My June Favorites: Some Practical, Some for Fun & One Almost Got My Grandson in Trouble

Last month I purchased this awesome Margaritaville frozen drink maker as a gift for my son and daughter-in-law who have June birthdays just 6 days apart. I may have had ulterior motives…like hoping for a frozen drink or two on Catan-playing night. lol




I’ve been seeing this frozen drink maker for many years and I’ve always wanted to try it out. It did not disappoint! During the two-week visit, we made frozen drinks on several occasions and they were perfect. The drinks came out just the way they do when you order them in a restaurant. Now I want one of these for my own home! If you’ve been eyeing one of these, check out the reviews here: Margaritaville Frozen Drink Maker.



Along with the frozen drink maker, I also ordered a set of these adorable glasses. I was surprised how nice they were–really nice quality and perfect for enjoying frozen margaritas, or really any frozen drink. They are available here: Cactus Margarita Glasses.



Last month was a big perfume month for me–I discovered Penhaligon’s and couldn’t get enough of learning about their beautiful fragrances. In watching perfume reviews online, the book, Cult Perfumes, was recommended. There’s a section in the book about Penhaligon’s so I immediately ordered it. I think it’s a great book if you are curious about how so many of the best perfume houses got their start and would like to learn more about their most popular fragrances. You’ll find it here: Cult Perfumes: The World’s Most Exclusive Perfumeries.

I got totally addicted to playing Catan during a previous visit to see my son, daughter-in-love, and grandchildren. We had so much fun, just as soon as I returned home I ordered the game so I’d have it here whenever they visit. (Game is available here: Catan Game.)



Since I’m always cold when I travel (because most people (son and daughter-in-love) keep their thermostats at a temperature suited for normal people) I love having a hoodie along with me when I travel. I ordered this hoodie during my visit this time and I pulled it out to wear one evening. I had just put it on and was walking down the hall from the guest room when my 8-year-old grandson spotted me and said, “Settle Down, Mimi. Settle Down.” I laughed but before I could say anything, my son hopped up from where he was sitting in the living room and in a somewhat stern voice asked my grandson what he had just said to me. I pointed to the shirt and we all started laughing. If you’re a Catan lover, this hoodie is available here: Catan Hoodie available in 4 Colors.



These Bose Quiet Comfort Noise Canceling Earbuds were a June purchase that I am loving and wish I had purchased a long time ago! They are awesome! They work for both Android and Apple devices and are incredibly comfortable. I could easily wear them all day if I really wanted to. They are available here: Bose Quiet Comfort Noise Canceling Earbuds.

Bose Wireless Earbuds


I purchased a set of these as a gift for my son for his birthday and he loves them. So if you have an Apple phone and like sticking with Apple products, these are perfect. You’ll find them here: Apple AirPods Pro Wireless Earbuds.




I love surprising my daughter-in-love and found a bakery near where they live that had the prettiest birthday cakes!

Floral Birthday Cake


I love the gorgeous colors and the design of this one.

Beautiful Birthday Cake


I don’t think I shared this last month, but this was the banner my son and I hung on the staircase wall late the night before her birthday after she had headed off to bed. She loved it! If you want something that makes a big statement for the birthday boy or girl, this banner definitely does that. You’ll find it here: Birthday Banner.


My oldest grandson just recently started wearing eyeglasses. He was having trouble keeping up with the small cleaning cloth they gave him when he first got his glasses, so I purchased these for him since you get a huge stack. I use these here at home and love that I can use one for a couple of days, then toss it in the hamper and pull out a fresh one. Definitely makes wearing glasses a lot more pleasant and easy to keep clean. You’ll find these here: Eyeglass Cleaning Cloths.



The outlet that’s built into my desk is way up underneath the shelf that my monitors rest on. I have a two-port USB thingy plugged into the outlet but it’s hard to see/locate whenever I need to charge my keyboard or mouse.

3 Monitors Set Up for Desktop Computer


Frustrated, I went in search of something better and ordered this 6-port, desktop, USB charger that has an extension cable on it for plugging into an outlet. I LOVE it! No more having to get out a flashlight to see the charging port that’s hidden up under the monitor shelf when I need to charge my keyboard or mouse. If you need an easy-to-reach USB charger, this one is available here: Charging Port with 6 Ports.


I’m sure I’m leaving some goodies out but these are just a few of my favorites for June. Happy weekend!

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  1. franki Parde says


  2. Robin Lambert says

    What’s the name of the bakery in Dayton?

    • The Ele Cake Company. When you visit their website, click on Cakes, then Occasion Cakes, then Floral Cakes to see all the floral ones.

  3. Nancy’s cake is just adorable! I also love the birthday banner—I’m going to order that, for my dad’s 85th which is in Sept.

  4. Those are some great recommendations, Susan. I thought about the Margaritaville Frozen Concoction Maker for a week or two, then broke down and got it, lol. Unfortunately, mine had a problem but after calling the company, they are going to replace it. So I’m looking forward to that. It does seem to be the perfect antidote to summer heat.

    You know, that’s really something that Chip immediately came to your defense and was ready to discipline Court. I’m glad that he quickly realized it was just a joke, but it’s good to hear that he respects you and expects his son to do the same. I love that.

    Have you heard of BoneShockz? I think that’s what they’re called. My husband can’t stand the feel of earbuds and he found this thing that fits around the back of your head and the earpieces rest below your temples, right in front of your ears. He thinks they’re great. If anybody can’t tolerate earbuds, something like that might work for them.

    Thanks for this list. I hope you enjoy the weekend.

    • Yeah, it was so funny when that happened with the shirt. After we quit laughing, I looked at my son and said, “He can read now!” lol It really was a funny moment.
      I’m glad they are replacing it, ours worked the three times we used it while I was there visiting. I’ll be back visiting in a few weeks and we will def be pulling it back out again if I have anything to say about it. Ha!

  5. The margarita maker looks VERY interesting … ! I’m all for frozen drinks any time of year. 🙂 Thanks for the heads up, and love all your other recommendations too. Hope you’re having a great weekend!

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