Decking the Windows with Christmas Wreaths

Hanging Wreaths on Exterior Windows

Sometimes I think I have decorating ADD.  Is there such a thing?  I was out of town much of last week so I’m way behind on my Christmas decorating.  I awoke yesterday when one goal in mind: hang all the Christmas wreaths on the windows outside.

Hanging Wreaths on Exterior Windows for Christmas

When nighttime arrived, not only were the wreaths not up, I hadn’t even pulled them out of the hidey hole where they live eleven months of the year.  I went to bed last night determined to begin the day by hanging wreaths.

Upstairs Family Room with Antique Pine

I’ve made some progress, at least they are out of hiding.

Twenty-nine feet of wreath (yes, I measured) now adorn the upstairs hallway.   What’s that?  You need the office?   That would be the 6th wreath on the left.  Guest room is just across the way.  The bathroom?  Ninth wreath on the left.  Need a towel?  Linen closet is the 13th wreath on the right.  Follow the yellow brick road red-ribbon road and you’ll end up in the master bedroom.

Hanging Wreaths on Windows

There is method to this madness of wreaths.  I’m going to label them this year…somewhere on each ribbon.  That way I’ll know exactly which wreath goes where when I pull them out each year.  Some have longer hanging ribbons and those are destined for the 6 foot windows downstairs while the wreaths with the slightly shorter hanging ribbons belong on the upstairs windows.  (Pssst:  You’ll find a detailed tutorial for hanging wreaths on exterior windows here:  Hang Wreaths on Your Exterior Windows:  A Tutorial)

Hanging Wreaths on Windows

The big one at the far end belongs above the fireplace.  (Mantel post can be viewed here:  Nature or Hunt-Themed Christmas Mantel)

Hunt Themed Wreath Above Fireplace Mantel

The small wreath towards this end of the wreath highway hangs from the birdhouse in the garden.

Decorating Birdhouse Dovecote with Christmas Wreath

I noticed this year,  the bow that normally hangs from  the gas lantern is looking pretty faded.  I think it’s ready for an update.

Gas Lantern Decorated for Christmas


Before I start decking the halls…on wait, the hall is already decked.  Before I un-deck the hall and start decking the windows, I wanted to give a little update on some things you may find helpful.

Notification of  a Reply to Comments:
A few weeks ago I realized whenever I “replied” to a comment left on a post, the commenter had no way of knowing a reply had been left.  I made some updates and now there’s a little box that’s automatically checked to notify when a reply has been left.  I hope that’s been working and you are receiving an e-mail when a reply to your comment/question has been left.  Also, you can leave replies for others, so we can have some fun discussions now in the comments.  Thank you for sharing your knowledge with others who visit.

Facebook Feed Notifications:  Boo, hiss on Facebook
I’ve had several BNOTP readers mention they are no longer receiving notifications in their Facebook Feed when BNOTP has posted.  I did some googling and discovered Facebook has changed this process.  Boo, hiss.  Now they only notify a percentage of readers each time when a blog they follow has posted.  You may have noticed this for other blogs you read/follow.


Update:  Dawn just shared this in the comments.  So this may be helpful if you find you’re not getting the Facebook update:

Susan, if you want to tell your facebook readers how they can keep up with your posts since facebook has been ugly and only letting it go to 10% of your fans, they can click on the little gear at the top right when they go to your page and click on add to interests list, then they will show up on your fans pages.

Thanks so much for the tip, Dawn!

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Thank you so much for being a follower of BNOTP on Facebook.  It is much appreciated!  Since FB decided to make this change, I’d like to also encourage you to follow BNOTP via RSS feed or email because if you don’t receive an update in your FB feed, you’ll at least be notified when there’s a new post via email or your fave Feedreader.

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I think this recent FB change may come back to bite FB in the nether-regions.  More and more folks are using Google+ to stay connected with their favorite blogs and with their friends.  This recent FB change has pushed me that direction, as well.  I will continue to post updates on Facebook, but I’ll definitely be using Google + more than I have.  You’ll find me on Google + here:  Between Naps on the Porch Google + Page.  Would love to have you following BNOTP on Google +.

If you already use Chrome as your browser or have email with G-mail, consider signing up for Google+ and following BNOTP there.  I am going to be posting notifications of new posts regularly on my Google+ wall, so that will also be a great way to know when  a new post is available at BNOTP.

Thank you so much for being part of this wonderful group of friends who gather here each day.  I don’t want to call it a community because that word is so over-used.  We are more than a community, we are friends and I cherish each and every one of you!

Okay, before I get too misty-eyed, I’d better get cracking on these wreaths.  How is your holiday decorating coming along?  Are you changing up anything (like labeling wreaths) to make the process even easier for next year?

Links in this post:

Tutorial for Hanging Wreaths on Exterior Windows

Nature or Hunt-Themed Christmas Mantel

*If a post is sponsored or a product was provided at no charge, it will be stated in post. Some links may be affiliate links and as an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases. *

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  1. Bless you ! That is a big project! I did well to get my 3 wreaths hung. 😀 Of course my results are not near as pretty as yours.
    Have a great week.

    • Glenda, I bet they are beautiful! The hardest part about hanging my wreaths is getting to the windows, especially the ones in the guest room. It’s worth the trouble, though. I love seeing them from the inside. 🙂

  2. Susan, loved the post and all those wreaths! What a daunting task! This year, we have removed everything from the TV cabinet (except for the TV of course!) and placed our Dept. 56 Houses in there and I LOVE the look! I love it so much that I asked Hubby if we could leave them up all year long. It’s just magical. Happy Holidays and thank you so much for giving us inspiration each and every day to make our homes beautiful!

  3. Anna Starner says

    I love the look of wreaths adorning each window . I must say I like the wider ribbon much better than the thinner ribbon. I just feels more in proportion the wreath. I have all vinyl windows that are only about 5 years old. You could actually see the curtains move when the wind blew against the old 100+ year windows. I attach them at the top with a loop at the top of the ribbon attached to a piece of dowel rod that holds it in place (no holes here). I attach them at the bottom the same way. Every thing here must be weight down. I think I live in a wind tunnel. I love the new led candles on timers (no cords).

    • I do like the wider ribbon much more, too! Wow…know you are staying warmer now with your new windows! Mine are not double paned but I think the shutters help a lot, especially if I close them at night.

  4. Oh WOW!! I’m impressed! I gave up on wreaths in the windows. I just went with very inexpensive tension curtain rods and hung glittery ornaments from ribbons on them for the window decor. They’re not hugely visible from the street, but I like how they look inside the house. Of course, last year I ran out of time and only the ‘public areas’ of the house got them. No time this year to expand. Maybe next year. 🙂

  5. Very pretty. I live where no one can see my decorations outside, but I do the deck, my garden house and some small trees just for me. Just had a hip replaced so I have had to cut way back, but I’m walking without walker or cane at 3 weeks.

    I enjoy your beautiful ideas

  6. I finally went out and bought the wreaths and the bows and the ribbons. But We have these pesky screens so I am not sure how the hanging is going to work! I was planning on just securing the ribbon with the window (no wood windows either!) Any suggestions on the screen problem?

    • Vicki, I’m not exactly sure with screens…don’t want to tear your screen. I removed mine from my windows many years ago because I just preferred the look of the window without a screen, but you do give up being able to raise the window. There are so few days in Georgia when it’s the perfect weather for raising windows, so I haven’t missed not having screens. I never raised them when I had them. I’m not sure you can hang wreaths atop screens without damaging the screens, especially when the wind blows. Anyone else have a suggestion for Vicki?

    • Anna Starner says

      I think you could put swags along the sill w/o damaging your screens. I have full length screens that flip out easily. I just have a storage issue when I do this.

  7. I love your blog I have been reading for 3 years! I didn’t realize that I had been reading that long. I started hanging wreaths last year on my outside windows because of you and I wanted to say thank you I love how they look.

  8. I certainly admire your energy and organization. I dumped FB a long time ago, and guess what? A lot of that horrible spamming is gone! They are terrible about making changes to everything, and then you don’t know, and all of a sudden information you do not want shared with the entire world, suddenly is!

    I am liking Google+ a lot too.

  9. Susan, if you want to tell your facebook readers how they can keep up with your posts since facebook has been ugly and only letting it go to 10% of your fans, they can click on the little gear at the top right when they go to your page and click on add to interests list, then they will show up on your fans pages.


  10. I love being called your friend. I talk to my daughter-in-law all the time about my” friend” Susan. We have a good laugh, but it is really true. I treasure you and your site.

  11. I’d love to do this but with our winter weather and winds it beats them against the house! I tried hanging them from the inside and it was working but I got lazy about it. Your’s look so perfect on your classic home! I’d help ya get this done if I lived a wee bit closer!!
    Glad you are home safe!
    I’ve never gotten a follow up from a comment so I will see if it works, provided you have a chance to comment!! LOL

  12. Wow! What a job…but it’ll look so beautiful when you are done! I hang swags from our outdoor lights…so simple, and only takes a few minutes and no ladders involved! 😉

  13. Susan you are a constant source of inspiration. Just watching your beautiful tablescapes inspired me several years ago to try them myself. Since we are almost empty nesters, it’s been kind of a hobby. My hubby laughs when he sees a “new” table appear 😉 We are just starting to put out our Christmas decorations. My daughter is a huge help. And I agree with Kay, it’s an honor to be called your friends. We do all belong to a wonderful group of blogging friends.

    • Thanks, Jocelyn! We really do! I feel so blessed every day! That is too cute about your hubby. lol You know he is loving how special you make him feel with your beautiful tables!

  14. Dorinda Selke says

    Hey Susan – WOW — that’s a lot of wreaths ! I’m just about done taking down all my autumn and thanksgiving decorations. Hubby and I were going to go cut our tree today but we had snow, so we decided to wait and go on Friday instead. I’m also trying to decide whether to put my Dept.56 New England Village on my mantel this year. We have a 2 year old cat that still acts like a kitten. Last year I only put up three village pieces that I could fit in my dining room curio cabinet. My family wholeheartedly disapproved of this. They all love the village. My point was that I love it, too. I didn’t want to be chasing the cat all over the house with skaters and sledders in her mouth, etc. Big decision !! Good luck with your wreaths – they look SO pretty – well worth all the effort – Hugs, Dorinda

    • That is a riot about the cat stealing your skaters and sledders! Ha…she really is still a kitten at heart. Not too funny at the time, I would imagine. I just love the villages, Dorinda! Eventually your kitty will settle down. I wish I could take 10 years off Mr. Max. He is getting quite old now and I worry about him.

    • I laughed out loud at the idea of the cat running around with a skater in her mouth; I remember those days. Last year I put up the whole shebang with levels and everything. This year I’m going to put up the streetlamps that I’ve been collecting but have never used. There will be a post this year — last year I took the photos but never got around to writing about it. You guys have got me all excited about getting my decorating going!

      • Jennie, I want to see! You know what I’m going to do. I think I’ll announce a blog party for anyone with any kind of village. We’ll all link up and share them! Wouldn’t that be fun?!

  15. merle turner says

    Wow I have seen so many wreaths, I have two.

  16. Susan, I haven’t even begun to pull Christmas out. Guess I’ll start this weekend. 😉 I love the idea of the wreaths on the windows, but have never done that. Thanks for the tutorial. I may add this to my decorating list. Enjoy the process of decking your beautiful home. I look forward to seeing what you do this year………..Sarah

  17. Wow… That is a huge undertaking, but it looks lovely…

  18. Your mantle is gorgeous! I loved reading about your “decked hall”- funny 🙂

  19. We had the fb discussion over the holiday, and how they keep changing things, but never to our convenience. There is just something ugly about it that keeps holding me back.

    I refer to you all the time as my new friend. My sister asked which one, and I tell her my pen pal in Georgia, and then we laugh. I share with her all your tips and things we can’t live without, and all the beautiful research you do for us. I have to say I am always a little surprised that you managed to respond to so many of our comments. I guess your interaction encourages us.

  20. Elaine in Laguna says

    Wow! Wreath Madness! I’m still just thinking about it…With rain forecast for this weekend here, I may need to just think about my exterior decorating for yet another weekend. But I’m going to put up my tree and get my mantle decorated inside the house to bring on the Christmas cheer. I have several wreaths I put up inside and out, but no where near as many as you! Now I can tell my Mom that my friend Susan has many many more! I love seeing your home all done up every year via computer! Have fun!

  21. I love your decorating! It is always so beautiful!

  22. HI Susan- This year I thought I might add garland around my front door as you have and I’m wondering how you secure yours. Thanks

    • Mary, I just nailed in a skinny nail in each corner and one above the door. You can’t really see them and I leave them there all year. I tie yarn or string around the garland and hook it onto the nail to hold it up.

  23. I love the way the wreaths look in the windows! I definitely want to hang some of these in our windows too!

  24. Linda Robinson says

    I would love to try the bows for my home. My windows are about 24 inches wide and I have 2 about 52 inches wide each. I have about 22 windows and would love to know what kind of velvet ribbon ( the kind that lasts and do not fade after one season), how much ribbon per bow, and the best place to purchase. If you could answer any of these questions, I would greatly appreciate it. Your house looked great. Thanks, Linda Robinson

    • Hi Linda,
      I bought my bows at Michaels around 8-9 years ago. They are specially made to use outdoors so they last near-about forever. I purchased them one year after Christmas when they were greatly reduced in price. Check all the discount stores/dollar stores/craft stores and you should be able to find them. There’s a bit of cost initially to purchase them all but you’ll have them for many years. You can buy the outdoor ribbon and make your own, as well. I used about 4-5 feet of ribbon to hang each wreath. Just buy a big spool of the same outdoor ribbon that the bows are made from (if you want them to match) and after you cut one, you’ll have an idea what size you need for your windows. Check out this post that I wrote last year for more information/details: Hope that helps.

  25. The wreaths around this house will be taken out of the attic this weekend…they are hung from the rafters…What a sight to see your wreaths lined up in the hallway…just love wreaths on the windows…Happy decorating Susan!!

  26. One of the things I love best about living in the south are the wreaths we display according to the holiday or season. I’ve always loved seeing window wreaths & wondered where people hid those 50 feet ladders! Thanks for answering one of my decorating quandries, lol. My windows are too wonky working ( someday we’ll replace them), but for now I can look & admire yours. 🙂

    • Mine are getting pretty wonky. Some don’t want to stay up when I raise them. lol I just don’t like the new ones that don’t have the true divided light, so I’ve resisted replacing them.

  27. Susan, I missed this post, but nice to see the wreaths are up again. I remember all the pondering when you first decided to do it.
    I loved you saying we were friends on here, my hubby laughingly says, “have you spoken to Susan today?” Probably because I am always saying “Oooh I would love to try that, or Ooooooh, look at those lovely dishes Susan has. He does of course, blame you for me buying even more dishes than I already had…..hmmmm….now I need a closet like Bonnie!! (not happening of course!!)

  28. Susan ~ last week we used your tutorial to hang nine wreaths across the front of our new to us farmhouse. I LOVE the look but haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since then!! They bang on the windows all night and even the ribbons snap against them and keep me up. Needless to say this is dampening my holiday spirit. Have you experienced this or do you have any suggestions on cutting down some of the noises these beautifies make?! Thanks for such a beautiful blog!!! ~Shannon

    • Shannon, I haven’t had that problem and I’ve been hanging them on my windows for 25+ years. A huge number of houses do that here and we def wouldn’t do it if it meant giving up sleep. They are usually up from Thanksgiving until New Year’s Eve and maybe 1 or 2 days during that time we’ll have some strong winds and they will move around a little, but nothing that would keep you awake. You must get some pretty strong winds. Sounds like you will need to find a way to anchor them down if you are going to use them, if you have that much wind. Maybe you could tie fishing line or green yard around them bottom and use a suction cup on the window and hook the yarn onto the suction cup. I def couldn’t have used them for 25 years if they were banging around like that. Are you up on a hill or do you live in an area that gets a lot of wind? Maybe you could hang them from suction cups instead of from ribbon.

    • Shannon, check out this thread I just found. I didn’t see it before I replied but some folks are suggesting exactly the same thing…like suction cups, etc… There are several additional suggestions so hope this helps.

    • Shannon, Karen left a comment on this post that may help you: Perfect timing for your question!

  29. Susan, your house looks beautiful and have always wanted to achieve this look.
    I hope someone has some clever ideas for me. I love the idea of hanging the wreaths in the windows using ribbons. Here is my dilemma. I live in a 2 story house and climbing a ladder is out of the question for me. I have vinyl single hung double pane windows. So I can’t loop the ribbon over the top. I also considered using the magnetic hangers but they state that they only work on the single pane windows. Would the suction cups hold? I know that also involves hanging out of the window..NOT SAFE!! My windows also pop in, would it look ok if I hung the wreath on the lower portion?
    Any suggestions are welcome and helpful as I’m getting ready to start my decorating.

    • Thanks, Sabina! The suction cups may be the way to go in your case. Does sound a bit dangerous though! I wish I had another idea. Please let me know what you do in the end.

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