Welcome to the 432nd Metamorphosis Monday!
This past weekend I shared an older Hermes scarf I had purchased from a seller on eBay about 1-1/2 years ago. (See that post HERE.) When I bought the scarf, the eBay ad stated it was in perfect condition with no stains, tears, etc… Several months after purchasing it, I pulled it out to look at it again and noticed several stains near one corner.
Going back and looking at the original eBay ad, I could see that the stains had been there all along. They had looked like wrinkles in the fabric in the original photos of the ad.
It was too late to contact the seller and I loved and wanted to keep the scarf, anyway. So, the next step was figuring out how to remove the stains. I definitely did not want to take it to a local cleaner for all the reasons mentioned in that previous post.

Scarf in eBay ad
I’m so very glad I asked for your thoughts and suggestions in my weekend post because you had some great ones! Thanks so much to everyone who left a comment! One comment was from Laura who left a link to a blog post where the author shared the exact steps for washing a silk scarf. You’ll find that post HERE. Thanks, Laura!
In the post, I was relieved to see that the “Delicate Wash” shampoo I had purchased HERE to use in the washing of my scarf was one of the products she recommends. I need to buy the “sizing” that she mentions because I don’t want the scarf to lose its “hand” as she mentions in the post, and get really limp/soft. I had planned to wash the scarf this weekend, but I decided to make one inquiry first.
In the post describing exactly how to wash a Hermes silk scarf, the author of the post mentions a place in New York that specializes in cleaning and restoring articles that you don’t feel comfortable having dry cleaned or washing on your own. The place is called Madame Paulette. The Madame Paulette website states they are, “The world’s leading cleaning & restoration specialists for over half a century.”
Have you heard of Madame Paulette? I had not but it’s great knowing there is such a place! They sound like miracle workers! They also sell their own stain removal kit, HERE.
I emailed them this weekend and thought I’d wait to hear back from them with a quote. I will probably end up washing the scarf by hand following the instructions I’ve linked to above for two reasons:
1. Having it cleaned by Madame Paulette will probably be pretty expensive, perhaps more than I will want to spend
2. I like the idea of being able to wash my own silk scarves/garments. I believe in wearing and using everything I purchase, I don’t save anything for a special occasion. Every day is a special occasion! So, I really like the idea of being able to wash my own silk garments, as opposed to having to package them up and send them off whenever they need to be washed.
I noticed Madame Paulette has a phone number on their website, so I think I’ll give them a call today, just in case they don’t check their e-mail daily. I’ll let you know what I decide, but I’m guessing I’ll end up washing the scarf myself using the washing instructions linked to earlier in this post. Whatever I do, I’ll share the results with you. Consider me your guinea pig! 😉
Update: Talked with a representative at Madame Paulette and the cost for having the scarf cleaned is $30, which isn’t as expensive as I thought it would be. I’m super tempted to send it to them rather than cleaning it myself.
Metamorphosis Monday
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What a beautiful scarf Susan. So very exotic! Hope you have a wonderful week.
Thanks, Pamela! Hope you have a fabulous week, too!
Have I heard of “Madame P”…. I don’t think this will help you in the way of a personal experience referral, but I recognized the name right away (and the man in the photo on the home page – he is the owner) from one of my guilty pleasures. I am embarrassed to admit I love watching “The Real Housewives of NY.” He is the boyfriend of one of the featured Housewives, LOL! There have been a few scenes filmed at his dry cleaner over the years and the elite of NY definitely bring in the lux items for cleaning and repairs.
It was so funny seeing you mentioning it. Wow, he is well known.
Best of luck whatever you decide, Susan. I will say a prayer for you. It is such a gorgeous scarf, and I hope it turns out well for you no matter which way you decide to go.
Thanks again for your wonderful posts and all the info you are so kind to share with us.
How interesting! I’ve never seen that show. Thanks, Irene! 🙂
Thanks so much. This will save me on the expense of the cleaners. Hugs!
Thanks, Bobbi!
Thanks for hosting! Hope you have a lovely week! 🙂 Linda
Thanks, Linda!
I am really interested in hearing how this all turns out. My dry cleaner experience with silk blouses has not been that great, either. You’re right, something about the texture changes in the cleaning process. My fingers are crossed that you are successful at home, Susan.
I had two silk-like shirts that I took to the cleaners years ago and they came back soooo dull. They had lost their luster. I decided then I’d never take anything silk to them again. Maybe the chemicals cleaners use now have improved. I was certainly disappointed with what they did to my shirts back then.
On a completely different note, I wanted to tell you how much we’ve enjoyed your recipe for Hearty Vegetable Beef Stew. It’s a real pleasure having a batch stocked in the freezer for a night when stew/soup seems exactly right. Thank you very much! I really enjoy your blog.
Oh, that’s makes me so happy to hear that, Diane. I LOVE that stew/soup so much! Doesn’t it smell amazing when it’s cooking! 🙂
Thanks for the party Susan, your scarf is so you!
It is, isn’t it? lol I loved the safari trip to Kenya so much, had to get that scarf when I saw it on eBay. It’s hard to find in that color way. Apparently, Hermes made it in a bunch of different colors variations and the brown-edged one, which is the one I found on eBay, is definitely my favorite color combo. Thanks, Jenna! XX
You might also call or email the Laundress and ask them what they would do.
They seem to handle high ticket items as well. It’s nice to have options.
That’s a good idea. Not sure if they’ll say to it’s okay for my scarf since everyone is so afraid of getting blamed these days, but it would be interesting to hear what they say.
You have a beautiful scarf. I certainly don’t want to tell you what to do but if it were me I believe I would spend the $30.00 and let them clean it. Hope everything works out good for you.
I have it boxed up now to ship to them. I figure for that price, I’ll let the experts do it. I asked if the colors would turn out dulled and they said, no. I hope they are right.
I mentioned Mai Tai yesterday too. You would really enjoy her blog. She has beautiful accessories for scarves and ways to store them. She wears beautiful outfits.
Thanks, Karol! She does have a great site, lots of good information. I like her videos on YouTube showing how to wear scarves. 🙂
Thanks so much for the party each week!!
Thanks so much for the lovely party this morning. Inspiring, as always with all the Spring decor. Hope you have a wonderful week.
I never run out of The Laundress. I’m always happy with my own silk laundering. I use Stiffen Up on the reverse side. Just a spritz or two several inches above the fabric with a very fine mist. Like the scarf.
Is Stiffen Up and type of sizing? Thanks, Kem!
The label does not mention sizing, only to spray 6 inches away from fabric, then iron or steam while slightly damp.
I just washed several Johnny Was silk scarfs one by one. I hang them up very taught then when dry out comes Stiffen Up. Always a success. If you send it to NYC let me know the outcome. $30 is a good deal. After all Hermes is Hermes
BTW The Laundress should also have phone nr. If iffy, call them
It’s a square safe right? How do you wear it??
Yes, it’s square. I haven’t worn it yet since it has the stain on it, but you’ll find a bunch of videos showing different ways to wear it here: https://www.youtube.com/user/MaiTaiCollection/videos
Also, check out this post with 21 different ways to wear an Hermes scarf: https://fashion.wonderhowto.com/how-to/knot-hermes-scarf-21-different-ways-0129388/
How do you wear a Square scarf?
I recognized the name as well. If it helps any Susan, his girlfriend doesn’t want to break up with him because he is the best in the business. She’s loaded too. I had forgotten I did a post on her home! https://justjanblog.com/2015/06/03/dorindas-place/ I hope it works out for you.
I would take an old silk scarf and apply some stains – tomato, various oils, wax, lipstick, etc and then try your Laundress wash. See what happens. Your Hermes scarf looks like it has oil or water stains but should be colorfast. When rinsed, lay on a terrycloth towel to mostly dry, then iron on the reverse carefully. Perhaps place it between layers of cloth, maybe inside a pillowcase, or some-such, to iron.
Whatever happened with your scarf — did you get it clean?
After I learned about Madame Paulette in New York, I called them and discussed the scarf with them. Afterwards I decided to send it there. It’s been there a while so I think it should be returning any day now.
I’ll probably wash it myself next time, but I thought I’d give them a shot at it since they are supposed to be experts with things like this. They promised me that the process they use will not alter the color or the finish, or take away the natural sheen of the scarf. Keeping my fingers crossed it comes back as pretty as it was before. They felt they could get the stain out, too. They are the experts, so I decided to put it in their hands. I’ll share how it looks, once it returns.