Beautiful Puzzles That Have Me Dreaming of Spring

I just finished this “houseplants” puzzle that I shared with you in a recent post.

Houseplants Puzzle


It was so much fun, one that I’m sure I’ll do it again one day. I really appreciated that they included a picture of the puzzle with the names of all the plants listed on the back. (Houseplants puzzle is available here: Houseplants Puzzle.)


Cold weather really puts me in the mood for puzzling so as soon as I finished the houseplants puzzle, I started another one right away.


I thought this one would be a bit more of a challenge and it is, but in a good way. I’m having a blast working on it and really love the bright colors and imagery! I started it out my usual way, building the edge/frame of the puzzle. After that, I put the gray rocks together that are scattered around the outer edge. Next, I started working on all the critters–there are 3 Dragonflies, 3 Frogs (although one is just a frog’s face) 2 Butterflies, and 10 fish. This puzzle has been so much fun! Here’s how it’s looking right now and I can’t wait to get back to it!

Puzzle with Fish, Frogs and Dragonflies


This beautiful pond puzzle is available here: Pond with Critters.) Note: The puzzle is just as gorgeous in person as the cover of the box. My photos don’t do it justice since it’s dark out and I’m taking photos with just the lighting here in the office.


Once the puzzle above is finished, this is going to be my next challenge. I love Legos so couldn’t resist trying my hand at this one. I really love all the bright colors and the image is so realistic, it almost makes you think it’s a puzzle made from actual Legos! It would be really amazing if LEGO could make this design out of real Legos, then have it cut into a puzzle that we could purchase from LEGO. I would so buy that in a skinny minute! In the meantime, I can’t wait to do this puzzle! (This puzzle is available here: LEGO Puzzle.)

Lego Puzzle


I don’t think I ever shared this one that I completed last fall. It is adorable and contains so many wonderful details!

Puzzle for Cat Lovers


This puzzle is really a puzzle within a puzzle. You can see how beautiful the details are–I love puzzles where the elements in the puzzle are really defined and not muddy or blurry.


So typical of a cat to climb into the puzzle box for a snooze. Ha!


You’ll find this puzzle available here: Puzzle for Puzzle and Cat Lovers.


One more puzzle that I completed last fall was this wonderful gardening-potting shed puzzle. I loved it too much to wait until this spring to put it together. I can’t find my photo of the completed puzzle, but it was an easy and fun one to do! You’ll find it available here: Potting Shed Puzzle.


Happy Weekend! I hope you are having a great one!

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  1. do you have a dedicated space to work your puzzles? And what do you do when they are done? Do you frame and mount any?

    • I work them on my puzzle board here in my home office. This is the board that I use: Puzzle Board. It really saves my back so I can stay working on a puzzle for a long time into the evening. I set it up on the end of my desk (see photo below) and roll my office chair over to it when I’m ready to work on it.
      I have preserved/mounted a few for framing, I think 3 so far. I really should go ahead and have them framed. You can see how I preserve them for framing here:
      When I finish a puzzle, if I really loved it, I save it to do again in the future. If it wasn’t one that I enjoyed or the quality wasn’t what I prefer, I donate it to my local Goodwill.

  2. If you would like to try a Lego kind-of puzzle, they have a new “Art” line that might be fun! Right now, some of them are out of stock, but you know how that goes after the Christmas rush. Take a look at Lego set The Great Wave, number 31208, and some of the others in their Art category.

  3. Jean Sprimont says

    Hi Susan,
    Once again you have hit upon 2 winners for our mutually enjoyed puzzles. Please do not consider this fault-finding rather than simply an inquiry. I enjoyed your working picture of the pond puzzle but the colors were significantly more muted than was the box cover. Did the interior lighting when you took the photo affect the colors or do the puzzle pieces differ from the colors on the cover?
    Puzzle on,

    • Thanks, Jean! It’s my office lighting that’s not working well for photo taking. The colors are just as bright as the box cover–they are beautiful! I need to take photos during the day with natural lighting but unfortunately, my puzzle board faces the windows, so I normally keep them closed when taking a photo. Def go by the box picture, it’s accurate.

  4. Gallison puzzles are my favorite. Great quality and I too appreciate that they include a picture of the completed puzzle so I don’t have to rely on the picture on the front of the box.

  5. The one with the fish and pink water flowers reminds me of Lilly Pulitzer clothing.

  6. I do crosswords online at various sites, Jigsaw Explorer is one, and I soo wish these designs were available online. They are fabulous – love that Houseplants one and the cat ones are adorable. Thanks so much for sharing. 🙂

  7. Judy Totty says

    Susan, love to see the puzzles you are working on and have purchased several. But how in the world do you finish them so fast?? I have the puzzle board you
    use but how do you start a puzzle (by doing the border first and then putting
    similar pieces in separate trays?) I still end up with puzzle pieces all over my long dining room table! You are a whiz!

  8. Linda Page Gurganus says

    The Potting Shed puzzle should be framed and hung over your potting table.

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