These Plates Are Almost Too Beautiful For Dining!

Welcome to the 748th Tablescape Thursday! I was so in the mood this week for a winter-themed table setting. One of my favorite dinnerware patterns that I love to use during the winter months is Lenox, Winter Greetings. It works beautifully for the holidays but is wonderful to use right through winter. Back in the day, Lenox made some stunningly beautiful accent plates to go with this pattern. I once shared … [Read more...]

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How to Repair a Woodpecker-Damaged Roof of a Lazy Hill Dovecote Birdhouse

Welcome to the 371st Metamorphosis Monday! Greetings! How was your weekend? Hope it was great! Mine was productive and I'm happy to report that I was able to successfully repair the damaged roof of my Lazy Hill Dovecote and restore it back to the garden in time for the spring nesting season. You may remember a woodpecker (we suspect a Pileated Woodpecker) drilled a huge hole into the roof almost two … [Read more...]

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How To Keep Squirrels Away From Flowers & A Hungry Visitor

I am cautiously optimistic I've found the cure for keeping the pesky squirrels living in my backyard out of my flowers here on the deck. This may even save my hibiscus from being denuded as it has been in past years.   The last two years I've been putting Knock-out Roses in the tall urns under the pergola but after two years of having them prick my shoulders and arms with their thorns as I … [Read more...]

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A Surprise Visitor!

I'm back! I had hoped to get this post up this morning but it took a lot longer to go through all my photos than I ever anticipated. I've saved the best part for the end, a surprise visitor, so no peeking ahead!  :) With spring here, my backyard feeders have been going gangbusters. I always have a lot of birds visiting but it's busier than ever. It can be tricky photographing birds because if there's one … [Read more...]

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A Backyard Visitor: Red-Shouldered Hawk

I had a visitor to my yard recently.   He was having his dinner on a tree branch in the backyard. I think a squirrel may have met with an untimely demise.   This was one of those insanely cold days when the high for the day was around 10 degrees. I didn't have on a coat, just ran out onto the porch and peeked my head through the screened door to capture these pics. I couldn't … [Read more...]

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Woodpecker Attacks Lazy Hill Dovecote

Sounds like a salacious headline, doesn't it?  Woodpecker Attacks Lazy Hill Birdhouse: News at 5. Over the years I've gone on many garden tours here in the metro Atlanta area. Often while touring I would see these amazing birdhouses that I later found out were Lazy Hill Dovecotes. After pricing them I decided they were just too expensive but years upon years of seeing them in gardens wore me down, … [Read more...]

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Wildlife Visitors to the Autumn Garden

My friend Bonnie lives in one of the most beautiful areas of the country, the state of Oregon. She and hubby Leon have a lovely home surrounded by the most amazing gardens. They share it with some real characters, too! There's Pearl who loves to remove to the top off the bird feeder and carry it as far away as possible in an effort to keep Leon from placing it back on the feeder.   She … [Read more...]

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Backyard Paradise Perfect for Entertaining

It's spring!  The flowers are blooming, the birds and bees are busy do birdie and bee things and it's time for a garden tour!  Phyllis who blogs at Around the House has one of the most beautiful backyards I've ever seen.  Wait until you see what's behind this fabulous gate!  I love the basket of flowers on the gate because it a small hint of the beauty just on the other side. Ready?  Let's go! As we … [Read more...]

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Solmate Socks and Wild Birds Unlimited

I noticed this morning my feeder was almost empty so I headed over to my very favorite birding store, Wild Birds Unlimited on Piedmont Road in Marietta, GA.  The folks who work in this location are so wonderful.  They bend over backwards to help you solve any squirrel problems and can answer any question you can dream up about birds. I bought a bag of Choice Blend.  The birds love this stuff!   In … [Read more...]

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A Behind the Scenes Tour

Sometimes the most fun stuff to see in a room redo are the things that are hidden from sight. So though I haven't hung this bulletin board, yet... Or, this cute shelf... Or, this wrapping center I shared HERE, I have been busy with a few other little things in the office. Come take a peek. Remember the steps I found for Max for only $10 at an indoor flea market HERE? I had Home … [Read more...]

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A Dovecote in the Garden

A Dovecote in the Garden Landscape Recently, I posted about a kind soul who came to my "rescue." That post contained lots of photos of the large dovecote in my perennial garden that runs along my driveway. I received several e-mails from readers asking for more information about this bird house and where I found it. My interest in a dovecote for my garden came from years of going on garden tours. Often, … [Read more...]

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Rosehill Cottage from "The Holiday" Movie Comes to Life Once More

Hi Everyone! Are you busy, busy, busy preparing for the holidays? Are you making grocery lists, doing last minute shopping and wrapping gifts? I hope you are having fun and enjoying these last minute preparations for family and friends. Recently, I took you on a tour of wonderful Rosehill Cottage in the movie, The Holiday. If you missed it, you'll find it HERE. This is a view of Rosehill Cottage … [Read more...]

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A Birding and Nature Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 79th Tablescape Thursday! Hi Everyone! Hope your day was awesome! I had plans to share a new tablescape with you this evening, took pics this past weekend. But there were a few more things I wanted to include in the post, and unfortunately, I just don't have it quite ready. So, I've been perusing the archives this evening and found a tablescape I put together right after I started … [Read more...]

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Owls, Beautiful Owls

Wow, you guys are amazing! I'm soooo inspired after seeing so many creative "Before and Afters" this past Metamorphosis Monday! We had over 150 participants! If you haven't had a chance to check them all out, just scroll down to the post below this one and start clicking. There is so much talent and creativity in … [Read more...]

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House Finches Nest in Door Basket

Welcome to the 26th Metamorphosis Monday! I am also participating this Monday in Price My Space, a blog party hosted by Nesting Place...that post immediately follows this Met Monday post. I have a special metamorphosis going on at my house this week...right here on the front porch. It's a little hard to see from there, so come on over here near the front door. You're getting warmer, just a little … [Read more...]

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Bluebirds Nesting in Lazy Hill Dovecote

For many years I've attempted to attract bluebirds to my yard. My interest in bluebirds started when I worked as a volunteer with the Chattahoochee Nature Center. During that time I learned bluebirds had in years past, (1960's and 70's) dramatically decreased in number. (Image from Wikipedia) This decrease was found to be due to use of pesticides and a loss of their natural habitat (natural nesting … [Read more...]

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