Romantic Valentine’s Day Tablescape

Welcome to the 76th Tablescape Thursday!

Pssst, come over here a sec. Shhh, have to whisper, so your Valentine Sweetheart doesn’t hear. Guess what I just found out?! It’s the neatest thing! If you put all your Valentines in a big envelope and send them to the Postmaster in the tiny town of Valentine, Texas, she will stamp them all with a big RED stamp that says: VALENTINE, TEXAS! Imagine your Valentine’s face when they see that special postmark…I just HEART this idea.

Okay…here’s how it works. Put all your fully addressed and stamped Valentine’s Day cards in one big envelope and send them to:

Valentine Post Office,
Valentine, Texas 79854-5400

You will probably want to mail the large envelope with all the valentines in it from your local post office so you will know that you’ve used the correct postage. The Valentine Post Office does this every year and they don’t charge anything extra for the more than 10,000 Valentine’s Day cards they postmark each year. Their postmaster, Ann Carrasco, calls their post office the “Love Station of Texas.” 🙂 This is an especially neat thing to do if you’re sending valentines overseas to love ones in Iraq and Afghanistan.

To make sure the red Valentine, Texas postmark shows up, it’s best to NOT send your valentines in red envelopes. The post office recommends mailing your valentine in a pink, white, or lavender envelope. If you’d like more information, you may call: (432) 467-2912.

Click HERE to see the postmarks and addresses for several other post offices that also have special postmarks for Valentine’s Day cards.

Tablescape Thursday:
How about a beautiful Valentine’s Day tablescape to get you in the mood for this upcoming holiday. Bonnie sent me some wonderful pics of her Valentine’s tablescape and I’m thrilled to share them with you this evening for Tablescape Thursday.

Romantic Valentine's Day Tablescape

She used a gorgeous dove bowl with floating candles as her centerpiece for this romantic tablescape. Unfortunately, the store where Bonnie found this beautiful bowl is no longer in business. If anyone spots it somewhere for sale, let me know and I’ll add it to this post.

Romantic Valentine's Day Tablescape

Salad plates are by Fitz & Floyd, pattern is “Cherubini

Romantic Valentine's Day Tablescape

The putti plates are so sweet, perfect for a Valentine’s Day dinner.  Chargers are from TJ Maxx.

Romantic Valentine's Day Tablescape

Rose napkin rings and darling dove votives

Romantic Valentine's Day Tablescape

Dinner plates are Mikasa…pattern is “Antique Lace”…

Romantic Valentine's Day Tablescape with Mikasa Antique Lace Dishware

Beautiful crystal stemware is “Galia” by Rogaska

Romantic Valentine's Day Table Setting Tablescape with Galia Crystal by Rogaska

Candlesticks are Lenox…pattern is “Butler’s Pantry.” These would really work well in many different types of tablescapes. I’m guessing Bonnie added the gorgeous crystals…lovely touch for Valentine’s Day.

Romantic Valentine's Day Table Setting Tablescape with Dove Centerpiece

Soooo romantic ~~~sigh~~~
Romantic Valentine's Day Table Setting Tablescape with Dove Centerpiece

I always love to see how Bonnie will dress her sideboard for each holiday or season. 🙂
Baker's Rack Decorated for Valentine's Day

Bonnie, thanks so much for sharing this wonderful Valentine’s Day tablescape! I know it’s going to inspire a lot of tablescapes for this Valentine’s Day!

Romantic Valentine's Day Table Setting Tablescape with Dove Centerpiece
Dinner plates – Mikasa “Antique Lace”
Salad plates – Fitz & Floyd “Cherubini” (eBay purchase)
Flatware – Ross
Chargers – TJ Maxx
Crystal – “Galia” by Rogaska
Linens – TJ Maxx
Candlesticks – “Butler’s Pantry” ~ Lenox
Dove Votives – ? found online
Dove Bowl – Casa Casa (now closed)

Looking forward to seeing your beautiful tablescapes!

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Please link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday.

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The following blogs have beautiful tablescapes awaiting your visit:

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  1. Mid-Atlantic Martha says

    Oh I do love that bowl! I think she's shown it to us before and those plates — what an elegant Valentine's table. There is also a Valentine's Virginia post office too — and they will also postmark Valentines — it's always fun. I'm still working on mine.

  2. Marsha's Mpressions says

    Oh! The plates are to die for!!! And I love love love the bird bath with the candles. So smart!!!

  3. Christi @ A Southern Life says

    Wow, that centerpiece is stunning. Love this. How perfect for Valentine's Day. Hope you will stop by to see my fun give away at A Southern Life!

    Christi @ A Southern Life

  4. Michael Lee West says

    Susan, this is the cutest idea for Valentine's–a postmark from Valentine, TX. I had the best time looking at the tablescape–the chargers are exactly what I need with my old Lenox "Tuxedo" (wedding china). I love the salad plates. If you find out about the centerpiece, please let me know.

  5. Andrea at Opulent Cottage says

    Susan, I have lived in Texas for over 25 years and never knew we had a town named "Valentine!" Thank you for this special bit of Valentine love! And as always, thank you for this fun, creative event – I love to see it every single week!

  6. Hello! Beautiful table, really lovely, I especially like the crystals hanging from the candle holders. Thanks Susan.

  7. Hi Susan. Thank you for sharing Bonnie's beautiful Valentine's table with us! Love everything she's done here! Her little baker's rack is precious!
    Thanks for the info on the Valentines.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia 😉

  8. Susan-That Bonnie does know how to set a table! I love her bowl with the doves. I have similar glass one from grandmother. We called it the camelia bowl–she always put her cut camelias in it! Thanks for the tip on the postmark!

  9. Cindy (Applestone Cottage) says

    Bonnie's table is outstanding! She has beautiful ideas and beautiful china! I love that centerpiece, it's fabulous! Cindy

  10. Styling by Coty Farquhar says

    Hi Susan,
    I so love the little birds sitting on the bowl and the putti plates, they're gorgeous.

    Happy Tablescape,
    xx Coty

  11. The Tablescaper says

    Wow! Just beautiful. Love the doves, the cherubs, all of it! And her side board is great. Thanks Beverly for sharing with us.

    – The Tablescaper

  12. Beautiful… as usual dear Susan… thank you for doing this fun meme for all of us to enjoy… blessing


  13. Beautiful… as usual dear Susan… thank you for doing this fun meme for all of us to enjoy… blessing


  14. Mari @ Once Upon a Plate says

    I love everything about this one Susan, thank you for sharing the best of the best!

    Very, very nice. xo ~m

  15. This table was just beautiful! I love the bowl the candles are floating in. So nice.:)

  16. Dining Delight says

    How fun to get that Valentine, Texas postmark! Bonnie has outdone herself again and thanks for sharing it with us, Susan! I really love that bowl with the doves. The tablescape is perfect for Valentine's yet in a subtle way and could be used for other romantic occasions! Her sideboard is decorated wonderfully as well!

  17. You are so clever! Thank you so much for the information about Valentine, Texas and Mid-Atlantic Martha who shared about Valentine, VA. I never knew that and I have lived in VA all my life! I'm going to have to look into mailing my cards from Valentine, Texas.

    Lovely tabletop!


  18. Yellow Rose Arbor says

    Beautiful tablescape! I love those unique cherub salad plates! Bonnie always does wonderful tablescapes, she never disappoints!!


  19. Beautiful and elegant tablescape. I adore the plates.

    I'll be back soon to post mine!

    Holly @ 504 Main

  20. Those salad plates are beautiful. The whole table is but I love those plates.

  21. Leigh of Bloggeritaville says

    Those plates are gorgeous! Love,i mean LOVE the info on the postmarks.

  22. Fifi Flowers says

    J'adore those cherub plates… trés FAB!!!

  23. Susan, thanks for featuring Bonnie's Valentine tablescape. It is so pretty as usual, so romantic. Love the plates and centerpiece!..Christine

  24. Debbie @ says

    Wow Susan this is beautiful. Very romantic looking. Love that centerpiece bowl…it is stunning. Gorgeous table…and those dishes are so unusual…I loved them!

  25. Jane (Frugal Fine Living) says

    Susan, your romantic Valentine's tablescape is breathtakingly beautiful!


  26. Sue (Someone's Mom) says

    I don't even know Bonnie, but I certainly know that when you say you are going to share one of her tablescapes…we are in for a treat! This is so elegant, so romantic…just perfect.


  27. Bonnie has outdone herself again. She makes every special occasion even more special with all of her touches. Love this,Kathysue

  28. Thanks so much for sharing Bonnie's beautiful table. She never disappoints, huh? Love the centerpiece, wish it was still available. The salad plates are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! It all gets you in the mood for Valentine's! So romantic! XO, Pinky

  29. Susan Wicker says

    Gorgeous post, Susan. The dove bowl is awesome. The angel plates look divine. So lovely, one and all. Sincerely, Susan from

  30. P.S. Thanks for telling us about the postmark! That is fantastic!!!!

  31. black eyed susans kitchen says

    Susan, Bonnie did an amazing job on this table setting. The dove bowl with the candles in it is awesome. The entire table is so very romantic.

  32. Thanks for hosting another tablescape Thursday, Susan. As usual today's table is another visual delight! You and Bonnie have got the most divine dish collection I have ever seen.

    I am going to have to find some cherub plates ASAP! Wish me luck!

    Best wishes always, Natasha.

  33. Cindy ~ My Romantic Home says

    Oh I love that bowl with the doves!!! I'm now on a mission to find one! That is so beautiful!!! The whole table is beautiful!

  34. laurie @ bargain hunting says

    What a beautiful centerpiece. The glow from the candles in it is just magical! Love that cloth on the table too. Thank you Susan and Bonnie for sharing this gorgeous V'tine scape, and for the added treat of seeing her shelves decorated for the holiday. laurie

  35. Beautiful tablescape, the dove bowl is the sweetest thing , the whole setting is very inviting


  36. Patriotic Mom says

    Susan, you share so many fun things! I love the Valentine postmark idea. Bonnie's table is so pretty! That bowl is a definite keeper. I like the floating candles idea too. Great post! Joan @Americana By Candlelight

  37. Hi, Susan,
    This is a beautiful tablescape she did. Thanks for sharing it. I love that centerpiece bowl. I "googled" and "Ebay'd" it, but no luck. 🙁


  38. Susie @ Maddie's Nest says

    Beautiful tablescape….I guess I need to start thinking about V Day! Thanks for hosting!

  39. What a great Valentine tablescape! Such a pretty table and I like all of the special touches!

  40. I love this one. The glow from the center of the table is so cool. The hutch is decorated beautifully too.

  41. I love this one. The glow from the center of the table is so cool. The hutch is decorated beautifully too.

  42. I love this one. The glow from the center of the table is so cool. The hutch is decorated beautifully too.

  43. I love this one. The glow from the center of the table is so cool. The hutch is decorated beautifully too.

  44. Bonnie…your table looks as beautiful as a dream. It is just LOVELY. Thanks so much for taking the time to make these beautiful tables and then sharing them with us.
    And, thank you, Susan, for hosting this wonderful fun time for us each week.
    xo bj

  45. I love the bird bath center piece. So darling!

  46. Lenox antique lace is my favorite.
    I have the same 12 piece place sitting and it's beautiful.
    Please do let us know about the centerpiece. This is absolutly beautiful. Red, gold and stemware makes it so stunning.

  47. ~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ says

    Hi Susan & Bonnie,
    The Valentines table is stunning. I love everything about it but the dish with the perched birds is TDF! You two make a great team. Keep it up.

  48. Susan, thanks for the reminder about the special post marks. I always forget to take advantage of these cool post offices around the country.
    And thanks for sharing Bonnie's valentine table. Another terrific scape! She must have an amazing collection of dishes! Just like you!

  49. honeysuckle says

    A beautiful table as always! I also used a toile tablecloth today. Thanks for having this again.

  50. Visual Vamp says

    Love the floating candles, and the post mark idea is so cute.
    Thanks for hosting this! It's always so much fun.
    xo xo

  51. myletterstoemily says

    thank you for all the lovely valentine ideas. i can't
    wait to try to approximate your gorgeous table.

    this is one of my favorite blogs!


  52. santamaker says

    So elegant and romantic, the centerpiece is just exquisite!
    Susan, hope to see you tomorrow…Bonnie, wish you could join us!

  53. Susan,

    You have the greatest china selection I have ever seen. This pattern is so beautiful.

  54. Bonnilynne says

    Thank you Susan, for sharing another of my tablescapes and for hosting Tablescape Thursday for all of us – It's so much fun looking at all the beautiful and creative tables put together by your readers!
    For those who asked, I found the dove bowl in a little shop in Willow Glen, CA, called Casa Casa. Sadly, it's closed now. It was one of those things you see that you know you HAVE to have!! The only marking on the backside is that it was made in Italy.
    Thank you all so much for your sweet comments! Happy Valentine's day!

  55. ~*~ saskia ~*~ says

    Hi Susan,

    your blog is amazing!! Truly amazing. I'm so, so happy I found you!! I'm off to read some of your older post….

    Hi Bonnie,
    Your ideas and your lovely photographs are very inspiring! Thank you so much. Cannot wait for Valentine to come….(;

    Both lovely ladies: I'll BE BACK !!
    Warn Winter Wishes,

  56. Beverly @ My Sew Sweet Studio says

    Thank you so much for the info on Valentine Tx. P.O. That is so much fun. My grandkids will be getting there Valentines with that stamp on them.
    Also enjoyed the tablescape of your friend Bonnie. It is so romantic and loved every little detail.

  57. Low Tide High Style says

    We have a Loveville, Maryland nearby that allows you to do the same thing and my mother faithfully mailed her Valentine's from there each year. She also sent our wedding invitations from Loveville!

    That table is truly stunning and perfect for a romantic dinner!

    Kat 🙂

  58. So elegant and pretty!!~

  59. Cass @ That Old House says

    Love the idea for the postmark — how wonderful to do that for grandkids!

    If I had grandkids….

    Anyway, Bonnie's table is gorgeous … as always! She's amazing.

  60. amazing!!! I'm so grateful to have found your blog! really inspiring!!!

    follow me:
    Living Creatively with Flory

  61. Paula Grace Designs says

    I love the Lenox candle sticks in Bonnie's tablescape ~ gorgeous!
    Paula Grace ~

  62. Hi sweet lady…

    Ohh my…what a fabulous Valentine's Day table, Susan! I just adore your doves and floating candles bowl…fabulous!!! I've never seen anything like it before…it really makes for a grand centerpiece!!! Ohhh…and I love, love, LOVE your putti dishes! I think I need some! Hehe! Love your gorgeous cherub table linens too! It's all fabulous!!! Sooo sweet and very romantic…just as a Valentine's Day table should be, my friend!!!

    I just wanted to let you know that I am joining TT today…I am sooo late but better late than never, eh? I also forgot to add your TT button in my post! I was trying to hurry…I do apologize! But I did add the TT button to my sidebar saying that I was joining in today! Sure do hope that's okay! Girl, I was definitely having a senior moment!

    Thank you so much for hosting TT for us and that fabulous table!!! What a sweet Valentine treat!!!

    Love ya,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  63. Cottage Rose says

    Hello Susan; I just love every thing about Bonnie's table scape… So very Romantic…. thank you for sharing it…


  64. The centerpiece dove bowl was very popular in the early-to-mid-1990's. I had friends in Pennsylvania and NYC who had that bowl during that time. I remember seeing it on Beverly Hills 90210 'mid '90s as well.

    Sometimes when I want a particular object, it often seems to just find its way to me. If I were looking for a piece like that, I'd probably be thrifting in neighborhoods that consist of homes built in the late '80s or early '90s. Not a scientific method by any means, just what tends to work for me.

  65. Just a dreamer says

    Susan, I don't know if anyone else went to check out the Fitz & Floyd, but that pattern was discontinued 1995-1997. Not even Replacements LDT. has any for sale and apparently they get a lot of requests for them. I was one of the ones would have bought it from Fitz but……Bonnie always does WONDERFUL TT, almost as wonderful as yours. I'm not kidding about a tablescape book between you, Gollum and Bonnie. Sell Out!!!!!!!Jackie A HUGE Fan

  66. Remodelaholic says

    I accidentally kit the submit button for a project that entered itself automatically. I entered the table setting after that… Sorry! This is my first time trying the table setting party! Fun!

  67. LOVE IT ALL! The F & F plates are gorgeous, as is the tablecloth, heart plates, chargers, napkin rings, dove bird bath, etc. And I LOVE that palm print too. Please ask her if she'd mind adopting me. Have a good weekend, Susan!

  68. P.S. Once, when I went to Freeport, Bahamas, I believe, there is a neigboring city that I went to called "Hell". You could also get them postmarked there, depending on who you're sending them to (like for ex-es). LOL! 😉

  69. Sorry to be a gnat, but I was in Tuesday Morning today, and I almost bought you that "Pleasure on the Porch", or something like that, book, but after squinting, I see you already have it. It looked like a good read.

  70. Hi Susan,

    Please express our thanks to Bonnie for allowing you to share her beautiful tables with your loyal readers. She's certainly amassed an amazing collection of china, crystal, silver, and accessories; and, Susan, you describe it all in a way that really brings Bonnie's tables to life!

    Thank you for bringing us the fun information about Valentine postmarks and the link to the origin and history of use of the putti figures.

    As always, a wonderful TT post! Thank you for hosting, guiding, and inspiring us all!


  71. Please let Bonnie know Casa Casa where she purchased the beautiful Dove Bowl has moved and reopened as Willow Glen Home and Garden. Same beautiful things for the home!

  72. Susan, Wow this is so romantic and elegant! I love it all! How do you pull these settings together, it looks like you went all out. How lovely to have such a supply of beautiful treasure to create settings like these. Hugs, Marla

  73. Chatty Crone says

    Just wanted to say hello – wish you a happy, but belated birthday. It was great to see you today and talk with you again. sandie

  74. Lady Katherine says

    Love the chargers and the bowl! So lovely!

  75. Pearl Maple says

    Oh just beautifully done, the doves peeking into the water bowl is delightful touch.

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