Limelight Hydrangeas, Butterflies and Birds: A Summer Table Setting On The Porch

Welcome to the 515th Tablescape Thursday!

The Limelight hydrangeas in front of my home are still blooming, so I couldn’t resist using them again in a summer table setting here on the screened porch.

Screened Porch Spring Table Setting, Limelight Hydrangeas Centerpiece


Porch Dining in Summer


See that big gap, one hydrangea fell over and I didn’t notice it until I was done taking pictures.

Limelight Hydrangeas in a Summer Table Setting


While I was setting the table, little birds flew in and nested down inside the hydrangeas! 😉

Limelight Hydrangeas Make a Beautiful Summer Centerpiece


So you may see sweet little faces peeking out from the centerpiece in this summer table setting.

Centerpiece Ideas Using Limelight Hydrangeas


At this point during the summer, the white blossoms are in the process of turning that soft, green color from whence they take their name. Such a gorgeous color!

For this centerpiece, I placed the hydrangeas inside a rustic wire container found in Marshalls many years ago. The wire container holds three glass jars and each jar has a criss-cross type metal top that’s perfect for creating a floral arrangement.

Sweet Bird Hiding in Limelight Hydrangeas


Here’s a photo from an older post showing one of the jars.

Jar for Floral Arranging


Here’s a better view of the container filled with honeysuckle in this previous table setting: Easter Table with Honeysuckle Centerpiece.

I just Googled to find the name of those little criss-cross style tops and I found some that can be placed on top of mason jars for this same purpose…for floral arranging. You’ll find those here: Floral Arranging Inserts. Had no idea you could buy the tops until I found those this evening. Cool idea!

Rustic Wire Centerpiece with Jars for Floral Arrangements


The white chargers were a find on Horchw online back in 2008. On back, they are hallmarked: Vintage Garden, Ambiance Collections.

I did something with the napkins in this tablescape that I’ve never done before.

Summer Tablescape with Noritake Colorware Dinnerware


I had a really hard time choosing the napkins to use for this table setting. I finally settled on white, vintage, linen napkins with a beautiful embroidered design. The linen was so well pressed and flat, it wasn’t filling out my napkin rings very well. So I layered two white napkins together, each with their own embroidered design. That worked much better.

You can see the two different embroidered patterns in the photo below. This is the first time I’ve ever layered white with white and I kinda like it! I’d like to think anyone dining at this table would feel totally spoiled with not one, but two embroidered napkins to use. One of the napkins was a fair amount smaller, so guests could place the larger one across their lap and use the smaller one as needed.

Vintage Garden Ambiance Collection Charger Plates, Noritake Colorwave, Mikasa Modern Butterfly for a Summer Table Setting


The pretty butterfly salad plates are a Mikasa pattern called, Modern Butterfly.

Set a Spring Table with Noritake Colorwave


Unfortunately, I don’t think this pattern is still available.

Mikasa Modern Butterfly Salad Plate


You may remember these sunny-yellow dinner plates, I’ve used them several times for Tablescape Thursday. Noritake sent those to me many years ago and I love using them during the summer and fall months. They are part of Noritake’s Colorwave Collection and are available here: Yellow Colorwave. The Colorwave Collection comes in many different colors—find those here: Colorwave Collection.

Summer Table with Noritake Colorwave


The faux-pearl napkin rings are from Old Time Pottery, a steal at only $1 each.

Pearl Napkin Rings


Many years ago I came across these painted wine stems in Old Time Pottery.

Wine Glasses for Bird Lovers


I loved the sweet bird designs and collected as many different designs as I could find.

Bird Painted Wine Glass


So far, I’ve managed to not break any, which is a miracle since these are the wine glasses I use the most often during the summer months.

Bird-Themed Wine Glasses


Wine Stem with Painted Bird Design


For this table setting, I’m using vintage, silverplate flatware purchased on eBay many, many years ago. I’ve forgotten the name of the pattern, now, but it’s a popular one. Anyone recognize it? It will probably hit me tomorrow, long after this post is up. lol That’s about the way my brain works.

Instead of using the matching teaspoon in this pattern, I decided to use these sweet “message” spoons. This one says, “Grow wild and free” which seemed appropriate in a summer table with a floral centerpiece.

Hand Stamped Silverplate Spoon, Grow Wild & Free


I need to buy more spoons with summery sayings. This one reflects my love for travel with the message: Let’s go on an adventure. I guess that works for a summer table since summertime is a popular time for travel and vacations.

Let's Go On An Adventure, Hand-Stamped Spoon


I ordered this one with a saying from one of my favorite books. Can you guess the book? Bonus points if you can name the author. 🙂

The Secret Garden Bloomed and Bloomed, Stamped Silverplate Spoon


Of course, I had to have one made with this wording. Since I love watching the birds from the porch as they come to the feeders, I requested a couple of sweet birds, too. I love these little spoons so much!

Between Naps On The Porch, Stamped Silverplate Spoon


This one is really more beach-themed. It says, Mermaid kisses, Starfish wishes. I need to order a few more spoons with beachy sayings, would love to use those in a future beach-themed table.

I purchased all these sweet message spoons here: Message Silverplate Spoons. I love that they can be personalized with your own favorite saying, as long as it will fit on a spoon. I think they make the best gifts when combined with a beautiful mug.

Hand-Stamp Silver Spoon


Hope you enjoyed this summertime table here on the porch! I’m looking forward to all the beautiful tables linked for today’s Tablescape Thursday!

Screened Porch Spring Table Setting, Limelight Hydrangeas Centerpiece


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Tablescape Thursday

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  1. Absolutely beautiful Susan! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  2. Everything is Beautiful! Such soft, summery, relaxing colors. Love the spoons, especially your “Between Naps on the Porch” engraving with tiny birds. I need to order some personalized spoons for my granddaughter. Thanks for the close up of yours and the link to order.

    • Thanks, Mary! I love those little spoons! I keep mine out on my kitchen counter in a little sugar bowl and use them throughout the day. They are too cute to put away.

      • If you dont already have one, you should get an antique “spooner” to hold your spoons. Go to eBay and search sooner in antique pottery and glass. They used to be available to match sugar and creamers sets.

  3. Cyndi Raines says

    Very pretty table Susan! LOVE the double white napkins! Almost too pretty to use. The painted wine glasses are beautiful! The cheery yellow plates against the pretty white ribboned chargers are lovely, with the pretty butterfly plates! I wish my hydrangeas had bloomed this year, but no such luck. I ordered the wire lids for the mason jars, thanks for this great tip. Happy Summer Days!

  4. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. One of my all time favorite books. Those stamped spoons are precious. I guess I need to start up a new collection!

  5. Oh Susan,
    I’m in love with those cheeky little birds! They’re too cute! 🙂
    O.K. actually, I’m in love with everything I can see on that table: those beautiful hydrangeas, those elegant white napkins, those pretty butterfly plates, those painted wine glasses and oh, those gorgeous engraved spoons… SUSAN, you should turn your pictures into prints or paintings or even in puzzles and sell them! Such as à la Thomas Kinkade but with tablescapes! 🙂 Or at least write a picture book! What beautiful gifts they’d be! And I could say, I know the author! Ha! So please, mull over my suggestions, do you hear me! 🙂
    ~Hugs to you~

  6. Regality (aka The Quing) says


    The wren on the glass reminds me of the Charleston Gardens signature wren:

  7. What a lovely summer table! I think summers relaxing on your porch much be the best. I love all your sunny yellow details. Makes me happy!

  8. I love this table, Susan. It is perfect for a summer meal: all the happy colors, sweet birds and gorgeous hydrangeas!! I was taken aback when I looked at your “secret garden” picture, because the teaspoon was the pattern of my Mom’s silver from my childhood! I believe its name is “Coronation” and was created in the year of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. Sadly, my Mom’s set had disappeared long before I even cared about tablescapes or collecting heirlooms. Your picture of that spoon brought me right back to my days at our dining room table!! Great way to start a day! Rosie @The Magic Hutch

  9. Donna zoltanski says

    Love your limelights!

  10. What a lovely tables cape! I like using our limelight hydrangeas, little limes, and vanilla strawberry limelights, too. I think the bird peeking out is just precious. I also have a container that is similar and 3 jars. I purchased that type of lid last year.

    • Thanks, Nancy! XX I love those lids! I had no idea they made those until Wednesday night when I was googling trying to figure out how to describe it or what to call it. Sure makes it easy to create a floral arrangement!

  11. Oh, what a beautiful table! And…the spoon stole my heart just as the book it is take from did – The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. That is my favorite book of all time…love to re-read it every February to remind me that Spring always arrives.

    • I love that book, too! I have it in book form but have also purchased on Audible. It’s such a classic and never gets old. Late winter/early spring is such a great time to read it again! Thanks for that idea, Ann!

  12. Oops…the power blipped and the computer went dark so I am not sure my comment made it through — Here I go again – Beautiful table! Love the spoon with the message from my favorite book, The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I re-read it every year in February to remind me that Spring always arrives. Thanks for a great post !

  13. Wanda Bradey says

    Susan, it is beautiful as always. One question. The white scalloped/looped chargers. Where did you find them? Earlier this year I found white plates like that online from Pier 1 but not the chargers. Would you mind sharing? Thanks. Wanda

    • Oh, I meant to mention about those in the post–thanks for asking, Wanda. I bought those at Horchow online back in 2008. On the back, they are hallmarked “Vintage Garden, Ambiance Collections.” I don’t know if they still carry that style, but maybe they are out there somewhere on eBay or a similar site.

  14. Right away I saw this as an end-of-summer table; it must be those warm yellow dinner plates, and those turning limelights. I wonder what makes a good summer’s-end menu. I’m over (almost) cookouts and corn-on-the-cob, but defintely not ready for fall fare.

    • Umm, that’s a good question. It’s still so hot in GA, I’m loving cold watermelon right from the fridge. The temps won’t start cooling down here until mid to late October, and sometimes it’s still hot then. I love it, though!

  15. Charlotte says

    I love your centerpiece with the little birdies peeking out. I didn’t know about the Mason jar frog tops, need to get some of those. This table is fun and elegant at the same time!

  16. I really, really like this table, Susan. I love using vintage in my tablescapes, the more the better. And I also like the idea of a two napkin dinner of any kind too. I’m that kind of girl, and love a dinner that calls for that kind of clean up!
    Don’t know the flatware pattern, but I sure love those Milk & Honey spoons. I ordered several of those last year. The bird looks adorable peeking up from the limelights. Birds on the glasses are cute too. Great table.

    • I do, too! I should buy more vintage pieces, they add so much to a tablescape. lol Something tells me you and I would do just fine at dinner together! 🙂 Thanks, Rita! I had a third little bird tucked in at the other end but I don’t think he was visible in any of the photos.

  17. Sending out a search party for the hydrangeas. Just too fab. Must have.

    • Hope you find some, Kem! If you don’t, check in early spring next year. These came from Pike Nursery if I’m remembering correctly.

  18. I love your tablescape this week. The little birds nestled in the flowers are adorable. I have a silverplate flatware set just like the one on your table. It is called Beethovan, made by Onieda. I got it when I was first married by collecting the coupons off the box tops of Betty Crocker products. It took a very long time, but I finally got the whole set. I still have it and use it on occasion.

    • That sounds very familiar…that may be the pattern name…thanks, Shirley! That must have felt like such an accomplishment because I know it took a lot of box tops to have enough for something like that. I remember how excited I was gradually building up my collection for the Churchill Blue Willow dishware collection by purchasing groceries at Publix. I wish they would do that again with another pretty pattern, maybe something in red and white this time. 🙂

  19. Snowflake281 says

    Love, love, love this tablescape. It’s so fresh and light and I am loving the little birdies. I’m totally into the bird theme! Great job!!

  20. One of the prettiest tables you have done. Yellow makes me happy!

  21. Your “limelights” are gorgeous!! Mine, due to ALL the rain, are…molding! I did spy a new blossom and…it looks okay…well, until we get more rain. Beautiful table setting!! franki

    • Oh, no! I didn’t know they could do that. It’s probably a miracle mine aren’t moldy because all it does is rain here these days…and they are on the north side of my home. Thanks, Franki! XX

  22. Glinda Lathan says

    Hi! I have followed your BNOTP blog for quite some time but I’m a first time poster. I love all of your posts but have to say this Tablescape is probably my favorite! I adore the wine glasses and am so envious of your Limelights. Thank you for sharing all of your great ideas!

  23. I can just imagine good friends gathering around your beautiful table and just having a wonderful afternoon! Thanks so much for hosting each week.

  24. barbara mooring says

    I believe the pattern on your knives and forks are by Gorham and called Strasbourg. I your table setting.

  25. Ann pauley says

    God has a sense of humor being displayed
    In the details! Wow! Very sweet!
    Could you keep them in a cage on the porch?

  26. This tablescape has to be one of my favourites with all its details and the sweet little birds tucked among the flowers. Speaking of which, I am definitely going to order the floral arranging inserts for a neighbour of mine as a little ‘thank you’ token who loves to garden plus does a lot of canning and supplies me with the most delicious tomato relish so I know she will use them. Also wish to mention, I’ve began my Xmas Stocking Stuffer shopping and ordered the layered necklace spacer and extension chain for my daughter’s. So with much appreciation of your expertise Susan in finding unique items. Keep them coming as there are only 135 shopping days left … 🙂 -Brenda-

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