Dress Shopping in Hawaii

Reminder: Today is the last day to get 40% off everything at Talbots. I purchased several shorts and pants yesterday, so it's a great time to check out their sale. You'll find the sale here: 40% off Sale. Don't forget to use the code Friends40 to get the discount. I almost never shop for clothes while I'm on vacation but this trip was the exception. I visited Whaler's Village and went a wee bit crazy! … [Read more...]

I Almost Missed Their Best Summer Sale! These are My 12 Favorites!

Right before I left for Hawaii, I stopped by the Talbots near my home to pick up another pair of their adorable, scalloped-edge short. If you don't have a pair of these, I very much recommend them. They are so much more flattering on the leg than a straight-edge hemmed short. I don't know why that scallop makes such a difference, but it does! I already have two pairs in white, available here: … [Read more...]

My Favorites for Summer & How I’m Keeping Drinks Cold on Hot Days

How do you like my fancy shoes? lol This is the footwear I've been sporting today...I promise I'll have an explanation for this on Monday for Metamorphosis Monday. :)   When I haven't been running around with grocery bags on my feet, I've been shopping for summer clothes. Talbots has an awesome sale going on right now. I purchased a pair of these shorts last summer and love them! They are … [Read more...]

An English Garden Bangle & The Best Memorial Day Sales

Happy Weekend! How is your weekend going? I've been going pretty much non-stop today, which is basically what I do every day. lol I find it hard to sit still for long, anyone else like that? My day started out with running errands this morning, then I forced myself to work on weeding the front yard the rest of the day. I'm still fighting Spiderwort, I dig it up every year and every year tons of it comes … [Read more...]

Lipsticks That Won’t Creep Into Lip-Mouth Lines, Plus A Sneaky Sale

As I've gotten older, I've almost completely stopped wearing lipstick. I've never smoked and have rarely used a straw over the years, but somehow over the years I've still managed to get a few small lines around my lips. No matter how many different lipsticks I've tried, they have all had a tendency to creep into those little lines we start to get around our mouth as we get older. The matte finishes aren't … [Read more...]

Home Water Softeners, Whole House Filters, De-Stressing & A Few Shopping Finds

Welcome to the 486th Metamorphosis Monday! This past week while I was out of town was definitely a challenging one. It all started when I had a plugin update appear on the dashboard of the blog that turned out to be a bad update. You may have noticed some issues last week with Between Naps On The Porch. In the process of trying to fix the issues the bad update caused, my hosting company actually … [Read more...]

Pagoda Umbrellas & Beautiful Cars

This morning my son, grandsons and I attended a local car show. I love vintage and antique cars so I awoke early, super excited to go. We didn't see a lot of vintage cars at the show, but I still enjoyed it tremendously. Some of the cars we saw are those you normally only see in car enthusiasts magazines. My son recognized and named many of them all as we walked around, including the McLaren that goes for … [Read more...]

Summer Shopping & A Big Sale

Whenever I visit with family here in Ohio, I stop by the local Talbots. I always pass right by it en route to my favorite grocery store, Dorothy Lane Market. If I ever move here, I would love to have a house within biking distance of DLM. I have this fantasy of hopping on my future pink or aqua colored cruiser bike, you know, the one with a wicker basket in front and two baskets in back :) and cruising … [Read more...]

Tablescape Thursday News, Recent Purchases, & Email Addresses to Avoid

Hotmail Blocking Emails Occasionally I hear from someone who has subscribed to receive email updates so they'll know when a new post is up here at Between Naps On The Porch, but unfortunately, the updates are never arriving. Today I learned something very surprising. Apparently, there's a big problem with Hotmail. Often, emails that are sent to Hotmail email addresses end up being rejected and never get … [Read more...]

Okay, But I Could Set the Building On Fire…

Yesterday I was stapling some papers together when my stapler up and died. The spring inside broke and after several frustrating moments trying to reconnect it, I gave up. Normally I would have persisted but I've been ready to ditch that stapler for a long time since it has always jammed about every other time I used it. In searching for a new stapler I came across one I knew I had to get. Do you … [Read more...]

20 Spring-Summer Fashions: Everything’s on Sale & Here’s What I’ve Purchased!

I love spring and the clothes that go with the season! There are so many cute, cute things on sale right now. So far, I've ordered a new pair of shoes for summer, and a couple of more pairs are calling my name. It's hard to resist all the great sales going on right now. Everything I'm sharing in today's post is currently on sale so we can shop guilt free! I love Dooney & Bourke Bags, the quality of … [Read more...]

Lots of Little Tweaks, An Office Update

Yesterday was a non-stop day and I still feel like I have so much left to do. Do you get this way come spring? I want everything spiffied up and organized for spring--and I want it right now! lol I did too much stuff yesterday to share it all, but thought I'd share a few fun things, as well as a little splurge that arrived mid-day. I spent part of the day trimming off dead branches from the Standard … [Read more...]

Packing for Spring Break

So everyone is on spring break this week where I live--except me. Waaaaa! Even though I'm not sunning myself right now on a sandy beach somewhere, or shopping all the cute beach boutiques (a favorite pastime in places like Hilton Head) I had fun putting together a few outfits that would have made the trip if I had taken a beach holiday. But first... Before I share those with you, if you're a fan of … [Read more...]

Let’s Go Antiquing at A Classy Flea…So Many Cute Things!

Yesterday I drove over to a Pier 1 that's about 20 minutes away to pick up some plates I had purchased online. Normally the Pier 1 near me would have them, they had them in stock the day before, but they are currently on sale for $20.88, so the stores are all selling out. (They are still available here: Bunny Plates. See all the Easter goodies included in the sale here: Easter.) I purchased a few more … [Read more...]

Frame a Hermes Silk Scarf with Museum Glass for Maximum Protection and Clarity

This is definitely another "Instagram-Made-Me-Do-It" project. So, I was minding my own business one day, checking out a fave Instagram account when I came across this picture below.   I immediately recognized that infamous Hermes orange and the iconic brown ribbon Hermes uses to tie all of their wonderful packages.   I had never seen this particular scarf before and loved … [Read more...]

The Best Hair Styling Tool I’ve Ever Used

A few years back I shared a tool that I've been using for years to add some light curls and body to my hair. It did a great job adding curls, but it never helped with the little frizzies I tend to get right after I've washed and blow-dried my hair. I still used it though because it was so much more convenient and easier than hot rollers, and it didn't feel near as hard on the hair as a curling iron. (It's … [Read more...]

Pearl Earrings for Sensitive Ears & A Jewelry Keeper for Travel

I am earring challenged! Over the last few years I've rarely worn earrings, despite really loving them. The problem has been two-fold: 1. Over the years my ears have become super sensitive to earrings that aren't 14K gold and 2. I am forever losing earrings, usually just one. Maybe I should just start wearing all my orphaned earrings together...start a new trend! lol I've been hoping to add a pair of … [Read more...]

Online Shopping for End-of-Winter Deals & Loving the New Spring Fashions

L.L. Bean is having an End-of-Season sale, just wanted to share this in case you're looking for some last minute goodies to get you through the winter. I just ordered this coat for my son. With the sale, plus an additional 25% off at checkout, it ended up being half off. Awesome sale! They have gotten a lot of snow this winter so I thought he would enjoy it when playing outdoors in the snow with his … [Read more...]

A Great Way to Carry Your Favorite Perfume In Your Handbag & When Traveling

This post is for the perfume lovers. I know some folks don't care for perfume or may even be allergic to it. If that's you, please feel free to skip this post and come back tomorrow when you'll find a new post on a different topic. If you love perfume as much as I do, read on! Hope you enjoy! :) Perfume is a passion of mine and I'm always up for trying new scents. Lately I'm really enjoying some of the … [Read more...]

Easy Way to Remove Pills and Fuzz from Cashmere & Wool Sweaters

Welcome to the 471st Metamorphosis Monday! Happy Monday! Hope you had an awesome weekend! For this week's Met Monday, I have a great little tool to share, something I've been meaning to share all winter. At the start of fall this past year, I noticed a lot of my sweaters were covered with little pills here and there, especially my light-weight cashmere sweaters. I have a battery-operated pill-remover … [Read more...]

Denim Transfer, The Bane of Handbag Lovers Everywhere

Welcome to the 470th Metamorphosis Monday! Update: I found a much better product that has worked for removing denim transfer from my car's leather seats and from my office chair. I've linked to it at the very end of this post. I fell in love with wearing denim jeggings this past fall, those and the "ankle-slim" pants have become my faves. Unfortunately, having never worn really dark denim jeans in the … [Read more...]

My 10 Favorite Home & Home-Making Related Purchases of 2017

Happy weekend! How's your weekend going? If you've been reading BNOTP for a while, you probably know I'm not a fan of scary movies, but I may try watching Winchester (starring Helen Mirren) with my hands over my eyes. lol The movie is hitting theaters in early February, but  I'll most likely wait until it comes to Amazon since I can't imagine seeing a scary movie on the wide-screen! … [Read more...]

Hall Tree Decision, A Missing Bag, A Delightful Book, My Fave Winter Lotion & A Scrumptious Scarf

Can you believe I'm just now storing away all my Christmas wreaths? I took the wreaths off the windows after I returned from Germany, but due to being sick and then going out of town for 8-9 days, I'm just now getting everything put away. And you know what, I feel zero guilt about it. lol Getting well and visiting family were all way more important than putting the wreaths back in storage and taking down … [Read more...]

Help Me Choose: 3 Beautiful Pink-Nude Bags for Spring and Summer

Happy Saturday! I am back home now, made the long drive yesterday from Ohio to Georgia and fortunately, the roads were great. The sun was out the whole way. I think that's the first time I've ever made that drive in sunshine, usually it's raining. I didn't even have any slow downs due to accidents or construction, definitely a first on that, too! So, my obsession with pink seems to be continuing. I'm … [Read more...]

Making Progress & A Favorite Sweater Is On Sale

Welcome to the 467th Metamorphosis Monday! I'm still sick, but getting better. When I visited Urgent Care last week, the doctor said to call her if I wasn't better by Thursday and she would call in an antibiotic. I was still not getting any better when Thursday came around, so I called the next day on Friday. My breathing has been terrible and all I have wanted to do is sleep--all day and all … [Read more...]

Packing for The Netherlands, Germany & France at Christmastime

I've received a few comments asking if I would share what I will be wearing during my upcoming trip to Germany. I'll be packing the usual suspects: pants, sweaters, turtlenecks, scarves and boots, but I'm finding packing for this trip a lot more challenging. The problem is sweaters are really fat and fluffy, so they take up a lot of space. But I love sweaters so I'm determined to take several, even if I … [Read more...]

Last Minute Christmas Deals & The Coat I’ll Be Wearing In Germany for Christmas

A lot of stores are having last minute sales with free shipping for the holiday season. Here are a few that caught my eye. Sundance is offering 20% off this weekend, along with free shipping. I'm eyeing this beautiful cardigan here: Cardigan.   Frye has a great sale going on, 25% off with the code: CHILLY at Checkout. So if you've been lusting after a pair of Frye shoes or boots, this is a … [Read more...]

Goodbye Shoulder Bumps: Hangers Designed for Holding Cardigan Sweaters

Welcome to the 463rd Metamorphosis Monday! This has been such a wacky morning. When I "woke-up" my computer today to complete my post for Met Monday, the "Caps Lock" button was stuck in the "on" position. The key itself wasn't physically stuck down, but it was showing a little green light indicating the caps lock was on, and no matter what I did, it wouldn't turn off. Can you imagine me typing out and … [Read more...]

A Few Winter Wardrobe Additions and Gift Ideas

This fall/winter I've been on a quest to completely overhaul my winter wardrobe, focusing on two things: comfort and warmth. I added a few more pieces this past week and thought I'd share those in this post in case you're looking to update your winter wardrobe, or just looking for some additional gift ideas. Before this fall I didn't own a single Fair Isle sweater. A lot of the ones I've found over the … [Read more...]

Answering Your Questions & A Christmas Home Tour

Still haven't turned the corner on this cold, or whatever it is. When I talk, I sound like a man, or maybe a frog--or maybe a man with a croaking frog in his pocket. lol It's embarrassing! When I go someplace like the grocery store, or have to call someone on the phone, I sound ridiculous. Oh well, not much I can do about that. Spent much of the day in bed, just sleeping and trying to get over this yucky … [Read more...]

Shopping In an L.L. Bean Store & A Little Treat For Your Delivery Person This Season

I've been out of town this past week for Thanksgiving. Just got back in late last night around 11 PM. It was a bit of a rough drive since I'm still sick with a yucky cold, but at least the weather was perfect for the trip home. On the way home and just 45 minutes into my trip, I got a wild hair and did something completely unplanned. It was totally a spur of the moment decision. This past week a friend … [Read more...]

My Favorites for Cyber Monday, Love This Time of Year!

Welcome to the 461st Metamorphosis Monday! I couldn't let Cyber Monday go by without sharing my favorites. Many of these things I already have and love, others are on my wish list. A few of the items I had hoped to share today, sold out overnight, like some amazing boots I've been drooling over at Talbots. So if you see something today that you love, don't wait like I did. The best stuff is going fast! I … [Read more...]

Bears in Sweaters and A Winter Sweater Wardrobe Metamorphosis!

Welcome to the 459th Metamorphosis Monday! I've been on a major flannel shirt and sweater kick this fall. Actually it started last fall when I went through all my sweaters and donated those that were too big or just not my taste anymore. I hadn't realized it until lately, but in the past I've had a tendency to buy sweaters that were really about a size or two, too big for me, thinking that was necessary … [Read more...]

Finally Chose a Christmas Tree and We’re Shopping in Sundance!

Happy Weekend! Well, I finally did it! I finally pulled the trigger and ordered my very first Balsam Hill Christmas tree. It arrived yesterday and is currently setting on the floor of my entry, awaiting its unboxing. I'll do that today to make sure everything works. Not sure when I'll decorate it, there's plenty of time for that still.   After much angst, this was the one I chose, the … [Read more...]

Cozy Inside this Rainy, Blustery Weekend

It's been a cold, blustery, rainy weekend, definitely feels like winter has arrived, even though it's still just fall. After putting out suet for the birds and making sure the feeders were all filled, I've been doing a bit of online shopping for myself and for Christmas.   I always like to get a head start because Christmas gift shopping and wrapping is the one thing I can always get done … [Read more...]

A Closet Update: Hacking Shelves for Boot & Shoe Storage

Years ago, shortly after my home was built in the early 1980's, the first owners turned the bedroom that's beside the master bedroom, into a dressing room/closet area. (Read more about that in this post: If These Walls Could Talk: A Mystery Alcove. The bedroom was around 12 x 13 feet and they closed off the door/entrance from the upstairs hallway and cut a large double opening from the master bedroom, … [Read more...]

Wardrobe Additions & How to Keep Boots from Losing Their Shape and Falling Over

Work continues on the decks but they are getting close now to being done. The basement door-staining project inside has been a nail biter. I gave my painters a stained piece of trim (left over from when the hardwood flooring was installed in the living room) so they would have something for matching the door stain to the surrounding judges paneling. The first stain they tried on the door wasn't remotely … [Read more...]

Critters On My Feet!

Just a quick post as I take a break from working on tomorrow's post for Tablescape Thursday. Remember these adorable scuffs I shared recently? I purchased a pair for my daughter-in-law since she's a kitty lover, too. I also thought my grandsons would get a kick out of them.   She texted this photo last night saying that my oldest grandson who is 3 years old now, thinks they are hilarious. … [Read more...]

Antiquing at A Classy Flea

Thanks for all the input yesterday on the new finial I was trying out. I had seen the brass shamrock several folks mentioned, but I really had my heart set on a dragon or something a bit fanciful and fairy-tale-like. I think I'll just stick with the two finials I have already for now, but will keep an eye out in case something better comes along. Appreciate all your helpful input! Today while out running … [Read more...]

Catching the Sales for Some Fall Wardrobe Additions

Raining up a storm outside today thanks to tropical storm Nate, so I'm inside catching up on mail and doing a bit of online shopping at my favorite stores. Talbots is having a killer sale right now, ends tomorrow so thought I'd share it now in case  you are interested. It's 40% off any regular priced item with the code OCT40 and 25% off everything else. Here are a few of the items I'm eyeing to use the … [Read more...]

My Favorite L. L. Bean Boots Are Finally Back & What I’m Loving for Fall

Years ago I was trying very hard to track down a pair of L.L. Bean boots. I had seen them on their website, but they were showing out of stock for months and months. Not one to easily give up when I really want something (but then you knew that already from my cabinet extravaganza, right? lol) I pondered this little boot dilemma, then I got an idea! I reasoned that surely some of the physical L.L. Bean … [Read more...]

How Much Does It Cost To Have VHS & 8 mm Tapes Transferred Over to DVD?

Thanks so much for all your input on Saturday's post about the hall/basement door I recently had replaced. After reading all the comments, I was leaning toward having the door installation redone. (Read the comments here: Is This Door Too Short?)   I've had such mixed feelings about this situation and that's not normal for me. Normally when work is done in my home and there's a problem, I … [Read more...]

My New Mopping System and Is This Door Too Short?

How is your weekend going? I've been working on a lot of things around here and I thought I'd share some of them with you in case they are helpful. Remember this door that I shared recently in a post? It's located in a small hallway...   ...that's right off my living room.   The door leads down to my partially-finished-in basement...just needs paint and flooring. I had the … [Read more...]

Update for A Frye Campus Tote Organizer & Irma’s Knocking On My Door

Welcome to the 450th Metamorphosis Monday! I'm putting this post up early (Sunday evening) in case we lose power in the morning, compliments of Hurricane Irma. The bathtub is full of water, have plenty of bottled water, groceries, lanterns, batteries, phone back-up batteries and other supplies. The latest forecast for Atlanta shows tropical storm force winds of 30-45 mph with gusts to 55 mph starting … [Read more...]

The Best Summer Sales and A Few Changes To My Glassware Storage

Thanks so much for all the wonderful comments you left on Thursday's post! There were several questions and I tried to answer those in the comments on that post, so if you have a moment, check out the comments for additional information on that project. You'll find that post here: Tablescaping Storage for Dishware, Flatware, Napkin Rings, Napkins and Glassware. I've been washing glasses the last couple … [Read more...]

Weekend Shopping Finds: My Favorite Shorts & A Good Read

I'm visiting family this weekend out-of-state and popped into my favorite Talbots there. I purchased these shorts in white and oh my gosh, are they comfortable! I wore them to an outdoor birthday party and they were perfect. They are generously cut so if you get your normal size, you'll find them super comfortable. I loved them so much, after the party I immediately went online and ordered another pair. … [Read more...]

How I’ve Spent the Last 48 Hours

I've been a busy bee the last 48 hours. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I've been going non-stop! After this Frye tote arrived recently, I decided I wanted to add a bag organizer to it so it would have more support across the bottom whenever I carry heavy items like my laptop. I researched online forever and even contacted Frye. No one makes an organizer for this bag, but I found one that was a … [Read more...]

4 New Items I’ll Be Taking and Wearing When I Travel to Ireland

Can you believe it's already been a whole month since I first shared about the upcoming trip to Ireland for the Deluxe Irish Castles Tour. That trip is a just a month away now---hard to believe!   One of the fun things about travel is it gives you a good excuse to add a few new pieces to your wardrobe. Isn't that pretty much a requirement for any vacation! ;)   Ireland is known … [Read more...]

Travel Shopping: Barbour Coats, a Tote, Dining Set for the Deck & Flying the Nest

Happy Weekend! Phoebe Update (Not into birds? Click HERE to skip the Birdie Update.) The baby birds left the nest yesterday. I awoke yesterday morning and checked in on them. Two solemn little faces peered down on me. lol It has been so much fun watching their progression, it has reminded me a lot of a human baby's growth, only on a much more accelerated scale.   When they were … [Read more...]

Summer Sales, Cute Birdies and Dish Storage Update

Birdie Update Mr. Snake has not been back. I guess he doesn't want to encounter that psycho woman again who sent him sailing off the top of the bench and into the shrubs when he tried to make a dinner of the Eastern Phoebe birds nesting in the corner of the front porch. The birdies have made quite the mess up in that corner of the porch, but you can't mind too much when you see these sweet faces. Just … [Read more...]

Fashion Favorites On Sale and 3 BNOTP Friends Join Me in Ireland!

Oh, my gosh, I have some exciting news to share! Three Between Naps On The Porch friends are joining me on the Ireland trip planned for the end of August! So excited! Teresa joined me on a previous trip to Holland and Belgium. We had a blast and became fast friends. We've stayed in touch and are always tempting each other with trips we find or hear about.   Teresa booked the Ireland trip, … [Read more...]

Stylish Summer Sandals & Hard-to-Find, Rebecca de Ravenel Earrings

Earlier in the spring, I purchased this cute, wicker handbag. I have so enjoyed carrying it this spring. Everywhere I go people comment and ask me about it. I don't think I've ever carried a bag that brought so many compliments! Even the sales associates in my local Talbots love it. At first, they asked if it was one of their bags. It looks like it should be! Keeping my wicker bag in mind, I went … [Read more...]

The Safest Way to Clean a Silk Scarf

Welcome to the 437th Metamorphosis Monday! Happy Monday! Hope your week is off to a great start! For this week's Met Monday, I thought I give an update on whatever happened to the Hermes scarf I bought on eBay, the one that arrived sporting an ugly, oily looking stain in one corner. In a previous post I shared this photo. (See that post here: Washing an Hermes Scarf and Madame Paulette.) This was the … [Read more...]

Superga Sneakers, A Favorite of Kate Middleton

I'm declaring this the summer of the sneaker! lol I don't know what's gotten into me, but I'm on a sneaker tear. I think I could live the rest of my life wearing only Sperry Topsiders and Superba Sneakers! Recently, after reading the book, Classic Style, I added a pair of Stan Smith sneakers to my shoe wardrobe.   You can read more about these legendary sneakers in this previous post: … [Read more...]

Going Classic & A Healthy, Easy Idea for Lunch

I've always been drawn to classic design in clothing. I do find it fun to mix in the occasional "trend" piece, but over the years it's always been those classic tried-and-true pieces that I return to again and again. As mentioned in a previous post, I'm currently reading the book, Classic Style by Kate Schelter. (Book is available here: Classic Style.) It has recharged my love for the never-let-you-down, … [Read more...]

Two Enjoyable, Yet Very Different Books: Wanderlust and Classic Style

This past weekend I did something I haven't done in a while, I curled up with a couple of new books and just vegged for a whole evening. The two books could not have been more different from each other, so it was like whiplash reading as I alternated between the two of them. I'm not sure what that says about me, that I would order and enjoy two such different books. lol   Wanderlust by … [Read more...]

Awesome Travel Deal & A Peek Inside My Summer Bag

Happy Friday! It's here! The wicker bag I ordered a few days ago came, so I'm sharing some pics of how it looks in person, as promised.   I took photos in a few different spots in the upstairs living room so you could get a better idea of the color in different lighting.   The leather top is a nice warm brown and I really like the bamboo handle.   The interior … [Read more...]

The Secret to Fitting a Small Bangle Over a Wide Hand

Welcome to the 434th Metamorphosis Monday! Have you ever come across a beautiful bangle bracelet online and wanted to order it, but had no idea if it would fit? I ran into that issue recently, and in my usual manner tried to figure it out the hard way. If you have a simple problem, turn it over to me and I can complicate it for you in no time! So here's how this little tale goes: I have a fondness for … [Read more...]

The Perfect Wicker HandBag, At Last!

What's that expression, "Nature abhors a vacuum?" I guess Aristotle was right because without any planning or scheming, that empty spot on the hat rack over the little reading corner in my office....   ...is empty, no more. (See the post where I shared adding this hat rack to the office here: Hat Storage That's Both Functional and Decorative.   A Youtuber I watch ordered … [Read more...]

Marie’s Fanciful Spring Decor & Beautiful Butterfly Earrings

When I visited my friend, Marie's beautiful home a few days before Easter, her home was decorated in the most wonderful, fanciful way for spring. Though I've posted a couple of times sharing her spring decor, I wasn't able to share everything. I could not let you miss out on her darling bunny tails and egg garland! At the end of this post, I'm sharing a few items that I ordered and arrived today. I love … [Read more...]

Workstation Computer Glasses, A Major Quality-of-Life Improvement

Welcome to the 433rd Metamorphosis Monday! The week before I left for Morocco in mid-March, I forced myself to purchase new eye glasses. At one time I had two pairs for everyday use, but one pair mysteriously and unpredictably snapped in half one day for absolutely no reason. I lived in fear the other pair would do the same at any time. I have contacts I wear occasionally, but they don't work very … [Read more...]

Ralph Lauren, Seashore Dinnerware & A Shirt I Liked So Much, I Bought It Twice

A few weeks ago I drove into Buckhead (Atlanta) to shop at The Shops Buckhead Atlanta. I was in search of Dior's Tribale earrings. (Read more about that trip here: The Shops Buckhead Atlanta.) Well, I must be a glutton for punishment because I did it again, only this time I headed to Lenox Square to try on some shoes. I had ordered them a 1/2 size up like all the reviews online at Nordstrom had … [Read more...]

Washing an Hermes Silk Scarf & Madame Paulette

Welcome to the 432nd Metamorphosis Monday! This past weekend I shared an older Hermes scarf I had purchased from a seller on eBay about 1-1/2 years ago. (See that post HERE.) When I bought the scarf, the eBay ad stated it was in perfect condition with no stains, tears, etc... Several months after purchasing it, I pulled it out to look at it again and noticed several stains near one … [Read more...]

Would You Hand-Wash an Hermes Silk Scarf?

A year or so ago, not long after returning from a trip to Kenya (see posts about that trip here: Africa) I was stalking Hermes scarfs on eBay and came across this beauty. The listing said that it was in perfect condition, no stains, tears, pulls, etc... I think the seller said it had belonged to his Mother. I'm a big fan of Hermes and their gorgeous scarves, and this one completely stole my heart. I … [Read more...]

How Shout Color Catcher Saved My Favorite Shirt

Welcome to the 430th Metamorphosis Monday! This is not a sponsored post, I just had to share Shout's amazing Color Catcher product because it literally saved me from having to throw away one of my favorite shirts. Hope this proves helpful if you ever find yourself in a similar situation. A few months ago I purchased this adorable polka-dot shirt after seeing it online in this ad.   My … [Read more...]

Summer Scarf Pairings and Hermes Clic H Bracelets

When I was out-of-town visiting family this past weekend, I stopped into a Talbots that I always visit when I'm there. As I walked through the door, I immediately began scanning the store for a scarf I had seen online. I hadn't realized how much I really wanted that scarf until that very moment. I had seen it online many weeks ago, even before my trip to Morocco, but it wasn't on sale then so I had decided … [Read more...]

Breakfast With Tiffany

I love Tiffany & Co. jewelry. For many years I falsely believed that all their jewelry was super expensive and beyond anything I could afford. It's funny how we walk around for years with misguided perceptions. One day I came across a video where a fashion vlogger was sharing her Tiffany jewelry collection and began to understand that Tiffany makes jewelry in all price points and for all … [Read more...]

5 Items I Always Take When Traveling Internationally

I discovered something new on this last international trip. I discovered that I much prefer taking the longer 8-9 hour flights during the daytime, instead of at night. This was the first trip I've been on where the longest flight took place during the day time. I always thought I'd be bored to death on a long flight, but I purchased the in-flight WiFi and that, along with some interesting reading, made the … [Read more...]

What I’m Packing For Travel During Shoulder Season

Welcome to the 424th Metamorphosis Monday! I had hoped to post photos of the hat rack I ordered back on February 25th, installed here in the office. Unfortunately, it still hasn't arrived. It's coming from Bulgaria and the last time I looked, it had finally made it to the U.S. and was in New York. So since I can't share that little before and after, I thought I'd share how I'm packing for my upcoming … [Read more...]

Hat Drama & Decorating with Hats

Welcome to the 422nd Metamorphosis Monday! Did you know there's such a thing as hat drama? lol Okay, I'm being silly but I have had a bit of drama over the past year with finding and holding onto the right hat. Back in the fall of 2015 when I was planning a trip to Kenya, I did a lot of research about what I should take with me on the trip. One oft recommended item was a hat for sun protection. Since … [Read more...]

The Safe Way to Wash Wool & Cashmere Sweaters & A Great Book!

Welcome to the 421st Metamorphosis Monday! A couple of months ago I purchased this navy and white shirt-jacket online at J. Crew. I loved it sooo much, I searched and found last year's version in a different color on eBay. Then I turned right around and purchased a second navy/white one because I was worried I'd never find it again when the first one eventually wore out. That's how much I love this … [Read more...]

Some Weekend Shopping & A Cute Centerpiece Idea

While out shopping recently with Marie, we visited a new Hobby Lobby that had just opened in our area. The only thing I bought that day was a cake pan that makes a 5-layer cake. I'd love to bake a cake like this sometime for one of my grandchildren. I should have waited and checked online, found it for a lot less here when I got back home: 5-layer Cake Pan. Would make a beautiful centerpiece in a spring … [Read more...]

A Much Wanted Shirt Is Found & Spring Wardrobe Updates

Welcome to 420th Metamorphosis Monday! Did you hear a crazy woman screaming on February 5th? If you did, that was me having a happy fit when Elaine, a reader of BNOTP, e-mailed to say she had seen the birding shirt I've been trying to find forever for sale on Etsy. I leapt over to Etsy and couldn't believe my eyes!  The ad stated that it was brand new and had never been worn. I think it will fit based on … [Read more...]

Hunter Royal Horticultural Society Garden Boots & Other Fabulous Finds

A few years ago I discovered Hunter boots and it's been a serious love affair ever since. This obsession started off innocently with a pair of their Classic Tall Gloss Rain Boots in the color red. You may have noticed them in some of the photos I've shared here on the blog, like this porch scene from this past fall.     I have this uncanny talent of discovering something I really … [Read more...]

Let’s Go Antiquing at A Classy Flea!

I stopped by A Classy Flea today, hadn't been there in ages. Ready to do a little antiquing? This would be great for a bit of 4th of July decorating? $42.95   If you would like to make your own flag, check out this tutorial I posted a while back: Make a Wood Flag for 4th of July.   A pretty set of dishes, I had never seen this pattern before. It was labeled, "American … [Read more...]

How I’m Using My Spoons & Building My Spring Wardrobe

A while back I shared some adorable Hand-Stamped silverplate spoons that were the cutest ones I'd ever seen. If you missed that post, you'll find it here: They Arrived and I Love Them! Plus, a Special Bird Sighting I gave the "Drink Tea" spoon shown below to a special friend for Christmas,   ...along with a cute reindeer drink cozy like the one you saw in my previous porch post. The … [Read more...]

Snowflake Sweaters and A Conversation With My Son

Conversation with my son via phone today: Me: Hey, I want to run something by you. I have some really neat things I'm considering buying you for Christmas, but I want to see what you think. Son: (Laughs) Ooookay. Me: So, you know how L.L. Bean is famous for their duck boots, well they finally seem to be caught up with their production and for once they are actually available during the wintertime! … [Read more...]

22 Gifts That Won’t Break Your Holiday Budget

The title of this post started out as, 22 Gifts Under $25, but along the way I kept remembering some pretty great items I wanted to include that were slightly over the $25 mark. So I gave up trying to keep every gift in this list under that set amount, but many of the gifts highlighted below are under that price or close.   If time allows, I'll try to put together two more "Gift Giving Ideas" … [Read more...]

Christmas Pillow Crazy & Shopping at T.J. Maxx Online!

Hi! My name is Susan, and I think I have a Christmas pillow problem. ;) Just in case you suffer with this affliction, as well, I thought I'd share my collection and a few of the new ones I just picked up this year. This year is turning into a fabulous year for us Christmas pillow lovers because they are everywhere and they are delightful!   Starting with those I've collected over the … [Read more...]

10 Ways to Stay Warm This Winter: My Winter Survival List, 2016

Those wonderfully high temps we had here in the Atlanta area this past week are starting to fade away. It got rather chilly last night. As I write this mid-afternoon, it's still 59° outside. I know that's not cold to most folks but it definitely falls into the category of "sweater weather" for this girl. Each year I put together a post with my favorites for surviving winter in comfort. Since our temps … [Read more...]

The Week I Took a Staycation

Have you ever taken a Staycation? This past week I took my first and it was truly a lot of fun! From time to time I get e-mails from friends who are headed to the Atlanta area and are looking for ideas on what to do and where to go during their visit. I'll definitely be referring them to this post in the future.   FRIDAY: My friend, Linda, flew in on Friday, September 30th, and we wasted no … [Read more...]

Can a Fashion Piece Become a Decorating Accessory?

If you love handbags, chances are you've collected a few over the years. I don't have a big collection, but the bags I do have I really love and try to care for them as best I can so they'll last and look nice for a long time. Lately I've been doing a little reading about the best way to store a handbag when you're not carrying it. Normally the recommendation is to keep handbags inside a closet away from … [Read more...]

Bringing Home The Birkin

So last night and this morning I've been working on a "Favorites" post. That was one of the posts requested in the comments on my "Questions" post earlier in the week. It's been a while since I wrote a Favorites post and I had so many things I wanted to share, I finally realized I needed to divide it up into two posts. So, this will be Part 1 and on either Monday or Tuesday, I'll share Part II. Recently … [Read more...]

Hitting the Labor Day Sales & Starting My Christmas Shopping Now

With all the Labor Day Sales going on, I thought I'd share what caught my eye and what I've been buying this weekend. I love these shorts with the scalloped edge. Normally when I find them, they are so expensive, but these are not. They are marked down from $48 to $36 and an additional 20% off that with the code FINALSALE. You'll find them available here: Shorts with Scalloped Edge   I … [Read more...]

Antiquing at the Queen of Hearts & Other Fave Finds

So remember that "safari" table I created a while back, the one where I used the giraffe glasses I bought in the gift shop of Giraffe Manor when I was on safari in Kenya?   Where were these plates when I needed them?! If you are in need of cute giraffe or zebra plates, you'll find these here: Giraffe Plates & Zebra Plates   I think I need to buy some to go with my giraffe … [Read more...]

What I’m Buying and Loving For Summer

Recently when I was visiting my son, dil, grandson and the newest little addition to our family, I did something I've been meaning to do. I finally stopped by the Talbots that I always see when I'm out and about there. I was curious to see if it would be like the Talbots stores here in the Atlanta area. It was very similar and they were having a huge sale with almost everything 50% off. That same sale is … [Read more...]

Let’s Go Antiquing at A Classy Flea

It's been a while since we stopped in for a visit to A Classy Flea. It always amazes me how fast things come and go here. I've learned the hard way over the years, if I see something I like, I'd better get it when I see it because it won't be there long. All these signs make me wish I had a beach or lake house to decorate.   So many things to see, where should we start?   I … [Read more...]

Some Favorite Finds

I have a bunch of fun, random stuff to share, including some awesome finds, so I've put them all together in one post. This arrived today. I've used this spar varnish before and it's super durable. (I ordered it here: Spar Varnish)   I'll be using it this weekend to seal the various parts of the new potting bench I ordered recently. (Potting bench is available here: Potting … [Read more...]

My Favorite Bags for Summer & a Fun Bag Story

When it comes to fashion, my weakness is handbags and shoes, pretty much in that order. I love me some bags and shoes! Maybe it's because when I gain a pound or 10, all my handbags and shoes still fit just as they did before...no problem! ;)   Summer bags are so playful and fun! I've always loved straw bags and Draper James, owned by Reese Witherspoon, has a really cute one out this year. … [Read more...]

Decorating and Dressing in Blue & White

I'm a big fan of blue and white, just find it so beautiful. I've used a lot of that color in my guest room.     Well, no one does blue and white better than the Dutch! When I was touring this outdoor village that I shared in this post: Zuiderzee Museum, I got a wonderful surprise when I walked into one of the buildings there.   The entrance of the building and this room … [Read more...]