I love perfume and wear it almost every day. It’s amazing how a little spritz of your favorite scent can completely change your mood. If you’re allergic to perfume or don’t enjoy wearing it, you’ll probably want to skip this post. I know some folks can’t or don’t wear perfume, but if you do love it and wear it, please continue reading and be sure to leave me a comment sharing your favorite scent. I love discovering and trying new scents!
A few years back I purchased a few Chanel fragrances that were available in small, purse-size atomizers. During that time I also purchased a pink, leather-covered, Hermes perfume atomizer I came across on eBay. In the photo below, it’s the pale pink atomizer, third one from the left. That purchase started a collection of Hermes atomizers that continues through today.
Most of the atomizers I’ve collected over the last few years have been purchased via eBay because I had not realized Hermes was still making them. I only recently discovered while talking to a Hermes Sales Associate that Hermes does still make them, they just aren’t available to purchase online. The little refill bottles are available online in some of their fragrances, just not the atomizers.
I’ve never seen the atomizers out on display when I’ve stopped by the Atlanta boutique to browse their scarves and bracelets, so I guess you just need to ask if they have any in stock when shopping in the boutique. When I discovered they were still available a couple of months back, I purchased the atomizer in the pretty rose-pink color known as Rose Azalee (4th from the left) directly from the boutique.
The atomizers have been a lot of fun to collect since Hermes “rests” certain colors each year while introducing new colors or bringing back old ones. I think the colors made available each year may be the same colors available in their handbags for that year, but I’m not positive of that since I just discovered they are still making the atomizers.
Unless you just love collecting all the beautiful colors like me, you actually only need one atomizer since the little glass vial inside each atomizer can easily be removed and replaced with a vial containing another scent. The vials are easy to fill because each atomizer comes with a tiny, little funnel (not pictured) for filling.
Even if the perfume you wish to use can’t be poured from its container, that’s not a problem. It’s easy to just spray the perfume directly into the funnel and it will drain down into the vial. I actually find that much easier and less wasteful than trying to pour the perfume from a bottle into the funnel or vial.
These are the perfumes from my perfume collection with which I’ve chosen to fill each of my atomizers. I had so much fun deciding which one suited which color atomizer. I’m sick that way! 😉
Starting on the top row on the left, Creed’s Love in White had to go in the white atomizer. I chose Chanel’s Chance, Eau Tendre for the pale pink Eglantine color atomizer since Chance, Eau Tendre is soft pink in color.
What perfume do you think I chose for the pretty aqua blue atomizer that’s a dead ringer for the color Tiffany Blue? Yup, it had to be my Tiffany & Co. scent, Tiffany Eau de Parfum. I purchased that perfume from my local Tiffany & Co. boutique during the launch of that fragrance a few years back. I noticed today that Tiffany has just introduced a new scent called Tiffany Sheer. It sounds light and perfect for summer.
The final atomizer on the top row in the gorgeous pink color called Rose Azalee is filled with Victor & Rolf’s iconic perfume, Flower Bomb. Flower Bomb is a wonderful, floral scent and as you can see through the bottle, it’s a beautiful rose-pink color.
On the bottom row (starting again on the left) I filled the deep red atomizer with Cartier Carat, a fragrance I just purchased last year. That color was perfect for that fragrance since red is the signature color of Cartier.
Chanel Coco, (not to be confused with Coco Mademoiselle) is one of my favorite fragrances. It’s not for everyone, but I love it! It fills the taupe brown atomizer in the Hermes color, Etoupe. I have a bag in that color, so was glad I could add that atomizer to my collection.
Hermes’s signature color is orange, so the orange atomizer contains another favorite Hermes perfume, 24 Faubourg. 24 Faubourg is named after the actual address of the Hermes flagship store in Paris which is 24 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore. I hope to one day have the opportunity to visit during a trip to Paris. Can you believe, I’ve never been to Paris?! It’s definitely on the bucket list!
The camel-colored atomizer is filled with Burberry’s My Burberry fragrance.
That color just seemed to suit a Burberry fragrance since their classic scarf in the “House Check” print contains lots of that beautiful camel-brown color.
Tip: If you have plans to purchase a Burberry scarf in the future, you’ll find a detailed description regarding how to tell a real Burberry scarf from a fake one in this previous post: Burberry Scarf, Fake vs Real and How to Avoid Getting Scammed. I would love to add this pink one to my scarf collection this year: Pink Burberry Scarf.
The final atomizer below in the pretty purple/pink color (possibly the color, Rose Pourpre) contains another Hermes fragrance I love called, Un Jardin Sur Le Toit. I believe that translates to, The Garden on the Roof.
Why does Hermes have a fragrance by that name?
Their flagship store at 24 Rue du Faubourg Saint Honore in Paris has an actual garden on its roof! Is that not amazing?! You often see it depicted in their scarves.

Source: Hermes Pinterest Page
I’m not sure if I’ll collect any more atomizers since I have atomizers in most of the colors I would want. I wouldn’t mind finding one in a beautiful Augusta green or perhaps a sunshine yellow. Yellow would be the perfect color to hold one of the lemony scents I purchased in Carthusia during a trip to the Isle of Capri.
If you are interested in purchasing a Hermes atomizer but do not live near a Hermes boutique, I noticed this evening there are some currently available online where I’ve purchased a few of mine, here: Hermes Atomizers.
Tip: I’ve only purchased atomizers that were listed as being “Brand New,” so be sure and read the descriptions carefully if you decide to purchase one that’s listed as, pre-owned.
I subscribe to Scentbird. It’s an excellent wat to get a new perfume every month for very little money. My scent this month is My Burberry and I’m loving this scent. I also order a new atomizer very 2 or 3 months. If you like perfume, you need to check it out. Monthly fee is $14.95. Not bad and you select your perfumes. It’s helped me decide which ones I want to collect in a full size.
I subscribed to one of the perfume delivery services a while…can’t remember if it was Scentbird. It was fun getting a new scent each month! I love My Burberry, too! Thanks, Deborah!
My maternal grandmother wore Devonshire Violets. My mum wore Miss Dior by Christian Dior. At the age of 13, I selected Chanel 22 as my life long scent. I have been wearing it for 63 years. It is almost impossible to find now as I believe it is no longer being made. I have tried others, but nothing will ever replace my original love. I believe it was created with all white flowers. If anyone has a suggestion of a similar scent, I would enjoy hearing about it.
Susan, I’m allergic to perfumes. However, I completely understand your obsession and how much fun it must have been matching your beautiful atomizers to the perfect scent. We are definitely kindred spirits in the ‘fun girly stuff to do that other people don’t get,’ department. Lol.
I really think you chose the perfect scent for each lovely color. The little things you find joy in are inspiring.
That sounds lovely, Isobel! I would love to smell that one! I know Chanel has come out with some new scents in recent years. I really should try some of those. I hope you can find one you love as much as Chanel 22.
Hi Isobel,
Is this the one you are looking for? https://www.chanel.com/be-fr/parfums/p/122220/n22-les-exclusifs-de-chanel-eau-de-parfum/?param=value&gclid=CjwKCAiA17P9BRB2EiwAMvwNyMCra5HwykF0WGm1JjulWb4C0gckZ0eMqlDnQtzqXFGdxJxC3GKJYRoCeZwQAvD_BwE
I sure hope so!
Have a great day,
Good morning, I have several of the same scents that you have and love them. My newest that smells really nice is Vicktor and Rolf’s, Bon Bon. Love it!! Also the Mac, Purple Teddy smells great, not a new fragrance and their other, can’t remember name actually smells like a Tom Ford fragrance.Love to smell different perfumes as long as they are not overpowering. Have a great day Susan from Lawrenceville,❤️
I do, too! I love trying them when I’m in Nordstrom or Neiman Marcus…so many beautiful scents! Thanks, Sonny! Hope you are staying warm, it’s turned cold here where I’m visiting family in Ohio!
I was so intrigued by the rooftop garden, I googled more info about it. And then took an aerial tour on google maps. Amazing views. There is a tiny balcony garden next door. And so many courtyards to bring in air and light to interior areas.
That is so neat that you did that! I would love to visit Paris!
Currently my fave is “Mimosa & Cardamom” by Jo Malone. I’ve noticed that especially with her brand you have to put a little on and wait for 15-20 minutes until you can really tell what the true scent will be like on you. More so than with other brands. And of course, they all smell differently on each person.
Love your collection! So pretty.
I don’t collect atomizers, but I see we like several of the same fragrances. I especially love all Chanel’s fragrances. I have been looking for First by Van Cleefe and Arpel,and can’t find it. I’m not sure if it is made anymore.
I love perfume and have a few favorites that I always make sure to replace when they are getting low. One of the ones that I wear to special events or just when I am feeling really spiffy is Boucheron https://www.macys.com/shop/product/boucheron-pour-femme-fragrance-collectio. I can find it at most department stores. It has a wonderful fragrance and it lasts a long time for me. I just love it. Another is Cashmere Mist by Donna Karan. It has a soft and pretty scent that I find myself drawn to and I wear it almost every day. You can find it here,https://www.amazon.com/Cashmere-Donna-Karan-Women-3-4-Ounces. Either of these 2 are always my go to for scents. I have a few others but these are my favorites.
They make a wonderful decorating accent as well!! franki
Beautiful display Susan. A rainbow of colors and scents.
I too like to carry my more expensive scents to travel and tried the screw top (not Hermes) but they leaked. My purse and/or travel bag smelled really nice but I was disappointed. Then after several trials with various small atomizers, I found these https://www.travalo.com/product/classic-gold/
They don’t come in as many colors but when transferring the fragrance it doesn’t touch the air. It is so easy to use, inexpensive and has never leaked due to pressurization or a loose top. To remember the contents, I print a small label using a Dymo.
I get a kick out of your atomizer collection! You inspire me to start collecting them too. It just makes sense for traveling or carrying a scent in one’s handbag. I love perfume and wear it every day even if it is just a scented oil. I don’t think I have tried even half of your collection though and probably should branch out a little bit!
Susan, you said you want to go to Paris, well, here’s a deal I couldn’t pass up. Round-trip, business class from Newark to Paris and back for $1,000. The price is nonrefundable, but is good from now until next spring. The airline is La Compagnie and is all business class.
Wow, that sounds like a great price! I would love to see Paris!
I wear perfume every single day, and Eternity by Calvin Klein has been my choice for the last 40 years. I do have Chanel #5 and Flower Bomb on my perfume tray, and love to put the Flower Bomb on several cotton balls, and keep them in my dresser drawers, and in the bathroom closet where I store the towels. My Mom worn Estee Lauder (spelling?) for years and years. She died 20 years ago, but I can still smell that fragrance on a scarf of hers that I kept. Funny how a fragrance can bring back so many memories.
I had an aunt who wore Estee Lauder’s Youth Dew and every time I smelled it, I thought of her. When Ronald Lauder spoke at a luncheon here, he said Youth Dew is the only fragrance that you could smell through a steel door. He is so right. It is so long lasting that you only have to apply it every third day.
I love your comment. It really is true, when my Mom wore Youth Dew, to visit dad when he was in the hospital, they knew it was her before the elevator door opened.
How fun! Wish I could wear fragrances again. Decades ago my go to (as a young girl) was Youth Dew (Estee Lauder). Then Caprici by Nina Ricci. Sadly it was discontinued. Then 1st pregnancy came & nothing has smelled good on my skin since. Now I only wear Lemon Verbena by L’Occitane. I use the lotion, soap, & fragrance.
So many of my friends are allergic to scents (and some of them give me a migraine – like Anais Anais) that I stopped wearing them. Before I gave them up, the only one I wore was Paco Rabanne’s Calandre. I don’t know if it’s still made but it was MY scent! I still adore it. I always wore the cream, not the liquid, because it seems to last longer.
The BEST part of this post, though, was how you decided which scent to put in each atomizer. Love, LOVE, L-O-V-E-D your analysis and agree with every decision.
Oh Susan you have made the day feel ever so special with this post & reading your lovely followers’ comments. I am of considerable age & have had a serious addiction to fragrance since my parents introduced fine perfumes into my childhood. I have bottles all over the house, a tray of many on a side area of the kitchen, various displays in dressing rooms, vintage bottles tucked among book shelves, they are simply everywhere. I use older ones by spraying them in bowls of silk flower petals to create a moment when passing a particular area. Sales people in fragrance departments hug me and tell me their life stories as I am such a familiar face. Every occasion, every errand seems to call for “just the right” spritz, & always at bedtime.
Yet nothing feels as special as opening an elegant handbag from my mother’s
collection & getting that waft of scent & return of memories. In this world
full of challenges is this not one of the true joys. Thank you for writing this
delightful post & bringing many of us together to share a bit of beauty.
Rebecca, I love that idea…having them all around the house! How beautiful they must be! I so agree. I can wake up and be feeling kinda blah and spray on one of my favorite scents and my whole mood changes. That’s so sweet about opening a handbag and the scent bringing back memories. Sooo true how scent can bring back a flood of memories!
I loved your post on fragrance. Few people delight in so many different hobbies. Table setting, earrings, flowers, antiques, and so many other things you have written about. I enjoy your blog most of all and your reports from you exciting trips. Tips on packing and things to take or buy. I find you most interesting. I plan to travel to Decatur GA near the end of the month. My granddaughter is going to a camp at Agnes Scott. I am originally from Augusta, GA and will be along for the ride and fun. Since you mentioned Augusta “green” I thought I might ask if you are associating the “kelly” green color of the jacket awarded to the champion of the Master’s Golf Tournament? It is a lovely color!!! ??? and Augusta is proud to be associated with it.
Well, I need help from all perfume wearing ladies! Many of you have mentioned scents I’m unaware of! Here is my situation, sometime in the last ten years, I received two bottles of a slightly-orange-smelling cologne. I really liked it and can’t remember what it was. I don’t think it was any $60.00 an ounce perfume, was very reasonable in price. Any suggestions?
Nicole, it might be an Atelier Cologne, “Orange Sanguine”, available at Nordstrom’s. It’s the scent of freshly cut blood oranges, really summer fresh and just a little sweet. I sometimes use it as a base under a spritz of another summer perfume. It’s showing $78.00 for an ounce of cologne on Nordstrom’s website. Hope this helps!
Nicole, a P.S. — I found the Orange Sanguine on eBay for a great price — I think it was $15.oo for a small bottle.
I love fragrances..I don’t own any Hermès atomizers but plenty of fragrances.
My new fav is by Giorgio Armani Si Passoni (red bottle) beautiful EDP with a light sparkling pear, rose and woody vanilla. Beautiful!
What a beautiful collection. A perfume to match every mood. I would love to wear the 24 Faubourg. It is one of the best orange blossoms made; however, after the dry down, it turns into Eau de Swamp on me. I see you also have Creed’s Love in White. That is such a heavenly fragrance. I so wanted to love the scents Creed made for Grace Kelley and Audrey Hepburn, but, to me, they smell a little bit dated today. I also love Jo Malone’s Orange Blossom and French Lime Blossom (discontinued) but I am really disappointed in the sillage . The scents just do not last.
For the last few years I have been wearing Santa Maria Novella’s Angels of Florence and Neroli Diam for the floral scents.
While I know it is inexpensive it is one that I have loved and stays with you…it is Avon Haiku Flower. Its a perfect light floral perfume. I manage to blow through it as I use it faithfully almost everyday. Of the three Avon Haiku scents…flower is my fav.
What a lovely collection. A perfume to match every mood. Love in White is a heavenly fragrance. I so wanted to love the fragrances Creed made for Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn, but, to me, they smelled a little dated. O how I wish I could wear 24 Faubourg, one of the best orange blossom fragrances ever, but after the dry down it turns into Eau de Swamp on me.
I love Jo Malone’s Orange Blossom and French Lime Blossom (discontinued) but the sillage is so poor I gave up on them. I am still enjoying Santa Maria Novella’s Angels of Florence and Neroli Diam. I have ordered and tried several samples by the new kids on the block, Byredo and Le Labo. but haven’t found anything that I couldn’t live without. Next on my list to try are Diptyque Sens and Escentric Molecule (1 -4).
I like perfume so much that I even got one of those little car fragrance vent clips from Amazon. (Car Fragrance Essential Oil Prime Diffuser Vent Clip Tree of Life & Cloud Set by AINUOBEI) Really nice after you have brought home the take out Tex-Mex or Panda Express.
Have worn Mitsouko (Guerlain) since I was 18. Love it. And love these atomizers! Who makes the brown handbag? It is beautiful!
Georgette, Mitsouko is my favorite scent, too! I love Guerlain — Jicky, Shalimar Light, L’Heure Bleu — but Mitsouko is the one I always go back to. The perfume smells a little different than the EDP and EDT — a little more spice and longer lasting. Great for evenings.
OMG how beautiful. I have never heard of these specific ones but love them and all the colors. A little pricey for me, maybe have a giveaway on your blog LOL! My favorite is the Orange one. Loved reading this post!
Lovely collection! I remember seeing them in all the colors on their website some years back, but now I only see dull brown grey color.
But did you know there are really special atomizers? My husband managed to get one in red crocodile skin for me and it is beautiful!
I am now looking for a few more to put hand sanitizer spray in, so will call the store to see if they have more colors they are hiding away. I must admit I never go into the stores, I prefer to send in my husband instead so he can surprise me 🙂
Unfortunately, a year or two ago, Hermes decided to quit carrying the atomizers in different colors. They only make them in Chocolate Brown, Orange and Etoupe now. Sometimes a Sales Associate can find one still out there that hasn’t sold from when they made them in different colors. I have found several over the years on eBay, so that’s always a great place to look.
Your post is just lovely! The manner in which you have associated the scents is perfect. I have the Etoupe atomizer. Like you, I feel that it really lifts my spirits. Do you know if there is a way to replace the glass insert? I just always worry about that, and I notice a lot of the atomizers offered for sale by re-sellers are missing the insert. Thank you for such a beautiful post!
Thanks, Mer! That’s a great question. Usually, when I’ve purchased a Hermes atomizer, it has come with a glass vial. I can only remember one time when there wasn’t a vial included.
Once or twice I have purchased refills on eBay of particular Hermes perfumes, although I haven’t seen those on eBay in a while. I ended up with a few empty vials at some point but I don’t remember now how that happened. It may have been when I purchased refills on eBay. You may want to call the main number for Hermes and ask them if the vials are available. They should have them since it would be easy to drop one and break it. If you bought your Etoupe atomizer at a Hermes boutique, I would call and ask them if they have any empty vials available to purchase. Also, keep an eye out on eBay. I am always amazed what pops up there from time to time.
If you are interested, you can see my updated collection here:
If I come across anyone selling some of the vials on eBay, I will let you know.
Hi, wonderful collection!
I was browsing online to get my own (second-hand) one, and noticed some of the Hermès refillable cases have the logo engraved, like most of yours, and some seem to be etched, like your orange one if I’m not mistaken.
I’m not sure if “engraved” and “etched” are the correct termes, but the first one seem to be a 3D carving and the latter a surface scratch.
Here’s a high-res photo from the Hermès website, where it’s clearly engraved: https://www.hermes.com/ca/fr/product/terre-d-hermes-coffret-3-recharges-eau-de-toilette-boitier-cuir-rechargeable-V2LEATHERCASE10MLpV26030pV40895/
And here you can see an etched one on a second-hand shopping website:
Do you think both are authentic or could the etched versions seen on ebay & other sites be replicas?
PS: On the fashionphile image, the “PARIS” letter-spacing seems a little off too.
I know it’s confusing because they have made them both ways. I have one in the color Rose Azalee that I purchased in person from the Hermes Atlanta boutique and the “Hermes Paris” lettering on it is etched/engraved in. But another atomizer that my Sales Associate in Atlanta tracked down for me (in the color Jaune Souffre) that came from the King of Prussia Hermes Boutique in Pennsylvania has Hermes Paris just printed on to the silver ring. So Hermes has made them both ways. If you look at this old thread at the Purse Forum that dates back to 2013, the Hermes “ads” show them with the “Hermes Paris” just printed on. https://forum.purseblog.com/threads/hermes-perfume-leather-case.828877/
I guess they have alternated how they do it over the years. I just purchased one on eBay recently in a pretty blue color and the seller said that it had been a gift to him from his Hermes Sales Associate. He’s never used it and he said it’s been sitting in a drawer all these years. It’s in “New” condition and I noticed the lettering is etched in on that one. But I can say for certain that they have made them both ways since I have two that came from actual Hermes boutiques and they are both designed differently: one etched, the other printed on.
Hi Susan, thanks for taking to write such a detailed answer. That’s great news — the one I was eyeing is etched 😉
Oh, I forgot to include the link to the thread at the Purse Forum where you can see the Hermes ads that show the lettering printed onto the atomizers instead of being etched: https://forum.purseblog.com/threads/hermes-perfume-leather-case.828877/
Again, it appears Hermes has made them both ways over the years. Not sure why they did that. I prefer the etched/engraved look so wish they had stuck with that.
I too prefer the etched version, it looks more polished/modern imo.
Liz, one more thing to know, Hermes only makes and sells them right now in three colors: Orange, Etoupe, and a Chocolate Brown. Not sure why they stopped making them in other leather colors. If you want to purchase your atomizer directly from Hermes, if you have a boutique near you, call them and if they don’t have one, they can find one in another store and have it shipped to you. Or, you can contact Hermes at their Customer Service number and they may be able to find one in a store and have it shipped to you. They occasionally appear online in those three colors at their website. Everything is so weird right now with companies being out of stock on some items, I’m not sure if they’ve had them online lately or not.
Just an idea — if you own more than one, you can have fun with their colors and mix the top & bottom parts!