This morning I fell down the rabbit hole. It started out innocently as I revisited (and drooled over) a home I had previously shared. I fell in love all over again. Then I visited another and another. I’ve posted tours of some really wonderful homes over the years and you’ll find them all under the “Home Tours” category at the top of the blog.
I chose a few this morning that have a romantic storybook quality. It was really hard to narrow it down to just ten homes (which is what I was going for) and somehow I ended up with eleven. I couldn’t pick one to delete, so eleven it is!
Click on the titles below to tour each Impossibly Romantic home.
A Storybook Home With To-Die-For Views
The Happiest Home Ever: A Whimsical Storybook Cottage
Historic 1825 Home & Equestrian Farm
Beautiful Island Home Exudes Romance & Charm
Kirstie Alley’s Maine Home, Islesboro Island
(Pssst: After you tour the home, see the beautiful bed I slept in during my visit to Giraffe Manor here: Netting for a Romantic Bedtime Makeover)
Dream Fairytale Cottage & Coop
Gail Claridge’s Beautiful Country Meadow Equestrian Ranch
Rose Cottage in the Movie, The Holiday
Each is beautiful in it’s own way.
They are all so different but I love them all! 🙂
Exactly! 🙂
Thanks for this nice collection. I will just keep this tab open, and periodically throughout the weekend pick one to savor until I’ve visited them all.
Done and the winner is: the 1825 home and equestrian farm. So warm, cozy, welcoming and bright. It had me at porte cochere.
Good choice! I love that house too, especially the room that looks like it could be the library.
I am partial to Giraffe Manor, having lived in Kenya for some years so long ago. It was possible then to walk up quite close to giraffes and zebra and monkeys (though not hippos–even though they are herbivores they are quite content to chomp humans in half for the fun of it). Such an experience. I’ve been to the home of Karen Blixen, AKA Isak Dinesen, who wrote Out of Africa. So amazing. I miss Kenya desperately, and the wild countryside of the south of France gives me solace in being quite similar–but without the giraffes.
That is wild about the hippos, I didn’t know that! I did visit Karen Blixen’s home on my last day there, but unfortunately they wouldn’t let me take any photos inside. I would love to have shared it on the blog, although the only room that was really furnished was the dining room, and it wasn’t with her furniture. The guide said she sold all her furniture due to financial issues she was having, and eventually returned back to her original home. I know what you mean about wanting to return. I keep wanting to go back but I’ve just begun to travel and so much more of the world to see. But one day I will go back, I loved my time there so much! I haven’t been to France, yet. I just started traveling last fall and Africa was the first place I visited, but I do so want to visit France! So wonderful to hear how you describe the south of France, I know I would love it!
Off the current subject, but I need to know where to find the rods to use for dust ruffles on those four poster beds a, when you want to be able to see the side rail. Please send me in the right direction!
Beverly, I’m not sure since I’ve never used those. But check out this video I just found on YouTube when I googled that topic. Hope it helps:
The seaside cottage is probably my favorite and to show that I can go from one extreme to the other, I also love the Rose Cottage from the movie, the Holiday. I have varied tastes, to say the least. I’ve gone through most of these before and thank you for showing them again.
Thanks, Pat! I love both of those that you mentioned, too. That’s my problem, I love sooo many styles of homes, would be impossible to pick just one.
For the first time (ever!) I’m commenting before I read your post because I plan on spending the better part of this Sunday morning drooling over all of these homes. 🙂
Have fun, Kathy! Good way to spend a lazy Sunday morning. 🙂