In The BNOTP Library: Classic Greenwich Style

You would laugh at me if you saw me getting ready to write a "BNOTP Library" post. I get up from my desk, walk over to the bookshelves here in the office and start pulling books off the shelf--one after the other, agonizing over which of my children is my favorite today. Okay, well at least that's how it seems when I'm going through the process. You would think I'm preparing to write the last "In The … [Read more...]

In The BNOTP Library: Enchanted Circles

After seeing Christy's beautiful hydrangea wreath this morning, what better book to share from my library than one that's all about making beautiful wreaths for each season of the year.   In the BNOTP Library: Enchanted Circles Author: Elizabeth Jane Lloyd Hardcover: 128 pages Book size: 0.5 x 9.2 x 9.8   3 Things I Like About This Book: Sections of book are divided up … [Read more...]

In the BNOTP Library: Antiques At Home

I've never met a Barbara Milo Ohrbach book I didn't love, this one included. I purchased Antiques At Home back in 2007 and it's one of my very favorites by her. In the BNOTP Library: Antiques at Home: Cherchez's Book of Collecting and Decorating with Antiques Author: Barbara Milo Ohrbach Hardcover: 256 pages Book size: 10.3 x 7.8 x 0.9 3 Things I Like About This Book: It's like going … [Read more...]

In the BNOTP Library: Country Living Decorating With White

If you missed the video I sent out in my morning post, you are in for a treat! I had to watch it several times and I still want to watch it again! lol It's pretty awesome! The comments you've left are pretty awesome too, I can tell you loved it as much as I did. In this post I'm sharing a book I ordered a few months ago and have really enjoyed. When it arrived, I was surprised and delighted by the cover. … [Read more...]

In the BNOTP Library: A Home of Your Own

Today I thought I'd share a book that's probably not that well-known. I noticed this evening that it's been out about a year but still doesn't have any reviews on Amazon. Not sure why because I really like it and think it's a great book.   It was the cover that drew me to A Home of Your Own. I loved the entry and staircase shown on the dust jacket. Speaking of  dust jackets, this is one of … [Read more...]

Lost in Time, An Interactive Blog Post Where You Complete the Story

Before reading today's post, you'll want to read this previous post for it to make sense: Paris Apartment, Another World Frozen in Time After reading about the Paris apartment abandoned for seven decades, I lay in bed that night thinking how great it would be if we could fill in the blanks, imagine the rest of the story behind this mysterious tale. The next day, several folks left comments on that post … [Read more...]

My Winter Survival List for Winter 2014

Each January for the last two years, I've put together a winter survival list with my top 10 favorites for surviving winter. Instead of waiting until we're deep into winter, I thought I'd share my faves now as the cold weather and winter looms ahead. I think what got me in the mood for this is the drizzly, cold overcast day I awoke to today. I'm actually kind of enjoying it, though...makes this heater … [Read more...]

Sunday, You’re So Good to Me

Sunday, time to sit back and relax a little. You've worked hard alllll week.   A good book...   ...and a "Rustic Retreat" candle, I'm totally addicted to the scent.  They can be found in Walmart but don't buy them all because I'm going back for a few more. ;)   Then there's this: Loved it so much...   I went back for more. I also bought the Caramel … [Read more...]

A Treasured Heirloom

Welcome to the 239th Metamorphosis Monday! Recently True Value asked if I would share a story about an "heirloom" piece passed down through my family. Immediately, a special chair came to mind. It's an heirloom piece that played an important part in our everyday life for many years, starting when we moved into our first home, a yellow cottage in a small Alabama town where my husband was stationed on … [Read more...]

Pete the Cat, The Whimsical Art of James Dean

Each week when I take Max to Georgia Veterinary Specialist, we wait in the "cat" waiting room until it's time for him to go back for his chemo treatment.  The walls in that area are decorated with some great kitty cat art.  Yesterday, I snapped some pics with my cell phone to share it with you.  I saved my favorite for last. Pete the Cat looked vaguely familiar to me, but I wasn't sure why.  It turns out … [Read more...]

Secret Lives Between the Pages

If you subscribe to the Between Naps on the Porch newsletter, Postcards from the Porch, you know I always highlight a couple of books I'm reading that week at the end of each newsletter.  Sometimes the books are recent finds, other times they are books I've had for a years and have pulled back off the shelf to enjoy again. A few months ago I ordered the book, Forgotten Bookmarks, a book Amazon … [Read more...]

The Morning Room

Welcome to the 223rd Metamorphosis Monday! Do you have a room in your home that's your absolute favorite spot to be in the early morning? My upstairs family room is that room for me. You may recognize the next 2-3 pictures since I've shared them before here on BNOTP.  This room is a cheerful, bright room, but early in the morning it's truly a sunny, happy spot to be.   One of the reasons this … [Read more...]

My Dream Home

At some point during the day, nearly every single day, I catch myself dreaming about living in an adorable cottage in a small town or rural area. I've never been a city girl so living 20 minutes outside Atlanta is definitely not my cup of tea. The city I live in is super congested and traffic is always bad unless it's 10:00 AM on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday or 10:00 at night.  I do all my grocery … [Read more...]

Brass is Back, Baby!

I am a lover of polished brass.  There, I said it...right out loud! I'm sure you've noticed, brass has been getting a bad rap over the last few years.  Its cousins chrome, nickel and oil-rubbed bronze have squeezed it out as the metal of favor. Now granted, I have seen some not-so-great brass in my days, the kind that looks lifeless and dull, or worse, pitted.  But I never really understood why quality … [Read more...]

Top 10 Faves On My Winter Survival List, 2013

Last winter I put together a list of a few of my favorite things that help get me through the cold winter months.  I ask in that post what helps you survive the winter and your comments were filled with wonderful ideas and suggestions.  Thanks so much for sharing your fave winter survival tips. Since we're well into the throes of another winter, with at least two months ahead of us, I thought it would be … [Read more...]

What Would You Do If Money Were No Object?

Over two years ago I created a post and asked the simple question, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"  The comments/answers were wonderful, insightful and inspiring.  I know we all use that word "inspiring" a lot these days, but the comments truly were inspiring.  If you didn't get a chance to read that post and the comments, you'll find it here:  What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not … [Read more...]

A Secret Message

Welcome to the 185th Metamorphosis Monday! I don't have a "home" related Before and After to share this week.   Well, actually I did but I couldn't wait and shared my mirror update a few days ago.  So for this Met Monday, I thought I'd share a very different kind of "Before and After."  It's a romantic "Before and After." Once upon a time there was a Bride and a Groom.    The morning of … [Read more...]

Sweet Max: A Story of Adoption and Healing

I ♥ cats!   Most of my friends love cats too and the few that were either anti-cat or on the fence, tell me Mr. Max is the first cat they've ever met that they really like.  Max has a way of winning over the most ardent cat hater. Max has developed a bit of a fan club in the four years I've been blogging. If several weeks go by and he doesn't show up in a post, I start to get comments and emails asking … [Read more...]

20+ Products I Can’t Live Without

I've been working on this post in my head for months.  Every time I do or use something here in my home that I love or can't do without,  I have thought about this post.  It isn't written to endorse any particular brand, although that's invariably going to happen just because sometimes it's a particular brand that does the job just the way I want it done.  If I really prefer that brand, I'll mention it in … [Read more...]

10 Must-Haves on My Winter Survival List

I love, love, love hot weather.  When I used to work in an office environment, when my fellow office mates thought the temperature was just right, I was cold.  If it felt just right to me in the office, everyone else was roasting.   Cold weather is not my friend. Over the years I've found ways to deal with Old Man Winter.  Today I thought I'd share a few things that are high on the "Susan's Winter … [Read more...]

Near Abductions: My Story

Sometimes you see something on TV and it hits home. A couple of weeks ago, I caught part of the show, 60 Minutes.  They were interviewing two young ladies who had been kidnapped as children but were miraculously able to escape a few days after their abduction. That virtually never happens...escaping. The abuse they suffered permanently altered their lives in very negative ways.  They still struggle today … [Read more...]

A Love Story for Valentine’s Day

The most fabulous benefit of having a blog is all the wonderful folks it brings into your life. I have truly met some of the nicest Dearhearts over the past two years. Recently, I was chatting with Phyllis and she shared a little about her wonderful parents and their life together. It's the most perfect love story and with Valentine's Day only a few days away, I knew I had to share it with you. Phyllis … [Read more...]

A Sign?

My Day: Meet friend for lunch. Shop with friend for office furniture in largest Pottery Barn in the United States. Say bye to friend. Head to Pottery Barn near home to drool over office furniture some more. Bump into more friends in Pottery Barn. Have fun visit. Leave Pottery Barn. Drive by TCBY on the way home. Go through drive-thru and order low-fat yogurt cone. Spot "Fudge Brownie Sundae" on … [Read more...]

For The Past Two Years, I’ve Been Leading a Double Life

Yes, it's true. Shocking as it may sound, for the past two years I've been leading a double life. While my evenings and weekends blogging have been surrounded in creativity, beauty and truth, my days have been immersed in deception, lies, drug abuse, mental and physical abuse, neglect, and exploitation. For the last 8 years, between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, I have worked full-time for the … [Read more...]

Antique Forget-Me-Not Book

Hi Everyone! In the midst of all my computer "stuff", I've been acutely aware of what today is...a day we will not soon forget. So today I'm sharing a beautiful book that's over 100 years old and is ALL about not forgetting. Cornelia, whose beautiful tablescape was featured last Tablescape Thursday, recently came across an amazing find...a Forget-Me-Not book.   Have you ever seen or … [Read more...]

When Life Gives You Lemons…

What do you do? I'm a firm believer in just digging in my heels and pushing forward. Don't waste time asking why... Or, why me? Listen to your heart and find your strength from within... How's that old saying go? "If you don't like something, change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it." Be sure to visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for … [Read more...]

What Would You Do If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

Got a question for you! I came across this intriquing question somewhere recently...don't remember now where I read it, but it really got me thinking. The question was: "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" I was wondering what your answer would be? Would you fly a plane? Would you start your own business? Would you buy a yacht and sail around the world? :-) I guess since I'm … [Read more...]

A Special Tablescape Filled with Memories

Welcome to the 68th Tablescape Thursday! A Tablescaping Story Once upon a time, long, long ago, a happy, young couple graduated from college...He from lawschool, She from undergraduate. A few days later they celebrated their 1 year wedding anniversary and as summer came to a close, the starry-eyed couple loaded up a U-haul, and along with their sweet kitty, headed off to a far-away land, all alone. He … [Read more...]

Humble Beginnings in Married Student Housing: Our First Home

Welcome to the 16th Metamorphosis Monday! For this Metamorphosis Monday, I'm sharing "Before" pics that are really, really old. These are the "before-est" pics I will EVER be able to show you for a Met Monday! It was 1978, I was 21 years old, my husband, 23, and we were newlyweds having just married a few weeks before. We were living in married student housing on the campus where we were attending school. I … [Read more...]

For the Love of Art…Meet My Friend Annie and Artist, May Cao…

Last September, three weeks after I first began blogging, I posted about a friend of mine, Annie and a talented artist by the name of May Cao. Recently, Annie told me May's work is now available in a local studio called, Two Doors Art Studio and Gallery, located in Roswell, Georgia. I've repeated the post below but have also added additional information at the end about an upcoming "Artist Reception" … [Read more...]

A Love Story…City Girl Meets Country Boy…

Earlier in the summer, pics of the most amazing home appeared on RMS. I knew right away that the person(s) who lived there was special because this particular home was unique, exuded warmth and was positively enchanting. This wonderfully cozy home turned out to be the home of Laura (Tomarie on RMS) and her real, live cowboy husband, Tom. Well, being the incurable romantic that I am, I asked Laura if she … [Read more...]


Today, my post is about a special gift I received for my birthday this year. My sister, Glenda, and I have always been very close and she surprised me with this beautiful angel from the Jim Shore Collection. "One's Sister is a part of one's essential self, an eternal presence of one's heart and soul and memory." Susan Cabill Isn't she beautiful? I love her little halo and all the detailed … [Read more...]

In Appreciation of Art, Meet my Friend, Annie and Artist, May Cao…

Recently, when I was chatting with Annie, a dear friend of mine, she mentioned she had done a "sitting" that day. I asked what a sitting was and Annie told me she occasionally sits or models for artists here in the Atlanta area. How interesting, I thought! I asked a lot of questions and Annie patiently answered. Annie told me, "Modeling for an artists is generally called "modeling" and the real title of … [Read more...]