Pssst, over here. Shhh, I have to whisper, so your Valentine Sweetheart doesn’t hear. Guess what! It’s the neatest thing! If you put all your valentine cards in a big envelope and send them to the Postmaster in the tiny town of Valentine, Texas, she will stamp them all with a big RED stamp that says: VALENTINE, TEXAS!
Imagine your Valentine’s face when they see that special postmark…I just totally ♥ this idea. 🙂
Okay…here’s how it works. Put all your fully addressed and stamped Valentine’s Day cards in one big envelope and send them to:
Valentine Post Office,
Valentine, Texas 79854-5400
Your valentines need to arrive at the Valentine Post Office by February 7th. You will probably want to mail the large envelope with all the valentines in it from your local post office so you will know that you’ve used the correct postage. The Valentine Post Office does this every year and they don’t charge anything extra for the more than 10,000 Valentine’s Day cards they postmark each year. Their postmaster, Ann Carrasco, calls their post office the “Love Station of Texas.” 🙂
To make sure the red Valentine, Texas postmark shows up, it’s best to NOT send your valentines in red envelopes. The post office recommends mailing your valentine in a pink, white, or lavender envelope. If you’d like more information, you may call: (432) 467-2912.
Click HERE to see the postmarks and addresses for several other post offices that also have special postmarks for your Valentine’s Day cards.
You can read more about this yearly tradition in Valentine, TX, HERE.
I love the idea of Valentines cards postmarked from Valentines!!!! I also LOVE that jeweled bee votive!!!! Love it! XO, Pinky
Hi! Sending a cold and snowy hello from Frog Hollow Farm. This post was so much fun to read and scroll through. Your Valentine gift ideas are great! Ciao, bella!
I always forget about these Valentine ideas! I need to get my cards and take you up on this clever idea!
Thank you for the gift ideas too. You have some wonderful sponsors who carry beautiful things.
Hi lovely lady. I just got my notebook pc back good to be home on my blog. I love the Valentine Texas Post Office. I need to go see this place some day. Your vintage pink rose berry bowl is so sweet Sue. I hope you are doing great today.
That is such a cute idea! Thanks for posting about it. Now to go and get my sweet hubby a card to mail to him.
Thanks for the idea of the Valentine postmark. I'll have to remember to do that!
What nice gift ideas! I am lovin the three tier thingie and that rose bowl is to die for!
wow….beautiful ideas
Good researching! It's a really nice idea to send postcards with my loved ones during Vday.
That is a novel idea about the Texas Valentine mail.
I just love the Valentine handkerchief, reminds me of when a child in England, we had ones with nursery rhymes on them.
I send my valentines to Valentines, Virginia each year — thanks for sharing!
Sandy in VA
Thanks for the post, I may send it to my family cause my bday is Valentine's Day and I would love a card from Valentine, TX. I must look it up on the atlas…darling ideas for us…
Hugs Lisa
Thanks Susan for the post. I did this last year after you wrote about it in a post and my friends and family loved it. I signed all the cards "Cupid" and just put "Cupid" in the return address on the envelope so it kept them guessing for a while. Thanks for all the ideas you share. Happy Valentines Day to you.
Thank you for sharing all of these wonderful ideas with us, Susan. I am inspired.
Wonderful blog.Pics are awesome.I hope I"ll get something like this on this valentine.
We mailed the invitations for our daughter's wedding from Romance, Arkansas.
We live pretty close to Noel, Missouri and many post their Christmas cards with that postmark.
Fun post. Thank you!
Blessings, Shay
What a sweet idea, Susan!! Love it! How nice they are to do that for everyone! 🙂 Love all of your Valentine finds, too…..
xoxo laurie
Do you still do the valentine day stamping?
No, that’s done at the post office mentioned in that post. There may be other post offices that do that, too. You may want to give them a call to see if they offer it.