I meant to share this post in January, but I’m running a bit late. I thought it would be fun to share those items I purchased last year via Amazon that turned out to be my best or favorite purchases. I forced myself to limit it to just 10 items, which means I had to leave off the wool seat cover I added to my office chair that saved me from being “electrocuted” (only a slight exaggeration) every time I touched the handle of the mini-fridge in my office. Also missing from this list are the silicone button covers that I really think help protect my lighter, summer shirts from button damage.
Below you’ll find the 10 items that I absolutely couldn’t leave off this list. Hope you find this helpful!
I haven’t had the occasion to use my weather radio yet, but I purchased mine after my son raved about how awesome it was when they had really bad weather in his area last year. When he couldn’t find the up-to-date info he needed on TV or online, he remembered the weather radio I had given him at Christmastime. He said they were able to keep up with exactly where the storms were as they moved across their area. It has a lot more features like a built-in phone charger, flashlight, hand crank, really too many to list them all in this post but you can read more about them here: Weather Alert Radio. It gives me peace of mind knowing I have it as we head into tornado season here in the south, so it had to make my top 10 for 2021.
I will always remember 2021 as the “Year of the Lamps!” Last year I came across a lamp company that carries the kind of lamps I love and used to purchase in the high-end furniture stores here in Atlanta many years ago before they all went out of business. They are designed with elegant, fabric, traditional shades instead of the plastic, fabric-covered drum shades which seem to be all the local stores stock these days. After ordering my first one for the guest room, I was so happy with the quality, I decided to replace a few more lamps in my home. I loved this large green and white lamp so much, I ended up purchasing two and moving them to my bedroom for either side of the bed.
The lamps that were here were beautiful but a bit small for the room/bed. They are now downstairs in the living room and den and they look great there. These are much better proportioned for this space.
This lamp in the guest room was actually the first lamp I purchased and the lamp that kicked off my lamp buying spree. I absolutely love this lamp! Out of all the lamps I purchased last year, it’s still my favorite. It was sold out for a while, then came back in stock. I think it may be sold out again.
This large blue and white lamp replaced a large brass lamp that I had been needing to replace for ages. The brass lamp never really suited this room and the shade had gotten damaged at some point. One of the things I really like about all the lamps from this company is you won’t find many (if any) drum shades. I’m not a big fan of the drum shade, much prefer a more elegant shade that tapers inward toward the top because it’s so much easier on the eyes when you walk near/by the lamp. It’s so hard to find lamps with all-fabric (non-drum-shape) shades these days!
Cute, cute lamps in all sizes! Amazing how the simple act of adding a beautiful lamp to a room can totally transform the room!
You’ll find the lamps they currently have in stock here: Beautiful Lamps. There are 4 pages of them at that link, so you’ll have to click through to each page to see all their table lamps. If there’s a lamp that I’ve purchased that you specifically want, just keep checking back because they appear to restock their lamp styles pretty often. I still check their stock about once a month to see what’s new. I have a small lamp in my downstairs paneled den/family room that I may change out if I come across the right lamp for that space.
Still loving and living in these super comfortable bralettes. The padded insert is removable and much easier to take in and out than in most sports/sleeping bras because it’s one whole piece and not two. You’ll find it available here: Seamless Cotton Bralette.
Last year I purchased a new toiletry bag after I left home without mine and knew I’d be away for a while.
This definitely turned out to be one of my best purchases last year. I love the design and layout of this toiletry bag. It’s reasonably priced and always goes with me whenever I travel now. It comes in 4 different colors here: Toiletry Bag.
I’ve been hoping to find a really good sturdy ladder for ages. After I ordered three tall storage shelves last year, I purchased this ladder since I knew it would be helpful for adding the extensions to the tops of the shelves after I put them together. I ended up leaving off the extensions but this ladder was still awesome for stocking and decorating the shelves.
It was indispensable when I added draperies to my bedroom a few months back! The built-in shelf is awesome and the wide steps really helped me feel secure as I climbed up and down a gazillion times while hanging the drapes. I’ve used it many times since then, most recently while changing out the air vents in the ceiling of my bedroom and office. If you need a great step ladder, you’ll find it here: Step Ladder with Shelf.
Love, love, love these huge puzzle sorting trays! I was thrilled when I came across these last year and they are awesome for sorting all the pieces in a 1,000-pc puzzle.
I can get all 1,000 pieces into these 8 trays, even when working a puzzle with the “larger” pieces. Love that! If you love working puzzles, highly recommend these. You’ll find them here: Large Puzzle Trays.
I discovered this anti-itch cream while visiting my son and daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law had some in her medicine cabinet. I have this annoying rash that seems to come and go on the back of my neck and this is the only anti-itch cream I have found that actually works and makes it stop itching. As soon as I got back home, I purchased some. I’m still trying to figure out what’s causing the rash–I think it may be a food sensitivity since I seem to be developing a lot of those the older I get. Anyway, had to share this awesome cream since it really works. It’s available here: Anti-Itch Cream.
I have sensitive skin (unfortunately) and this is the lotion that I use all over after I shower. When I switch away and try something else, my skin gets itchy and I always go back to it. This has really helped, especially during the wintertime when my skin really needs a lot more moisture. You’ll find it here: Curel Itch Defense.
I was so excited last year when I shared this awesome toothbrush storage holder and I’m still just as excited about it.
It has held up beautifully and I haven’t had any issue with mold or anything like that. It has plenty of built-in air holes for ventilation so I guess that’s why it works so well. Love it and I’ve purchased a backup in case this one ever breaks or rusts. So far, no issues at all! You’ll find it here: Toothbrush Holder.
The 10th item I purchased last year and love and enjoy every single day is this adorable tissue holder. After it arrived and I saw how substantial and beautiful it was, I purchased three more for other areas in my home. Currently, I have it in my office by my reading chair, on the bedside table in my guest room, on the desk in my kitchen near all my birding books, and on my bathroom vanity. It’s lovely and the colors make it work for almost any room. There are two more (different) birds on the other side–just love it! I think it makes a nice gift, as well. You’ll find it here: Tissue Holder.
How about a bonus? My daughter-in-law dropped the hint last summer that my son would love a YETI cooler for their days in the backyard grilling and playing with the boys. She was sharing it as an idea for a future Christmas gift but since summer was in full swing, I wanted him to have it right then to enjoy. I purchased it and this was his response. 🙂
It saw a lot of action last summer!
Periodically I get pictures of it in use. lol My son says it keeps drinks cold literally for days! They sometimes stock it up on Friday for the whole weekend. It’s also great for camping, especially since it’s on wheels. You can read more about it here: YETI Wheeled Cooler.
Hope you enjoyed this list of my 2021 favorites. It was fun going back and remembering all these since they were such good ones!
Thank you for sharing these favorite purchases. I have saved several to my wish list. It is difficult to find nice lamps and shades. This looks like a good source.
It really is! They used to abundant in all the nice furniture stores here. I miss those stores, loved walking through them even though I couldn’t afford most of the furniture in them back then. lol
Thanks, Nan!
A package a day seems to be my Amazon moto…a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do…SHOP ON!! franki
Hee, hee. It doesn’t brighten the day! 😉
Great list! I got 5 out of the 10 during the year after you reviewed them! Thank you!!!
Hope you are enjoying them all, Peggy! Love sharing the good stuff!
LOL – I ordered several tissue covers that you reviewed – LOVE THEM! I really appreciate your reviews. I do have one question – the bralette says it is to be “dry cleaned only” – do you wash it in your washer?
I’m so glad, Margaret. I love all the ones I bought last year, too–including the woven/basket ones and the wood one I purchased for my living room downstairs. I can’t believe I never thought of buying the covers until last year! They look so nice hiding the tissues.
That has to be an error in the ad for the bralette. They are 74% cotton, 20% nylon, and 6% spandex. I just wash them with other items that I toss into the handwash basket on my machine. They aren’t delicate and have held up well. I would just wash them in cold water so they won’t shrink since they are mostly cotton.
I bought one bralette the last time you mentioned them, and liked it so much I ditched all my other bras and bought a few more. They were out of the color I wanted but your post reminded me to look again, and I just bought two more of the color I wanted! After ditching my old bras, the skin tags under my arms went away. I’ve also heard that not having hooks in the back is better for your spine.
Regarding your itchy skin, I used to be the same way until I put a chlorine filter on our shower head and replaced our shower gel with a clay-based soap. Now my skin never itches. Never! And I used to go through gallons of moisturizer. The soap I use is Ancient Clay by Zion Health. I use the unscented but they have about a dozen fragrance blends made w essential oils, nothing artificial. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Zion+Health+soap&crid=2YXUKK1CO6VVW&sprefix=zion+health+soap%2Caps%2C84&ref=nb_sb_noss
I sent the link for that ladder to my husband. We need one!
Thank you!!
That is awesome! I’ve all but ditched all my others, too. These are so much more comfortable than regular bras and yet, they give a lot of support. I wish they would offer them in white in the medium size. I bought a bunch of the dark blue ones to wear in the fall and winter and the pink are great for spring summer in case a shirt is light in color, they don’t show through.
I should do that…get a filter for my shower. Renovating both of my upstairs bathrooms is a goal I have for this year if I can swing it. That would be a great time to have a whole house filter installed.
Thanks for the tip about the soap, Barb! I will give it a try!
I meant to order the glass soap dispenser in the photo with your toothbrush holder. I no longer have the link and am hoping you’ll share it again. Thank you!
Mary, I just looked and it says they are no longer available…here’s the link where I purchased them before: https://amzn.to/353YfwN
This looks like the same dispenser and it has great reviews, so I’d try this one: https://amzn.to/3v0r2NR
Mine are still working great and I love how they look!
You always pick the best things, Susan! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Marge! ♥
Wonderful picks – going to try the bralette. Love that it has adjustable straps!
I like that about it, too! I never have to adjust mine, they stay put which I really like.
I love the end table that looks like books. Could you please tell me where you got that? It’s really cute! I remember when you first put it on your blog but I don’t remember if you told where you purchased it.
Thanks, Karen! Here’s a post where I shared more about those books and where they came from:
You can see inside one of them here:
That is so cool that those are real “books”!
Amazingly, my sister gave me just enough books that they are the perfect height for an end table. She had no idea I’d ever use them that way, but it worked out perfectly.
Thanks, Karen!
I love my beautiful bird kleenex holder. It sits on my bathroom vanity and I smile every time I see it. Thank you Susan! I wanted to order the bralette but wanted to ask you first if they run true to size?
Cyndi, I’m so glad you love the tissue holder. They are so pretty! I think the bralettes do run true to size. I really like them a lot and it’s all I wear now.
Do you happen to know the brand of your beautiful lamps? The link no longer works. Cheers!
Yes, it’s East Enterprises. I’ve been checking out their store every few months because I’ve been so impressed with the lamps I’ve bought from them, but I haven’t seen a lot that interested me since I purchased so many in 2021. You can see their store here: https://amzn.to/3YK020z
Thank you for the information & for your timely response!