Beautiful Table Setting with Villeroy & Boch, Manoir and Paseo Gien

Welcome to the  214th Tablescape Thursday! Good Morning on this gorgeous fall day!  I have a beautiful table setting to share with you!  But first, I just had to say I was sooo touched by all the wonderful dreams you expressed in your comments yesterday.  There's nothing I can say except, Wow!  I hope every single one comes true. Every single one!  ♥ Tablescape Thursday: For this Tablescape Thursday, … [Read more...]

Fall Dining on the Porch & A Book-Themed Centerpiece

Welcome to the 212th Tablescape Thursday! Yesterday, I posted some pictures of the mantel in the family room all dressed for autumn.  It became the inspiration for this week's Tablescape Thursday.   Often, the treasures we love and use when decorating our home work well in a centerpiece for a table setting, too.   I almost put this tablescape in my dining room since the colors are … [Read more...]

Russet Shades of Autumn: A Table for Two on the Deck

Welcome to the 210th Tablescape Thursday! It's been beautiful weather here...perfect time for another tablescape out on the deck.  Try to ignore my slightly bedraggled plants.  I haven't done the greatest job watering them lately.   This fall table setting is all about the colors of autumn...reds, golds and touches of green.   Bird's-eye view...   I didn't have … [Read more...]

6 Autumn Tablescapes

Welcome to the 209th Tablescape Thursday! Thanks so, so much for all your supportive comments yesterday.  A special thanks to all the dear-hearts who signed up for the BNOTP RSS feed, e-mails and "Liked" BNOTP on Facebook.  I feel so blessed to have you here reading.  I've said it before and it's still true. You are the very best part of BNOTP!   Appreciate you so much! Autumn is in the Air I'm just … [Read more...]

A Summer Tablescape for Two

Welcome the 208th Tablescape Thursday! The daisies and a few of the mums from last week's bridal shower tablescape were still hanging in there, so I couldn't resist using them in  another setting.   Hope you enjoy.   Whatever a man's age, he can reduce it several years by putting a bright-colored flower in his buttonhole. Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemmons-1835-1910)-American humorous … [Read more...]

Easy Centerpiece for a Kitchen Gadgets Bridal Shower

Here's a little tutorial I almost didn't write.   For last Tablescape Thursday I shared a fun centerpiece that would be great to take to a bridal shower as a gift or to use as a centerpiece if you are the host for the shower. (View that tablescape here: Bridal Shower with Easy-to-Make Centerpiece)   It was so easy to make, I wasn't sure it really warranted a tutorial.  Since I did learn a … [Read more...]

A Bridal Shower Tablescape with an Easy-to-Make Centerpiece

Welcome to the 207th Tablescape Thursday! I have a fun table setting to share this week.  I ran into the dollar store to look at their Halloween goodies and while there I spotted a collection that immediately sparked an idea for a bridal shower tablescape.  I get e-mails from time-to-time from folks asking for ideas for bridal showers.   If you will be giving a bridal shower sometime soon … [Read more...]

On a Balcony in Switzerland

Welcome to the 206th Tablescape Thursday! Thanks so much for all your comments on yesterday's post.  I haven't had a chance to reply to the questions left in the comments, since that post went up so late last night, but I'll definitely be doing that today. For this week's Tablescape Thursday, we're jetting off to Switzerland to dine on my friend, Cornelia's wonderful balcony.  It's always such a treat … [Read more...]

Shell Chargers for a Coastal Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 204th Tablescape Thursday! Time to break out the shell chargers!    You knew I'd be using them this week after finally getting them all done. This week's table setting turned out to be all about neutrals.   After all those hours (and sore fingertips) working on the shell chargers, I decided to take my cue from the colors in the shells/chargers for this week's … [Read more...]

Pottery Barn Knockoff Shell Chargers

Welcome to the 184th Metamorphosis Monday! Shell Chargers are Done! Another significant metamorphosis checked off my "should-have-finished-ages-ago" list, was the completion of the shell chargers I started a while back.  Remember those? You may recall, I came across these six Pottery Barn shell chargers on eBay while searching for chargers for an Easter table setting.  I briefly thought about … [Read more...]

Light & Airy for Summer Dining

Welcome to the 202nd Tablescape Thursday! Greetings!  Hope your week is going great!  Recently, Noritake, a wonderful Sponsor of Between Naps on the Porch, sent some lovely china my way.   It was a gorgeous day, we got a little break in the storms this week.  Wish you were here to enjoy it with me.   This table setting would have looked great with a floral centerpiece where the … [Read more...]

Spring and Summer Table Settings

Welcome to the 201st Tablescape Thursday! Wow!  Has it been crazy weather where you live?  We've been having stormy day after stormy day.  Monsoon weather and lots of lightning!  I awoke yesterday to find several very large branches in the turnaround portion of my driveway.  They were so large I could hardly move them.  So glad they missed the house!   My decks are covered with leaves and debris,  leaves … [Read more...]

A Garden Table Setting

Welcome to the  197th Tablescape Thursday! For this Tablescape Thursday, we're flying off to Switzerland to dine with Cornelia in her beautiful garden.   Cornelia created this table a few weeks ago for a special occasion.  Cornelia wrote, "Today we celebrate Ascension in Switzerland." "I created a tablescape, a fresco using mostly China from the German Manufactory Nymphenburg.  This is the view … [Read more...]

Starfish Napkin Fold

Recently, for Tablescape Thursday, I posted a table setting with a beach/coastal feel.   That table setting also included a fun, easy-to-make starfish napkin fold.  Here are the super easy steps to creating this fun napkin fold.   Lay your napkin out on a flat surface, with it turned on the diagonal.   Fold the top corner down until it meets the lower … [Read more...]

A Beach Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 196th Tablescape Thursday! Recently, I embellished a candle holder with aqua-colored seashells.  It  provided the inspiration for this week's table setting.   We've had the most wonderful spring here in Georgia.  Lots of mild days with occasional rains.  Has it been nice where you live, too?  I wish every spring was like this one.   Soft, cool aquas are perfect for a … [Read more...]

A Secret Garden Tablescape

Welcome to the 195th Tablescape Thursday! Wow, what a week!  This is turning out to be one of the busiest and most exciting weeks I've had in a while.  My son and his sweetheart were here last night.  We're all in wedding mode since the big day is just 4 days away.  After dinner out we came back home and stayed up late into the night talking.  I miss them terribly and love it when they are here … [Read more...]

A Mother’s Day Table Setting

Welcome to the 193rd Tablescape Thursday! This Sunday is Mother's Day.  In honor of this special occasion, I've put together a table setting using  very special table "linens."  My Mom crocheted this luncheon set back in 1956 while she awaited my arrival.   Here's a photo of my Mom (and me) around the time she would have completed this set. Unfortunately, I never really got to know my Mom very … [Read more...]

Dining on the Balcony, Table Setting with Lomonosov Porcelain

Welcome to the 192nd Tablescape Thursday! For this Tablescape Thursday, we'll be dining on my friend, Cornelia's beautiful balcony in Switzerland. The view is wonderful from here! Cornelia, please tell us all about the china you've chosen for this beautiful table setting here on the balcony.  Cornelia shared, "The theme is mainly based on the predominating porcelain, the Russian Lomonosov … [Read more...]

Easter Table Setting with Floral Centerpiece

Welcome to the 191st Tablescape Thursday! Thanks so  much for all the wonderful comments left on yesterday's post.   I so appreciate each and every one.  Your encouragement is giving me the perseverance I need to finish the project. I know Easter has long since past but I'm still not quite done with bunnies. This time the bunnies are in a springtime breakfast table setting. Lately, I've been … [Read more...]

Shell Chargers for Summer Dining: Pottery Barn Knock-Off

n March, right after I purchased cupcake stands from Pottery Barn for this Easter table setting,  out of curiosity I typed "Pottery Barn chargers" into the search engine on eBay.   This auction for shell chargers popped up.   Wow!  Shell chargers!  Not great for Easter but perfect for summer dining on the porch.  Unfortunately, the bidding quickly escalated way beyond the amount I would have been … [Read more...]

Easter Spring Table Setting with Tulip Centerpiece

Welcome to the 188th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Spring and welcome to Tablescape Thursday, a party where we celebrate our love for entertaining and creating pretty table settings for our friends and loved ones.  A beautiful table setting is really just an expression of caring and love for those who'll gather there. Tulips make such a wonderful centerpiece for a spring or Easter table … [Read more...]

Double Bowl Hurricane Floral Centerpiece: Pottery Barn Knock-Off

I've been using a lot of fresh flowers in table settings lately.  Once those cold winter months are behind us, it's such a joy to bring fresh flowers into our homes.  One of my favorite flowers is the tulip.  It's almost impossible to think of spring and not think of beautiful tulips. Tulips are a wonderful flower to give or receive for a birthday or for Mother's Day.  I've been the happy recipient of … [Read more...]

Spring Easter Table Setting with Daffodil and Moss Centerpiece

Welcome to the 187th Tablescape Thursday! Greetings!  Hope it's as beautiful where you are as it is here in Georgia.  This has been such a wonderful spring!  As I looked through the photos for this post, I noticed the background is changing with each week's table setting here on the porch.  It's getting green and woolly out this time of year!   For this Tablescape Thursday, … [Read more...]

Spring Easter Table Setting with Wisteria Centepiece

Welcome to the 186th Tablescape Thursday! Greetings!  Hope your week is going great.  Spring is in full swing here; everything is blooming up a storm!  For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I did something I've always wanted to do in a table setting.   I've always wanted to use Wisteria in a centerpiece.  It's just so beautiful and fragrant and it grows wild here in the south.   Each spring … [Read more...]

Springtime Table with a Daffodil Centerpiece

Welcome to the 182nd Tablescape Thursday! It was another warm day today so the pull of the porch won out again. All this warm weather we're having has me thinking spring.  This table setting would work well as an Easter tablescape with its springtime colors. The breezes stirred the sheers on the porch as I photographed this setting.  I couldn't resist snapping a pic through the wind swept … [Read more...]

A Wedding Reception, A Magical Evening

Welcome to the 176th Tablescape Thursday! Recently, my friend Maree, who blogs at  Tales from an OC Cottage, shared some wonderful photographs taken when her nephew, Joe (son of her sister, Bee) and his sweetie, Katie, were married back in November.  The wedding reception was held in the backyard of Maree's sister (Kae's) home.  Maree has posted pictures on her blog in past showing Kae's gorgeous gardens … [Read more...]

Thanksgiving Table Setting with Nature Themed Centepiece

Welcome to the 171th Tablescape Thursday! I'm a week late but for this Tablescape Thursday I'm sharing the Thanksgiving table setting I had been working on when my camera cat-astrophe occurred. All the pics in this post were taken with the new camera, a Nikon D5100. This camera is super, duper light sensitive, which is why it works so well in low lighting situations. It will take me a little while to get … [Read more...]

Thanksgiving Turkey Napkin Fold Tutorial

Recently, for Tablescape Thursday, I posted a Thanksgiving tablescape with the little ones in mind.     (Tablescape below can be viewed here:  A Thanksgiving Tablescape for the Kids) It included a fun turkey napkin fold.   Today I'm sharing a tutorial showing how it's made, in case you would like to incorporate it into your Thanksgiving table this year.     To create your turkey … [Read more...]

Thanksgiving Tablescape for the Kids

Welcome to the 169th Tablescape Thursday! Thanksgiving is only one week away!  Wow, this month has flown by.  For this Tablescape Thursday I put together a tablescape with the little ones in mind.  Do you set up a "kids" table each year for Thanksgiving?  Sometimes I think sitting at the kids table would be more fun than the grown-ups table.   Though this table was created with little ones in … [Read more...]

Fall Dining on the Porch: Celebrating the Russet Shades of Autumn

Welcome to the 167th Tablescape Thursday! It was a gorgeous day here so I spent some time playing outside on the porch. The leaves are changing and the fall colors are spectacular. I brought those colors to my table setting for Tablescape Thursday.  I shopped the house and snagged a floral arrangement from the family room for my fall tablescape.   I liked it, but ultimately I changed it out … [Read more...]

Warming Up on the Porch

Welcome the the 163rd Tablescape Thursday! Cool fall nights are perfect for hot chocolate out on the porch. Where would you like to sit?   How about on the swing?  There's a soft, warm blanket to keep you warm and a great book awaits.   The late afternoon sun is so wonderful streaming in across the porch.     The evening breeze carries the … [Read more...]

A Colorful Autumn Table Setting

Welcome to the 161st Tablescape Thursday! Though the leaves on the trees are still very green and the temps reached well int the 80's today, I was so in the mood to for a fall table setting.  Besides, Friday is the first official day of fall.   I've always wanted to create a table setting with magnolia leaf chargers.   I just thought it would be for a Christmas tablescape. … [Read more...]

Carved Watermelon Whale Centerpiece

Carved Watermelon Party Centerpiece This past Tablescape Thursday, I shared a table setting with a carved watermelon centerpiece.   (View that tablescape here: Summer Tablescape with Carved Watermelon Centerpiece)   For a party many years ago, I cut the top off a watermelon and hollowed it out to hold fruit.   That was cute, but I've always wanted to try my hand at carving one … [Read more...]

One Last Summer Tablescape

Welcome to the 160th Tablescape Thursday! If you've been reading BNOTP for very long, you know I love summertime. I'm always a bit sad to see it go.   Since the first day of fall is still a little over a week away, I wanted to share one last summertime table setting here on the porch.   I had fun creating the centerpiece.  It's carved from a small … [Read more...]

Mixing Herend for a Garden Table Setting

Welcome to the 158th Tablescape Thursday! A few years ago I attended an historic home tour that was by far, the very best home tour I've ever been on.  It was in Newnan, Georgia and was sponsored by The Georgia Trust.  If you ever have an opportunity to go on one of their home tours, be sure to go.  They are well organized and the homes are always absolutely amazing! On this particular Newnan tour, we … [Read more...]

Romantic Candlelight Table Setting

Welcome to the 157th Tablescape Thursday! You may feel like Bill Murray in the movie, Groundhog Day as you view the following tablescape.  In last week's Tablescape Thursday post, I mentioned I had created a tablescape on the porch and it somehow mysteriously moved itself right out on to the deck, turning into this romantic table setting. Since the original table on the porch was still set, I … [Read more...]

Romantic Table Setting for Two

Welcome to the 156th Tablescape Thursday! Tomorrow, August 18th, Between Naps on the Porch turns 3 years old.  The last three years have flown by so very quickly.  Thank you for visiting and being here every day.  I appreciate so much that you share your time with me! Let's have dinner on the deck tonight.  It feels so nice out. I'll pour the just sit and enjoy. So romantic, dining … [Read more...]

Beach Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 153rd Tablescape Thursday! I must be craving a beach trip because it seems whenever I plan a tablescape lately, it always ends up being a beach-themed table. I started off this tablescape with white flatware.   But I decided to change to blue since  I was in the mood for soft muted colors.   Beach-themed tablescapes always feel so restful with the soft blues … [Read more...]

Coastal Summer Table Setting

Welcome to the 151st Tablescape Thursday! Though the porch is still decorated in red, white and blue for it's 4th of July makeover, the heat here in Georgia has me dreaming of sandy white beaches. Recently, I ran across these bright spring-green glasses in Old Time Pottery. I love this color green. I guess you could call it chartreuse.   It very much reminded me of the green color in … [Read more...]

Seaside Tablescape

Welcome to the 146th Tablescape Thursday! For today's Tablescape Thursday, I've put together a little beach themed table setting out on the porch. I still have beach dreams running through my head after my recent trip to Savannah.   Hope you enjoy! I started out placing different types/colors of starfish on the napkins and I scattered lots of shells all around the centerpiece. I decided … [Read more...]

Summer Tablescape with Magnolia Centerpiece

Welcome to the 144th Tablescape Thursday! It's gorgeous here today...lots of sunshine! I love this time of year! Let's have dinner out on the porch tonight. Sound good? I've only used this china once before (I think) in a tablescape HERE. For some reason it always inspires a magnolia blossom centerpiece. The huge magnolia tree in my front yard had more flowers this year than it has ever … [Read more...]

Dining Alfresco: Spring and Summer Table Settings

Welcome to the 143rd Tablescape Thursday! Today I'm sharing some spring settings for this Tablescape Thursday, including some of yours!  Click on the titles of the tablescapes to view them in full. Dining with Lord Byron Sand and Surf Garden Party The Faerie Ball A Beach Escape Boogieboard Cottage Words on Wheels Bargain Hunting and Chatting with … [Read more...]

Dining in the Garden

Welcome to the 142nd Tablescape Thursday! Happy Tablescape Thursday! Our friend, Cornelia, has invited us all for dinner in her beautiful garden in Switzerland. Don't you just love the romantic feel of the wisteria climbing up the back of her home. We will be dining this evening surrounded in the fragrance of lovely flowers. It's a perfect day to be out in the garden. The tall hedge … [Read more...]

Easy Centerpiece for a Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 141st Tablescape Thursday! If you remember this Bottle Tree post, you already know I've been collecting bottles for several months in hopes of creating a bottle tree some day. Recently, I found the perfect tree for the bottles. It was just what I had dreamed up in my head. Unfortunately, when I checked on the price, it was much more than I wanted to spend. Rats! In the meantime, I've … [Read more...]

Styling by Coty Farquhar

Welcome to the 140th Tablescape Thursday! I have a wonderful Giveaway this week for Tablescape Thursday. This giveaway will have 6 winners so lots of opportunities to win! I'm so excited to share the gorgeous and breathtaking designs of Coty Farquhar. Are you familiar with her blog, Styling by Coty Farquhar? If not, you are in for a wonderful experience! Coty lives in one of the most beautiful … [Read more...]

A Country Rooster Table Setting

Welcome to the 137th Tablescape Thursday! It was gorgeous here today. It was so pretty I was tempted to put this tablescape out on the porch, but the pollen is insane right now. If you look closely, you can see it out there on the porch floor. That isn't dust...that's pollen! Yikes! We'll tablescape out there soon, but for now let's stay inside where it's a little less messy.   So come on … [Read more...]

Debutante Camellias in a Springtime Tablescape

Welcome to the 135th Tablescape Thursday! It was such a gorgeous day here...70's and breezy. I decided to set this week's tablescape in the breakfast room. My camellia bush has almost finished blooming. Amazingly the blooms are much deeper and richer in color now than they were a couple of weeks ago. Maybe it's the warm weather we've been having for the past two weeks. I couldn't resist … [Read more...]

Mixing China Patterns in a Table Setting

Welcome to the 133rd Tablescape Thursday! It was dark and stormy all day today. Late in the day the rain finally let up and I was able to cut some flowers from the garden. Since it was such a gloomy day, I decided to make my own sunshine. My Delight and Thy Delight by Robert Bridges, a British poet and poet laureate from 1913 to 1930 My delight and thy delight Walking, like two angels … [Read more...]

Sailboat Napkin Fold

This napkin fold is a great fold to create with a striped napkin but it will work with any pattern. I used a 20" square, blue and white striped napkin for this tutorial. Hope you enjoy this fun fold. It's a great one for summertime dining. Here's a second way to display this fold for a completely different look: You could even tuck a little surprise … [Read more...]

Sunshine Yellow for Spring

Welcome to the 131st Tablescape Thursday! It's been a rare February day...actually a rare February week. With temps in the 60's here all week long, I've been craving spring and a tablescape full of sunshine. I just shopped the house for a centerpiece. Actually, I couldn't make up my mind which centerpiece to use, so I used two. :) The sunflowers normally live on the trunk/coffee table in … [Read more...]

How Many Place Settings Should I Buy?

I receive a good many emails each week from the wonderful readers of BNOTP and one question I get over and over again is: How do you decide how many place settings to buy of a particular china? Here's just three of the e-mails I've received on this topic: 1. "Whenever I see a dish sets (usually come in set for 4/box). I am not sure if I should just buy the 4 (in 1 box) or buy 2 boxes. Is hard to find set … [Read more...]

Moss Garden Table Setting

Welcome to the 124th Tablescape Thursday! Hi Everyone! Hope your week is going great! Recently, for our Blogging Bloopers 2010 Party, I shared some of the gaffes I've made this past year, including a tablescape that didn't quite turn out the way I had planned. Since I let that cat out the infamous bag by sharing a few pics, I thought I'd share the rest of the info about how I put that table together, … [Read more...]

A Tablescape of Thanksgiving

Welcome to the 118th Tablescape Thursday! This post is dedicated to you...the readers of BNOTP. I was so touched by all the expressions of thanksgiving you left on Mikasa's Facebook wall, I decided to let you write today's Thanksgiving post. I am thankful for each day with my husband of 42 years, time spent with our children and 6 grandchildren. As well as my Mom who will be 89 this year. We are … [Read more...]

Fall Dining with Feathered Friends

Welcome to the 115th Tablescape Thursday! I started this tablescape on the porch a week or so ago when the weather was still in the 70's. By the time I took pics today, it was rainy and somewhat chilly out. I had so much fun playing though, I forgot all about the dreary weather. As you view this tablescape, imagine it with woven or ratan chargers in a warm brown. Unfortunately, I didn't have any but … [Read more...]

A Tablescape Celebrating Autumn’s Bounty

Welcome to the 114th Tablescape Thursday! I've been working on a tablescape this week out on the porch...the weather here has been in the 70's all week! Love it! But, the last few days have been raining...not great for taking pics to share. Fortunately, Cornelia recently sent some great pics of a wonderful tablescape she's created in celebration of the autumn season. It's always such a treat when … [Read more...]

A Tablescape to Celebrate Fall

Welcome to the 111th Tablescape Thursday! We are finally starting to get some cooler temps here in Georgia. I have to be honest with you guys...I'm just not a cool weather fan. But I do love fall colors so putting together a fall tablescape was a lot of fun. I kept my centerpiece simple since I had a lot going on color wise in this tablescape. Ummm, wonder how a few acorns from the huge oak … [Read more...]

End of Summer Tablescape on the Porch

Welcome to the 110th Tablescape Thursday! Welcome to a very special week of Tablescape Thursday! I am sooo excited to share my table setting with you this week because tonight, I'm sharing beautiful dinnerware that is just about to make it's debut! In just a few days, Sketch Floral will be available for purchase in retail stores, but you're getting a little sneak preview here this evening! I decided … [Read more...]

Three Tablescapes: Baby Shower, Beachy & Thanksgiving

Hi Everyone! Hope your week was fabulous! Any great plans for the weekend? I hope wherever you live...the weather is as awesome there as it is here. A few months back, I was blessed to receive some delightful pics of tablescapes created by three readers of BNOTP. I thought I'd share their wonderful tables today...along with the info they sent about how they were inspired to create them. Kathy from … [Read more...]

A Spring Table Setting on the Porch

Welcome to the 109th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Tablescape Thursday! Come on out on the's a beautiful day! We don't have breezes today so we'll just turn on the fans and make our own breezes. The weather is positively perfect...not too hot and not too cold...just right for dining on the porch. I have beautiful new china to share with you just called for a special … [Read more...]

A Beach Escape

Welcome to the 108th Tablescape Thursday! It's still beautiful summer weather here in Georgia. So, I've loaded up the car and I thought you and I would take one last beach trip before the cool fall weather arrives. Are ya with me? A while back for a Tablescape Thursday, I posted two wonderful table settings created by my talented friend, Bonnie. You can view those HERE. I fell in love with the salad … [Read more...]

A Garden Party with Meissen, Deutsche Blume

Welcome to the 107th Tablescape Thursday! Have I told you lately how much I LOVE...I mean reallllly love Tablescape Thursday? When would we ever have an opportunity to see so many beautiful collections of exquisite, delightful...sometimes even whimsical...china, crystal and flatware if you didn't stop by and link your amazing tablescapes here each week?! This week we are international travelers, … [Read more...]

Beautiful, Vintage, Copeland Spode Tower in a Springtime Tablescape

Welcome to the 106th Tablescape Thursday! How was your day? Are you looking forward to a nice long Labor Day weekend? Any cookouts planned? I hope whatever you's fun and relaxing. Enjoy these last treasured days of summer. I'm almost in the mood for fall...but not quite. With temps still in the 90s in Georgia and the blessing of low humidity, I'm still tablescaping out on the porch. This week I'm … [Read more...]

Lemonade Days

Welcome to the 105th Tablescape Thursday! It's still very much summer here in the sunny south...and I'm loving every moment of it. I'm one of those strange people who loves hot weather. Cold weather...not so much. Since I was really hoping you might be stopping by this evening, I made us some yummy lemonade and cookies. What's that? You're wondering about that tripod out on the deck? Shhhh, that's my … [Read more...]

Beautiful "Rote Rose" by Meissen

Welcome to the 104th Tablescape Thursday! Tablescape Thursday: For this week's Tablescape Thursday, we are international travelers again...jetting off to Switzerland to view beautiful china, crystal and silver in a most exquisite setting...Cornelia's beautiful home. Cornelia recently had a tea party with some dear friends. The children were invited for this special affair and I know everyone … [Read more...]

Metlox Poppytrail Sculptured Daisy

Welcome to the 103rd Tablescape Thursday! Come on out on the porch! Tonight we are traveling back to the 1960s. We will be dining at a retro tablescape...inspired by a ceramic lemon tree that once belonged to my sister's, Mother-in-Law. We don't throw anything away in this family...just pass it right on down. I have a little surprise for you. In addition to pics, I'm taking you out on the porch so you … [Read more...]

Monogramming Sterling Flatware, Great Idea or Huge Mistake

Welcome to the 80th Metamorphosis Monday! I love monogrammed silver. I suppose I could attribute it to having been "raised" here in the south where  monogramming has long been a standing tradition. Actually, I've never known anyone who had monogrammed silver, or if they did I don't remember seeing it. But for me, it's a reminder that family is important, family traditions are important and … [Read more...]

Tablescape Thursday: Celebrating 100 Table Settings

Welcome to the 100th Tablescape Thursday! Light the fireworks, sound the horns, throw the's time for a celebration!  Whooo, hooo! Tablescape Thursday is officially 100 today!   Can you believe we have been tablescaping for 100 weeks?! Wow! I'm so grateful for each and every one of you!  Thank You with all my heart for sharing your love for the art of the table every week here … [Read more...]

Sunflower Celebration

Welcome to the 98th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Tablescape Thursday! Tonight I'm sharing a tablescape I put together this past weekend for my friend, Jan's, 60th birthday. I'm often asked where I get ideas for tablescapes. That's always a hard question to answer since I really never know where or when an idea will hit. Last Thursday evening, as I was shopping for our birthday cookout, I came across … [Read more...]

A Country Style Tablescape With Corn on the Cob

Welcome to the 97th Tablescape Thursday! Hope you aren't tired of dining out on the porch. When winter gets here, they'll be plenty of time for staying inside by the fire. For now, lets play long as we can. I didn't wait for darkness to light the candles...though, I know I really should. Let's just pretend it's getting dark. While we're pretending, let's, also pretend I grew this … [Read more...]

Country Gingham and Tropical Paradise Tablescapes

Welcome to the 94th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Tablescape Thursday! I'm so excited to share not one, but two delightful tablescapes this evening, created by my sweet and talented friend, Bonnie. I am just tickled each time I hear from Bonnie that she's created a new tablescape and you know I'm going to ask if I can share it with you! So grab a glass of something cold and refreshing, sit back and … [Read more...]

Saxon Flower by Royal Copenhagen

Welcome to the 93rd Tablescape Thursday! Hello, sweet friends! How was your day? I hope you are well rested because we are jetting off to Switzerland this evening. You did bring your passport, right? Cornelia is welcoming us back into her home for an evening of dining in her wonderful conservatory. I see she has lit the candelier for us... Cornelia shared wonderful information about all the … [Read more...]

Painting a Tablescape

Welcome to the 72nd Tablescape Thursday! How was your Memorial Day weekend? We were furloughed on Friday and have Monday off for the holiday, so I'm relishing my 4 day weekend. Metamorphosis Monday: A few weeks ago, I posted this tablescape for TT. Here's the Before: And here is the After once our talented Fifi worked her magic. Fifi took this romantic setting and with her amazing, creative … [Read more...]

Romantic Table for Two on the Deck

Welcome the 91st Tablescape Thursday! She Walks in Beauty Like the Night by Lord Byron She walks in beauty, like the night   Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the … [Read more...]

A Beach Escape Table Setting

Welcome to the 90th Tablescape Thursday! The cold weather is finally gone. It's time for the soft breezes of fans whirling over head... Speakers playing James Taylor...Long Ago and Far Away...Sweet Baby James...You've Got a Friend... Hope you enjoy a touch of the beach this spring day. Toward the end you'll find a change in the centerpiece...just couldn't make up my mind.   Napkin … [Read more...]

Dining in the Conservatory with Royal Copenhagen, Blue Flower

Welcome to the 87th Tablescape Thursday! Tablescape Thursday: I'm soooo happy to be sharing another gorgeous tablescape today with you that's coming all the way from Switzerland! Dear Cornelia graciously agreed to invite us into another one of the wonderful rooms in her beautiful home. Today we will be dining in the conservatory.  I love saying that word...conservatory. I've always LOVED conservatories … [Read more...]

Beautiful Nymphenburg Tablescape

Welcome to the 86th Tablescape Thursday! Hi Everyone! Hope you've had a wonderful Wednesday! When I attended Mercer University in Macon, Georgia, we used to have Wonderful Wednesday every week. On Wednesdays, there were no classes! We were supposed to spend the time studying or attending special lectures, but in truth, most of us slept in and caught up on school work...or goofed off! Follow-up to … [Read more...]

Easter Tablescape with Daffodil & Camellia Centerpiece

Welcome to the 85th Tablescape Thursday! Easter is behind us for another year, but I thought I'd share one of the tablescapes I did this year.   Centerpiece is just a basket I've had for years...filled to overflowing with the last of the spring camillas and daffodils. I layered pretty salad plates I received as a gift this past Christmas with cabbage plates from HomeGoods. … [Read more...]

A Springtime Tablescape

Welcome to the 82nd Tablescape Thursday! At last, the daffodils are beginning to bloom. I was so happy to see their sunny faces, I decided it was time for a springtime tablescape. The beautiful tablecloth and napkins I used for this week's tablescape are from the April Cornell, Genevieve Collection. When I found these floral (bee skep) covered-soup tureens at Old Time Pottery around six months … [Read more...]

Herend, Rothschild Bird

Welcome to the 80th Tablescape Thursday! It came a rare, warm day in February... Bluebirds came to dine... And the late afternoon sun created wonderful shadows. Its warmth made eyelids heavy...a nap would surely follow. The beautiful bluebird day inspired a birdie tablescape... Complete with birdie glasses... If you've been reading BNOTP for a while, you may … [Read more...]

Winter Table with Swarovski Snowflake & Star Centerpiece

Welcome to the 74th Tablescape Thursday!  I was in the mood to celebrate this season of winter with a winter table setting and one of my favorite Robert Frost poems. Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost   Whose woods these are I think I know.   His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with … [Read more...]

Snowman Follies

Welcome to the 73rd Tablescape Thursday! It's been unusually cold here in Georgia this winter...we even had a bit of snow.   Snow in Georgia calls for a tablescape with a wintery feel.   Spied these snowman plates at HomeGoods a few months back and couldn't resist. When I had family here for Christmas, we used them for dessert; today they are salad plates in our … [Read more...]

Cozy Fireside Tea

Welcome to the 72nd Tablescape Thursday! Hey, come on in here out of the cold. I'm so excited that you've stopped by! I have a special evening planned for us.   Let's sit over here by the fire. I've made us a nice pot of hot tea. And some yummy snowball cookies. Would you like a chocolate-dipped peppermint stick? I sampled a couple before you got know, just to make sure they … [Read more...]

Holiday Table Settings by the Readers of BNOTP

Happy Saturday! Are you having a fabulous weekend? Shopping done, or are you still looking for that perfect gift? I'm done (thank goodness) except for a few more gifts for stockings. Several weeks ago, I announced that on Saturdays, during the month of December, I'd love to posts pics of tablescapes created by Non-bloggers who are readers of BNOTP. Well, you guys got busy tablescaping and I've been … [Read more...]

Turkey Day is Almost Here!

Wow! 152 participants in yesterday's Metamorphosis Monday! So many fabulous "Before and Afters!" When you have some spare time this holiday weekend, come back and check them all out. I promise you will come away inspired to tackle that project you've been putting off around your house. You may have noticed a little trend this week here at BNOTP. I wanted these last few days before Thanksgiving to be a … [Read more...]

Decorating for Autumn and a Thanksgiving Tablescape

Welcome to the 45th Metamorphosis Monday!   For this weeks Met Monday, we're going to Bonnie's beautiful home to see how she has transformed her hutch in her breakfast room. When we last saw it around the end of October, it was all decked out for Halloween. Remember this amazing pic? Well, honey, that was so, three weeks ago! Feast your eyes now! Wow...quite a transformation from … [Read more...]

A Beautiful Thanksgiving Tablescape

Recently, Babs, a lovely reader of BNOTP, shared a few pics of her beautiful Thanksgiving tablesetting. Babs told me she wanted to set a casual Thanksgiving table with some of her recent purchases from Cracker Barrel. (If you are a follower of BNOTP on Facebook, you already know about the amazing 40% off sale Cracker Barrel recently had on much of their autumn tabletop merchandise.) Feast your eyes on … [Read more...]

Thanksgiving Tablescape with Spode, Woodland China

Welcome to the 65th Tablescape Thursday! With Thanksgiving only a week away, I thought I'd share a "hunt themed" Thanksgiving tablescape this evening. This tablescape is similar to the one I did last year, but I've changed quite a few things and added a bit more whimsy.   Let's dim the lights a bit... Acorn tureens from Williams-Sonoma are just right for a hearty Butternut Squash … [Read more...]

Thanksgiving with Candlelight and a Natural Centerpiece

Welcome to the 64th Tablescape Thursday! Recently I was "chatting" with my friend, Kathysue...we met via Rate My Space and have been friends every since.   Kathysue has created a beautiful tablescape for Thanksgiving and she graciously agreed to let me share some pics of her table setting, as well as her beautiful dining room. I've always loved the striped wall paper in Kathysue's dining's … [Read more...]

Fall Dining on the Porch

Welcome to the 61st Tablescape Thursday! I'm often asked, "How many sets of dishes do you have?!"  Well, I'm letting you in on a big secret tonight. You really don't need that many sets of dishes to create different just need to be a little creative and change a few of the elements. Let me show you what I mean. Remember this tablescape I posted about 4 weeks ago with my Pier 1 china, … [Read more...]

Beautiful Wheat Centerpiece with Pumpkin Tureens

Welcome to the 59th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Fall, Y'all! Last week I shared a "fall inspired" tablescape out on the porch. This week I'm sharing another "fall" tablescape created by Bonnie, a talented, reader of BNOTP, who shares our love for tablescaping. You may remember the post I did a few weeks ago showing several of Bonnie's beautiful tablescapes. Feast your eyes on Bonnie's gorgeous fall … [Read more...]