, linen, china stores— as I realize they may be gone tomorrow if we don’t support them. Plus it’s always wonderful to strike up conversation/build relationships with the like-minded owners and employees! Once the rain subsides in Atlanta, head out and find your new Classy Flea to heal your heart.
It is truly sad that the new genations cannot realize the fact that there is a good reason why beautiful antique pieces have stood the test of time through the quality of the workmanship and materials. Losing a great place to go to and happy memories of it is like losing a great friend.
Really sad Classy Flea is closing. What’s that saying? All good things must come to an end, or something like that. I read an article that “brown” furniture is no longer wanted. That’s what they are calling antiques! I have to say the antiques that were treated badly do look better with a coat of paint and I have seen some lovely items. Better for an antique to be painted than thrown in the dump. My kids are not interested in any of the things passed down from my parents and grandparents. I am toying with the idea of writing the history of some of my things in the hope that if the kids know the history they might consider keeping the item. Breaks my heart. Instead of flea markets and consignment stores they have Estate Sales. Ethan Allen is another exceptional furniture maker, but to keep up with the times has changed their line. Today’s generation seems to want throw away things and less and less of yesterday’s treasures. Great post!
Oh no. I hadn’t heard that CF was closing. You introduced it to me thru your blog, and my husband and I visited it frequently. I liked it because everything was so reasonably priced. I noticed that Dupree’s had a new name, but I see it still says there is lamp repair there to I assume that is David Puffer. The big antique store on Cobb Pkwy is no longer there either, and one in Kennesaw I read is cLosing because there is going to be a new mixed use shopping center built there. So sad. I think old things add that special touch to rooms, not a whole house full, but those special pieces.
This is really sad. I have gone with you every time you went. One time you posted a picture that had a beautiful set of dishes. I got in touch with you to give me the information I needed to get in contact with them. I bought the dishes!!!Never been there but I did shop with you and purchased dishes. I hate change more than anyone. I am going through a nightmare right now and the only constant in my life is your blog. I have no family living in this state NC, but it feels like I have you. You are my constant.
I’m so glad you were able to get those, Bernadette! So awesome that they could ship them to you.
Awww, thanks. ♥ Well, I don’t have any plans to stop blogging anytime soon, so that you can count on!
It seems like the modern minimalist styles from Pottery Barn, Williams Sonoma Home and Z Gallerie are setting the style trends now. And even so, their furniture lines have been affected, very very different from what they were selling 20 years ago. The only home interior style setter who seems to appreciate and use antiques regularly is Joanna Gaines from Fixer Upper.
Hubby and I did a total house furniture replacement in the year 2000, bought all our furniture from Thomasville and Ethan Allan. Our rooms are filled with Thomasville Ernest Hemingway and Vintage Classics, and Ethan Allan British Classics. Our style is a combination of Italian/Tuscan and British colonial. These styles seem to be totally out of fashion. Last spring we went furniture shopping and the Thomasville and Ethan Allan stores had fundamentally changed. I recieve Ethan Allan and Thomasville calendars all the time, everything is shades of grey, antique white and shades of greyish blue. Even the wood furniture is stained blue and grey. The leading style now is “mid-century modern”–a style that I unfortunately don’t like at all.
I’m sorry to hear that the Classy Flea closed, I always enjoyed your posts when you featured this store.
It is a sad day when people rather have the junk they make now, than a solid old piece of furniture. I heard the same thing, it is very sad and i am so sorry, i feel the same way i don’t like changes. I am keeping all my antiques, I am on your side and i care.
Oh, NOooo! I first found “A Classy Flea” because of you, Susan! My daughter lives in Marietta, and it’s about 4 miles from her house. I looked forward to making a “flea” trip during most visits to see her and my grandsons. I bought a beautiful Italian pottery vase there just a couple of months ago. Also have found a few nice things at the Goidwill in the same shopping center. Plus there’s a great bbq restaurant close, too! Had no idea they were closing. This makes me so sad.
Be sure to post where the dealers head to.
Same thing happening to a huge Antique Mall here in KC. Landlords selling the building and no other site has presented itself that wouldn’t cost the dealers more. All our old warehouses downtown have filled in recent years with flea and antiques, but even that is now going through a shuffle. However, I’m seeing signs and signals that we are about to witness a return to traditional style and that always brings with it the beautiful old crystal, silver, china, old oil paintings, etc. I’ve heard the same thing about Estate sales and antique auctions seeing the prices tick back up. So watch and see but I think it’s coming! There’s going to be a generation that is just sick they didn’t want their parents and grandparents pretty things when they had the chance! Just yesterday I bought a pretty Staffordshire box and a silver platter that was black until I brought it home and shined it up. It’s now atop an antique dresser and filled with crystal decanters as of this morning!!
How very sad! I have always been an old soul. I’ve always loved the warmth of things from the past. Whether it was furniture or dishes. When I was a young wife, I used to go with my aunt to antique shops and learned so much from her. We had no money for antiques, but I learned how to recognize something of value. When my aunt moved into an assisted living facility, she gave me chairs, an old desk that had been her mothers, and silverware and dishes from the war years. They are each a treasure.
Unfortunately, living in Florida the prices in antique stores are high. It appears that dealers think tourists will pay more, and unfortunately it’s usually out of my price range. When we travel, hubby and I have the best time finding antique malls, searching for treasures. We still keep an eye out for that special something. Hopefully, it will not totally die a slow death.
Besides history, the most fun part of owning antiques is the story behind the purchase. I doubt ever has an antique been bought without a fun fun adventure in the capture. Some of my best girlfriend memories involve antiquing!!
I want that chair!!!!!
How terribly sad! One thing that drives me absolutely insane is seeing lovely antique “Brown” furniture that has been coated in skittles-colored paint – the ever popular chalk paint, I guess. Now, I’m not saying painted furniture can’t look good because sometimes it can, but when I see a lovely Hepplewhite-style dresser that is now Pepto-Bismol pink, it makes me wish I had some Pepto to slug down to counteract my queasiness!
I started seriously antiquing in 2000. It was an era of wonderful and affordable antique shops and estate sales with items whose former owners had impeccable taste. I remember one estate sale manager telling me to snap up everything I could afford to as pretty soon the trend would change to something else. She had predicted farmhouse oak, but it ended up being mid-century modern, which translates into Ikea! She also said the next time classic mahogany would come return was when it was time for me to downsize. Unfortunately, I think when that time comes, there won’t be anyone to buy it except another old lady who couldn’t afford it way back when!
This makes me sad too. I recently went to a consignment and antique shop in West Cobb and she also said no one buys antiques anymore. She had some of the most beautiful silver and lovely furniture. It makes me sad that no one wants a piece of history or even their family in their home anymore.
I don’t need anything else in my house but I still love to look and maybe, just maybe, find something I can’t live without.
All the old antiques are being snapped up and painted white, black or another light color. Makes me so sad to see this trend because I think someday they will look at it in a different light and wish it was a warm wood tone! But you’re right, true antique stores are disappearing.
There’s another Lakewood off Jonesboro Rd (off 285) that’s once a month as well as the Lakewood 400 one.
Young people are buying antiques and painting them different colors! The farmhouse look is what’s the rage now days.
Oh Dear Susan….My heart bleeds not only for you, but truly for all of us. I have lived vicariously though your CF posts wishing that we too in Fla. had the quality shop that you have so enjoyed. Ours all seemed to have closed some time ago, but I so hoped that you in GA, the Carolinas, LA, Miss, and TX were still holding on having better educated your young people than have we in Fla.
My only hope has been a long relationship with a wonderfully knowledgeable woman who has handled local estate sales for years. As one of the only positive forces (on this subject) in my life, she continues to assuring me that some day our adult children will wake up and realize their Pottery Barn, Restoration Hardware, IKES purchases not only all look the same but have the quality of sawdust. I am holding on to her predictions with the tips of my fingernails watching my older friends seriously downsize to go into retirement communities. It breaks my heart watching the children of my friends reject all the fine silver, china and furniture…just as my daughter and son-in-law. I honestly do understand their (adult children) lack of time to tend to fine things if they (both husband and wife) have a demanding full-time job in addition to their husband, children, house-hold/family obligations, but I am unable to resolve the seemingly resolve to adhere to a life of “green Living” if they elect to purchase the
temporary “sawdust”. I am majority distressed to see the proclivity to “buy and throw out” vs that to which I subscribe….BUY QUALITY AND TAKE CARE OF WHAT YOU HAVE. To
As an indication of how strongly I feel about this, here I am at 75 years old still yearning for two chests (approximately 36″ wide by 36″ high by 19″ deep) for niches that I have sought for 18 years. Of course I have found the perfect Baker specimens for a mere $12,000.0 each…something a single person since 1974 can hardly afford, but as you, has coveted.
As I join you in your CF mourning, if any of your Cf vendors have such for sale, perhaps you would share my contact information.
With mutual condemnation for all things new,
Susan, I discovered the Classy Flea on your blog. Every single time we drive from Nashville to Atlanta it was must stop. Like you, so many of the things I love in my home came from there. When you find out where the dealers are going, please share since I didn’t get on their mailing list. We are planning a girls antiquing trip in Nov and I would love to know some of your other favorites. We plant to visit all 3 of the Queens.
Susan, I probably was shopping at The Classy Flea right beside you as we frequently drove there from Fayetteville. Once I discovered quality timeless furniture I was determined it was what I would want for the rest of my life and I could leave important pieces to my children. But guess what? They don’t want it. They don’t want the sterling silver, the fine china and crystal. They want cheap particle board from Ikea and have no qualms serving guests on paper plates. Yes change is difficult. But change is not all bad. We have to embrace change because it is inevietable.
I feel your pain! The times they are a changin’ ; ain’t it sad?! I’m not much of one for antiquing beautiful old wood furniture (I took wood shop in Jr. High – uh oh, I’m showing my age [62] now and just love oiled or stained woods). The younger generations couldn’t care less for old items (but there really are some that get it) and they throw down good money for chipboard furniture that wouldn’t last through a rainstorm going from Grandma’s estate to their homes. There is a really good Antique Mall here in Charlotte, North Carolina that I can spend hours in and I’m sure you would love it too. Hang in there, all is not lost and, you are on the mailing list so hopefully you will be able to tag along with some of the dealers from ACF. Thanks for the post.
Susan, I am sorry to hear your favorite shop is closing. I stopped in several times on my trips to Alabama to visit my son. What a near shop with wonderful items and best of all, reasonable prices. The antique stores in my area are too over priced. They too are closing.
I share your feelings of losing a 30+ year store I’ve shopped in. Our Rite AIDS we’re bought by Walgreens, and closed July 25. It was a sad day as you grow close to the pharmacist, they know what brands you must have and you develop a family. Walgreens did not take any of the pharmacists. So now these pharmacists have so many new people to meet an d learn their habits.
We live in a never changing world.
Great post…and I so can commiserate with your loss. Filling a home with memories, family cast offs and great finds is a journey as well as a chance to make ‘connections’. Hopefully some of the dealers will move elsewhere and let you know—!
This makes me very sad. I have seen this happen much more than I would like. I was just thinking last week that I wanted to visit ACF sometime. Although I know it will not be the same, Woodstock Antiques and Consignments in Woodstock, Ga has a beautiful selection of both fine and “farmhouse” style antiques. They seem to be doing well by embracing the modern farmhouse trend and offering workshops on how to use chalk paint, while still offering a wonderful selection of antique furniture, fine china, mirrors and other decor items. I found the prices to be reasonable. You should try it out some Saturday when you want to take a drive in the “country.” I’m truly sorry you lost your friend. I have lost several in the last few years and it is painful.
Your post made me realize how blessed I am to have antiques from my grand and great grand parents homes. I have some in storage that I miss and I’m looking forward to buying a home and putting all of them in a special place.
It saddens me as well to see a place like this close it’s doors. My youngest son, who is 22 1/2 told me that kids his age aren’t interested in antiques. How sad is that?! I couldn’t believe my ears! I hope that one day the antique will come back and be here to stay once again as I love antiques. Oh and I hate change with a passion as well. Hugs, Brenda
Thank you for this tribute. I love antiques. Your home has an inviting warmth that isn’t cookie cutter but has a dignity that is timeless. You have used these beautiful pieces to cultivate your own haven. Real homes have heart and soul creating hospitality, solace, inspiration, and harmony. Blessings.
I love antiques too and like you through the years acquired them for my home. I would also go to auctions. That’s where I really found some gems! It’s sad to see the appreciation for antiques fade away. What really confounds me is seeing beautiful pieces painted ever since the chalk paint craze took hold. I just don’t get it. How anyone can ruin and devalue such fine craftsmanship is baffling.
I am lucky enough to have a house (over)filled with family and purchased antiques.When my son was young he had a friend over and I heard him tell him that when he grew up he was not going to have “used” furniture. Now that he is grown and has his own home he is gaining an appreciation for some of the things he see’s here. Before I retired I traveled for work often in the south, (I live in the west) and always tried to visit some of the wonderful antique stores in many cities. It was heaven. Totally different inventory. The furniture was more high end and reflected the love and respect that southerners have for their homes. Things were more formal, more traditional and more beautiful then out west. I hope that never changes.
This news is heart breaking! I loved going there. I haven’t been in a while because I am a long way away and like you I have a full house! However, the news of it closing is very sad.
I saw some items in your pictures I would really like.
Oh Susan,
I don’t know what to say but I get you and I’m sorry for you. 🙁
I know it’s so hard to say goodbye to someone or something or even a place we kind of got attached to, especially if they/it let us feel good, somehow.
I hope you’ll be able to find another special place that will also soothe all your cares like ACF did.
Oh, Susan, I feel sad reading this. I loved reading about your excursions there, and hoped to visit myself one day. On past visits to Atlanta, I did the usual tourist things, and kept thinking “next trip” I’ll get to the Classy Flea. I don’t adjust quickly to change, either, and can see why this makes you sad.
Oh, boo hoo – so sad! And that’s how I feel about all the wonderful tea houses that have closed…….if we don’t patronize these wonderful treasures they CLOSE!
And while we’re at it – a big time hiss and boo to cheaply made PDF Chinese stuff – long as we’re buying it, the well-made-tried-and- true wooden antique pieces don’t sell.
Younger people do not want ANY bother! I know one couple who had some nice things,wedding gifts, and several years into the marriage decided that spending Saturday cleaning their apartment was not in their planbook. They put into storage anything that was not necessary. They each have one glass, one plate, one bowl, A fork, knife and spoon. A very spartan plan. LOL! Wouldn’t work for me—I have multiples of everything (shhh! I have a number of sets of china and napkins are my weakness, new, and certainly at the flea markets!) I am a person that is more comfortable with old things. My d.o.l. detests things that have belonged to others , even family. While I treasure the memories while using the lovely china that belonged to my husband’s sweet Nana and feel closer to my mother while rolling piecrust with her rolling pin, this is not the case with my d.o.l. or my nieces. They say they are ‘creeped out’ by using things that belonged to someone who is now gone. They do not want, and have been very vocal about making me understand they do not want my things when I am gone! I am going to party like its 1999 with my wonderful china and then, when I want to stop, I will sell most of it myself and enjoy the proceeds! BTW: I think I’ll take some of it with me! At least that rolling pin! Forgive any crazy mis-spellings: my computer screen has developed a bad crack! I am adapting while I save up for the new one! So sorry that your favorite stores are all disappearing! Georgia is a great place to go antiquing. Most of my favorite places are gone, too. Very lonely feeling. I still like to set a fine table for company. It is my way of making them feel transported to another time when folks showed respect, love and importance of time, place and position. I hope the next generation changes and softens their hearts about the past. I hope, too, that we all may discover some new places to find our little (and big!) treasures.
Oh, Susan! A friend of mine called to say she had looked at this post since I recommended it to her. She said, “Tina, what is your dol?” I said, “Oh dear. It should say ‘dil’ which stands for ‘daughter-in-law’!” I think I should never again post while tired, using a very cracked screen and in a hurry! Because of the cracked area I must constantly minimize things and drag the stuff to the right corner of the screen. Then, maximize again to see things. Sometimes it is just too much trouble and I go ahead—but I can’t realistically proofread quickly. The tired part, well, I have no good excuse! But, today I am researching NEW laptops! LOL!
With a 32 year old son in Seattle and a 35 year old daughter in Williamsburg I can truly say that as they have grown older and purchased their own homes, they see the beauty in modern furniture and classic antiques finally. Having grown up with my antiques (some family pieces) they want something different for their homes. BUT as my son recently said “just because it’s old doesn’t mean I want it.” I have no issue with painted furniture as it begins a new life in a new home. Recycle it!
I too love antiques and collected when I was younger. Now that I am in my sixties my taste is for relaxing and less fussy since I live near the water. Less ornate pieces that are antique are more appealing and fit most decors.
Like you I loved the Colonial Homes magazine, and was given a Henredon catologue many years ago. Still have them, and am trying to let them go.
We bought our dream home 32 years ago, and I haunted antique stores for this traditional house. My favourite stores are all gone. Very sad indeed. So I can sympathize with your feelings about the Classy Flea. How I enjoyed seeing the pictures of your forays there. Love your home, and your travel blogs. Am unable to travel anymore, so they are an especially great treat. Thanks for many enjoyable hours reading your bog.
It is very sad when our favorite shops and/or restaurants close. I have also heard that antiques are not selling well. There are weekly auctions near my house where you can pick up entire estates for a few hundred dollars. That is just crazy! I agree that it will pick up again. Everything comes back in style.
I so enjoyed browsing A Classy Flea with you over the years. Such a lovely store. I love the enduring beauty and quality of many antiques. When you buy things that you love, you never seem to tire of them. They just grow dearer to your heart as the years pass and the memories accumulate. There have been times when I have come across blogs and have seen beautiful pieces of furniture being covered in chalk paint that I have almost screamed.
I love your thought that if people aren’t buying, there is more for me.
OMG, you will never believe this! In your guest bedroom you mentioned that the white iron bed was purchased in Woodstock, GA. Well would you believe that I used to be a dealer there and that bed was my daughter’s bed that I sold while at the “Flea Emporium” located on Hwy 5 (Canton Hwy), in Woodstock, GA. The “Flea” closed many years ago, however, I was a dealer there for 9 years. BTW, if I remember correctly, I purchased the bed from the Spiegel catalog many, many years ago.
I just pulled out the box where I keep all my receipts from past purchases for each room. I purchased it from Big Shanty Antique Market on Roberts Road in Kennesaw, GA on 9-19-2002. I thought that area was Woodstock, but it’s apparently Kennesaw. I remember it was an older gentleman who owned that booth, I think. He met me there to discuss the price so I think it was his booth. I still have the card where I wrote down the names: James and Evone Dill. The receipt shows I paid $238.50 + tax for a total of $250.43. I wonder if they bought it from you, then I purchased it from them.
I also have a flyer inside that file that shows a very similar bed by Elliott Designs, Inc. in CA, and the bed is called, “The Imperial.” I wonder if they made the beds that sold in Spiegel.
You could be right…it’s not unusual for dealers to shop other dealers and resell the item(s) at their own shop. That bed is just exactly what my daughter had….it was her “big girl bed”. I had her room all “girly” although at the time she was more of a tomboy…isn’t that the way!
If this is my daughter’s bed, I am so happy it found a forever home in your beautiful home! I have been a follower of yours for E-V-E-R!!! I have purchased many items that you have recommended on your posts and have never been disappointed in your review and suggestion of a product! Keep those posts coming!
Thanks so much, Kathi! ♥
I know one of the owners of ACF told me that dealers from Atlanta and even other states used to come shop in ACF alllll the time because their prices were so much better than everywhere else.
I hope this is your daughter’s bed, would love knowing that! I wish you knew of an identifying mark on it, I would look for it! 🙂
Oh, Susan, I can so relate to your sad story. So many of the places I loved are gone now. When I moved back to this area, where I spent my youth, the first place I wanted to revisit was William Spencer’s Furniture/Decor/Seasonal Shoppe in the quaint village of Rancocas Woods, NJ. When I walked inside, it took me back to the days when my brother and I played make-believe on their covered Conestoga and open buckboard wagons that sat out front and were filled with all things pertaining to what one would require on a wagon train. There is also a pond with a working water wheel next to a small dependency shop where they used to sell some smaller antiques, and jar after jar of FREE penny candy along with the daily newspaper ( you were trusted to leave the change for the paper in a mason jar on the counter!). Mr. and Mrs. Spencer allowed us to pick out used books for sale that sat on a large farmhouse table and go over and sit on the wing-back chairs by the fireplace, where we would spend lovely hours reading. This began my love of books and fine furniture. Every season, this beautiful big shop (which looks just like a dark log building from the turn of the century Adirondack camps) was totally decked out with so many beautiful things. It was so lovely to look out the large mullion-paned box windows at the Xmas lights while candles glowed in every window and snow drifted down. Around Xmas, they always enlisted a choir group to stand on the wide staircase for an evening of Xmas carols and yummy treats afterwards. In the village were over a dozen total quaint shops, all of them so cozy inside. There was a candle and faux florals shop, a stationery/greeting cards shop, a book store, two clothing shops, two antique shops, an equestrian/decor shop, several collectibles shops with Dept. 56 and many others filling every room, a toy shop, a soup & sandwich shop, and a crafts shop. At the end of the strip of shops was the ice-skating pond, where parents would hang lanterns from the tree limbs so us kids could skate into the early evening. It was an honest to goodness Currier & Ives village. I am so very glad I came back north in time to see them as they once were, and even talk to many of the original sales people, because the shops all got sold a few years later. I actually cried when the Spencers told me they were retiring and selling all the shops, many of which now stand empty and unloved looking. If we had the money, we would have purchased the shops; I had so many ideas for them. The W. S. Furniture Shoppe did get purchased and is now a vintage store. The Spencers still come every Xmas to decorate the outside for the new owners, which is so endearing, but it’s just not the same as when all the events were held in the village. I miss it terribly as this was where I spent so many carefree days; days filled with such beautiful memories, but I’m so very glad I have them! Hugs!
Wow, what a wonderful, wonderful to grow up! I loved hearing you describe it, Bobbi! Someone needs to bring the village back to life again, sound so beautiful! I love that image of you sitting in a wingback by the fireplace reading. There’s no place like that now for children to enjoy, at least that I know of. The skating by lamplight sounds so amazing! What a wonderful childhood!
Bobbi, just wanted to let you know I replied to your email today, but I keep getting a message back saying my email wasn’t delivered. Not sure why it’s bouncing back. Let me know if you actually get it.
Susan it seems the word “vintage” has replaced “antique” in today’s market. Don’t you think?
I once read that technically something is not an antique unless it’s 100 years old. I’ve heard that repeated several times over the years, but not sure if that’s how antique dealers see it. Most of the furniture we purchase in antique shops is probably vintage. I do have a few pieces that are over 100 years old.
I shop for my home decor at thrift and antique stores. If one of my antique stores closed…. OH, I don’t like to think that way. So sorry your store is closing. I hope that trend doesn’t continue.
I know exactly how you feel. A long time business in my area that sells oriental and persian rugs is closing. The owner told me that his business has declined because no one wants these types of rugs anymore.
True. Sadly, there are some people who are shedding possessions or becoming minimalists. On the other hand, there is still a pretty good market for those that like to thrift or look for vintage finds. I see the word vintage used a lot.