A Beach-Themed Sea Life Table Setting

Welcome to the 359th Tablescape Thursday! Summer has been flying by for me this year. Has it seemed that way for you, too? It's still plenty hot here in Georgia, perfect weather for a beach and sea life inspired table setting! Recently, Elena put this wonderful table setting together with adorable plates sporting some rather cute sea creatures.   Elena chose a rustic lantern with a rope … [Read more...]

An “Italy-Inspired” Table Setting & A Special Story

Welcome to the 358th Tablescape Thursday! Terri and Johnny just returned from Italy and that wonderful trip was the inspiration for today's tablescape. They had been planning this trip for a while but it had to be put on hold for a bit. As we enjoy Terri's beautiful table setting created for a dinner with family after their return, I'll let Terri tell you why she celebrates each and every day with … [Read more...]

A Nautical Table Setting by Candlelight

Welcome to the 357th Tablescape Thursday! Soooo, remember yesterday how I mentioned plans to create a table setting on the little bistro table that lives here on the deck. HA! Mother Nature had other plans.   A huge storm came and  raged on for quite a while. It ended about half an hour before it became totally dark out. When the storm finally ended, I  rushed downstairs and quickly put … [Read more...]

Serving Ideas For Summer Parties and Gatherings

Welcome to the 356th Tablescape Thursday! For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I've pulled together in one post a few of the ideas I've shared in the past for serving beverages for summer gatherings with family and friends. Summer is still in full swing here in the south and will be for another 2-3 months, so let's have a party! Click on the titles below to access the post for the recipe. White … [Read more...]

4th of July Nautical Table Setting

Welcome to the 355th Tablescape Thursday! So, remember that table setting I didn't get to post last week because a big storm came along and put an end to any thoughts of taking pictures for the day?   It's a week late, but better late than never, right?   I ended up setting this table with two different centerpieces.   The first centerpiece was a flag and … [Read more...]

Sail Away With a Nautical Table Setting

Welcome to the 353rd Tablescape Thursday! I braved the heat this week to create a table out on the porch. Actually, a passing storm today cooled things down a good bit so it wasn't that terribly hot, after all.   I always feel a little sad when I see June 21st pass by on the calendar. That date is our summer solstice which means our longest day of sunshine has come and gone. The daylight … [Read more...]

A Secret Garden Party and You’re Invited

Welcome to the 333rd Metamorphosis Monday! When my son and daughter-in-law moved into their home a couple of years ago, they inherited a beautiful backyard. The older couple who previously lived there were avid gardeners and they had created a secluded paradise that was the talk of the neighborhood. The cares of the day vanished the moment you entered this lovely garden.   Nancy and Chip's … [Read more...]

Flameless Candles for Summer Table Settings

Welcome to the 350th Tablescape Thursday! Recently I stopped by Pottery Barn to check out their spring and summer dishware. They have a sale going on right now for some of their flatware, place card holders and dishware. They had a lot of tables set, more than I ever remember seeing before at one time. This one feels very festive with all the different plate colors. The dishware kind of reminds me of … [Read more...]

5 Spring & Summer Table Settings

Welcome to the 349th Tablescape Thursday! For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I'm sharing five tablescapes from summers past. These were all fun tables to create...hope you enjoy! Click on the title of each table setting (or the photo) to view that tabelscape in detail. Monkey Business   Whimsical Kitchen Bridal Shower Tablescape   A Romantic Dinner For … [Read more...]

Nautical Tablescape with Shell Chargers and Fish Flatware

Welcome to the 348th Tablescape Thursday! It's sunny and gorgeous out today, how about a beach trip?   This week's tablescape was inspired by flatware I purchased this past January. Do I hear "Jaws" music? Ummm...     Small lanterns at each place setting echo the larger candlelit lantern in the centerpiece. I wish I had thought to add a little white sand in the … [Read more...]

Delphinium & Bunnies For Spring

Welcome to the 347th Tablescape Thursday! Today I'm sharing a tablescape I had hoped to share back around Easter but couldn't quite get it ready in time. It actually works great for spring or summer, too.   I kept the centerpiece simple with bunnies and a big pot of Delphinium.   I love Delphinium but whenever I've planted them in my garden, they never come back the next … [Read more...]

Spring Tablescape With Williams Sonoma Damask Bunny

Welcome to the 346th Tablescape Thursday! Elena put together the most adorable table for Easter this year. Though perfect for Easter, this tablescape would be great anytime during the spring and summer months. In her email, Elena said, "It all started with Williams Sonoma blue damask bunny plates that absolutely stole my heart."   Elena added, "I loved the bunny plates so much that I … [Read more...]

Spring Table Setting For Children

Welcome to the 344th Tablescape Thursday! Yesterday I put together a fun table that I'll be sharing with you very soon. In the meantime, I'm excited to share the adorable table my friend, Marie, created for her grandchildren to enjoy during their visits this spring and for Easter. Do you see the cute cupcakes down the center of the table? Marie found those at Pier 1. Have you ever seen Bunny crackers? … [Read more...]

Hopping Into Spring

Welcome to the 343rd Tablescape Thursday! One of the things I love so much about Marie's home is how it's both beautiful and very livable. You immediately feel the love she has for her family just in the way she decorates for the holidays and displays photos of loved ones throughout her home. In her large living room, Marie has a table behind one of the sofas that works great for impromptu meals or … [Read more...]

Celebrate Spring With a Floral & Bunny Table Setting

Welcome to the 342nd Tablescape Thursday! Last week for Tablescape Thursday, I shared my friend, Marie's breakfast table that was set adorably for Easter.   Marie also prepared her table in the dining room and it's just as wonderful!   Notice how Marie used simple floral bouquets down the center of the table...perfect for spring!   The pierced dinner plates in … [Read more...]

A Spring Table Setting with the Easter Bunny

Welcome to the 340th Tablescape Thursday! It's been beautiful here, spring has arrived! The Redbud trees are through blooming and are pushing out leaves. The daffodils, forsythia and Bradford pears are blooming, too. I was so excited to see the Tardiva tree-form hydrangeas I planted in huge pots on the deck, survived the winter and are putting out new leaves. I love this time of year! Since it was … [Read more...]

Inspiration for the Spring Table

Welcome to the 334th Tablescape Thursday! I always like to stop by my local Pottery Barn this time of year to see what's new for the spring season. They had lots of great tables set so I snapped a few pics for ya! This table would work well for spring or summer.   See that tiny little silver thing in the center of the plate.   It's a cute little bunny acting as a place card … [Read more...]

DIY Burlap Bunny-Ear Napkin Rings For Your Spring Table

Welcome to the 315th Metamorphosis Monday! Last year I saw these cute burlap bunny-ear napkin rings in a cataglog. Ummm, that started the wheels a-turning. I saved the picture to my computer thinking I might try to DIY them some day.   With spring just 5-6 weeks away, I decided to start working on them now so they will be ready for a spring or Easter tablescape.   I already … [Read more...]

Silver for an End of Summer Table Setting

Welcome to the 313th Tablescape Thursday! Such a beautiful day to be out on the porch! I headed out to the garden to cut the last of the purple phlox. It's almost completely finished blooming for another year but I managed to find just enough for our centerpiece. It smells heavenly, I wish I could share the fragrance with you.   A couple of years ago I came across a table setting showing … [Read more...]

A Summer Dinner Party On The Porch

Welcome to the 310th Tablescape Thursday! This past weekend I had a little cookout with some friends. After setting the table, I snapped a few hurried pics. Normally when I'm having friends over for a dinner party or cookout, I'll set the table the night before. This time I was so indecisive about what direction to go with the table, I waited until the last-minute to put it together. One part of me … [Read more...]

Dining On The Summer Porch

Welcome to the 309th Tablescape Thursday! Little Announcement: Before we dive into Tablescape Thursday, I wanted to give an update on the Between Naps On The Porch group tablescaping boards recently created at Pinterest. Thanks to everyone who joined the boards. The tables that are being pinned are stunning! Love seeing them all! If you requested an invite to one of the boards but haven't received it, … [Read more...]

Nautical Table Setting With David Carter Brown Driftwood Dishware

Welcome to the 308th Tablescape Thursday! I'm taking you out on the porch this week for a nautical, beachy-themed table setting.   This table setting was inspired by some adorable salad plates I spotted recently on eBay while searching for something else. Does that ever happen to you...you visit eBay looking for one thing and find something else you love?   I wasn't sure … [Read more...]

2 Beautiful Garden Table Settings

Welcome to the 304th Tablescape Thursday! I've had sooo much fun reading all of your answers to the style questions yesterday. I have a whole list of books I want to check out now and for some reason I am seriously craving chocolate! I can't imagine why! ;)  I also want to visit every single place you named in your answers for question #10. If you didn't get a chance to read the comments on yesterdays … [Read more...]

4th of July Nautical-Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 303rd Tablescape Thursday! The 4th of July is tomorrow! Got any big plans? Hope you have the day off and will be spending it relaxing and celebrating with friends and family. For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I put together a 4th of July tablescape with a nautical bent.   Inspiration for a table setting can come from the most unlikely places. After not buying any new … [Read more...]

Please, No Talking To The Lifeguard

Welcome to the 302nd Tablescape Thursday! Just imagine we are on holiday. We're chilling at the beach and the hibiscus are in bloom.   The table is set and the wine has been poured.   I have 4-5 small tablecloths I like to use on this little table here on the deck, but none are in colors that work well with this week's table setting. After walking around the house for a … [Read more...]

A Formal Dinner Party in New Orleans, Kemper & Leila Williams Style

Welcome to the 301st Tablescape Thursday! When I was in New Orleans the early part of May, one of the homes I toured with my friend, Linda, was the home of Kemper and Leila Williams. Their home, located in the French Quarter at 712 Toulouse Street is actually behind another home, the Merieult House at 533 Royal Street. The Merieult House (shown below) serves as the entrance to several buildings, … [Read more...]

Screened Canopy Room For Summer Dining and Entertaining

Welcome to the 300th Tablescape Thursday! Wow! Three-hundred Tablescape Thursdays! For 300 weeks, a little over 5-3/4 years, we've been meeting here each week to share our love for creating beautiful tables for our family and friends.  Thank you so much for sharing your talents and creativity. It's an honor to host Tablescape Thursday each week and I've loved every moment! How fitting on this, our … [Read more...]

Moonlight & Magnolias, Romantic Table Setting for Two

Welcome to the 299th Tablescape Thursday! The magnolia trees are in bloom here in Georgia, I love their sweet "lemonade" scent.   It was warm out, but not too warm for a tablescape for two on the deck.   I cut a few magnolia blossoms for our centerpiece and tucked them down inside a white pitcher.   Rarely do I find two magnolia blossoms really close together … [Read more...]

Celebrate Spring With A Beach Themed Table Setting For Two

Welcome to the 297th Tablescape Thursday! It's been a while since I created a setting for two and a really long time since I put together a tablescape on this little oval table here on the porch.   You may remember the lantern from a previous beach themed table setting here: Beachy Tablescape With Lighthouse Lantern   Glassware for this table setting is from Pier 1. It's … [Read more...]

Sunny Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 295th Tablescape Thursday! Has it been rainy lately in your area? It was here for a while but we have sunny days again now and I'm so glad! During a recent rainy day Pinky who blogs at Designs by Pinky, created a table setting guaranteed to make any gloomy day a whole lot more cheerful. Pinky wanted to add a bit of texture to this setting. Rattan chargers worked great to add that … [Read more...]

5 Creative Centerpieces For The Spring or Summer Table

Welcome to the 294th Tablescape Thursday! Hope you're having a wonderful week!  For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I'm sharing links to 5 DIY centerpiece tutorials you can make for your spring or summer table settings. (I'm actually showing six centerpieces below, but two are made using the same idea/tutorial.) These were all easy and fun to make...hope you enjoy!   This spring … [Read more...]

Dining With Seagulls

Welcome to the 293rd Tablescape Thursday! Hope you're in the mood for a beach party because lately all I want to do is create beach-themed table settings. Ummm, wonder what that means? Perhaps someone is craving a trip to the beach! :)   Remember the fishnet I purchased on THIS shopping trip when I couldn't breathe and had to get out of the house?   It worked just right as a … [Read more...]

Easter Spring Table Setting With Greenhouse Centerpiece

Welcome to the 291st Tablescape Thursday! It's been beautiful weather here although the pollen is raging! It was unbelievably thick on the porch table and required a good wipe down before I could create a table setting for this week's Tablescape Thursday.   Starting to see a little green out there now.   It's hard to be upset over the pollen when the spring breezes are so … [Read more...]

Beach Table Setting With Lighthouse Lantern Centerpiece

Welcome to the 290th Tablescape Thursday! It's been in the 70's here for several days, I think it even got up into the 80's for a bit. Love, love, love the warm weather! All these warm days have me dreaming of the beach so it's time for a little beach table setting out on the porch.   This beach table setting celebrates the soft, cool shades of aqua, one of my favorite … [Read more...]

Welcoming Spring With Five Spring Table Settings

Welcome to the 288th Tablescape Thursday! Today is officially the first day of spring! I'm sooo excited it's finally here! For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I thought I'd share a few links to some of my previous springtime tablescapes to get you in the mood for spring, not that you need it! If you're like me, you've been ready for some spring weather for weeks! Happy Spring! (Click on the … [Read more...]

St. Patrick’s Day Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 287th Tablescape Thursday! We've been having some early spring weather here in Georgia. It was 77 degrees outside the day I created this table setting. It started out as a St. Patrick's Day tablescape but somewhere along the way it morphed into a spring table setting, too.   When my son was in elementary school, he enjoyed reading a series of books that were super popular at … [Read more...]

Spring Dessert Buffet for An Outdoor Party

Welcome to the 285th Tablescape Thursday! Yesterday I shared a Pottery Barn inspired potting table I built for my deck, an area where each year I do a lot of container gardening for summer. This was the inspiration table, the Abbott Island Buffet/Potting Table.   This was the version I created for around $1,050 less than the inspiration table. :)   One of the neat things … [Read more...]

Raiding the Garden

Welcome to the 261st Tablescape Thursday! Pssst, we have a problem.   Someone has been raiding the garden!   The lettuce is gone, the brussel sprouts are missing...   And all of the carrots have vanished!   Who could be behind this?   Do you think? Could it be?   He's been a very busy bunny!  His basket is loaded down … [Read more...]

How To Create a Watermelon Flower-Garden Centerpiece

  Each summer I like to create a table setting with a carved watermelon centerpiece. I missed last year but I couldn't let this summer get away without trying a new one. They are just so much fun to do! (You'll find the table setting below here: Summer Table Setting with Carved Flower Garden Watermelon Centerpiece) Two summers ago I carved this whale centerpiece. You'll find the tutorial for … [Read more...]

Summer Dining with an Edible Flower Garden Centerpiece

Welcome to the 258th Tablescape Thursday! Summer is winding down but it's not over yet. Are the stores in your area still stocked with yummy watermelons? They are still available here. It just isn't summer without cutting up a juicy, sweet watermelon or ten! I read an article the other day where someone made the claim that seedless watermelons don't taste as good as watermelons with seeds because they … [Read more...]

Enjoy Dining Outdoors for Summer

Welcome to the 256th Tablescape Thursday! For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I created a little table setting out on the deck.   Just as I finished putting it together, I heard thunder. Yikes! Some fast picture-taking took place and just as I took the last photo, the raindrops began to fall. Whew, it was a close one.   Hope you enjoy this table setting for two. As I was … [Read more...]

A Beautiful Dinner to Celebrate a Special Life

Welcome to the 255th Tablescape Thursday! Recently, Sandi who reads BNOTP e-mailed me and shared a special table setting she had put together for her family as they gathered to celebrate the life of their 94 year old grandmother who had just passed away. A theme emerged as preparations were being made and Sandi and her daughter, Heather, called this memorial gathering, "The Legacy of the Little … [Read more...]

A Lobster & Crab Fest: Beach Party Table Setting

Welcome to the 253rd Tablescape Thursday! Hope your week is going great! Are you ready for a little beach trip? Even if we can't go to the beach we can at least celebrate with a beachy tablescape out here on the porch.   The colors in this week's table setting are creams and corals...love that combination!  When I finished writing this post, it dawned on me, this table setting incorporates 3 … [Read more...]

Dining in a Garden of Lilacs and Wisteria

Welcome to the 246th Tablescape Thursday! Spring arrived in early May for my friend Cornelia, who lives in the beautiful country of Switzerland. Cornelia celebrated by dining in her garden enveloped in the scent of lilacs and wisteria.  The wisteria vine climbing the back of Cornelia's home was just beginning to bloom. I'm always amazed at how big a wisteria vine can get.  It really is … [Read more...]

Three Summer Tablescapes: Patriotic and Nautical Inspired

Welcome to the 245th Tablescape Thursday! There's a Pottery Barn store just a couple miles from my home.  Dangerous, right? A few days ago while out running errands, I stopped in to see what's new for summer. I didn't buy anything, just window shopped that day.  They had three really cute tables set up so I had to snap some cell phone pics for you.  Their displays are always so creative! Are you … [Read more...]

Warm Weather Dining on the Porch

Welcome to the 244th Tablescape Thursday! The iris in my garden were at their peak last Tablescape Thursday but alas, I had no time that day to create a table setting.  This week they were starting to wane but I couldn't resist one more tablescape using them as the centerpiece. Two weeks ago, when they were just beginning to open up, I created a simple table setting with the few I could find in bloom, … [Read more...]

Spring Table Settings: It’s a Party!

Welcome to the 243rd Tablescape Thursday! Sharing some wonderful tablescapes from last week's Tablescape Thursday. A Woodland Fairy Birthday Party A Tea Party with Brownie Bites   A Cinco de Mayo Party   Please Read: If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, … [Read more...]

A Whimsical Spring Table Setting with a Floral Centerpiece

Welcome to the 242nd Tablescape Thursday! Thanks so much for your generous comments yesterday regarding the live interview I participated in with Bekah and Lynne from the Mid-Morning show at WBCL. You are so supportive, always got my back.  Thank you! It's good to stretch our wings and try new things and I feel so blessed by the wonderful dearhearts I've met via blogging. That includes YOU! ♥ After … [Read more...]

Navy and White: Great for a Nautical Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 241st Tablescape Thursday! Spring is here  and I couldn't wait to experiment with a summer-beach themed table setting here on the porch.   I love a blue and white themed tablescape.  They always feel so crisp, so fresh.   This was an inexpensive table setting to create.  The dishes are from a 6 place setting I've had for a few years.  The set was only $19.99 … [Read more...]

Easter Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 238th Tablescape Thursday! Marie created some wonderful table settings for Easter/spring.   The one I'm sharing today is in her beautiful dining room. Marie will enjoy this table setting with her family this year for Easter. A few close-ups...love the pierced chargers, pierced egg cups and pierced napkin rings. You'll find a list detailing where Marie found all the … [Read more...]

Spring Table Setting for Two

We recently visited Sandi's  home when she was having a special Mardi Gras brunch.   If you missed that post, you'll find it here:  Mardi Gras Table Setting and Decorations.  This afternoon I wanted to share a sweet table for two she put together for spring. I love the Bakelite flatware, lacy dinner plate and charger, lettuce leaf salad plate, sheer napkin sheaths and the adorable polka dot bow as a … [Read more...]

Camellia Centerpiece for an Easter or Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 237th Tablescape Thursday! Yesterday was the first official day of spring.  I'm so happy about that!  I love spring and summer so much!  The day started out a bit  chilly but it warmed up just enough to get me out on the porch for this week's Tablescape Thursday.  The table setting I'm sharing today would be great for Easter and that's more or less what I had in mind when I created it, but … [Read more...]

Make a Starfish Napkin Ring: A Pottery Barn Knock-off

Welcome to the 217th Metamorphosis Monday! This week for Met Monday, I'm sharing a crafty Before and After. I made a quick pass through Pottery Barn a few nights ago and spied some cute starfish napkin rings. It's kind of hard to see in this pic I snagged from the PB site here, but the ring part of the napkin ring is covered in jute yarn. I couldn't tell what the yarn was wrapped around while in the … [Read more...]

Beautiful Table Setting with Villeroy & Boch, Manoir and Paseo Gien

Welcome to the  214th Tablescape Thursday! Good Morning on this gorgeous fall day!  I have a beautiful table setting to share with you!  But first, I just had to say I was sooo touched by all the wonderful dreams you expressed in your comments yesterday.  There's nothing I can say except, Wow!  I hope every single one comes true. Every single one!  ♥ Tablescape Thursday: For this Tablescape Thursday, … [Read more...]

A Summer Tablescape for Two

Welcome the 208th Tablescape Thursday! The daisies and a few of the mums from last week's bridal shower tablescape were still hanging in there, so I couldn't resist using them in  another setting.   Hope you enjoy.   Whatever a man's age, he can reduce it several years by putting a bright-colored flower in his buttonhole. Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemmons-1835-1910)-American humorous … [Read more...]

Easy Centerpiece for a Kitchen Gadgets Bridal Shower

Here's a little tutorial I almost didn't write.   For last Tablescape Thursday I shared a fun centerpiece that would be great to take to a bridal shower as a gift or to use as a centerpiece if you are the host for the shower. (View that tablescape here: Bridal Shower with Easy-to-Make Centerpiece)   It was so easy to make, I wasn't sure it really warranted a tutorial.  Since I did learn a … [Read more...]

A Bridal Shower Tablescape with an Easy-to-Make Centerpiece

Welcome to the 207th Tablescape Thursday! I have a fun table setting to share this week.  I ran into the dollar store to look at their Halloween goodies and while there I spotted a collection that immediately sparked an idea for a bridal shower tablescape.  I get e-mails from time-to-time from folks asking for ideas for bridal showers.   If you will be giving a bridal shower sometime soon … [Read more...]

On a Balcony in Switzerland

Welcome to the 206th Tablescape Thursday! Thanks so much for all your comments on yesterday's post.  I haven't had a chance to reply to the questions left in the comments, since that post went up so late last night, but I'll definitely be doing that today. For this week's Tablescape Thursday, we're jetting off to Switzerland to dine on my friend, Cornelia's wonderful balcony.  It's always such a treat … [Read more...]

Shell Chargers for a Coastal Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 204th Tablescape Thursday! Time to break out the shell chargers!    You knew I'd be using them this week after finally getting them all done. This week's table setting turned out to be all about neutrals.   After all those hours (and sore fingertips) working on the shell chargers, I decided to take my cue from the colors in the shells/chargers for this week's … [Read more...]

Pottery Barn Knockoff Shell Chargers

Welcome to the 184th Metamorphosis Monday! Shell Chargers are Done! Another significant metamorphosis checked off my "should-have-finished-ages-ago" list, was the completion of the shell chargers I started a while back.  Remember those? You may recall, I came across these six Pottery Barn shell chargers on eBay while searching for chargers for an Easter table setting.  I briefly thought about … [Read more...]

Light & Airy for Summer Dining

Welcome to the 202nd Tablescape Thursday! Greetings!  Hope your week is going great!  Recently, Noritake, a wonderful Sponsor of Between Naps on the Porch, sent some lovely china my way.   It was a gorgeous day, we got a little break in the storms this week.  Wish you were here to enjoy it with me.   This table setting would have looked great with a floral centerpiece where the … [Read more...]

Spring and Summer Table Settings

Welcome to the 201st Tablescape Thursday! Wow!  Has it been crazy weather where you live?  We've been having stormy day after stormy day.  Monsoon weather and lots of lightning!  I awoke yesterday to find several very large branches in the turnaround portion of my driveway.  They were so large I could hardly move them.  So glad they missed the house!   My decks are covered with leaves and debris,  leaves … [Read more...]

A Garden Table Setting

Welcome to the  197th Tablescape Thursday! For this Tablescape Thursday, we're flying off to Switzerland to dine with Cornelia in her beautiful garden.   Cornelia created this table a few weeks ago for a special occasion.  Cornelia wrote, "Today we celebrate Ascension in Switzerland." "I created a tablescape, a fresco using mostly China from the German Manufactory Nymphenburg.  This is the view … [Read more...]

Starfish Napkin Fold

Recently, for Tablescape Thursday, I posted a table setting with a beach/coastal feel.   That table setting also included a fun, easy-to-make starfish napkin fold.  Here are the super easy steps to creating this fun napkin fold.   Lay your napkin out on a flat surface, with it turned on the diagonal.   Fold the top corner down until it meets the lower … [Read more...]

A Beach Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 196th Tablescape Thursday! Recently, I embellished a candle holder with aqua-colored seashells.  It  provided the inspiration for this week's table setting.   We've had the most wonderful spring here in Georgia.  Lots of mild days with occasional rains.  Has it been nice where you live, too?  I wish every spring was like this one.   Soft, cool aquas are perfect for a … [Read more...]

A Secret Garden Tablescape

Welcome to the 195th Tablescape Thursday! Wow, what a week!  This is turning out to be one of the busiest and most exciting weeks I've had in a while.  My son and his sweetheart were here last night.  We're all in wedding mode since the big day is just 4 days away.  After dinner out we came back home and stayed up late into the night talking.  I miss them terribly and love it when they are here … [Read more...]

A Mother’s Day Table Setting

Welcome to the 193rd Tablescape Thursday! This Sunday is Mother's Day.  In honor of this special occasion, I've put together a table setting using  very special table "linens."  My Mom crocheted this luncheon set back in 1956 while she awaited my arrival.   Here's a photo of my Mom (and me) around the time she would have completed this set. Unfortunately, I never really got to know my Mom very … [Read more...]

Dining on the Balcony, Table Setting with Lomonosov Porcelain

Welcome to the 192nd Tablescape Thursday! For this Tablescape Thursday, we'll be dining on my friend, Cornelia's beautiful balcony in Switzerland. The view is wonderful from here! Cornelia, please tell us all about the china you've chosen for this beautiful table setting here on the balcony.  Cornelia shared, "The theme is mainly based on the predominating porcelain, the Russian Lomonosov … [Read more...]

Easter Table Setting with Floral Centerpiece

Welcome to the 191st Tablescape Thursday! Thanks so  much for all the wonderful comments left on yesterday's post.   I so appreciate each and every one.  Your encouragement is giving me the perseverance I need to finish the project. I know Easter has long since past but I'm still not quite done with bunnies. This time the bunnies are in a springtime breakfast table setting. Lately, I've been … [Read more...]

Shell Chargers for Summer Dining: Pottery Barn Knock-Off

n March, right after I purchased cupcake stands from Pottery Barn for this Easter table setting,  out of curiosity I typed "Pottery Barn chargers" into the search engine on eBay.   This auction for shell chargers popped up.   Wow!  Shell chargers!  Not great for Easter but perfect for summer dining on the porch.  Unfortunately, the bidding quickly escalated way beyond the amount I would have been … [Read more...]

Easter Spring Table Setting with Tulip Centerpiece

Welcome to the 188th Tablescape Thursday! Happy Spring and welcome to Tablescape Thursday, a party where we celebrate our love for entertaining and creating pretty table settings for our friends and loved ones.  A beautiful table setting is really just an expression of caring and love for those who'll gather there. Tulips make such a wonderful centerpiece for a spring or Easter table … [Read more...]

Double Bowl Hurricane Floral Centerpiece: Pottery Barn Knock-Off

I've been using a lot of fresh flowers in table settings lately.  Once those cold winter months are behind us, it's such a joy to bring fresh flowers into our homes.  One of my favorite flowers is the tulip.  It's almost impossible to think of spring and not think of beautiful tulips. Tulips are a wonderful flower to give or receive for a birthday or for Mother's Day.  I've been the happy recipient of … [Read more...]

Spring Easter Table Setting with Daffodil and Moss Centerpiece

Welcome to the 187th Tablescape Thursday! Greetings!  Hope it's as beautiful where you are as it is here in Georgia.  This has been such a wonderful spring!  As I looked through the photos for this post, I noticed the background is changing with each week's table setting here on the porch.  It's getting green and woolly out there...love this time of year!   For this Tablescape Thursday, … [Read more...]

Spring Easter Table Setting with Wisteria Centepiece

Welcome to the 186th Tablescape Thursday! Greetings!  Hope your week is going great.  Spring is in full swing here; everything is blooming up a storm!  For this week's Tablescape Thursday, I did something I've always wanted to do in a table setting.   I've always wanted to use Wisteria in a centerpiece.  It's just so beautiful and fragrant and it grows wild here in the south.   Each spring … [Read more...]

Springtime Table with a Daffodil Centerpiece

Welcome to the 182nd Tablescape Thursday! It was another warm day today so the pull of the porch won out again. All this warm weather we're having has me thinking spring.  This table setting would work well as an Easter tablescape with its springtime colors. The breezes stirred the sheers on the porch as I photographed this setting.  I couldn't resist snapping a pic through the wind swept … [Read more...]

A Wedding Reception, A Magical Evening

Welcome to the 176th Tablescape Thursday! Recently, my friend Maree, who blogs at  Tales from an OC Cottage, shared some wonderful photographs taken when her nephew, Joe (son of her sister, Bee) and his sweetie, Katie, were married back in November.  The wedding reception was held in the backyard of Maree's sister (Kae's) home.  Maree has posted pictures on her blog in past showing Kae's gorgeous gardens … [Read more...]

Carved Watermelon Whale Centerpiece

Carved Watermelon Party Centerpiece This past Tablescape Thursday, I shared a table setting with a carved watermelon centerpiece.   (View that tablescape here: Summer Tablescape with Carved Watermelon Centerpiece)   For a party many years ago, I cut the top off a watermelon and hollowed it out to hold fruit.   That was cute, but I've always wanted to try my hand at carving one … [Read more...]

One Last Summer Tablescape

Welcome to the 160th Tablescape Thursday! If you've been reading BNOTP for very long, you know I love summertime. I'm always a bit sad to see it go.   Since the first day of fall is still a little over a week away, I wanted to share one last summertime table setting here on the porch.   I had fun creating the centerpiece.  It's carved from a small … [Read more...]

Mixing Herend for a Garden Table Setting

Welcome to the 158th Tablescape Thursday! A few years ago I attended an historic home tour that was by far, the very best home tour I've ever been on.  It was in Newnan, Georgia and was sponsored by The Georgia Trust.  If you ever have an opportunity to go on one of their home tours, be sure to go.  They are well organized and the homes are always absolutely amazing! On this particular Newnan tour, we … [Read more...]

Romantic Candlelight Table Setting

Welcome to the 157th Tablescape Thursday! You may feel like Bill Murray in the movie, Groundhog Day as you view the following tablescape.  In last week's Tablescape Thursday post, I mentioned I had created a tablescape on the porch and it somehow mysteriously moved itself right out on to the deck, turning into this romantic table setting. Since the original table on the porch was still set, I … [Read more...]

Romantic Table Setting for Two

Welcome to the 156th Tablescape Thursday! Tomorrow, August 18th, Between Naps on the Porch turns 3 years old.  The last three years have flown by so very quickly.  Thank you for visiting and being here every day.  I appreciate so much that you share your time with me! Let's have dinner on the deck tonight.  It feels so nice out. I'll pour the wine...you just sit and enjoy. So romantic, dining … [Read more...]

Beach Themed Table Setting

Welcome to the 153rd Tablescape Thursday! I must be craving a beach trip because it seems whenever I plan a tablescape lately, it always ends up being a beach-themed table. I started off this tablescape with white flatware.   But I decided to change to blue since  I was in the mood for soft muted colors.   Beach-themed tablescapes always feel so restful with the soft blues … [Read more...]

Coastal Summer Table Setting

Welcome to the 151st Tablescape Thursday! Though the porch is still decorated in red, white and blue for it's 4th of July makeover, the heat here in Georgia has me dreaming of sandy white beaches. Recently, I ran across these bright spring-green glasses in Old Time Pottery. I love this color green. I guess you could call it chartreuse.   It very much reminded me of the green color in … [Read more...]

Seaside Tablescape

Welcome to the 146th Tablescape Thursday! For today's Tablescape Thursday, I've put together a little beach themed table setting out on the porch. I still have beach dreams running through my head after my recent trip to Savannah.   Hope you enjoy! I started out placing different types/colors of starfish on the napkins and I scattered lots of shells all around the centerpiece. I decided … [Read more...]

Summer Tablescape with Magnolia Centerpiece

Welcome to the 144th Tablescape Thursday! It's gorgeous here today...lots of sunshine! I love this time of year! Let's have dinner out on the porch tonight. Sound good? I've only used this china once before (I think) in a tablescape HERE. For some reason it always inspires a magnolia blossom centerpiece. The huge magnolia tree in my front yard had more flowers this year than it has ever … [Read more...]

Dining Alfresco: Spring and Summer Table Settings

Welcome to the 143rd Tablescape Thursday! Today I'm sharing some spring settings for this Tablescape Thursday, including some of yours!  Click on the titles of the tablescapes to view them in full. Dining with Lord Byron Sand and Surf Garden Party The Faerie Ball A Beach Escape Boogieboard Cottage Words on Wheels Bargain Hunting and Chatting with … [Read more...]

Dining in the Garden

Welcome to the 142nd Tablescape Thursday! Happy Tablescape Thursday! Our friend, Cornelia, has invited us all for dinner in her beautiful garden in Switzerland. Don't you just love the romantic feel of the wisteria climbing up the back of her home. We will be dining this evening surrounded in the fragrance of lovely flowers. It's a perfect day to be out in the garden. The tall hedge … [Read more...]

Easy Centerpiece for a Spring Table Setting

Welcome to the 141st Tablescape Thursday! If you remember this Bottle Tree post, you already know I've been collecting bottles for several months in hopes of creating a bottle tree some day. Recently, I found the perfect tree for the bottles. It was just what I had dreamed up in my head. Unfortunately, when I checked on the price, it was much more than I wanted to spend. Rats! In the meantime, I've … [Read more...]

Styling by Coty Farquhar

Welcome to the 140th Tablescape Thursday! I have a wonderful Giveaway this week for Tablescape Thursday. This giveaway will have 6 winners so lots of opportunities to win! I'm so excited to share the gorgeous and breathtaking designs of Coty Farquhar. Are you familiar with her blog, Styling by Coty Farquhar? If not, you are in for a wonderful experience! Coty lives in one of the most beautiful … [Read more...]

A Country Rooster Table Setting

Welcome to the 137th Tablescape Thursday! It was gorgeous here today. It was so pretty I was tempted to put this tablescape out on the porch, but the pollen is insane right now. If you look closely, you can see it out there on the porch floor. That isn't dust...that's pollen! Yikes! We'll tablescape out there soon, but for now let's stay inside where it's a little less messy.   So come on … [Read more...]